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  Please let your school's IT office know that emails coming from lea.mouss@oklahomacoaches.org should not be blocked.  Thank you - Oklahoma Coaches Association
Mar 24 Rejoice Christian School (Owasso) is looking for (2) Junior High and/or Varsity Volleyball Assistants. Lay positions available or possibility of teaching position also. Send information to Head Coach Sarah Willis at swillis@rejoiceschool.com or Athletic Administrator Dustin McNeal at dmcneal@rejoiceschool.com
Mar 24 Jenks Public Schools is now accepting applications for the position of Head Girls Basketball coach. Interested applicants can apply online at https://jenks.schoolspring.com/
Mar 24 Byng Public Schools is currently accepting applications for a Boys varsity Basketball Assistant for 2025-2026 school year. Teaching field is 6th grade Science. CDL or being willing to obtain a bus CDL is required for this position. Other coaching duties may be available. For more information, contact Jason Wilkerson Athletic Director 580-320-4554 Candidates may send resume, references, and copy of teaching certificate to jason.wilkerson@byngschools.org
Mar 24 Enid High School is seeking a dedicated Head Girls Wrestling Coach to lead, develop, and grow our girls' wrestling program. Applicants, please submit the district-required application and additional requirements at the website below, and please reach out to Head Boys' Wrestling Coach Trent Holland (tdholland@enidk12.org) or Athletic Director Scott Mansfield (rsmansfield@enidk12.org) about your application submission. EPS Application: https://enid.schoolspring.com/?jobid=3242319
Mar 24 Crossover Preparatory Academy has the following coaching positions open: Head Cheer Coach, Head MS Girls Basketball Coach, Assistant girls basketball coach, Tennis Coach, and Assistant boys Basketball coach. Please send your resume to Athletic Director Keanna Sells keanna.sells@crossoverprep.org
Mar 24 Deer Creek High School is currently seeking applicants for Varsity Football Defensive Assistant/Special Teams Coordinator. Teaching field is Government. Interested applicants are encouraged to send resume and references to Wade Standley, Head Football Coach, at wadestandley@dcsok.org
Mar 24 Caney Public Schools is accepting applications for a Head Boys Basketball Coach. Teaching field is open. Please email resume and teaching certificate to Matt Brister at m.brister@caneyisd.org or j.dollarhide@caneyisd.org . Contact (call or text) Matt Brister at 580-916-2649 or Jackie Dollarhide at 580-380-1152 with any questions.
Mar 24 Pawhuska High School is searching for a head girls basketball coach starting with the 2025/26 school year. If you are interested, email your resume to tylerhughes@pawhuskadistrict.org
Mar 24 McCurtain High School is accepting applications for a BASKETBALL head coaching position for the 2025-2026 school year. Potential opportunities are open for a principal position also if interested. Please send a letter of interest, resume, teaching certification, and transcripts to applications@mccurtainschools.org. Candidates must have a CDL or be working toward obtaining one in the near future.
Mar 24 McCurtain High School is accepting applications for a BASEBALL head coaching position for the 2025-2026 school year. Potential opportunities are open for a principal position also if interested. Please send a letter of interest, resume, teaching certification, and transcripts to Deward Palmer at applications@mccurtainschools.org. Candidates must have a CDL or be working toward obtaining one in the near future.
Mar 24 Midwest City H.S. is currently accepting resumes for a head boys wrestling coach. The teaching field is open, head coaching experience is a plus but not a must for the right candidate. Possessing a CDL will help. We are looking for someone with energy to keep the program moving forward, please be sure to include contact information of any references. Send resumes to Darrell Hall at dahall@mid-del.net
Mar 24 Kiowa Public Schools has an opening for a Head HS Baseball coach with other assistant coaching duties for the upcoming 25-26 school year. Science or English teaching field is preferred, but not required. Please send resume via email to Sam Rhyne (Superintendent) srhyne@kiowa.k12.ok.us or Keith Quaid (Athletic Director) kquaid@kiowa.k12.ok.us.
Mar 24 Verden Public Schools is looking to hire a Head HS/JH Girl's Basketball Coach; the teaching field is open. Email a cover letter and resume to Superintendent Mickey Edwards at medwards@verdenschools.org.
Mar 24 Watts Public School is currently taking applications for a History/Coaching position. Coaching could be a combination of football, baseball, track and any MS boys athletics. Must have your CDL or willing to get it. Send resume to Tony Mitchell at tmitchell@wattsschool.com
Mar 24 Westmoore High School has opening for an assistant cheer coach and an JV head coach for cheer. If interested send resumes to chadmashburn@mooreschools.com. Teaching positions are available.
Mar 24 SAPULPA HIGH SCHOOL- currently has an opening for a varsity OFFENSIVE LINE COACH. Teaching field is open (no PE only). If interested email Head Football Coach Tim Holt, Jr. at tholt@sapulpaps.org
Mar 24 Berryhill Public School is accepting applications for the following Coaching positions: Head Softball Coach, Head Boys Basketball Coach, Assistant girls basketball coach and Assistant boys Basketball coach. Please send your resume to Athletic Director Keith Chronister at keith.chronister@berryhillschools.org
Mar 24 Head Football Coach - Cordell Public Schools is looking for a head football coach. Great facilities-fieldhouse, weight room. Teaching field is open, there can be other coaching opportunities. Class A division 2 district. Located in West Central Oklahoma. Please send resume, reference, and cover letter to Superintendent Travis Victory at travis.victory@cordell.k12.ok.us
Mar 24 Tuttle High School has an opening for a HS/JH Girls Wrestling assistant coach. The teaching field is currently open at the middle school level. Also have additional positions open with JH Volleyball, JH golf, and HS/JH Cross Country. A CDL will be necessary with this position. Please send resume to Sean Brooks, Athletic Director at sbrooks@tuttleschools.org.
Mar 24 Catoosa High School is currently accepting applications for Head Boys Basketball Coach with other possible coaching duties for the 2025-26 school year. Teaching field is open. Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries and a CDL or the ability and willingness to obtain one is a must. Please send resume, references, transcripts, teaching certificate, and other pertinent information email Courtne St. Clair, Athletic Director, cstclair@catoosa.k12.ok.us
Mar 24 Catoosa High School is currently accepting applications for assistant JH/HS softball coach, assistant JH/HS girls basketball coach, assistant JH/HS wrestling coach with other possible coaching duties for the 2025-26 school year. Teaching field is open. Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries and a CDL or the ability and willingness to obtain one is a must. Please send resume, references, transcripts, teaching certificate, and other pertinent information email Courtne St. Clair, Athletic Director, cstclair@catoosa.k12.ok.us
Mar 24 Colcord Public Schools is seeking an assistant football coach for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year; the teaching field is open. To Apply, visit https://www.colcordschools.com to complete an online application. * Email a cover letter, resume, and teaching  certificate to Superintendent Bud Simmons at bsimmons@colcordschools.com. For questions, call Terrill Denny at (918) 3264117
Mar 24 Colcord Public Schools is seeking an assistant football and possibly basketball coach for the 2025-2026 school year; the teaching field Alt Ed. To Apply: https://www.colcordschools.com to complete an online application. * Send a cover letter, resume, and teaching certificate to Superintendent Bud Simmons by email at bsimmons@colcordschools.com. For questions, call Terrill Denny, at (918) 3264117
Mar 24 Tulsa Public Schools invites applicants for the position of Assistant Football Coach at Edison Preparatory High School. We currently have two open positions, Offensive Line and Quarterback. The teaching field is limited, and other building opportunities may be available. Edison Preparatory High School is committed to diversity and excellence in academics and athletics, and serves students from every racial, ethnic, religious, and socio-economic background throughout the city of Tulsa. Please send resume, cover letter, and a copy of your teaching certificate to Kip Shaw, Head Football Coach at shawcl@tulsaschools.org and Raymond Shipps, Athletic Director, at shippra@tulsaschools.org. All candidates are encouraged to apply online at: https://www.tulsaschools.org/careers
Mar 24 Glenpool Public Schools is accepting applications for Head Boys Basketball Coach for the 2025-2026 season. Please email cover letter and resume to Brandon Earp, Athletic Director at blearp@glenpoolps.org and/or Bobby Belveal, Assistant AD at bdbelveal@glenpoolps.org
Mar 24 Pathways Middle College in OKC is looking to fill several positions as they continue to build out their athletic programs. Open positions include head and assistant wrestling, assistant XC, assistant volleyball, assistant boys basketball, assistant girls basketball, head esports, and assistant tennis. We will be going into our third year of building out our athletic programs so you would have a chance to be part of a growing culture of athletics here at Pathways. If interested in any or multiple positions reach out to Seth Huebert, AD, at Shuebert@santafesouth.org or call/text at 405-637-7384
Mar 24 Jenks Public Schools is accepting applications for a Varsity Football Wide Receivers Coach. Teaching field is open. Interested applicants should email resume to Head Football Coach Adam Gaylor at adam.gaylor@jenksps.org
Mar 24 Coaches wanted in Clayton New Mexico: Offensive or defensive coordinator, possible basketball, cheer, track, etc. Possible teaching openings in History/Social Studies, ELA, Science Robert Howard - Clayton High School
Mar 24 Alva Public Schools is seeking a Head Boys Basketball Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. Additional coaching opportunities may be possible. The teaching field is open with preference in history or math. Visit https://www.alvaschools.com/page/employment-at-aps to complete an online application or send a cover letter, resume, and teaching certificate to Superintendent Jeremy Brashears by email at jwbrashears@alvaschools.net. For questions, call Mr. Brashears, Superintendent at 2580-327-4823 or Dalton Beeler, Athletic Director at 580-327-3682.
Mar 24 Big Pasture Public Schools is looking for a Head Girls Basketball and Softball Coach for the 25-26 school year. Teaching field is open.  Please send teaching certificate, resume, and transcripts to Hunter Quickle, AD JH/HS principal at hquickle@bigpasture.org and/or Eric  Wilson, Superintendent at ewilson@bigpasture.org
Mar 24 Hello, my name is Colton Anson. I am from Tonkawa, Oklahoma. I am 24 years old and am almost complete on my Bachelor’s degree in History. I have coached both middle school and high school basketball and baseball. I helped coach for Tonkawa for 3 years. I am looking for a coaching position as well as a possible position at a school. I am a semester or two away from my degree but if willing to give an opportunity I believe that I will be a great addition to any program. If interested, contact me at (580) 262-1501 or by email at coltonanson2k17@gmail.com.
Mar 24 Fox Public Schools High School Basketball Coach with teaching and other duties. Please send resumes to Lacey Lockwood at llockwood@fox.k12.ok.us
Mar 24 Chace Public Schools is currently accepting applications for HS and JH cross Country and HS and JH assistant track coach. Teaching fields preferred are HS science and secondary ELA. Interested applicants should send a resume and letter of interest to Athletic Director Lisa O’Kelley at lisa.okelley@cacheps.org
Mar 24 Cache Public Schools is taking applications for the position of HS assistant girls basketball coach with possible JH role as well. Teaching position is relatively open, preferably science or ELA. Please send resume and letter of interest to Lisa O’Kelley at lisa.okelley@cacheps.org
Mar 24 Fletcher Public Schools (A) is accepting resumes for the position of Head Fast-Pitch and Slow-Pitch Softball Coach. Teaching field and additional coaching duties are TBD. Must have Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries as well as a CDL, or be willing to obtain one. Please send a cover letter, resume, transcripts, and references to High School Principal Kalie Hargus. khargus@fletcherschools.org
Mar 24 Bixby Public Schools is currently seeking a track and field high jump coach. Interested applicants should email a resume to Doug Behrens, Head Boys Track Coach, at dbehrens@bixbyps.org
Mar 24 US GRANT is accepting applications for HEAD & ASSISTANT GIRLS WRESTLING to fill opening, with teaching spots (SPED, Math, or Physical Science), adjuncts, or long-term sub opportunities. Care and prevention of Athletic Injuries or NFHS First Aid and Safety is required, Micro bus and CDL training is recommended. OKCPS pays coaches nicely to drive the bus. Qualified applicants submit their resume and letter of interest to Athletic Director Travis Brandenberger at tbrandenberger@okcps.org
Mar 24 US GRANT is accepting applications for ASSISTANT CHEER to fill opening, with teaching spots (SPED, Math, or Physical Science), adjuncts, or long-term sub opportunities. Care and prevention of Athletic Injuries or NFHS First Aid and Safety is required, Micro bus and CDL training is recommended. OKCPS pays coaches nicely to drive the bus. Qualified applicants submit their resume and letter of interest to Athletic Director Travis Brandenberger at tbrandenberger@okcps.org
Mar 24 US GRANT is accepting applications for FOOTBALL ASSISTANT (*WIDE RECEIVER/SECONDARY * LB/RB) to fill opening, with teaching spots (SPED, Math, or Physical Science), adjuncts, or long-term sub opportunities. Care and prevention of Athletic Injuries or NFHS First Aid and Safety is required, Micro bus and CDL training is recommended. OKCPS pays coaches nicely to drive the bus. Qualified applicants submit their resume and letter of interest to Athletic Director Travis Brandenberger at tbrandenberger@okcps.org
Mar 24 Southmoore High School in Moore, OK has openings for wrestling at the junior high and varsity level. Applications are being accepted for Jr. High Head Coach, Jr. High Assistant, & Varsity Assistant. Teaching positions will be available. CDL/willingness to get your CDL is preferred. Please send resumes to Varsity Head Coach Zac George - zachariahgeorge@mooreschools.com
Mar 24 US GRANT is accepting applications for VOLLEYBALL HEAD AND ASSISTANT to fill opening, with teaching spots (SPED, Math, or Physical Science), adjuncts, or long-term sub opportunities. Care and prevention of Athletic Injuries or NFHS First Aid and Safety is required, Micro bus and CDL training is recommended. OKCPS pays coaches nicely to drive the bus. Qualified applicants submit their resume and letter of interest to Athletic Director Travis Brandenberger at tbrandenberger@okcps.org
Mar 24 Deer Creek Middle School (6A Edmond) is taking applications for the following Coaching Positions - Head MS Girls Track, Assistant MS Cross Country, and Assistant MS Girls Basketball. The Teaching field is currently open. Please email resume to yohancebrown@dcsok.org. Thanks for all of your help.
Mar 24 Morris Public Schools is accepting resumes for assistant high school football coach with a spring sport for the 2025-2026 school year, possible defensive coordinator. The teaching field is history. Candidates must have care and prevention in athletics and a current CDL or willing to obtain one. Email resume and teaching certificate to Head Football Coach Athletic Director Jimmy Whitlock @ jwhitlock@morrisschools.net
Mar 24 The Balko and Forgan School Districts have a cooperative agreement in all sports through the 2029-2030 school year. The head football coach will be based out of Forgan Public Schools. The teaching field with this position is history but we are willing to be flexible. There will be additional coaching duties assigned to this position. The Balko/Forgan football cooperative has been in existence for seven years and has been to the playoffs four of those years and was the state runner-up in 2021. Please send resumes to targo@forgan.k12.ok.us and tradcliff@forgan.k12.ok.us.
Mar 18 Berryhill Public School is accepting applications for the following Coaching positions: Head Softball Coach, Head Boys Basketball Coach, Assistant girls basketball coach and Assistant boys Basketball coach. Please send your resume to Athletic Director Keith Chronister at keith.chronister@berryhillschools.org
Mar 13 Crowder Public Schools is presently seeking qualified applicants to be the Head Coach of our Softball program, Junior High and Senior High. No other coaching duties outside of Fastpitch and Slow-pitch Softball. The teaching field is open, CDL is preferred or a willingness to obtain. Please send a cover letter, resume, references, transcripts and teacher certificate to Principal, khickman@crowder.k12.ok.us ( Phone 1918-334-3203)
Mar 13 Canton Public Schools is accepting applications for Head Football Coach for the 25/26 school year. Please send a cover letter, resume, transcript, and teacher certificate to Athletic Director David Smith. (smithds@canton.k12.ok.us)
Mar 13 Morrison Public Schools is seeking an assistant football coach for the 2025-2026 school year; the teaching field is open. To Apply: https://www.morrisonps.com to complete an online application. * Send a cover letter, resume, and teaching certificate to Superintendent Lori Justus by email at lorijustus@morrisonps.com. For questions, call Morrison Head Football Coach Hayden Garringer, at (580) 724-3307.
Mar 13 Morrison Public Schools is seeking a wrestling coach for the 2025-2026 school year; the teaching field is open. To Apply: https://www.morrisonps.com to complete an online application. * Send a cover letter, resume, and teaching certificate to Superintendent Lori Justus by email at lorijustus@morrisonps.com. For questions, call Morrison Head Wrestling Coach Hayden Garringer, at (580) 724-3307.
Mar 13 Oklahoma Christian School (OCS in Edmond) has the following coaching positions: head cheer, head wrestling, head tennis, high school assistant football, high school assistant cheer, high school assistant girls basketball, middle school cheer, middle school football, middle school girls basketball, middle school boys basketball, middle school track, and middle school tennis. Teaching positions are open as of now. Applicants must have completed a Care & Prevention of Athletic Injury course and have or be willing to obtain their Commercial Driver's License. Applicants must have a strong Christian testimony. Please contact athletic administrative assistant Rebecca Winter if interested for an application link.
Mar 13 Pauls Valley is looking for an assistant football coach with other coaching assignments available. Primarily looking for Defensive Line. Core subject certification preferred. If interested contact or send applications to Mason Anthony manthony@pvps.us
Mar 13 Allen Public Schools is looking for a head football coach for the 2025-2026 school year. We offer great stipends and have other coaching positions available as well. Please send resume to jhiatt@allenmustangs.org or call 580-320-7333 for more details.
Mar 13 Tonkawa High School is seeking a leader for the Girls Basketball program. Applicants should be highly motivated to develop athletes and skill at all levels of the program. The teaching field is social studies. There could also be possibilities in Special Education. Please send cover letters, resumes, and references to Trenton Harmon, Athletic Director, at tharmon@tonkawa.k12.ok.us. Feel free to call with any questions (580) 628-2566 extn 1023
Mar 13 Pawhuska High School is searching for a head girls basketball coach. Email your resume tylerhughes@pawhuskadistrict.org if you are interested
Mar 13 Colcord Public Schools is seeking to hire Head Girl's Basketball Coach; the teaching field is open. To Apply, visit https://www.colcordschools.com to complete an online application. * Email a cover letter, resume, and teaching certificate to Superintendent Bud Simmons at bsimmons@colcordschools.com. For questions, call Terrill Denny at (918) 326-4117.
Mar 13 Geronimo Public Schools is currently accepting applications for a head JH & HS baseball coach for the 2025-2026 school year. Teaching field is open. Possessing a bus CDL or being willing to obtain a bus CDL is required for this position. Other coaching duties may be available. For more information, contact Hailey Crow, Principal at (580) 355-3160. Candidates may send resume, references, and copy of teaching certificate to hcrow@geronimo.k12.ok.us.
Mar 13 Geronimo Public Schools is currently accepting applications for a head JH & HS boys basketball coach for the 2025-2026 school year. Teaching field is open. Possessing a bus CDL or being willing to obtain a bus CDL is required for this position. Other coaching duties may be available. For more information, contact Hailey Crow, Principal at (580) 355-3160. Candidates may send resume, references, and copy of teaching certificate to hcrow@geronimo.k12.ok.us.
Mar 13 Santa Fe South High School (5A) is accepting applications for the position of Head High School Boys Basketball Coach. The teaching field is open. Candidates must have or be willing to obtain a CDL. Please send resumes to Jarod Mason, Athletic Director, at jmason@santafesouth.org
Mar 13 Now open: Boys Basketball Head Coach at Beggs Public Schools. Resumes can be sent to athletic director, Chad Stanton, at cstanton@beggs.k12.ok.us or high school principal, Autumn Caldwell, at acaldwell@beggs.k12.ok.us. Certified applicants preferred.
Mar 13 Pond Creek-Hunter is looking for a 5-12 girls basketball coach. Application instructions: Cover letter Resume with references Teaching Certificate email to: Steve Shiever sshiever@pchk12.us, or David Kerr at dkerr@pchk12.us -or- mail to: 200 E. Broadway Pond Creek, OK 73766
Mar 13 Edmond North HS has an opening for Varsity Offensive Line Coach. Please send resumes and references to Head Coach Carter Whitson at Carter.Whitson@edmondschools.net
Mar 13 Hooker Public Schools is currently accepting applications for Junior High/High School Social Studies/Wellness Teacher. Assistant coaching opportunities may be available with this position. If Interested, contact Todd Kerr, Superintendent of Schools: tkerr@hookerpublicschools.net (580)652-2162
Mar 13 Seiling Public Schools is looking for a head Fast & Slow Pitch Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. This program has great tradition and is still growing. We offer great stipends and may have other coaching positions available. Please send resume to bbarnett@seiling.k12.ok.us or call 580-922-7382 for more details.
Mar 13 Carney Public Schools is accepting applications for Head Girls Softball Coach. We are a class B school located in a great area of the state. Competitive pay, with nice facilities. CDL preferred teaching certification is open. Willingness to help with other sports during the winter would be a priority but not a necessity. Please send Resume and teaching certificate to Jobs@carney.k12.ok.us for question please call 405-865-2344 and speak with Cyal Walden
Mar 13 Bixby Public Schools is currently accepting applications for a Head Girls Wrestling Coach position. Teaching field is open. Interested candidates should apply at bixbyps.info\apply
Mar 13 Bixby Public Schools is currently accepting applications for a Head Boys Basketball Coach. Teaching field is open. Interested candidates should apply at bixbyps.info\apply
Mar 13 Bixby Public Schools is currently accepting applications for a Head Girls Golf Coach. Teaching field is open. Interested candidates should apply at bixbyps.info\apply
Mar 13 Piedmont Public Schools is looking for an assistant Strength and Conditioning coach with a PE certification. Interested applicants please email Matthew.shellenberger@piedmontschools.org
Mar 13 Elgin High School is accepting applications for HEAD BOYS BASKETBALL COACH for the 25/26 school year. Teaching Field is OPEN. Interested applicants can find applications at www.elginps.org under the “EPS Info” tab. In addition to the application, applicants should email resume, teaching certificate, and proof of CDL to Elgin Public Schools at personnel@elginps.net
Mar 13 LINDSAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS is accepting applications for Head HS Girls Basketball Coach. Other coaching assignments are possible and the teaching field is open. Please send resume to Athletic Director Tommy Ferguson at tferguson@lindsay.k12.ok.us
Mar 13 EDMOND NORTH HIGH SCHOOL is accepting applications for HEAD GIRLS WRESTLING COACH. Teaching field is currently open. Interested applicants should send resumes to ENHS Athletic Director Baron Potter, baron.potter@edmondschools.net
Mar 13 Enid High School is looking for assistant football coaches at both the High School and Junior High levels. Enid competes in the largest class in the state, 6A1 and we are looking for high energy coaches with the ability to coach on either side of the ball. If you are looking for a chance to get your foot in the door and grow with the program, here's your shot! All teaching positions will be considered. If interested please contact Brad Cornelsen at (540) 451-1664 or email your resume to abcornelsen@enidk12.org
Mar 13 Vian has an opening for HS Assistant Wrestling and possible Assistant Softball with the teaching field being MS Math. Please send resumes to Middle School Principal, Kyle Sumpter (ksumpter@vian.k12.ok.us) or Athletic Director, Gary Willis (gwillis@vian.k12.ok.us).
Mar 13 Canton Public Schools is accepting applications for Head Girls Basketball for the 25/26 school year. Teaching field is open. Please send a cover letter, resume, transcript, and teacher certificate to Athletic Director David Smith. smithds@canton.k12.ok.us
Mar 13 Bridge Creek Public School is accepting resumes for a Ass't JH and/or HS Boys Basketball Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. The teaching field is flexible. Please send resumes to Ass't Ath. Dir, Kevin Korstjens @ kkorstjens@bridgecreek.k12.ok.us 
Mar 13 Bridge Creek High School is seeking applicants for HS Football possible Off. Coor. Teaching field can be Strength/Conditioning class. Other sports are possible. Interested applicants are encouraged to send a resume and references to Larry Spangler, Athletic Director at Lspangler@bridgecreek.k12.ok.us
Mar 13 Bridge Creek Public School is seeking applicants for Elem. PE with coaching duties. Interested applicants are encouraged to send a resume and references to Larry Spangler, Athletic Director at Lspangler@bridgecreek.k12.ok.usand Binet Castleberry, Elem. Principal at bcastleberry@bridgecreek.k12.ok.us
Mar 13 Noble - Looking for a HS Assistant Girls Basketball coach with a second sport option. Teaching field is Elementary PE. Contact Athletic Director Tyler Solomon if interested. tsolomon@nobleps.com.
Mar 13 Bridge Creek High School is accepting applications for a Head Cheer Coach. Please send resumes to Lspangler@bridgecreek.k12.ok.us or Kkorstjens@bridgecreek.k12.ok.us
Mar 13 Woodland (Class A) has an open teaching position, either junior high or high school (field open), with possible coaching duties in multiple sports available. Football, basketball, baseball, and softball are all possibilities. Must have a CDL or be willing to obtain one. Please send resumes with teaching certificates to Superintendent Shelly Shulanberger, sshulanberger@woodland.k12.ok.us or Athletic Director Dustin Potts, dpotts@woodland.k12.ok.us. Woodland has a rich history of competitive athletic programs, most recently winning a football state championship this fall. We have a great coaching staff and would love to add to it.
Mar 13 McAlester Public Schools is accepting applications for: Head Boys Basketball Coach. Please send a cover letter, resume, references, transcripts and teacher certificate to James Singleton, Director of Athletics, jsingleton@mpsbuffs.org
Mar 13 Comanche Public Schools is seeking a High School Fastpitch Head Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. Teaching field is open. Other coaching duties available. Interested candidates can send their resume to Athletic Director Sean Hushbeck at seanhushbeck@cpsok.org or Superintendent Julie Bills at juliebills@cpsok.org.
Mar 13 McAlester Public Schools is accepting applications for: Head Softball Coach. Please send a cover letter, resume, references, transcripts and teacher certificate to James Singleton, Director of Athletics, jsingleton@mpsbuffs.org
Mar 13 Westmoore High School is accepting applications for Head Girls Basketball for the 25/26 school year. Interested applicants can apply at www.mooreschools.com along with sending resumes to Moore Public Schools District AD Brian Fitzgerald at brianfitzgerald@mooreschools.com and Westmoore Athletic Facilitator Chad Mashburn at chadmashburn@mooreschools.com
Mar 13 Arkoma High School is now accepting resumes for our Senior High Head Football Coach position. The teaching field is currently flexible and a CDL is strongly encouraged. Please send resumes to the Athletic Director at pcates@arkoma.k12.ok.us
Mar 13 Duncan Public Schools is looking for multiple junior high football coaches. The JH staff also works with the Varsity staff on Friday nights. The teaching field is open. This could also be tied to other coaching positions. Duncan Public Schools has great administration and competitive stipends. Please email Matt Terry at matt.terry@duncanps.org
Mar 13 Tulsa Public Schools invites applicants for the position of Assistant Football Coach at East Central High School. The teaching field is open and other building/coaching opportunities may be available. East Central High School is committed to diversity and excellence in academics and athletics, and serves students from every racial, ethnic, religious, and socio-economic background throughout the city of Tulsa. Please send resume, cover letter, and a _copy of teaching certificate_ to Rickey Bruner, athletic director, at bruneri@tulsaschools.org, and Antwain Jimmerson, head coach, at jimmean@tulsaschools.org. All candidates are encouraged to apply online at: https://www.tulsaschools.org/careers.
Mar 13 Mount St. Mary Catholic High School is accepting resumes for the position of Head Softball Coach. Interested applicants should send their resume to MSM Athletic Director Richie Henderson at rhenderson@mountstmary.org.
Mar 12 Binger-Oney Public School is accepting resumes for a Head JH/HS Girls Basketball Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. The teaching field is flexible. Please send resumes to Superintendent Rex Trent at rtrent@binger-oney.k12.ok.us.
Mar 12 Muskogee Public Schools is currently seeking applicants with school coaching & teaching experience for the positions of Head Girls Varsity Basketball Coach and Head Boys Varsity Basketball Coach, respectively. Teaching positions also available. Interested and qualified applicants should email Resume, Cover Letter, and Letters of Reference to Executive Athletic Director Dr. Jason Parker at jason.parker@roughers.net.
Mar 12 Crossover Preparatory Academy is looking for a Cheer coach, Cross Country Coach, and MS girls basketball coach.
Mar 12 Ringwood Public Schools is searching for a motivated and student-driven Assistant Football coach with other possible coaching duties. Teaching field is open. Please send cover letter, resume, transcripts and certifications to Ringwood Public Schools, ATTN Wade Detrick, Supt., 101 W. Fifth, Ringwood, OK 73768 or email to wdetrick@ringwood.k12.ok.us
Mar 12 Bartlesville High School is looking to hire an assistant JH/Varsity Wrestling Coach for the upcoming 2025-2026 School year. Interested applicants can contact and send resumes to Athletic Director Thad Dilbeck at dilbecktb@bps-ok.org.
Mar 12 Porter Consolidated Schools is accepting applications for the position of Head HS/JH Boys Basketball Coach. Teaching field is open, but social studies is preferred at this time. To apply, please send appropriate materials to Jared Webster, Athletic Director, at jwebster@porter.k12.ok.us, and/or James Bliss, JH/HS Principal, at jbliss@porter.k12.ok.us
Mar 12 Porter Consolidated Schools is seeking applicants for an assistant football coach. The position of Offensive Coordinator is a possibility, as well as the position of Head Powerlifting Coach. Spring sport to be determined, and the teaching field is currently open. To apply, please send appropriate materials to Jared Webster, Athletic Director, at jwebster@porter.k12.ok.us and/or James Bliss, JH/HS Principal, at jbliss@porter.k12.ok.us
Mar 12 Central (Sallisaw) is currently accepting applicants for the position of Head High School and Junior High Girls Basketball Coach, with other possible assistant coaching duties. Please send resume to Athletic Director, Jeremy Thompson at jthompson@centralps.k12.ok.us and High School Principal, John Speir, at jspeir@centralps.k12.ok.us.
Mar 12 Santa Fe South High School 5A - Is accepting applications for Head High School Girls Basketball Coach. Teaching field is open. Must have or be willing to obtain a CDL. Please send resumes to Jarod Mason at jmason@santafesouth.org
Mar 12 Choctaw Football is currently seeking a VARSITY OFFENSIVE LINE COACH. Choctaw Football has had the pleasure of seeing the past 3 Offensive Line Coaches be promoted to High School Head Football Coaches. Varsity or College Coaching experience is preferred. The teaching field is currently OPEN and Choctaw is on the block teaching schedule (Teach only 2 classes per day). Come be a part of the Gold Standard and please send interest to Head Coach/Assistant AD Jake Corbin at jcorbin@cnpschools.org.
Mar 12 Bartlesville Public Schools is accepting applications for Offensive Assistant Football Coaches for the 2025-2026 school year. Bartlesville Schools pay scale is well above state base and receive additional contract days plus competitive football stipend. All teaching fields will be considered. Candidates with experience in developing Athletes 7th-12th Grades will be highly considered. Send resumes to Assistant Athletic Director/Head Football Coach - Coach Wright at wrightha@bps-ok.org
Mar 12 Balko School is now accepting resumes for a Head Boys Basketball Coach with other coaching duties possible for the 2025-2026 school year. Teaching field is open. Valid OK Teacher Certificate required. Interested applicants should send resume with references to Keith Campbell-Superintendent. kcampbell@balko.k12.ok.us For questions call (580) 646-3385.
Mar 12 Edison High School (Tulsa) is accepting applications for the position of Assistant Softball Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. Interested candidates should send resumes to Head Coach Braden Beasley beaslbr@tulsaschools.org and Asst. AD Lauren Merrill merrila1@tulsaschools.org.
Mar 12 Edison (Tulsa) is accepting applications for the position of Assistant Volleyball Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. This position is for the middle school but there could be opportunities to coach on the high school side as well. Interested candidates should send resumes to Head Coach Lauren Merrill merrila1@tulsaschools.org and AD Raymond Shipps shippra@tulsaschools.org.
Mar 12 Watonga Public Schools is now accepting resumes for a Head Boys' Basketball Coach and Teacher for the 2025-2026 school year. Teaching positions are flexible depending on the candidate's certifications. Interested candidates may submit a resume, current certifications, and references to HS Athletic Director Ty Hussey at thussey@watonga.k12.ok.us, or HS Principal Lauren Coleman at lcoleman@watonga.k12.ok.us. For questions call 580-623-7361
Mar 12 Morris Public Schools is now accepting resumes for the position of Head High School Fast Pitch Softball Coach with teaching for the 2025-2026 school year. Applicants must have care and prevention in athletics and a CDL or willing to obtain one. Interested candidates may submit a resume, current certifications, and references to Athletic Director Jimmy Whitlock at jwhitlock@morrisschools.net
Mar 12 Moyers Public School is seeking a passionate and dedicated individual for coaching at the middle/high school level. This is a basketball coaching position with the possibility of adding additional sports. This is a fantastic opportunity to help shape student-athletes' skills, teamwork, and sportsmanship in a supportive rural community school. Please submit resume with references to Superintendent, Ashley Willis, at awillis@moyers.k12.ok.us
Mar 12 Lone Grove Public Schools is currently accepting applications for a Head Boys Basketball Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. Teaching field and additional coaching duties are TBD. Must have Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries as well as a CDL, or be willing to obtain one. Please send a cover letter, resume, and references to Athletic Director, Sam Hale, at shale@lonegrove.k12.ok.us.
Mar 12 Butner Public School is accepting resumes for Head High School Baseball and Junior High coach. Teaching positions are flexible. Must have or willing to obtain a CDL with air brake endorsement. Please email jbrittain@butner.k12.ok.us
Mar 11 Tulsa Public Schools invites applicants for the position of Head Boys Basketball Coach at Will Rogers High School. The teaching field is open and other building and district opportunities may be available. Will Rogers High School is committed to diversity and excellence in academics and athletics, and serves students from every racial, ethnic, religious, and socio-economic background throughout the city of Tulsa. Please send resume, cover letter, and a _copy of teaching certificate_ to Mick Wilson, executive director of athletics, at wilsomi2@tulsaschools.org, Cindy Largent-Williams, principal, at largeci@tulsaschools.org, and William Coleman, athletic director, at colemwi@tulsaschools.org. All candidates are encouraged to apply online at: https://www.tulsaschools.org/careers.
Mar 11 Mooreland Public Schools is now accepting resumes for a Head Boys' Basketball Coach and Teacher for the 2025-2026 school year. Teaching positions are flexible depending on candidate's certifications. Interested candidates may submit a resume, current certifications, and references to JH/HS Principal, Elizabeth Parsons at parsons@mooreland.k12.ok.us, or Superintendent Theron Graybill at graybill@mooreland.k12.ok.us. For questions call 580-994-5405.
Mar 11 Eisenhower High School currently has a position open for Head High School Football Coach. Eisenhower is a member school of the Lawton Public School system. The teaching field is OPEN. Applicants with a current Oklahoma teaching certificate. Completed course in care and prevention of athletic injuries. Applicants must have a CDL or are willing to get one. Interested applicants send your resumes to Gary Dees Athletic Director gary.dees@lawtonps.org Jay Lehr Principal jlehr@lawtonps.org and Kyle Williams Athletic Coordinator kyle.williams@lawtonps.org. Also, go online to the LPS website and fill out an application.
Mar 11 Erick Public Schools is currently accepting applications for a Head High School and Junior High Boys Basketball Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. Teaching field is open. Head High School coaching experience is preferred but not required. All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply. Possessing a bus CDL or being willing to obtain a bus CDL is required for this position. Other coaching duties may be available. For more information, contact Steven Whalen, High School/Junior High Principal at (405) 881-0446. Candidates may send resume and copy of teaching certificate to swhalen@erick.k12.ok.us
Mar 11 Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School is looking for a Defensive Back coach. Coaches with a CDL or willing to obtain one are preferred. Lay coaches may apply for the coaching position as well. An opening is available in the Science Department for an experienced biology instructor teaching sections of Biology and Honors Biology. Candidates must have experience teaching a lab-based course, be familiar with OSHA lab safety regulations, be able to follow a prescribed course of study, and enjoy working collaboratively with colleagues. Candidates should also have experience with making accommodations and modifications for students who receive special education services. Interested applicants should email resume, transcript(s), copy of certification, and cover letter to Head Football Coach Ryan Stringer at rstringer@bmchs.org
Mar 11 Star Spencer High School is now accepting applications for the position of Head Boy’s Basketball Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. Interested candidates should send resumes to Anthony Robinson at asrobinson@okcps.org. The Teaching field is open.
Mar 11 Moore High School is accepting applications for Head Fast Pitch Coach for the 25/26 school year. Applicants can apply at www.mooreschools.com and send resumes to District Athletic Director Brian Fitzgerald at brianfitzgerald@mooreschools.com and Moore High Athletic Facilitator Courtney Walker at courtneywalker@mooreschools.com
Mar 11 Guymon High School is accepting applications for Head HS Softball and Head HS Boys Basketball. Teaching field is open. Interested applicants can send resume, cover letter, and a copy of teaching certificate to Mr. Gary Wallace, Principal, at gary.wallace@guymontigers.com and Andy Brown, Athletic Director, at andy.brown@guymontigers.com To fill out an application visit: https://www.guymontigers.com/o/gps/page/employment
Mar 11 Sayre Public Schools is accepting applications for Head HS and JH boys basketball coach. Teaching field is open. Applicants must have a CDL with passenger endorsement or be willing to obtain a CDL with passenger endorsement. Qualified applicants submit resume, cover letter and teaching certificate to Athletic Director Staci Wilson swilson@sayre.k12.ok.us or Principal Brad Coffman bcoffman@sayre.k12.ok.us
Mar 11 Kingfisher Public Schools is searching for assistant coaches in girls wrestling, softball, girls soccer, boys basketball, football, and baseball. We have open teaching positions in science, social studies, English and special education. Please email resume and pertinent information to Colby Connel at cconnel@kingfisher.k12.ok.us
Mar 11 Lexington Public Schools invite resumes to continue building our coaching staffs to meet the growing needs within our athletic department. Individuals will be considered for specific positions within the programs based on experience and qualifications. All teaching fields or staff assignments will be considered. Candidates with experience in building excitement throughout the school and community for their program will be highly considered. Send resumes to Athletic Director - Wes Moore at wmoore@lexington.k,12.ok.us High School Principal Ryan Perry rperry@lexington.k12.ok.us, or Middle School Principal Marci Bean at mbean@lexington.k12.ok.us.
Mar 11 Medford Public Schools is accepting applications for our Head Boys Basketball Coach (JH/HS). Interested applicants should email their resume and teaching certificate to Tyler Locke; tlocke@medford.k12.ok.us and/or Mike Bailey; mbailey@medford.k12.ok.us. Teaching field is open and other coaching opportunities may be available.
Mar 11 John Marshall High School is accepting applications for a Head Girls Basketball Coach. Please send resumes to Kevin Myers at kfmyers@okcps.org.
Mar 11 John Marshall High School is accepting applications for a Head Cheer Coach. Please send resumes to Kevin Myers at kfmyers@okcps.org.
Mar 11 Fairview Public Schools is accepting applications for the following coaching positions: Assistant Football, Assistant Basketball, Assistant Baseball Teaching Field: Computer Applications Interested applicants should send resume and any information to Superintendent Craig Church at craig.church@fairviewschools.net
Mar 11 Moore High School is accepting applications for Assistant Football Coach for the 25/26 school year. Applicants can apply at www.mooreschools.com and send resumes to Head Football Coach Cameron Bennett at cameronbennett@mooreschools.com and Moore High Athletic Facilitator Courtney Walker at courtneywalker@mooreschools.com
Mar 11 Ringling High School is looking to hire assistant football coaches for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year. Interested applicants can contact and send resumes to Athletic Director Tanner Koons tkoons@ringling.k12.ok.us
Mar 11 Ringling High School is looking to hire a Head Softball Coach for the upcoming 2025-2026 School year. Interested applicants can contact and send resumes to Athletic Director Tanner Koons tkoons@ringling.k12.ok.us
Mar 10 Bridgeport High School in Bridgeport, Texas, is seeking qualified candidates for multiple coaching positions, including: * Middle School Coordinator * Football (Defensive - Best Fit, 2 Positions) * Head Tennis Coach Interested applicants should contact Athletic Director Aaron Cupp at aaron.cupp@bridgeportisd.net. The teaching field is to be determined.
Mar 10 Cascia Hall Preparatory School invites applicants for the position of Assistant Boys Wrestling Coach. This is a lay position but there are open positions at the school. Cascia Hall Preparatory School is committed to diversity and excellence in academics and athletics, and serves students from every racial, ethnic, religious, and socio-economic background. Please send resume, cover letter to Head Coach Zac Livingston at zlivingston@casciahall.com.
Mar 10 Putnam City North is accepting applications for Head Football Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. The Teaching field is open. Please send your resume to Athletic Director Ryan Wagner at rwagner@putnamcityschools.org
Mar 10 My name is John Blair II and I am looking for a coaching position in softball. I have been in education for 30 years and 28 of those as a softball coach at the collegiate and high school level. I am confident in coaching all aspects of the game of softball. Spent two years as assistant freshmen football/assistant baseball coach. I have a current CDL Class B Oklahoma license with Air Brakes and Passenger endorsements. Willing to relocate anywhere in Oklahoma, it's my home state and would like to finish my coaching career here. You can reach me at jblair9164@gmail.com and 940-357-9771. Thank you for your consideration.
Mar 10 Classen SAS at Northeast is looking for a new head coach for cheer. Please email resumes and any information to Chris Germann at cgermann@okcps.org.
Mar 10 Classen SAS at Northeast is looking for a new assistant boys basketball coach with an open teaching position. Please email resumes and any information to Chris Germann at cgermann@okcps.org.
Mar 10 Classen SAS at Northeast is looking for a new football defensive assistant/possible coordinator. Please email resumes and any information to Jared Howell at jhowell@okcps.org.
Mar 7 My name is Brendan Hatfield and I am looking for a basketball coaching job in the Tulsa area. I have coached at the college level the past 5 years, with an overall record of 58-44 (.580) and 47-19 (.721) in conference. We have made the National Elite 8 twice, as well as won the Region twice. I am looking to move back home to the Tulsa area to be closer to family and my wife’s family. If you’d like to contact me, my email is Brendan.hatfield@gmail.com . I am willing to obtain my CDL and alternate certification to teach if interested. Thank you.
Mar 7 Perkins-Tryon HS is looking for an assistant volleyball coach. This will be the second year of our program so this assistant will be working with both the JH and HS teams. We will have 2 JH teams and 1 HS team that will play on the same night. Interested candidates please reach out to Athletic Director Andy Everson at 405-757-9257 or aeverson@p-t.k12.ok.us. Teaching field is TBD.
Mar 7 Guthrie High School is looking for a Head High School Volleyball Coach. Teaching field is open. Contact Jon Chappell by email jon.chappell@guthrieps.net or 405-282-5906
Mar 7 Poteau Public Schools is currently seeking candidates for the position of Head High School Girls Basketball Coach. We are looking for a highly motivated coach who wants to lead and develop our girls' basketball program. Teaching field is open. Please send resumes to Eric Hackler (Athletic Director) at hacklere@poteau.k12.ok.us.
Mar 7 Metro Christian Academy is accepting applications for a Head Cheer Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. Teaching field is open. If interested, please send your resume to Pat Foster at pfoster@metroca.com.
Mar 7 Hello, my name is Shandy Wade and I am looking for an assistant AD position and/or coaching position (emphasis on football and track but have also coached softball and basketball). I have a Masters in Sports Administration & Management, a Bachelor in Mass Communications (Advertising & Public Relations), Oklahoma teaching certification, a CDL, and 5 previous years of coaching/teaching experience. I have also served as an official for BIG12 and SEC track meets as well as the BIG12 Cross Country Championship. Can provide both high school and collegiate references. You can reach me at shandydwade@gmail.com or 580-618-8674 Thank you for your consideration.
Mar 7 Asher School is accepting applications for a High School Basketball Coach. This opening will be for a Boys Coach and a Girls Coach or one job coaching both. Interested applicants, please email your resume, cover letter, and transcript to Steve Spangler at sspangler@asher.k12.ok.us.
Mar 7 Beaver Public Schools is accepting applications for a secondary math teacher with multiple coaching opportunities for the 2025-2026 school year. If interested, please send your resume, references, transcripts, and copy of your teaching certificate to McKenzie Leisher, JH/HS principal, at mleisher@beaver.k12.ok.us
Mar 7 Yale Public School is accepting applications for assistant coaching duties in multiple sports. Teaching field is English, Science, or Math. To apply email a cover letter, resume, and teacher certificate to Rocky Kennedy, Superintendent- rkennedy@yale.k12.ok.us
Mar 7 Nathan High School Football is currently taking applications for a varsity assistant coach and a junior high assistant coach. Linebacker or Defensive back experience is preferred but not required. Teaching field is open at the Junior High. If interested, please email resume to Allen Medlock, the athletic director, at medloal@tulsaschools.org and Jesse Jones, the Head Football Coach, at JessJJones1@Gmail.com.
Mar 6 Tulsa Public Schools invites applicants for the position of Head Girls & Boys Wrestling Coach at Central High School. The teaching field is open. Central High School is committed to diversity and excellence in academics and athletics, and serves students from every racial, ethnic, religious, and socio-economic background throughout the city of Tulsa. Please send resume, cover letter, and a copy of teaching certificate to Chuck Cobbins, athletic director, at cobbich@tulsaschools.org, Jason Gilley, principal, at gilleja@tulsaschools.org, and Krystel Markwardt, deputy director of athletics at markwkr@tulsaschools.org.
Mar 6 Brink Junior High is looking for our next Head Football Coach. We are 1 of 2 feeder schools for Westmoore HS. Teaching field is open. Interested applicants please send a resume to brianfitzgerald@mooreschools.com
Mar 6 Sentinel Public Schools is currently accepting applications for a Head High School and Junior High Baseball Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. Teaching field is open. Possessing a bus CDL or being willing to obtain a bus CDL is required for this position. Other coaching duties may be available. For more information, contact Jason Goostree, Superintendent at (580) 393-2101. Candidates may send resume and copy of teaching certificate to Sentinel Public Schools, Attn. Jason Goostree, P.O. Box 640, Sentinel, OK 73664, or fax information to (580) 393-4747 or e-mail information to jgoostree@sentinel.k12.ok.us. The Board of Education of Sentinel Public Schools reserves the right to offer this position to a qualified candidate at any time.
Mar 6 ASTEC Charter School is looking for a highly motivated Assistant Athletic Director Intern to support the administration of our athletic programs. This internship provides an excellent opportunity for college students or individuals aspiring to pursue a career in sports administration. The intern will assist with scheduling, event coordination, compliance oversight, and overall program management. Strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and a passion for student-athlete development are essential. For more information or to apply, please contact our Athletic Director, Elijah Frederick, at AD@astec-k12.com.
Mar 6 ASTEC Charter School is seeking a dedicated and motivated Esports Intern to assist with program development, scheduling, and overseeing competitive events. This position offers an excellent opportunity for college students or individuals aspiring to become an Esports Coach. Ideal candidates should possess strong organizational skills, a passion for esports, and the ability to collaborate effectively within an educational and competitive setting. For more information or to apply, please contact our Athletic Director, Elijah Frederick, at AD@astec-k12.com.
Mar 6 Woodland (Class A) has an open teaching position, either junior high or high school (field open), with possible coaching duties in multiple sports available. Football, basketball, baseball, and softball are all possibilities. Must have a CDL or be willing to obtain one. Please send resumes with teaching certificates to Superintendent Shelly Shulanberger, sshulanberger@woodland.k12.ok.us or Athletic Director Dustin Potts, dpotts@woodland.k12.ok.us. Woodland has a rich history of competitive athletic programs, most recently winning a football state championship this fall. We have a great coaching staff and would love to add to it.
Mar 6 Jay Public Schools is currently accepting Applications for an Assistant Boys Basketball Coach with other coaching possibilities. Teaching field is open at this time. Care and prevention and CDL or the ability and willingness to obtain a CDL is a must. Applicants must apply online at jayps.org. Please send resumes to Athletic Director Jeff Stapleton jeffstapleton@jayps.org and Athletic Director Travis East traviseast@jayps.org or call 918-706-7278
Mar 6 Crescent public schools is hiring for a HS/JH football coach with other coaching duties. Position available is either offensive coordinator/WRs or O-Line based on best fit, or defensive coordinator/LBs or D-Line based on best fit. Teaching position will be high school social studies. Must have CDL. Please send resume, references, & certifications to principal/athletic director Jason Mackey at jmackey@crescentok.com & to head football coach Brandon Gipe at bgipe@crescentok.com
Mar 6 Davis Public School is now accepting applications for the position of Head High School Wrestling Coach for the 2024-25 school year. The teaching field is open. If interested, please send your resume to Davis Athletic Director, Jeff Brown at jbrown@davis.k12.ok.us.
Mar 6 Davis Public School is now accepting applications for the position of Head High School Boys Basketball Coach for the 2024-25 school year. The teaching field is open. If interested, please send your resume to Davis Athletic Director, Jeff Brown at jbrown@davis.k12.ok.us.
Mar 6 Choctaw Football is currently seeking a VARSITY DEFENSIVE LINE COACH. The teaching field is currently OPEN. Come be a part of the Gold Standard and please send interest to Head Coach/Assistant AD Jake Corbin at jcorbin@cnpschools.org.
Mar 6 Guymon High School Football is currently taking applications for a varsity assistant coach and a junior high assistant coach with possible coordinator title. Defensive line experience is preferred but not required. If interested, please email resume and cover letter to Jake.martinez@Guymontigers.com
Mar 5 Garber Public School is accepting applications for Head HS & JH Girls Basketball Coach. Teaching field open. To apply - email a Cover Letter, Resume, and Teacher Certificate to Dusty Torrey, Superintendent - dtorrey@garber.k12.ok.us
Mar 5 Locust Grove is accepting applications for assistance football with possible second sport available. Teaching field is open. If interested please send a resume to AD Sam Nelson snelson@lg.k12.ok.us
Mar 5 Stigler Public Schools is now accepting applications for the position of Head HS Fastpitch Coach for the 2025-26 school year. The teaching field is open. If interested, please send your resume to Stigler Athletic Director, Tony Gilmore, at tgilmore@stiglerps.com
Mar 5
Pioneer Pleasant Vale Public Schools is looking for a 7th-12th grade certified math teacher for the 2025-2026 school year. This position may come with coaching responsibilities as well. Applicants can inquire about the position with Brent Koontz, Superintendent, at bkoontz@ppv.k12.ok.us or Tom Betchan, Principal, at tbetchan@ppv.k12.ok.us
Mar 5 Capitol Hill HS is accepting applications for a Head Volleyball coach. Teaching field is open. Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries or NFHS First Aid and Safety is required. Micro bus and CDL is recommended. Qualified applicants submit their resume and letter of interest to Athletic Director Greg Adams at gaadams@okcps.org.
Mar 5 Capitol Hill HS is accepting applications for Head Wrestling coach. Teaching field is open. Care and prevention of Athletic Injuries or NFHS First Aid and Safety is required, Micro bus and CDL training is recommended. Qualified applicants submit their resume and letter of interest to Athletic Director Greg Adams @ gaadams@okcps.org
Mar 4 Burns Flat-Dill City Public Schools is accepting applications for High School/Junior High Girls Basketball Coach. The teaching field is open. Excellent salary commensurate with experience. Email resume, references, transcripts and copy of teaching certificate to: Desare Simmons at simmonsd@bfdc.school. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Burns Flat-Dill City Schools reserves the right to make an offer of employment at any time. EOE
Mar 4 Burns Flat-Dill City Public Schools is accepting applications for High School/Junior High Boys Basketball Coach. The teaching field is open. Excellent salary commensurate with experience. Email resume, references, transcripts and copy of teaching certificate to: Desarae Simmons at simmonsd@bfdc.school. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Burns Flat-Dill City Schools reserves the right to make an offer of employment at any time. EOE
Mar 4 Burns Flat-Dill City Public Schools is accepting applications for High School/Junior High Boys Baseball Coach and Assistant Football Coach. The teaching field is open. Excellent salary commensurate with experience. Email resume, references, transcripts and copy of teaching certificate to: Desarae Simmons at simmonsd@bfdc.school. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Burns Flat-Dill City Schools reserves the right to make an offer of employment at any time. EOE
Tulsa Public Schools invites applicants for the position of Head Girls Basketball Coach at Edison High School. The teaching field is open. Edison High School is committed to diversity and excellence in academics and athletics, and serves students from every racial, ethnic, religious, and socio-economic background throughout the city of Tulsa. Please send resume, cover letter, and a _copy of teaching certificate_ to Raymond Shipps, athletic director, at shippra@tulsaschools.org, Tim Maxeiner, principal, at maxeiti@tulsaschools.org, and Mick Wilson, executive director of athletics, at wilsomi2@tulsaschools.org.
Mar 4 Metro Christian Academy is accepting applications for a Head Girl’s Basketball Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. Teaching field is open. If interested, please send your resume to Pat Foster at pfoster@metroca.com.
Mar 4 New Lima Public Schools is accepting applications for a Basketball Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. Coaching duties will include Elementary basketball for grades 3-6 and Junior High basketball for grades 7-8, with additional opportunities to assist at the high school level. Candidates must hold a current Oklahoma coaching certification and either possess a CDL or be willing to obtain one. The teaching field is open. Interested applicants should submit their resume, cover letter, and teaching certificate to Athletic Director Kent Lee at klee@newlima.k12.ok.us.
Mar 4 Edmond Santa Fe is looking for a Head Girls Basketball Coach. Looking for applicants who are certified and have prior head coaching experience at the high school level. Teaching position is open. Interested applicants please send resume to Andy Rasmussen at andrew.rasmussen@edmondschools.net
Mar 4 Duncan Public Schools has an opening for Head High School Girls Wrestling Coach. Teaching field open. Interested applicants are encouraged to contact athletic director Kevin Kelly at kevin.kelly@duncanps.org.
Edmond North HS is looking for Assistant Football Coaches at the Varsity, JV, and 9th Grade Levels. Certified Teachers and Coaches with CDL's are preferred. Teaching Positions and Coaching Positions are flexible. Please Contact Head Coach Carter Whitson at carter.whitson@edmondschools.net with resume and references if interested.
Feb 27 ASTEC Charter School seeks a Head Boys’ Basketball Coach for the 2025-2026 season. Candidates must have current Oklahoma coaching certifications and a CDL or be willing to obtain one. Prior coaching experience is preferred, with a focus on player development, leadership, and academic accountability. Responsibilities include practice planning, game strategy, team culture, logistics, and OSSAA compliance. The position is open to both certified teachers and lay coaches. To apply, submit a resume and cover letter to Elijah Frederick, Athletic Director, at Ad@astec-k12.com. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.
Feb 27 ASTEC Charter School seeks a Head Cheer Coach for the 2025-2026 season. Candidates must have current Oklahoma coaching certifications and a CDL or be willing to obtain one. Prior coaching experience is preferred, with a focus on skill development, leadership, and team spirit. Responsibilities include choreography, practice planning, game-day coordination, team culture, and OSSAA compliance. The position is open to both certified teachers and lay coaches. To apply, submit a resume and cover letter to Elijah Frederick, Athletic Director, at Ad@astec-k12.com. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.
Feb 27 Okmulgee High School (2A-1 Okmulgee, OK) is currently seeking applicants for the positions of DEFENSIVE LINE COACH and LINEBACKERS COACH, with possible coordinator role (Defense/Special Teams). Teaching positions will be available next school year (Fall of 2025-2026). Must have Prevention/Care of Athletic Injuries course completed showing on transcript. Lay/Adjunct coaches will be considered. Preference will go to those who have Teacher Certification , and CDL or ability to obtain CDL. Applicants are encouraged to send resume to Dolphin Davis, Head Football Coach at dmariodavis@gmail.com, (539) 235-4421
Feb 27 Milburn Public School is accepting applications for MS/HS Boys Basketball Coach with teaching obligations for the 2025-2026 school year. Applicants must have or be willing to obtain health care and prevention of athletic injuries as well as their CDL. Please send resume, transcripts, and copy of teaching certificate to Joey McBride, Superintendent at jmcbride@milburnps.org.
Feb 27 Coleman Public School is seeking applicants for a Head Fast Pitch/Slow Pitch Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. Teaching field is open. Coleman is a Class B school located 18 miles north of Durant. We have recently upgraded the softball facilities by adding a 60x30 indoor hitting facility with 8 hitting stations next to the indoor. We have also recently built a new dugout/clubhouse for our softball athletes. Our facility has a great playing surface with an underground irrigation system. Other coaching duties would also be a possibility. If interested send resume, references, transcript, cover letter, and certification to Athletic Director Bubba Tamez - michael.tamez@coleman.k12.ok.us or you can call 580-371-5436.
Feb 27 Minco High School is seeking applicants for the position of Assistant Football. Other coaching responsibilities included. Teaching field is open. Interested applicants are encouraged to email Athletic Director/Head FB Coach Brock Wardlaw at bwardlaw@minco.k12.ok.us
Feb 27 Stilwell Public Schools (4A) is accepting applications for the position of Offensive Line Coach/Run Game Coordinator. Stipend pay is competitive. Teaching Field is open. Stilwell is located in Eastern Oklahoma about 50 minutes from Fayetteville, AR and an hour and a half from Tulsa. Please send resumes and/or cover letters to Head Football Coach Jordan Barlow at jbarlow@stilwellk12.org
Feb 26 Piedmont Public Schools is looking for a Head High School Cheer Coach/Choreographer. Interested applicants are encouraged to send a resume and cover letter to Piedmont Athletic Director Matt Shellenberger at matthew.shellenberger@piedmontschools.org.
Feb 26 My name is David Omosigho, a former all-conference D2 football player that played at SNU, with a passion for coaching and athlete development. With experience not only in football but also in track, basketball, and powerlifting, I bring a well-rounded approach to training and performance. I live in the OKC area and will be graduating with a bachelor's degree in Finance in May 2025. Email is omosigho21@gmail.com and my number is 469-212-3410
Feb 26 My name is Zackery Durossette. I am looking for a football program in need of assistant coaches in or around Oklahoma City, preferably on the defensive side of the ball for the upcoming 2025-2026 season. I am 30-years old and active-duty military. While stationed along the east coast of Florida, I was the varsity linebacker coach for the Bayside Bears. I learned a lot from the coaches there and want to continue to pursue my passion around coaching. I played middle linebacker and tight end in high school (Missouri), for a team that won two state championship games. I enjoy sharing my hunger of football with others and will certainly bring energy and enthusiasm to the field. I do have a BA in intelligence; however, cannot teach because I still have 7 more years of service to go. If you need someone, contact me at zackerydurossette@yahoo.com or call me at 321-317-4890.
Feb 26 Noble - Looking for MS Football/MS Baseball Coach, HS Assistant Football as well for the right fit. Teaching is Middle School but the position is open. Contact Tyler Solomon at tsolomon@nobleps.com if interested.
Feb 26 Wetumka Public School is currently taking applications for a Head High School Boys /Middle School Basketball Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. The teaching field is open at this time. Applicants must have or be willing to obtain health care and prevention of athletic injuries as well as their CDL. Interested applicants please send transcripts, cover letter, and resume to dreid@wetumka.k12.ok.us or tgates@wetumka.k12.ok.us
Feb 25 Coweta Public Schools is currently seeking applicants for a high school fastpitch softball assistant coach. Looking for a coach who wants to add value to a winning program. Experience coaching pitchers is a plus. Teaching position is open depending on availability. CDL is a plus and candidates selected would be expected to obtain one. Interested applicants should send their resume and cover letter to blake.dunn@cowetaps.org.
Feb 25 My name is Anthony O’Guinn, I am interested in a coaching position for football, and track if possible. I currently live in Shawnee, and will be graduating East Central University in May of 2025 with a degree in Kinesiology. I was a former DB at Tecumseh High school with earning honors of All state, Blue Grey All American, All star by class and defensive player of the year. I would love to help a coaching staff bring energy to the game and knowledge to the players. You can email me at anthonyoguinn@gmail.com or text me at 405-434-3590.
Feb 25 Navajo is accepting applications for the position of Head Boys Basketball Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. Teaching field is open. Interested applicants are encouraged to send a cover letter, resume and references to David Doss, Athletic Director at ddoss@navajo.k12.ok.us.
Feb 25 Idabel High School seeks a dynamic and experienced Head Football Coach to lead our Warriors to victory! (Job Description and Application available at www.idabelps.org
Feb 25 Sentinel Public Schools is currently accepting applications for a Head High School and Junior High Girls Basketball Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. Teaching field is open. Head High School coaching experience is preferred but not required. All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply. Possessing a bus CDL or being willing to obtain a bus CDL is required for this position. Other coaching duties may be available. For more information, contact Jason Goostree, Superintendent at (580) 393-2101. Candidates may send resume and copy of teaching certificate to Sentinel Public Schools, Attn. Jason Goostree, P.O. Box 640, Sentinel, OK 73664, or fax information to (580) 393-4747 or e-mail information to jgoostree@sentinel.k12.ok.us
Feb 25 Bridge Creek High School is seeking applicants for Football OL/DL Coach. Teaching field is open. Other sports are possible. Interested applicants are encouraged to send a resume and references to Larry Spangler, Athletic Director at Lspangler@bridgecreek.k12.ok.us
Feb 25 Pocola Public Schools - Has several MS/HS assistant coaching positions available in fall, winter and spring sports. Assistant MS/HS football, assistant JH softball, Assistant MS Basketball, and MS track. We are in need of a PE teacher, with preference for ELA/Math/Science instructor. Send Resume and cover letter to MS Athletic Director Mark McKenzie: mmckenzie@pocolaschools.org.
Feb 25 Edmond Santa Fe is looking for several coaching positions for 2025-26 seasons. Head Swim Coach Assistant Swim Coach Assistant Fastpitch Softball Coach Assistant Girls Basketball Coach Teaching positions are open. Coaching only is an option as well for assistant positions. Please send resume to Santa Fe Athletic Director Andy Rasmussen at andrew.rasmussen@edmondschools.net or call 405-726-7305 Thank you!
Feb 25 Depew Public School is accepting applications for Head Fastpitch/Slowpitch softball coach for the 2025 – 2026 school year. Teaching field is open at this time. Applicants must have Care & Prevention of Athletic Injury and a CDL or be willing to obtain it. Applicants interested in our position please E-Mail a resume, reference letter, and a copy of your teacher certificate to Athletic Director Josh Cooper joshcooper@depew.k12.ok.us
Feb 25 Kansas Public Schools is accepting applications for a certified Head High School Football coach/ JH Coach and other possible coaching duties Please send resume, references, and copy of teaching certificate to HS Principal/AD- Phil Isom phili@kansasps.com and Superintendent Cory Steele- cory@kansasps.com
Feb 25 Depew Public Schools is currently accepting applications for a Head Girls Basketball Coach. Teaching field is open at this time. Care and prevention and CDL or the ability and willingness to obtain CDL is a must. Please send resumes to Athletic Director Josh Cooper joshcooper@depew.k12.ok.us or call 918-324-5466.
Feb 25 Whitesboro ISD, in Whitesboro Texas, is searching for a proven Head Girls Basketball Coach and *Possible Asst AD of Girls Athletics to help lead our growing athletic program & school system. WISD is looking for someone that can build a program from the elementary level through the HS level. We have recently passed a 120-million-dollar bond and will begin construction this spring on 5 separate projects- New Multi-Purpose indoor facility with New 5000 sq foot weight room, New Elementary Campus, New 800 Seat Auditorium, New Career & Technology Wing on Current HS, New Stand-Alone Agriculture Facility. WISD is a large 3A district located on the northern edge of Texas near Lake Texoma (Our School District Borders Oklahoma to the north). We are halfway between Sherman and Gainesville on Highway 82 just 40 minutes north of the 380 Corridor / Prosper / Frisco area. Whitesboro is a great place to raise a family and be a part of a top 10 UIL AAA school system. ***This position will have teaching tied to it, but that teaching field is open at this time. The Head Girls Basketball Coach will work hand in hand with all head coaches and all members of WISD athletics under the supervision of the District Athletic Director. To apply please send- Letter of interest and resume to faganc@whitesboroisd.org
Feb 25 Whitesboro ISD is searching for a Asst AD of Sports Performance - Certified CSCS Strength Coach to help lead our growing athletic program & school system. We have recently passed a 120-million-dollar bond and will begin construction this spring on 5 separate projects- New Multi-Purpose indoor facility with New 5000 sq foot weight room, New Elementary Campus, New 800 Seat Auditorium, New Career & Technology Wing on Current HS, New Stand-Alone Agriculture Facility. The right candidate will get to assist in the design and outfitting of the new weightroom. WISD is a large 3A district located on the northern edge of Texas near Lake Texoma (Our School District Borders Oklahoma to the north). We are halfway between Sherman and Gainesville on Highway 82 just 40 minutes north of the 380 Corridor / Prosper / Frisco area. Whitesboro is a great place to raise a family and be a part of a top 10 UIL AAA school system. ***This position will coach NO specific sports and design and implement all strength and conditioning workouts for all 490 WISD athlete’s grades 6-12 daily and work hand in hand with all head coaches and all members of WISD athletics under the supervision of the District Athletic Director. To apply please send- Letter of interest and resume to faganc@whitesboroisd.org
Feb 25 Whitesboro ISD is searching for coaches to help lead our growing athletic program & school system. We have recently passed a 120-million-dollar bond and will begin construction this spring on 5 separate projects- New Multi-Purpose indoor facility, New Elementary Campus, New 800 Seat Auditorium, New Career & Technology Wing on Current HS, New Stand-Alone Agriculture Facility. WISD is a large 3A district located on the northern edge of Texas near Lake Texoma (Our School District Borders Oklahoma to the north). We are halfway between Sherman and Gainesville on Highway 82 just 40 minutes north of the 380 Corridor / Prosper / Frisco area. Whitesboro is a great place to raise a family and be a part of a top 10 UIL AAA school system. Girls Side Job Possibilities- ***Possible Girls Campus Coordinator Fall- Volleyball or Cross Country *Possible Off Season Winter- Basketball or Wrestling *Possible Off Season Spring- Track & Field *Possible Off Season Boys Side Job Possibilities- ***Possible Boys Campus Coordinator Fall- Football or Cross Country *Possible Off Season Winter- Basketball or Wrestling *Possible Off Season Spring- Track & Field *Possible Off Season To apply please send- Letter of interest and resume to faganc@whitesboroisd.org
Feb 25 Hello my name is Jordon Miller i am currently seeking to get back into coaching i have coached offense and defense line but am open to coaching other areas i have a bunch of knowledge and am eager to get back to doing what i love feel free to reach out to me at jdmiller121313@gmail.com thank you
Feb 25 Porum Public School is currently taking applications for a Head High School Girls /Middle School Basketball Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. This position also includes being the assistant varsity boys coach and will oversee all aspects of the girl's basketball program. The teaching field is open at this time. Applicants must have/ or be willing to obtain health care and prevention of athletic injuries as well as their CDL. Interested applicants please send transcripts, cover letter, and resume to High School Principal/Athletic Director Brandon Turley at bturley@porum.k12.ok.us
Feb 25 Life Christian Academy (Choctaw) is accepting applications for the position of Head Middle School Football Coach and Assistant High School Football Coach with the possibility of a second sport. Applicants who have strong Christian morals and are willing to complete care and prevention and get their CDL will take priority. If please contact AD Tayler Burchett and send a resume and references to t_burchett@lifechristianacademy.com
Feb 25 If you are devoted to positive outcomes for your students in the classroom and in athletics, we are looking for you! We have great facilities, an incredible teaching staff, and the best students in the country. We are seeking dedicated educators to work with our amazing students. Allen Public School has the following openings: Head Varsity HS Fastpitch Coach, Assistant HS Fastpitch coach, Head Slow Pitch Softball Coach, Assistant HS Slow Pitch Coach, Assistant HS Football Coach. Teaching fields: High School Science, JH Math, Band Director, CDL required. We also have a position open for a Early Childhood Competitive salaries and generous stipends for coaching. If you meet the above listed qualifications please submit your Transcript, Teaching Certificate, resume', and references to: Sbutcher@allenmustangs.org, or call 580-857-2417 or 918-617-2008
Feb 25 Carnegie Public Schools is seeking a Head Girls Basketball Coach for the 2024-2025 School Year (Open Teaching Field). Please send resume to Mr. Randy Turney, Superintendent via email to rturney@carnegieschools.com
Feb 25 Carnegie Schools is seeking to hire an Assistant Coach for the 2024-2025 School (Football, Basketball, Baseball) with an Open Teaching Field. Please send Resume and Certification to Mr. Randy Turney, Superintendent via email to rturney@carnegieschools.com
Feb 19 Antlers Public School is accepting applications for the position of Head High School and Middle School Football Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. The teaching field is open. Please send a resume, references, transcripts, and a copy of your teaching certificate to Athletic Director, Jack Ward at jward@antlers.k12.ok.us
Feb 19 Haworth Public School is currently taking applications for a Competitive/Sideline Cheer Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. Haworth Competitive Cheer has been successful in the past, and we are looking for an individual to take our program to the next level. We currently have a class hour of practice built into the day. We have three gyms on campus, one less than a year old. Haworth is located in southeast Oklahoma about thirty-five minutes from Hochatown and under three hours from Dallas. The teaching field is open at this time. Applicants must have/ or be willing to obtain health care and prevention of athletic injuries and cheer dance and safety certification. Interested applicants please send transcripts, cover letter, and resume to High School principal Rachael Smith at rsmith@haworth.k12.ok.us
Feb 19 Haskell Public School is looking for a certified Head Football Coach/Teacher for the 2025-2026 school year. Head coach is in charge of the HS & MS football programs, HS & MS weightlifting. Teaching fields are English or Science, must be certified and must have a CDL. Send resume, certifications and transcripts to Rluellen@haskellps.org & Gwilson@haskellps.org
Feb 19 Hello, my name is Mark Murphy. I currently live in Norman. I am a certified strength and conditioning specialist and a specialist in sports nutrition. I have worked as the head of athletic performance at high schools in New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, and here in Oklahoma. I have also coached the defensive line. I have had my strength and conditioning certification and sports nutrition certification for over 10 years. I have sent football players on full-ride scholarships to D1 and D2 schools like Michigan, Miami(OH), Columbia, CSU, CSU-Pueblo, and the Air Force Academy just to name a few. I am looking to see if you have a strength coach or if there is a need for an assistant strength coach for the athletic program. I have recently graduated Summa Cum Laude from Abilene Christian University with my degree in Health and Human Performance and I am currently in my last semester of grad school at the University of Oklahoma studying Intercollegiate Athletic Administration where I will graduate in May with my master's in education. I am looking for an athletic director or assistant athletic director job and/or strength coach/director of athletic performance job in the OKC/Norman/Edmond metro or the Tulsa area. I feel that having a strength coach is an important part of athletics that I feel every school in Oklahoma needs to have. I have worked with Administrations and college athletic performance coaches in the past. There are a few schools here in Oklahoma that had these two positions and there are some that don't have any at all. I believe that this is something that every high school needs to have just like they have athletic trainers. The places that have them and are thriving athletically not only in football but as an athletic department overall. If you would like to know more or talk more about this feel free to email me at: soonerfan70@gmail.com or memuphy@ou.edu
Feb 19 Bluejacket Public School has various middle and high school coaching and teaching positions open for the 2026 school year. We play 8-man football, Class B basketball, fastpitch softball, spring baseball and track. Check out our great, little school in the Northeast part of our state. www.bluejacket.k12.ok.us Please send resume and teaching certification to sbaker@bluejacket.k12.ok.us 
Feb 19 Chickasha Public Schools is accepting resumes for the position of Head Cheer Coach. Teaching field and additional coaching duties are TBD. Must have Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries as well as a CDL, or be willing to obtain one. Please send a cover letter, resume, and references to Athletic Director, Jerry Don Bray jbray@chickasha.k12.ok.us
Feb 19 Tecumseh is looking for a Head HS football coach Interested candidates are directed to apply by sending a resume, cover letter, teaching certificate and transcript to Athletic Director Casi Bays at baysc@tecumsehschools.org
Feb 13 Hello my name is Jake Brown and I am looking into getting into coaching. I would like to be an assistant and I am looking primarily in basketball. I had played in grade school and middle school. Decided not to play in high school. I know the fundamentals of the game and want to inspire and learn to lead players not just on the court but in life as well. I feel I would be a great asset to a team. I am looking in the areas of stephens, Comanche, Grady and Jefferson counties. I can be reached by phone at 580-860-5648 or email @jakeb1522@gmail.com. Thank you
Feb 13 LONE GROVE (5A-Girls/3A-Boys) is accepting resumes for the position of Assistant Girls/Boys Wrestling Coach. Teaching field and additional coaching duties are TBD. Must have Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries as well as a CDL, or be willing to obtain one. Please send a cover letter, resume, and references to Athletic Director, Sam Hale at shale@lonegrove.k12.ok.us.
Feb 13 Glenpool Public Schools has an opening for an Assistant Football Coach. The on-the-field position is open. The teaching field is open. Glenpool Schools is moving towards passing a 53 million dollar bond in March that will add a new 2-story pressbox, large video board, add-on to our indoor practice facility, and a new track surface. Please send resume & references to our Head Coach, Payton Werner at payton.werner@gmail.com.
Feb 13 Fairview High School is seeking applicants for Football Assistant Coach. Teaching field is open. Other sports are possible. Interested applicants are encouraged to send a resume and references to Craig Church, Superintendent at craig.church@fairviewschools.net
Feb 13 Bixby Public Schools is currently seeking applicants for the following cheer positions: varsity assistant, jv head, jv assistant, ms head, and ms assistant. Interested applicants should email a cover letter and resume to Stephanie Butler at stephaniebutler@bixbyps.org
Feb 13 Bixby Public Schools is currently taking applications for a head middle school pom coach. Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and resume to Stephanie Butler at stephaniebutler@bixbyps or Victoria Meadows at vmeadows@bixbyps.org
Feb 13 Tecumseh has an opening for assistant middle school volleyball coach for the 2025-2026 school year. Teaching field is open. Interested applicants can send their resume, cover letter, teaching certificate, and transcript to Athletic Director, Casi Bays, email is Baysc@Tecumsehschools.org.
Feb 13 Noble - Looking for a JH Football/JH Baseball coach. Possibly HS Football to go along if your interested. Teaching field is MS Social Studies. Contact Athletic Director Tyler Solomon at tsolomon@nobleps.com.
Feb 13 North Rock Creek high school in Shawnee is accepting applications for high school head softball coach, with an emphasis on classroom instruction. The teaching field is open. Please send resume to employment@nrcps.org
Feb 13 Stilwell Public School is accepting applications for a Middle School Boys Basketball Coach for the School year 2025/2026 .The Teaching field is open. Interested applicants should send a resume and cover letter to Athletic Director Mike George at mgeorge@stilwellk12.org or Superintendent Dr. Matthew Brunk at mbrunk@stilwellk12.org
Feb 13 Okmulgee High School (2A-1 Okmulgee, OK) is currently seeking applicants for the positions of OFFENSIVE COORDINATOR and OFFENSIVE LINEMAN COACH. Teaching positions will be available next school year (Fall of 2025-2026). Must have Prevention/Care of Athletic Injuries course completed showing on transcript. Preference will go to those who have Teacher Certification , and CDL or ability to obtain CDL. Applicants are encouraged to send resume to Dolphin Davis, Head Football Coach at dmariodavis@gmail.com, (539) 235-4421
Feb 12 BRAY-DOYLE (Marlow, OK) - is seeking a Head JH/HS Softball Coach to lead both fastpitch and slowpitch. The teaching field is open. Send Resume to Superintendent Dr. Smith Steigleder at ssteigleder@braydoyle.k12.ok.us
Feb 12 Caney Public Schools is accepting applications for Assistant HS Baseball Coach, Junior High Head Coach with possible basketball coaching duties. Teaching field is open. Please email resume and teaching certificate to Matt Brister at m.brister@caneyisd.org or j.dollarhide@caneyisd.org Contact (call or text) Matt Brister at 580-916-2649 or Jackie Dollarhide at 580-380-1152 with any questions.
Feb 12 Guymon High School is accepting applications for Head HS Softball. Teaching field is Drivers Education, but open to other teaching fields. Interested applicants can send resume, cover letter, and a copy of teaching certificate to Mr. Gary Wallace, Principal, at gary.wallace@guymontigers.com and Andy Brown, Athletic Director, at andy.brown@guymontigers.com To fill out an application visit: https://www.guymontigers.com/o/gps/page/employment
Feb 12 Madill High School has an opening for Head Football Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. Teaching field is open. Interested applicants can send their resume, cover letter, teaching certificate, and transcript to Athletic Director, Chad Speer, at cspeer@madillok.com.
Feb 11 PAULS VALLEY - Has several JH coaching positions available for energetic and passionate Coaches. Head JH Softball, assistant JH softball, JH Girls Basketball, JH Wrestling, Assistant HS Wrestling, Assistant HS Football, JH Football, Teaching fields open for now. Send Resume and cover letter to Athletic Director Gary Chaffin at gchaffin@pvps.us
Feb 11 Colcord Public Schools is seeking an assistant football coach for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year; the teaching field is open. To Apply, visit https://www.colcordschools.com to complete an online application. * Email a cover letter, resume, and teaching certificate to Superintendent Bud Simmons at bsimmons@colcordschools.com. For questions, call Terrill Denny at (918) 3264117.
Feb 11 Colcord Public Schools is seeking an assistant football and possibly basketball coach for the 2025-2026 school year; the teaching field Alt Ed. To Apply: https://www.colcordschools.com to complete an online application. * Send a cover letter, resume, and teaching certificate to Superintendent Bud Simmons by email at bsimmons@colcordschools.com. For questions, call Terrill Denny, at (918) 3264117
Feb 11 CANADIAN HIGH SCHOOL is accepting applications for the position of Head High School and Jr High Football Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. The teaching field is open. Must have a CDL or will to obtain one. Please send resume, references, transcripts, and copy of teaching certificate to HS Principal, Ross Tucker at rosstucker@canadian.k12.ok.us, Athletic Director, Larry Tucker at ltucker@canadian.k12.ok.us and Superintendent, Laura Gragg at lgragg@canadian.k12.ok.us.
Feb 11 CANADIAN HIGH SCHOOL is accepting applications for the position of Assistant High School and Jr High Football Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. The teaching field is open. Must have a CDL or will to obtain one. Please send resume, references, transcripts, and copy of teaching certificate to HS Principal, Ross Tucker at rosstucker@canadian.k12.ok.us, Athletic Director, Larry Tucker at ltucker@canadian.k12.ok.us and Superintendent, Laura Gragg at lgragg@canadian.k12.ok.us.
Feb 11 CANADIAN HIGH SCHOOL is accepting applications for the position of Head High School Girls Volleyball Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. The teaching field is open. Hiring a lay coach is a possibility. Must have a CDL or will to obtain one. Please send resume, references, transcripts, and copy of teaching certificate (if available) to HS Principal, Ross Tucker at rosstucker@canadian.k12.ok.us, Athletic Director, Larry Tucker at ltucker@canadian.k12.ok.us and Superintendent, Laura Gragg at lgragg@canadian.k12.ok.us.
Feb 10 Norman North High School is seeking its next Offensive Line Coach. If you are interested please send your resume to Head Football Coach Justin Jones at justinj@normanps.org. The Teaching Field is open at this time.
Feb 10 Morrison Public Schools is seeking an assistant football/wrestling coach for the 2025-2026 school year; the teaching field is open. To Apply: https://www.morrisonps.com to complete an online application. * Send a cover letter, resume, and teaching certificate to Superintendent Lori Justus by email at lorijustus@morrisonps.com. For questions, call Morrison Head Football Coach Hayden Garringer, at (580) 724-3307.
Feb 10 Bixby Public Schools is currently seeking applicants for the following cheer positions: varsity assistant, jv head, jv assistant, ms head, and ms assistant. Interested applicants should email a cover letter and resume to Kate Creekmore, Executive Director of Athletics at kcreekmore@bixbyps.org
Feb 10 GERONIMO PUBLIC SCHOOLS is accepting applications for the position of Head Middle School & High School Baseball Coach. The teaching field will be open. Must have a CDL or willing to obtain one. Please send resume, references, transcripts, copy of teaching certificate and other credentials to HS Principal, Hailey Crow at hcrow@geronimo.k12.ok.us
Feb 10 Bethany Public Schools is accepting applications for an assistant HS cross country coach. This is a lay coaching position. Apply online: https://jobs.redroverk12.com/org/bethanyschools
Feb 10 Santa Fe South High School in South Oklahoma City is seeking a passionate and qualified individual to lead our Girls Soccer program. This is an immediate need, and we are looking for a dedicated coach ready to build a competitive and positive team culture. This is a Lay position. CDL preferred or willing to obtain it. If interested, please email Athletic Director, Jarod Mason at jmason@santafesouth.org.
Feb 10 Thackerville High School(8 man) is looking for a Head HS/MS Football coach for the 2025-2026 school year. Teaching field is open. Please send resume and teaching certificate to Principal Cody McCage at cmccage@tpsmail.org or Athletic Director Cheyenne Rhoades at crhoades@tpsmail.org
Feb 10 Thackerville HS is looking for a head HS/MS Baseball Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. Teaching field is open. We are about to begin construction of new Baseball and Softball facilities and want a motivated individual to come in and build a program. Please send resume and teaching certificate to Principal Cody McCage at cmccage@tpsmail.org or Athletic Director Cheyenne Rhoades at crhoades@tpsmail.org
Feb 10 Wilburton Public Schools is accepting applications for an assistant football coach. This coaching position could include coordinator duties based on qualifications. Coaching opportunities in other sports available.The teaching position is open at this time. Please send a cover letter and resume to Jeff Marshall Athletic Director at jeff.marshall@wilburtondiggers.org. For any questions please call (918)465-3125.
Feb 7 Wyandotte High School is seeking a Football Defensive Coordinator for the 2025-2026 school year; the teaching field is open. To Apply: https://www.wyandotte.k12.ok.us/ to complete an online application. * Send a cover letter and resume to Kendall Young, Wyandotte Athletic Director, by email at kyoung@wyandotte.k12.ok.us. For questions, call AD Young at (918) 533-6004 (cell) or (918) 678-2222 ext. 1702 or Doug Buckmaster, Wyandotte Head Football Coach, at (417) 439-7067.
Feb 6 Wayne Public Schools is accepting applications for Head Fast Pitch/Slow Pitch Softball Coach. The teaching field is open. Please send all resumes and copies of certification to Toby Ringwald, Superintendent Email: t.ringwald@wayne.k12.ok.us Phone: 405.449.3646
Feb 6 Westmoore HS: Is looking for a dynamic & motivated defensive back coach. Qualified applicants please email resume to davidwhite1@mooreschools.com
Feb 6 Antioch Christian Academy is looking for an athletics coach for several different sports including Cross Country, Basketball, and Tennis as well as PE. Teaching certification and teaching is required. We have openings from elementary all the way through high school. Interested applicants should email the Athletic Director, Jamie Mead at hancock.jamie@acacolts.com
Feb 6 Putnam City North High School is seeking a candidate for HS Assistant Girls' Wrestling Coach. Teaching field is open. Pleas send resume to Head Wrestling Coach, CJ Campbell at cjcampbell@putnamcityschools.org
Feb 5 Hello, my name is Shandy Wade and I am looking for an assistant AD position and/or coaching position (emphasis on football and track but have also coached softball and basketball). I have a Masters in Sports Administration & Management, a Bachelor in Mass Communications (Advertising & Public Relations), Oklahoma teaching certification, a CDL, and 5 previous years of coaching/teaching experience. I have also served as an official for BIG12 and SEC track meets as well as the BIG12 Cross Country Championship. Can provide both high school and collegiate references. You can reach me at shandydwade@gmail.com Thank you for your consideration.
Feb 5 Mounds High School is accepting applications for Head Boys Basketball coach for the 2025-2026 school year. Please send resume and teaching certificate to jclay@moundsps.com
Feb 4 Choctaw Football is currently seeking an assistant football coach for Middle School. The Varsity Staff has a very close relationship with the Middle School staff and assists at practice and games. This is a great opportunity to gain valuable experience while working in a wonderful school district. The teaching field is currently OPEN. Come be a part of the Gold Standard and please send interest to Head Coach/Assistant AD Jake Corbin at jcorbin@cnpschools.org.
Feb 4 Westville Public Schools (2A-1) is now accepting applications for the position of head football coach. The Head Football Coach will be responsible for overseeing the football program grades 7th-12th. Teaching Field is open. CDL preferred but not required but willingness to obtain one is a plus. Westville is located in far Eastern Oklahoma about 30 minutes from Fayetteville, AR and hour and a half from Tulsa. Send resume, cover letter, transcripts and any other information to Athletic Director Eddie Roberts at eroberts@westville.k12.ok.us and Superintendent Ryan Swank at rswank@westville.k12.ok.us
Feb 4 Little Axe Schools has openings for a head high school football coach and head high school girls basketball coach. Please send resumes to Trey.Kirkpatrick@littleaxeps.org
Feb 4 My name is Ky Christopher and I am writing to express my interest in joining the coaching or teaching staff at . As a senior at Cameron University pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Sports and Exercise Science with a minor in Education, I am eager to bring my passion for education, athletics, and mentorship to your school community. I am currently an assistant teacher for 3–5-year-olds, a role that has allowed me to develop patience, adaptability, and a keen understanding of early childhood development. This experience has deepened my commitment to fostering positive, supportive relationships with students and creating environments where they can thrive academically and socially. In addition to my hands-on teaching experience, I have worked as a substitute teacher for grades PreK–12, further enhancing my ability to connect with students of all ages. My academic background includes coursework in Media & Technology in the Classroom, Methods & Management of Teaching, Developmental Psychology, and Intro to Teaching, with plans to complete my education minor by May 2026. My studies in sports and exercise science—covering areas such as applied anatomy, sports nutrition, and leadership—have also equipped me with the knowledge to support student-athletes in their physical and personal development. I have applied this knowledge as a youth sports coach for MCYO Little Dribblers and youth baseball, focusing on instilling teamwork, discipline, and a love for the game. I would welcome the opportunity to contribute to that mission. Whether as a teacher, coach, or in another capacity, I am confident that my background, skills, and enthusiasm would make me a valuable asset to your team. Thank you for considering my inquiry. I would be delighted to discuss how my experience and goals align with the needs of your school. Please feel free to contact me at (806) 402-0178 or via email at kydallas92@gmail.com. Sincerely, Ky Christopher
Feb 4 Bixby is looking for a motivated wide receiver coach who would like to be a part of the program we are striving to build. Qualified applicants please email resume to lmontgomery@bixbyps.org
Feb 4 Catoosa High School is currently accepting applications for Band Director for the 2025-26 school year. Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries and a CDL or the ability and willingness to obtain one is a must. Please send resume, references, transcripts, teaching certificate, and other pertinent information email Courtne St. Clair, Athletic Director, cstclair@catoosa.k12.ok.us
Feb 4 SAPULPA HIGH SCHOOL- has an opening for an assistant varsity football coach on the defensive side of the ball. No specific position, just looking for the best fit for our staff. Teaching field open. If interested, please send resume to Head Football Coach, Tim Holt, Jr., at tholt@sapulpaps.org
Feb 4 Dibble High School is now accepting applicants for a Head Softball coach and a Cheer coach for the 2025-2026 school year; teaching positions are open. Interested applicants should send resumes to the Athletic Director, Maria Kroeker via email, kroeker@dibble.k12.ok.us. Resumes will be accepted through February 28, 2025.
Feb 3 Deer Creek High School(6A-1 Edmond,Ok) is currently seeking applicants for the position of Defensive Coordinator. Teaching field is credit recovery. Interested applicants are encouraged to send resume and references to Wade Standley, Head Football Coach at wadestandley@dcsok.org
Feb 3 Edmond Santa Fe High School is currently accepting resumes for the position of assistant fastpitch softball coach. Experience in pitching is ideal, but all candidates will be considered. CDL with airbrakes endorsement will be required. Interested applicants should send resume to Head Softball Coach, Mike Moreno at mike.moreno@edmondschools.net
Feb 3 Hello, my name is Bailey Everett, and I am interested in an Assistant or Head Volleyball Coach position. I graduated from Snyder High School in Snyder, Oklahoma in 2021, where I served as the starting setter for two years. Currently, I’m in my final semester as a senior at Southwestern Oklahoma State University, working towards a bachelor's degree in health and physical education. While I do not yet have professional coaching experience, I have a strong understanding of all positions on the court and am confident that I can be a valuable addition to your staff. I am also open to testing into any required subjects if a teaching position accompanies the coaching role. You can reach me at (580) 481-0368 or via email at breverett.21@gmail.com. Thank you for your consideration!
Feb 3 Christian Heritage Academy (Del City) has an open position for Assistant Football (preferably defensive experience) with the possibility of a second sport. Teaching applicants will be a priority but open to lay applicants as well. Applicants should have a strong Christian testimony and be willing to complete care and prevention and get their CDL. Please contact Head Coach Joel Franks Jfranks@cha.org
Jan 30 Westmoore High School is looking for a Sprints/Relays coach for this 2025 Track & Field season. Any level of experience is welcome. Please email Coach Kappelle at dakotakappelle@mooreschools.com if you are interested in the position and its details.
Jan 30 Noble - is looking for a MS Basketball Coach and 2nd Sport to be determined. Teaching field is MS Social Studies. CDL required or the willingness to acquire. If interested please contact Athletic Director Tyler Solomon at tsolomon@nobleps.com or MS Principal Joey Slate at joeyslate@nobleps.com.
Jan 30 Mustang High School is accepting applicants for the position of Head Boys Cross Country Coach. The teaching field is open. Qualified applicants should email resume and teaching certificate to Director of Athletics, Robert Foreman: foremanr@mustangps.org
Jan 30 Wagoner Public Schools is seeking a dedicated and dynamic Athletic Director to oversee all aspects of the district’s athletic programs. This position is responsible for managing athletic budgets, scheduling games and events, ensuring compliance with OSSAA regulations, and promoting student-athlete success. The Athletic Director will collaborate with coaches, administrators, and the community to enhance athletic programs while maintaining academic excellence. Strong leadership, communication, and organizational skills are essential. If interested please email to rharris@wagonerps.org
Jan 30 Hello my name is Quez Allen. I am seeking a job as a football coach. I graduated High School from Paris, Texas in 2016 where I started as a quarterback for all 4 years of my High School career. I hold the all time leader in rushing and passing yards. Received D1 and D2 offers. During the recruiting process some things didn’t go my way that were out of my control and ultimately chose to commit to Pittsburgh State University. I then transferred to Kilgore College in Texas where I led them to a conference title and #4 final rank. After Kilgore, I followed my then coach to Northeastern State University where I graduated in 2021 with my bachelors degree. I am currently a manager for Amazon but know that my true passion lies within coaching. As a former quarterback, I know and understand multiple positions and I know I will be a great asset to any coaching staff. I am excited and willing to learn all I need to know when it comes to coaching. You can contact me at (903)272-3265. Or quezallen7@gmail.com. Thank you.
Jan 29 Goodwell Public Schools 2025-2026 Job Opportunity Girls' Basketball Coach (Additional Coaching Opportunities Available) Our Girls' Basketball team is currently 5-9 and has been competitive in every game this season. These young athletes have grit, fire, and a hunger to succeed—they just need the right coach to guide them to the next level. With an outstanding junior high group coming up, the potential for growth and success is immense. We are looking for a coach who is passionate about building more than just a team. This is an opportunity to establish a culture of excellence, discipline, and heart—both on and off the court. Goodwell Public Schools offers: * A tight-knit, supportive community that values hard work, integrity, and resilience. * The chance to create a lasting legacy in Goodwell Eagle athletics. * An opportunity to mentor and inspire student-athletes to excel as players and leaders. The panhandle comes with its challenges, but for those who embrace them, it offers pride, grit, and an unmatched sense of belonging. If you’re ready to take on the challenge and build something meaningful, we want you on our team. Send resumes to: randerson@goodwell.k12.ok.us
Jan 28 Plainview High School has an opening for Head Football Coach. Teaching field is open. Interested applicants can send their resume, cover letter and certificate to Athletic Director Ryan Luhmann at rluhmann@plainview.k12.ok.us.
Jan 28 Hugo Public Schools has multiple assistant Football Coach openings. Coordinator position is available to the right candidate. Stipend pay is very competitive. We have had a lot of success over the past several years, making it to the playoffs 6 out of the last 7 seasons. Located in beautiful Southeastern Oklahoma, 1 hour from Hochatown, and 1 1/2 hours from Dallas. Teaching fields are open, and multiple positions open in other sports as well. Send Resumes to Head Football Coach Krystopher Gross at kgross@hugoschools.com, to Athletic Director Darnell Shanklin at dshanklin@hugoschools.com, or to Superintendent Brandy Blalock at Bblalock@hugoschools.com. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Coach Gross at 580-212-9260.
Jan 28 Hello, my name is Rhett Looney and I am from Pryor, Oklahoma. I am seeking a teaching/coaching job, preferably softball or basketball. I am currently attending Northeastern State University studying Health and Physical Education, I will graduate in May of 2025 with my degree and certifications. I also played college softball while attending NSU. I have a cover letter and resume with references if needed immediately. I am very excited for this opportunity. Please reach out at 918-803-8295 [1] or rhettlooney04@gmail.com
Jan 28 Northwest Classen High School is accepting applicants for Head Football Coach for the 2025-26 school year. The teaching field is open. Not an Adjunct position. Position requires a CDL and Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries Cert (or alternative). Please send a resume and a copy of your teaching certificate to Site Athletic Coordinator Chris Vandersypen at dcvandersypen@okcps.org
Jan 28 Tulsa Public Schools invites applicants for the position of Head Football Coach at Central High School. The teaching field is open. Central High School is committed to diversity and excellence in academics and athletics, and serves students from every racial, ethnic, religious, and socio-economic background throughout the city of Tulsa. Please send resume, cover letter, and a _copy of teaching certificate_ to Chuck Cobbins, athletic director, at cobbich@tulsaschools.org, Jason Gilley, principal, at gilleja@tulsaschools.org, and Mick Wilson, executive director of athletics, at wilsomi2@tulsaschools.org. Central High School competes in OSSAA district 2A-4.
Jan 24 Hello my name is Matthew Fuller. I am looking for a potential offensive Coordinator job / head coaching position for football at a small school If you are interested please email me at mwfuller30@gmail.com or text me at (405)385-1912
Jan 24 Antlers Public School is accepting applications for Head Varsity Baseball Coach with other coaching duties included. Teaching field is open with high school history preferred. Please email resume and copy of teaching certificate to Athletic Director, Jack Ward at jward@antlers.k12.ok.us
Jan 24 Antlers Public Schools is accepting applications for assistant football coach with other coaching duties included. Teaching field is open. Please email resume and copy of teaching certificate to Athletic Director, Jack Ward at jward@antlers.k12.ok.us
Jan 24 Mooreland Public Schools in Northwest Oklahoma is now accepting resumes for a head JH/HS Football coach and teacher for the 2025-26 school year. Additional coaching opportunities may be available. Must have a CDL with air brakes or willing to obtain. Please submit a resume, a list of references, and a copy of current certification to Theron Graybill, Superintendent at graybill@mooreland.k12.ok.us or PO Box 75, Mooreland, OK 73852. Call 580-994-5405 for more information or questions.
Jan 24 Amber-Pocasset High School is accepting applications for the position of Assistant Volleyball Coach. Teaching field is open (history preferred). Interested applicants can send a cover letter, resume', transcript and Teaching Certificate to Bobby Odam - Principal. bodam@amposchools.org
Jan 24 Allen Public Schools, in Pontotoc County, is seeking educators who have excellent work experience and a strong desire to help students excel to their highest achievement abilities. We currently have two teaching positions available: Junior High Mathematics and High School/Junior high Science. There are several coaching opportunities available : High School Track, Junior High Track, High School and Junior High Softball, Junior High Girls Basketball, and High School and Junior high Football. Please provide us with a copy of your transcripts, references, and your resume'. Send application packages to: Steve Butcher, Principal/Ad at sbutcher@allenmustangs.org, or mail to Allen Public Schools at P.O. Box 430, Allen, Oklahoma, 74825
Jan 23 U.S. GRANT HIGH SCHOOL is currently accepting applications for the position of Assistant Football Coach. Teaching positions are open. Applicants must have or be willing to obtain a CDL and Care and Prevention All interested applicants please send resume/teaching certificate to Head Coach Alex Levescy at arlevescy@okcps.org.
Jan 23 Hello my name is Matthew Fuller. I am looking for a potential offensive Coordinator job / head coaching position for football at a small school If you are interested please email me at mwfuller30@gmail.com or text me at (405)385-1912
Jan 23 Kingston High School is looking for an Offensive Line Coach. Teaching field TBA. Interested applicants please contact Coach Hill by email at bhill@kingstonisd.org or Coach Wiebener at twiebener@kingstonisd.org
Jan 23 Metro Christian Academy is accepting applications for a Head High School Volleyball Coach for the 2025-2026 school year. Teaching field is open. If interested, please send your resume to Pat Foster at pfoster@metroca.com.
Jan 22 Blanchard High School is accepting applications for the position of Head Volleyball Coach. Teaching field is open. Interested applicants can send a cover letter, resume', transcript and Teaching Certificate to Karie Anderson - Asst Principal @ kanderson@blanchard.k12.ok.us
Jan 22 Noble Public Schools is taking applications for Athletic Administrative Assistant. If you are interested in an employment opportunity at Noble Independent School District 40. The position is Athletics Administrative Assistant. Please click the link below for more information about this vacancy. https://www.applitrack.com/nobleps/onlineapp/default.aspx?all=1&AppliTrackJobId=2901&AppliTrackLayoutMode=detail&AppliTrackViewPosting=1
Jan 21 LINDSAY Public Schools is taking applications for an assistant football coach position, possibly offensive coordinator. Other coaching duties are possible. Teaching field is open. Please send resume to Athletic Director, Tommy Ferguson at tferguson@lindsay.k12.ok.us.
Jan 21 I am seeking an Athletic Director position for the upcoming school year. With 15 years of coaching experience and two years as an Athletic Director in Oklahoma City, I grew our program from 80 to 177 athletes in one year. My background includes 10 years in nonprofit administration and corporate management, providing strong leadership and program development skills. I coach boys’ and girls’ football and basketball and am passionate about building programs that develop student-athletes and foster teamwork. While I do not hold a teaching certification or CDL, my proven success in program growth and leadership makes me a strong candidate. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your program. Thank you for your time and consideration. Contact me at OklahomaSportsDirector@gmail.com
Jan 21 My name is Coby Prather. I am 22 years old, and I am a recent graduate of Northeastern State University with a Bachelor’s in Social Studies Education. I am certified to teach U.S. History, Oklahoma History, Government, Economics, World History, and Geography. I am eager to begin my career as a teacher and football coach, combining my passion for education and athletics to inspire and mentor students both in the classroom and on the field. I know I have a lot to learn but I am willing to put in the hours to meet the needs of the job and then some. I was starting LB and RB for most of my highschool career and then was starting Qb for my senior year. Thank you for your time! Contact me at cobyprather1@gmail.com Phone: 918-399-1798
Jan 21 Poteau Public Schools is currently seeking candidates for two HS assistant football coach positions. Offensive experience preferred and specifically offensive line. Teaching field open. Please send resumes to Eric Hackler (Athletic Director) at hacklere@poteau.k12.ok.us.
Jan 21 Poteau Public Schools is currently seeking candidates for a HS assistant wrestling coach. Teaching field open. Please send resumes to Eric Hackler (Athletic Director) at hacklere@poteau.k12.ok.us.
Jan 21 Hi, my name is Brady Benedict. I am currently 23 years old. I played high school ball at Roff. Ead Simon taught me a ton of things of what a great coach does. I have always been around winning teams, so I know what it takes to make a winning team. I am currently playing baseball at Southern Nazerne University. I will be graduating this summer (2025). I am looking for a coaching position for baseball. I played two years at Murray State College (NJCAA). I will have played 2 years at Southern Nazerne (D2). I will be graduating with a bachelors degree in History. I have a ton of experience playing the game and the fundamentals of what goes into the game. I have always wanted to be a coach and everything that a coach does. I am excited to get my coaching career off and running! Please contact me me at my cell (580-927-6685) or my email bradyb19@yahoo.com
Jan 21 Moore High School is seeking a Head Football Coach, interested applicants should applicants should apply at www.mooreschools.com [1] and send resumes to brianfitzgerald@mooreschools.com and courtneywalker@mooreschools.com
Jan 21 Hollis High School/Middle School is accepting applications for high school/junior high assistant girls coach in the areas of softball, basketball, and track for the 2025/2026 school year. Must have or be willing to obtain CDL with passenger endorsement. Teaching field is open. Please send resume, transcript and Oklahoma teaching certificate to Jennifer McQueen, Superintendent, jmcqueen@hollis.k12.ok.us or Athletic Director, Rick Skorepa, rskorepa@hollis.k12.ok.us. Competitive compensation package and playoff pay incentives included.
Jan 21 Caney Valley High School has an opening for Head High School Football Coach with other coaching opportunities available. Teaching position is open. Interested candidates can send their resume to Athletic Director Anthony Fogle, afogle@caneyvalleyschool.org or High school principal Kane Jackson, kjackson@caneyvalleyschool.org


Mulhall-Orlando is accepting applications for Head Baseball/Boys'
Basketball.  Teaching field is open.  Please send cover letter, resume,
transcripts and certificate to joldenburg@mulhall-orlando.k12.ok.us to