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  Please let your school's IT office know that emails coming from lea.mouss@oklahomacoaches.org should not be blocked. Thank you - Oklahoma Coaches Association
Crossover Preparatory Academy is looking to fill our basketball schedule for the 25/26 season. If you are interested in scheduling with us please reach out to Keanna.sells@crossoverprep.org.
Heritage War Eagle Basketball will be hosting its 5th Annual JV/Sophomore Boys Jamboree on Saturday, November 15th, 2025. We have had as many as 25 teams in this event. Will work with you on scheduling times. We have 3 gyms that are all connected and perfect for this event. Most of our teams are from AR, we also have teams from MO and OK involved in this event. Last season, we added more Central AR teams. Guaranteed 3 games. We have already begun to have teams/schools show interest. Great opportunity for in-game experience for younger guys. Please contact, Adam Simmons @ (870)918-8421 (cell) or adam.simmons@rpsar.net OR Tom Olsen @ (479)619-7743 (cell) or tom.olsen@rpsar.net.
Catoosa is looking to fill 3 games on their 2025-26 varsity basketball schedule for both boys and girls teams. If interested, please contact Konner Johnston at kjohnston@catoosa.k12.ok.us
Wynnewood is in search of a basketball tournament in January of 2026. If you have any openings, please reach out to Chase Sawyer @405.207.8835 or csawyer@wynnewood.k12.ok.us Thanks!
Tri-County High School Basketball Tournament-The Tri-County High School Basketball Tournament is in need of one girls' team and one boys' team. The Tournament is January 22, 23, 24 at Western Oklahoma State College. The teams that are in the tournament are Hollis, Navajo, Mangum, Leedey, Hobart, Snyder, and Frederick. It is a great small school tournament that is very competitive. The tournament consists of a hospitality room, an all-tournament team, and four students will receive a $500.oo scholarship. Please contact Ryan Granger at my email rgranger@navajo.k12.ok.us, work (580) 482-7742, or cell (580) 450-0110.
Crooked Oak High School is looking for games for the 25-26 basketball season. If interested, please contact Chace McCaskill at 405-985-1670.
Lincoln Christian School is looking for both boys and girls teams to fill our Winter Classic Tournament. The tournament takes place from January 8th-10th. We have a great hospitality room, as well as gifts for your coaches. Our tournament is highly competitive and exciting. If interested, please email Athletic Director Jerry Ricke at jricke@lincolnchristianschool.com or call 918-859-7889.
Jones High School football is currently looking for a preseason scrimmage for Aug. 21st or Aug. 22nd. If you are interested please contact Kevin Witt at kwitt@jonesps.org



Jones Schools is looking for a 7th and 8th grade game for either Sep. 2nd or Oct. 27th also would be willing to play a combined 9th/JV at the same place or at opposite site. Please contact Kevin Witt at kwitt@jonesps.org
Riverfield High School basketball is looking for two games for the 2025-26 season. Please contact Jason Bogle at jbogle@riverfield.org.
Kellyville High School is looking for a 4A and below boys and girls basketball team to fill an opening in our High School basketball Tournament. The tournament has schools ranging from class 4A to class A. The dates of the tournament are Jan. 22-24, 2026. Kellyville is located between Tulsa and OKC right off the Turner Turnpike, great location and easy access for teams. We have a great facility and unbelievable hospitality for coaches and administrators with great coaches' gifts. We have been a host site for the past several years for playoffs. Please contact Kevin Nance, athletic director at nancek@kellyvilleschools.org or 918-247-6133 ext 403
Tuttle Schools is looking for 7th and 8th home football games on September 29th or 30th. We are open to playing 3A, 4A, 5A, or 6A B teams. Please contact Sean Brooks at sbrooks@tuttleschools.org or 405-609-7134 if you need games on one of those dates.
2025 Great 8 (16) girls basketball tournament information: We are expanding our FNB Great 8 tournament to 16 teams for the 25-26 season. Hosted by Rogers and Rogers Heritage HS's, utilizing both campuses. When: Thursday Dec 4, Friday Dec 5, Saturday Dec 6/2025 Format: 16 teams in 2 divisions of 8 hosted at both of our HS campuses, 3 guaranteed games Logistic info: 4 hotel rooms reserved for each traveling team. Game/Site info: Practice space and Uniform washing are provided. Player of the game awarded after each game. Post game meals provided. Divisional winner will be awarded. T-shirts for the winning teams from each division. Please respond to both josh.laymon@rpsar.net and preston.early@rpsar.net with interest. We then send out contracts for this event.
Feb 26 2025 Great 8 (16) girls basketball tournament information: We are expanding our FNB Great 8 tournament to 16 teams for the 25-26 season. Hosted by Rogers and Rogers Heritage HS's, utilizing both campuses. When: Thursday Dec 4, Friday Dec 5, Saturday Dec 6/2025 Format: 16 teams in 2 divisions of 8 hosted at both of our HS campuses, 3 guaranteed games Logistic info: 4 hotel rooms reserved for each traveling team. Game/Site info: Practice space and Uniform washing are provided. Player of the game awarded after each game. Post game meals provided. Divisional winner will be awarded. T-shirts for the winning teams from each division. Please respond to both josh.laymon@rpsar.net and preston.early@rpsar.net with interest. We then send out contracts for this event.
Feb 26 TULSA NOAH Football is looking for JH and JV football games for the 2025 seasons. We would like to play our JH (7th and 8th combined) followed by a JV game. The date we have available for JH and JV is 9/8 and 9/29. We also have 10/13 and 10/20 open for JH only. Contact Info: James Ballinger at (918) 606-8214 or jameshudsonballinger@gmail.com
Feb 26 Elgin High School Football- Looking for a 9th & JV game on either Monday, September 8th OR Monday, October 27th. Willing to host or travel. Contact Head Coach Chalmer Wyatt at 580-585-0424
Feb 25 DEER CREEK MIDDLE SCHOOL - We are in need of MS Tennis Teams [7th & 8th Graders Only] for our 2025 Tournament. Boys will play Wednesday, April 16th and Girls will play Thursday, April 17th. If interested please contact brandonkiefer@dcsok.org
Feb 25 Northside HIgh School in Fort Smith Arkansas has the following open dates for Girls Varsity Basketball: November 11,14,18 December 16, 18, 19 Also Looking for a tournament or classic Dec 29,30,31 , 2025. Contact Charles Cooper ccooper1@fortsmithschools.org or phone 479-651-6045 or Rickey Smith rsmith@fortsmithschools.org 479-650-0282
Feb 25 Prestonwood Christian Academy (Plano, Tx) is looking for a game 8/29/25 @ Prestonwood. Prestonwood plays in TAPPS, is a private school with 600 students. Please contact Donnie Yantis if you have interest: dyantis@prestonwoodchristian.org
Feb 25 Shattuck high school basketball is looking for a first semester tournament December 11,12,13 2025. You can contact me at joshkibbe@shattuck.k12.ok.us
Feb 25 Taloga Jr. High Baseball is looking for games this spring. We lost several due to not being able to fill a High School Team. We have a very open schedule. If you have any interest in setting up a game, please let me know. Call Coach Stump 580-521-1037 or email at dstump@taloga.k12.ok.us
Feb 25 Coppell High School (TX), located in the DFW metroplex, is hosting a 16 team traditional bracket varsity tournament Dec. 11-13th. 4 Game guarantee will play 2 games on Thursday, 1 on Friday, 1 on Saturday. Tournament will be seeded to ensure competitive matchups throughout the weekend. Great hospitality room and facilities! If interested please contact Ryan Murphy at rmurphy@coppellisd.com or 773-414-5850.
Feb 25 Locust Grove is looking for JH girls soccer games. If interested please contact Coach Addy Smith 918-671-7006
Feb 25 Texhoma/Goodwell is in search for additional games, festivals, and/or tournaments for this season. Have had multiple drops from the schedule due to schools not fielding a team. Please reach out for any openings that we might be able to work something out to play, preferably 3-ways, to accommodate the amount of travel we have to do. You can text me at 580-334-1693 or email me at jc.wells@texhoma61.net
Feb 25 Catoosa is looking for one boys team and one girls team to fill the last spot in our 60th Annual Port City Classic basketball tournament right outside Tulsa Jan. 22-24th 2026. Great hospitality room, great facilities, and great coaches gifts. Anyone interested in attending can email Konner Johnston at kjohnston@catoosa.k12.ok.us
Feb 19 Wynnewood will be hosting a junior high basketball tournament. This will be 8/9 grades. The tournament will be hosted January 12-17. We have top notch hospitality and a great gym that is spacious with multiple locker rooms! If interested please reach out to coach sawyer @405.207.8835 or csawyer@wynnewood.k12.ok.us
Feb 19 Canadian (TX) girls basketball has several game openings for next season. We are right on the Oklahoma border and closer to several Oklahoma schools compared to within our own state. If anyone is interested-please contact Aaron Marks at aaron.marks@canadianisd.net
Feb 19 Agra High School Basketball Tournament We need 2 teams for our long running Agra HS Basketball Tournament. December 4-6, 2025. Other schools are Carney, Stroud, Meeker, Wellston, and Woodland. Great hospitality and Coaches gift. Contact Ivan McFarlin, Chad Dickerson, or Jeff Kelly at 918-375-2261.
Feb 19 Atoka High School is looking for a team to join us for The Wampus Cat Classic January 22-24th, 2026. The competition is very competitive with several ranked teams. Our hospitality room receives high praise every year. Please email or call/text jray@atoka.org or 918-681-0557 to inquire.
Feb 19 Guymon Girls and Boys Basketball is looking for varsity basketball tournament December 11-13, Please contact Tyler Chapman, Head Girls Basketball Coach tyler.chapman@guymontigers.com
Feb 11 Stilwell High School (4A) is looking for a pre-season football scrimmage this Fall. We are willing to host or willing to travel within a reasonable distance. Contact Head Coach Jordan Barlow (479) 208-8109 or jbarlow@stilwellk12.org.
Feb 11 Oklahoma Christian Academy JV Volleyball is looking for tournaments for the upcoming 2025 season. Any leads are appreciated! takins@ocacademy.org
Feb 11 BETHANY HS FOOTBALL is looking for two teams to participate in a sanctioned Football Team Camp on May 23rd and/or 24th. If interested please email, call or text Head Coach Jon Arthur, jarthur@bethanyschools.com or 405-920-7609.
Feb 11 Eisenhower is looking for one more varsity team to fill our Volleyball tournament on August 28, 2025. It is a one day tournament with a guaranteed 4 games. Hospitality room and Coaches gifts Please contact Kyle Williams Athletic Coordinator kyle.williams@lawtonps.org Katie Keiper Head Volleyball Coach katie.keiper@lawtonps.org
Feb 11 Ardmore High School is looking for a JV or JV/9th Football Game on October 20th, 2025 after Fall break. If interested, please contact Athletic Director, Josh Newby, at 580-222-8155 or jnewby@ardmoreschools.org.
Feb 11 Lexington High School will begin to host its Lexington 89ers Bulldog Invitational Basketball Tournament, January 22-24, 2026. We will have a top of the line hospitality room along with an electric environment to play in. Any teams interested should contact athletic director Wes Moore at wmoore@lexington.k12.ok.us or call 405-527-3810 ext 135.
Feb 10 Sequoyah High School (Tahlequah) is looking for some regular season basketball games for the 25-26 season. If interested, please contact boys coach at Zac Briscoe (918) 704-8068 or girls coach Justin Brown at (918) 824-0547.
Feb 10 Owasso Preparatory Academy is looking for more Basketball games or tournaments for this upcoming 2025-26 season. We are about 1A in size and very competitive on the VG side. Please contact Athletic Director Jeremy Stout at 918-693-4422 or Jstout@owassoprep.org, Thank you.
Feb 7 Shattuck High School is looking for a team to fill the Shattuck Shootout High School Basketball Tournament. The tournament dates are January 22-24 , 2026. Shattuck has great facilities and an amazing hospitality room and also provides coaches gifts. If interested please contact Jeremy McIntosh, Athletic Director at jmcintosh@shattuck.k12.ok.us or call 580-301-1046
Feb 7 Carthage (MO) has two openings for Girls Varsity teams in our Lady Tigers Invitational - Dec. 4-6, 2025. Players t-shirts, coaches gifts, hospitality room, etc. Please contact Head Coach Scott Moore via email moores@carthagetigers.org or via cell at 417-839-3293.
Feb 7 Hi! I’m the head volleyball coach at Will Roger’s College High School in Tulsa Oklahoma , Erin Cremin- Love I am currently looking for a  volleyball tournament in upcoming season 2025. If you have any id love information on them. Email: erin.c65@yahoo.com
Feb 7 Locust Grove is looking for a boys and girls team to complete our field for our annual Invitational basketball tournament next year. Tournament will be held 1/8-1/10. We will have a Hospitality room and coaches gifts. Confirmed field LG,Adair,Inola,Miami,Berryhill,Glenpool, and Bishop Kelley. If interested please contact AD Sam Nelson 918-949-0010
Feb 7 Hooker Public Schools is looking for varsity boys and girls basketball games for the 2025-2026 season. If interested, please contact Athletic Director Trevor Powers (580) 817-0057 or tpowers@hookerpublicschools.net
Feb 7 Earlsboro High School needs to fill two slow pitch dates: March 24th and April 7th, for this upcoming season. Would prefer to schedule JH/HS, but willing to do HS/JV or HS only. If interested, please contact Colton Armstrong at carmstrong@earlsboro.k12.ok.us
Feb 6 Waukomis is looking for a high school basketball game for the 2025-2026 season. We have several dates open. We are also looking for a JH team to fill our basketball tournament in November. If interested please contact Matt Cue at mattcue@waukomis.k12.ok.us
Feb 6 OKC Broncos High School Baseball is looking for 2 more V teams (below 4A) or JV teams (5A or 6A) to participate in a round robin event at our field in OKC March 13-15. Each team will play 4 games over the 3 day span or we can accommodate more teams that may only want to play 2 games. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact the Athletic Director, OJ Johnston, 405-200-4996 or ad@okcbroncos.org
Feb 6 Community Christian (Norman) has an opening in their basketball tournament for December 11-13, 2025. We have a nice facility, great hospitality room, and the head coach will receive a coaches gift. We prefer a 2A-4A school that can bring their girls and boys teams, but open to other options. Please contact Coach Tim Price at 405-831-1004 if interested.
Feb 6 Choctaw High School is proud to host our Choctaw High School Invitational on March 11th and currently have a few spots left open for teams. Also we are hosting two unique meets: April 22nd is our Distance/Throws Night with divisions from 7th grade to Varsity as well as our Sting Em Sprint Showcase April 24th with Sprints/Jumps with divisions again from 7th grade to Varsity. Spots are filling up fast so please email btyler-clark@cnpschools.org to reserve your spot!
Feb 5 McAlester High School will be hosting the renewed Primus Moore Classic in 2026. The dates are January 8th, 9th, 10th at our new McAlester Activities Center. We have 1 slot available for boys and 1 slot available for girls. Gifts for coaches. discount rates on hotels and meals. Please contact James Singleton, Director of Athletics: jsingleton@mpsbuffs.org or call 918-774-5792
Feb 5 Beggs Public Schools has availability for our Basketball tournament on January 22nd-24th 2026 If interested please contact Chad Stanton, Athletic Director Beggs Public Schools - cstanton@beggs.k12.ok.us
Feb 4 Kellyville Schools needs to fill a couple of middle school football dates for the fall 2025 season. The dates that are needed are September 22nd and October 6th 2025. Preferably 2A and A football schools. 7/8 combined and a JV game to follow. If interested please contact Kevin Nance, athletic director at nancek@kellyvilleschools.org or 918-247-6133 ext. 403
Feb 3 Westmoore HS: We are hosting a 2025 scrimmage this fall. We're looking for teams interested in playing on August 21st (Thursday). It will be a 4 team format. Anyone interested, contact Head Coach David White: davidwhite1@mooreschools.com
Feb 3 Kellyville High School is looking for a 4A and below boys and girls basketball team to fill an opening in our High School basketball Tournament. The tournament has schools ranging from class 4A to class A. The dates of the tournament are Jan. 22-24, 2026. Kellyville is located between Tulsa and OKC right off the Turner Turnpike, great location and easy access for teams. We have a great facility and unbelievable hospitality for coaches and administrators with great coaches' gifts. We have been a host site for the past several years for playoffs. Please contact Kevin Nance, athletic director at nancek@kellyvilleschools.org or 918-247-6133 ext 403
Feb 3 Kipp Tulsa football is looking for several home games. Open dates 9/12 , 9/19, 10/31, and 11/7. We are a new program this will be our first year looking for 3A and below for varsity. 4A/5A JV teams
Feb 3 Pawnee HS Football needs 2nd scrimmage. Found 1st. Will host or travel. Would like to scrimmage with multiple teams. Karey Jones 405-762-1137
Jan 31 Putnam City West High School football is currently looking for a preseason scrimmage for 22 Aug, 2025. We are open to travel or to accommodate teams that are willing to travel. Please contact Kris Alvarez @ kalvarez@putnamcityschools.org if interested or have any questions.
Jan 31 My Names is James Jones I’m a Basketball Coach at Skiatook High school. We are looking to get our JV in some small school tournament around the Tulsa area. If you have any openings feel free to reach out JamesJones@skiatookschools.org
Jan 30 Glencoe High School is looking for one team to fill out the field at the 54th Annual Glencoe Invitational Basketball Tournament on January 22-24, 2026. Class A or B teams are preferred. Please contact Principal Brady Maxwell at bmaxwell@glencoe.k12.ok.us if you're interested.
Jan 30 Luther Middle School is looking for 7th and 8th Grade Tournament for the 2025-2026 school year. It will need to be for all four teams (7th & 8th Boys and Girls) Preferably late January. Please contact Ryan Smith at (405)277-3263 or by email at rsmith@lutherlions.org
Jan 30 The 2026 SRT HS Basketball Tournament @ Stonewall is looking for a team. The dates are Jan. 22,23,24. If interested you may contact Roff AD Steve Kile @ 580-399-6362 or skile@roff.k12.ok.us Confirmed teams are Stonewall, Roff, Tupelo, Wetumka, Maud, Stringtown, and Stratford.
Jan 29 Wright City will be hosting a New Year's Basketball Festival Dec. 30 - 31, 2025. Looking to fill the festival with teams 3A and below. If you are interested please contact Joel Dickerson, jdickerson@wcisd.org (580) 306 -1067.
Jan 29 John Marshall High School Football Team is looking for a competitive Non-District Week 1 game, we are open to traveling to you as well. If you have availability and interest in scheduling a competitive non district week 1 game please reach out to me at tadams@okcps.org
Jan 28 Guymon High School Football is looking for a team camp to join this summer. Please contact Jake Martinez at Jake.martinez@guymontigers.com if interested
Jan 28 Liberty is looking to host a High School Basketball Tournament the week of January 8th, 9th, and 10th of 2026. We are looking for schools 3A and down for our tournament. If interested Contact Coach Billy Carter: billy.carter@libertyps.org, Coach Collin Johnson: collin.johnson@libertyps.org, or Athletic Director Shane Page: shane.page@libertyps.org or by cell: (918)316-0992.
Jan 24 Haskell OK 7th/8th grade football is looking for a game on either 10/6 or 10/7. Please contact Phil McWilliams at 918-616-2303 or pmcwilliams@haskellps.org.
Jan 24 Haskell OK JV football is looking for several games. Open dates 9/15, 9/22, 10/6, and 10/13. We are open to playing bigger schools freshmen teams as well. Please contact Phil McWilliams at 918-616-2303 or pmcwilliams@haskellps.org.
Jan 24 John Marshall High School Football Team is looking for a competitive Non-District Week 1 game, we are open to traveling to you as well. If you have availability and interest in scheduling a competitive non district week 1 game please reach out to me at tadams@okcps.org
Jan 24 Fort Sill HS Slow Pitch Freedom Festival. Hosted by Central High on 3/27 and 3/28. Fort Sill has 4 turf fields and you can explore the historic Fort Sill Base on your down time. Teams can come one or both days. We currently have over 20 teams and are looking to add a few more. Contact Athletic Director Chad Weldon cweldon@central.k12.ok.us 580-467-8681
Jan 23 Pawnee HS Football needs both scrimmages. Will host or travel. Would like to join scrimmage with multiple teams. Karey Jones 405-762-1137
Jan 23 Bishop Louis Reicher Catholic School in Waco, Texas is looking for a football game on October 3rd or October 10th. We had a district opponent drop to 6 man. Wouldn't mind finding a neutral site. We have 78 kids in our high school. If interested, please email nyork@bishopreicher.com.
Jan 23 Central High is looking for teams to fill our 2026 Broncho Bash, Jan 8-10th. Great facilities, competitive field, home cooked hospitality room, and coaches gifts. Contact Lance Osburn at 479-228-0684 or Kenny Mcgough at 405-331-9428
Jan 22 We are excited to announce Terra Verde 2nd Annual Middle School Golf Tee – Off Classic. Held at Cobblestone Creek Golf Club, this  beautiful and challenging par 3 golf course has water, trees, deep rough and narrow fairways, all designed to provide an unforgettable  round of golf. So come join us for a great warm-up round of golf before the season Tee’s Off. Date: March 4th, 2025 . Location: Cobblestone Creek Golf Club 1350 Cobblestone Creek Dr. Norman, OK > 73071. Contact AD Sean McMannis at smcmannis@terraverdeschool.com or 949-400-1218 cell.
Jan 22 Asher needs one boys and girls 7/8 grade team for our 2026 Tri-County Tournament. January 12. 14. 15. 17. Tournament field is Asher. Dale 7. Dale 8. Grove Shawnee. South Rock Creek. Vanoss. Konawa. Contact Principal Steve Spangler at sspangler@asher.k12.ok.us or by phone at 405/784-2332 (w) or at 918/571-2128 (c)
Jan 21 Choctaw Middle School is looking for 1 more school to attend their 7th Grade Baseball Tournament April 3-5. It can be a straight 7th grade team or a mixture of 7th and 8th. Please contact Middle School Athletic Director Corey Hawk, 405-413-9366 or chawk@cnpschools.org.
Jan 21 We are looking for a boys and girls team to complete our field for our annual Locust Grove Invitational next year. Tournament will be held 1/8-1/10. We will have a Hospitality room and coaches gifts. Confirmed field LG,Adair,Inola,Miami,Berryhill,Glenpool. If interested please contact AD Sam Nelson 918-949-0010
Jan 21 Wesleyan Christian School in Bartlesville is looking for a varsity and JV game for Jan 16 of 2026. We are an OSSAA class A school. We can travel for this game. Call or Text Curt Cloud to schedule 918-332-1751.
Jan 21 Coach, my name is Scott Freeman, I am the Athletic Director and Head Football Coach at Junction High School in Texas. We are a 2A school located in West Central Texas. I was wondering if you could post our open date on your website. We are looking to find a neutral location for a game. Our open date could be either September 26th or October 3rd. We had a district opponent drop to 6 man football.
Jan 21 Medford is looking for a Girls & Boys Team to fill an opening in their 25-26 High School Basketball Tournament. The scheduled dates are January 8th, 9th, & 10th. If interested contact Mike Bailey at mbailey@medford.k12.ok.us or 806-334-0566.
Jan 17 Tishomingo will be hosting 4 new Junior high basketball tournaments next year. This will consist of a 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade tournament. The 5th and 6th grade tournament will be November 3,4,6. We are currently looking for three 5th grade teams and two 6th grade teams. The 7th and 8th grade tournament will be on November 10,13, and 15. We are currently looking for five 7th grade teams and three 8th grade teams. We have brand new top of the line facilities and will use two gyms every single day of the tournament. Every team will play in the new gym at least one day. We have a great hospitality room for all coaches and officials. If you are interested in joining our tournament next season you can email, call, or text Joe Harbert (Head Boys Coach) at jharbert@tishomingo.k12.ok.us or (405)-301-7113.
Jan 17 Duncan High School has 1 boys opening for their Southern Oklahoma Invitational next year. Dates are Dec. 11-13, 2025. Competition mainly consists of 4A-5A opponents, but we are open to others. If interested or have questions, email head boys coach Zac Knox at zac.knox@duncanps.org.
Jan 17 Alva High School is looking for teams to fill its 2025-2026 High School Basketball Tournament. The dates are December 11th, 12th, and 13th 2025. If you are interested please send an email to djbeeler@alvaschools.net. Thank you.
Jan 17 Morrison High School has an opening for The Mike Kerr Classic that will take place Jan 8-10th 2026. If interested, please contact Hillary Patterson at hillarypatterson@morrisonps.com or at 580-761-8981
Jan 17 Hays HS in Hays KS is looking for a Week 2 varsity football opponent for next Fall on 9-12-25. We are scheduled to host on that date. We are a KSHSAA 5A school(enrollment=1000) willing to play opponents from 3A on up. Travel reimbursement can be provided. Contact AD/Principal Lance Krannawitter: lancekrannawitter@usd489.com 785-623-2600.
Jan 17 Mulhall-Orlando is looking for one boys/girls team to fill the Mulhall-Orlando High School Tournament January 8-10, 2026. Centrally located and prefer a Class B or A team. If you are interested please contact Joline Oldenburg at 405-538-7990 or joldenburg@m-ops.org
Jan 16 Hulbert is looking for boys and girls teams to fill the Hulbert High School Basketball Tournament. The dates will be January 8th-10th, 2026. There will be coaches gifts, hospitality room, etc. If you are interested please contact Assistant AD Joseph McClure at 918-931-5722 or jmcclure@hulbertriders.net
Jan 16 Cherokee High School has an opening in their Cherokee Invitational Tournament that will take place on Jan 8-10th of 2026. We are looking for one girls and boys team, preferably within classes B - 3A. If interested, you can contact boys coach, Matt Guffy, at guffym@cherokee.12.ok.us or Athletic Director, Lane Pruett, at pruettl@cherokee.k12.ok.us
Jan 16 Oklahoma City Patriots Football is looking for varsity football games, home or away for Week 4 (9/26), Week 5 (10/3) or Week 8 (10/25 for the 2025 season. Contact Info: Steve Hawley at (405)808-8720 or hmgsdh@gmail.com
Jan 16 Pawhuska is looking to fill our 2026 basketball tournament the dates are January 22nd-24th. We will give each team $500 that enters. If interested please send an email to tylerhughes@pawhuskadistrict.org
Jan 16 Bryant High School in Arkansas needs a Home Football Game September 5th. Possible compensation. Will do Home/Home contract. Contact Quad Sanders C:662-752-9430 or E:qsanders@bryantschools.org
Jan 16 Southeast High School Is looking for a Varsity football game for the 2025 season. We are seeking a Week 0 or Week 7 game to complete our schedule for the 2025 season, Contact information- Cell 405-473-3403 or Mdbillingsley@okcps.org.
Jan 16 De Smet Jesuit High School in St. Louis, MO is looking for varsity football games weeks 1 (Aug 22/23), 2 (Aug 29/30 Labor Day Weekend), 7 (Oct 3/4), or 8 (Oct 10/11) for the 2026 and 2027 season. Would like to have a two-year agreement (home and away). Please contact AD Harold Barker at hbarker@desmet.org.
Jan 16 Okemah needs 1 school (girls and boys team) in tournament Dec 11 - 13, 2025 4A and down Teams already in are North Rock Creek, Hilldale, Henryetta, Chandler, Wewoka, Preston, Okemah Please contact Gary Kennemer at 918-230-8493 - gkennemer@okemahk12.com or Beau Custar at 918- 623-6341 - bcustar@okemahk12.com
Jan 16 Heritage Hall is looking for one team to round out their baseball tournament on March 27-29. If you are interested, please contact Athletic Director, Chris Gfeller at cgfeller@heritagehall.com or (405)371-5377.
Jan 16 Hominy Invitational Basketball Tournament coming January 8th-10th 2025/2026 Basketball Season! Great Sponsorships that will furnish hospitality room for coaches and their families, team trophies, winning coach plaques, team medals for 1st and 2nd place teams,t-shirts for all participants, All-Tournament Team Medals, and great coaches gifts. We have a great facility with very good parking and dressing rooms . We will have a full concession. All games will be streamed on the internet for fans that can't travel. A public address announcer for all games. Looking for teams in Classes B-3A. We have already had great interest. For any other questions or to commit please email me at: ccampbell@hominy.k12.ok.us or call/text 918-640-2390. We will take the first 8 teams.
Jan 16 First Baptist Academy in Dallas, TX, is looking for a varsity football game on October 3 or October 31. We compete in TAPPS, and our high school enrollment is 115. Please contact Jason Lovvorn at jlovvorn@fbacademy.com or 214-923-2813.
Jan 16 Tulsa Memorial Chargers need 2 Varsity Games because of weather cancellation of a tournament. Can be Boys only or Boys and Girls, and we can play JV Boys and Girls if want. Call or text Coach Allison at 918-809-3511 to discuss if interested home and away options. Definite Dates available- January-17th, 18th, 20th, & 30th, February 1st, 3rd, 6th, & 10th-possible others as well just call to discuss.
Jan 16 We currently have openings in the Jenks-Union Invitational basketball tournament, Jan 23-25. Please contact me or Emily Barkley (barkley.emily@unionps.org) if interested. Travel fee provided.
Jan 16 Miami (4A) is looking to pick up a boys and girls varsity basketball game due to a tournament game being canceled today. Open date is January 30. Please contact Rodney Sooter at rsooter@miamips.net or 918-845-7247 if interested. We would prefer a home game, but would consider travel as well.
Jan 16 Blackwell Middle School hosts a tournament the last week in January each year. We are looking for teams to join our tournament. Please contact Kari Widener at kwidener@blackwell.k12.ok.us to enter or for details.
Jan 16 Jones High School is looking for HS Girls and Boys teams to fill the 15th Annual Jones Kiwanis Invitational January 23rd, 24th, & 25th. We will have a great hospitality room along with a great environment and great facilities. Any teams interested please contact Athletic Director Kevin Witt kwitt@jonesps.org
Jan 16 Frontier Public Schools is looking for teams in class B-3A to fill spots for a HS basketball tournament during the first tournament week of the 2025-2026 season. Dec. 11-13 This will be a consecutive 3-day tournament. Any teams interested need to contact Athletic Director Eric Spidell at Eric.Spidell@frontierok.com
Jan 16 Sequoyah High School (Tahlequah) is looking for some regular season basketball games for the 25-26 season. If interested, please contact boys coach Zac Briscoe at (918) 704-8068 or girls coach Justin Brown at (918) 824-0547.
Jan 16 Enid High School 9th Grade Girls' and Boys' Basketball is in need of a home-and-home with anyone that has availability. If needed, we can do a single game as well. Enid High School Boys' Basketball is in search of a tournament for the week of January 23-25. If able to fill any of the above needs, please reach out to: Aly Seng - Head Girls Coach (atseng@enidk12.org), Russell Gilmore - Head Boys Coach (rjgilmore@enidk12.org), or Scott Mansfield - Athletic Director (rsmansfield@enidk12.org).
Jan 16 Wynnewood is looking to add a game or two to our basketball schedule for this year. Missed out on a tournament due to snow and we are looking for a game to play. Please contact Chase Sawyer you can email or text/ call me. Csawyer@wynnewood.k12.ok.us 405.207.8835 Please send open dates!
Jan 8 Guymon High School is looking for Varsity Football Games for the 2025 Season, would be open to traveling. If interested, contact Head Football Coach Jake Martinez at Jake.martinez@guymontigers.com
Jan 8 Southeast High School Is looking for a Varsity football game for the 2025 season. We are seeking a Week 0, Week 2 or Week 7 game to complete our schedule for the 2025 season, Contact information- Cell 405-473-3403 or Mdbillingsley@okcps.org.
Jan 8 The Mounds Basketball tournament will take place January 22-24, 2026. We are looking for girls and boys teams to fill some openings. If interested please email jclay@moundsps.com
Jan 7 The Madill Winter Classic basketball tournament will take place December 4-6, 2025. We are looking for at least 1 boys & girls team to join, possibly more. Please email me at cspeer@madillok.com if you have any interest!
Jan 7 BETHANY HS had a team drop from our football schedule and is in need of a home football game for the 2025 fall season. We can play Week 1 (September 6) or Week 3 (September 20). Please contact Head Football Coach, Jon Arthur, if you are also in need of a game.
Jan 7 Crossover is scheduling volleyball HS and MS games for the 2025 season. Please contact Durrell.robinson@crossoverprep.org if you are interested in scheduling games.
Jan 7 Crossover Prep is scheduling 8 football games for HS and MS the 2025 season. If interested please contact keanna.sells@crossoverprep.org to schedule games.
Jan 6 Deer Creek Boys Basketball Tournament Opening - Jan 23-25, 2025. We have a team not able to participate which has resulted in one opening in our upcoming tournament. Please contact Mike Donnelly ASAP if you are interested.
Jan 6 Tecumseh is looking to fill open dates for HS and JH baseball games in the spring. Open to tournaments as well. Willing to travel and doesn’t matter the class. Contact Easton Marrs at marrse@tecumsehschools.org or by text at 405-370-6131 for dates.
Jan 6 Riverfield is looking for two games for the 2025-26 basketball season. Please contact Jason Bogle at jbogle@riverfield.org
Jan 6 Comanche (3A) is looking for a couple of high school basketball games for the 25-26 season. Currently we have 12/2/25, 12/5/25, 12/16/25 and 1/30/26 open. Please contact Sean Hushbeck at 580-606-3915 or seanhushbeck@cpsok.org if you are interested in scheduling a game.
Jan 6 Tulsa Memorial Chargers Girls & Boys Basketball Program would like to extend invitations again to Girls and Boys Basketball programs interested in playing in next year's 2 day Festival. Girls Games December 19th and Boys Games on the 20th. This year's event was a great success and we would like to make the 2025 edition even better. Please Contact Bobby Allison via email allisro@tulsaschools.org or phone 9188093511 if interested or have questions.
Jan 6 Putnam Heights Academy is looking for Soccer games for our varsity teams for the upcoming 2025 season. This is our first year participating in Soccer and we are open to playing Varsity or Junior Varsity games for our girls and boys team. Please contact Coach Otis Moses via email at ocmoses@okcps.org or via cellular at 405-255-5261.
Jan 6 Millwood Baseball is seeking more games for this upcoming spring season. Looking to fill games for Varsity, JV and Jr.High. Please contact: Coach Greco at 405-496-7388 or at email at kanegreco138@icloud.com
Dec 19 Choctaw is hosting our traditional Yellowjacket Invitational March 11th for 7th, 8th, and 9th Grade Divisions and March 13th for JV & Varsity Competition. We are limiting this meet to approximately 15 teams so please confirm your team's attendance as quickly as possible. Second is our more non-traditional Distance Night (Including Throws) on April 22nd featuring 800 on up, plus DMR, and a fun Mixed 4x8 and a Throwers Relay. Next is our Sting Em Sprint Showcase Night (Including Jumps/PV) on April 24th, that will include Open 400s on down plus a Sprint Relay and a fun Mixed 4x4. We are also limiting this meet to approximately 15 teams so please confirm your team's attendance as quickly as possible. Thank you, Brad Clark
Dec 18 Cascia Hall is looking for a final basketball game for the 2024-25 basketball season. Prefer it to be a large classification team.
Dec 17 Star Spencer High School is looking for a Girls Basketball Team, Varsity of JV to participate, Friday, December 20th and December 21st, 2024. If interested contact Lance Cudjoe at 405 818 0746.
Dec 17 Moore High School Boys & Girls Track & Field is looking for 5A/6A track meets for the 2024-2025 school year. Particularly any after school or Saturday meets. Please email Head Girls Coach if you still have openings: christopherwise@mooreschools.com or text 405-822-9310.
Dec 17 Moore Junior High Boys & Girls Track & Field (7th/8th and or 9th grade) is looking for track meets for the 2024-2025 school year. Please email Head Girls Coach if you still have openings: christopherwise@mooreschools.com or text 405-822-9310.
Dec 13 Pawhuska had a team drop late. We are looking for a boys and girls team on January 17th. We would be willing to drive to you.
Dec 12 Stratford is looking for a few more teams for its JH basketball tournament this season. The dates are Jan. 20,23,25 of 2025. It is primarily a 9th grade tournament. But we have had 8/9 combination, just 9th or even 7/8 combination of teams. We would prefer 3A schools and down. If interested call AD - Tony Prichard at 405-328-0733.
Dec 12 Wilson (Henryetta) is looking for a varsity game on 12/16/24 or 12/17/24. Willing to host or travel. We are open to playing any class. If you are interested please reach out to Grant Proctor 918-695-1792
Dec 11 TULSA NOAH Football is looking for a varsity home football game on either Week 4 (9/26) or Week 6 (10/10) for the 2025 season. Contact Info: James Ballinger at (918) 606-8214 or jameshudsonballinger@gmail.com
Dec 10 Summit Christian Academy (Class A) in Broken Arrow will be hosting a tournament December 11-13, 2025 and is looking for boys and girls schools to fill out the brackets. Our new area opened in August 2024 and offers 4 locker rooms with showers and bathrooms, a hospitality room for coaches and administrators, automatic Hudl game film exchange, and is located in a populated area in Broken Arrow. There will be tournament gifts for the coaches, all tournament team awards, championship trophies, and we will feed the teams after their games. If interested please reach out to boys coach Tim VanDuser (918-576-9652) or girls coach Misti Cussen (918-671-7134).
Dec 9 Weatherford Middle School is looking for a 7th-grade girls team to play in a January 9-11 tournament and an 8th-grade girls team for the January 16-18 tournament. Please get in touch with Shelly Pond at 580-302-1906 if you are interested. We can make it work if you need both girls and boys teams to participate. 
Dec 9 Perkins-Tryon volleyball is currently looking to fill our 2025 7/8/9 volleyball schedule. Please contact Andy Everson at 405-757-9257 or aeverson@p-t.k12.ok.us to schedule games. Looking for home/home as well as single matches.
Dec 9 We have an opening for 1 girls and boys team in our Festival January 9th-10th, 2025. We are open to small schools (B-2A) or even larger school JV teams. You would be guaranteed 2 games, one each day. Please reach out to athletic director David Doss at ddoss@navajo.k12.ok.us if interested in being a part of this.
Dec 5 Jones High School is looking for HS Girls and Boys teams to fill the 15th Annual Jones Kiwanis Invitational January 23rd, 24th, & 25th. We will have a great hospitality room along with a great environment and great facilities. Any teams interested please contact Athletic Director Kevin Witt kwitt@jonesps.org

Dec 4 Checotah High School is looking for a HS Boys and Girls team to fill the 24-25 Checotah Crossroads Classic Basketball Tournament. The dates are January 23rd, 24th, and 25th 2025. If there is any interest please contact Jason Dowdy at 918-931-9193 or JMDowdy@checotah.k12.ok.us.
Dec 4 Lexington High School we begin to host it‘s Lexington 89ers Bulldog Invitational Basketball Tournament, January 22-24, 2026. We will have a top of the line hospitality room along with an electric environment to play in. Any teams interested should contact athletic director Wes Moore at wmoore@lexington.k12.ok.us.
Dec 2 Oologah is looking for a JV volleyball tournament for 2024 - contact abby.piha@oologah.k12.ok.us with openings.
Nov 25 Christian Heritage Academy is looking for 1 HS boys and 1 HS girls team to replace a team in the Jim Elliot Crusader Classic basketball tournament this year December 12-14, 2024. We offer a great coaches gift and a great hospitality room for coaches, administrators and their families. Players and coaches get a free t-shirt and player snacks on Thursday and Friday. Please contact Clint LittleJim, AD at clittlejim@cha.org or cell 405-823-9393
Nov 20 Alva High School is looking for 1 boy and 1 girl JV team for a basketball tournament. Dates are December 12th, 13th, and 14th 204. If interested please send email to djbeeler@alvaschools.net
Nov 19 Perkins-Tryon is looking for a home dual on Tuesday, December 3. Contact Roger Roberts at 405-612-7603 or rroberts@p-t.k12.ok.us
Nov 19 Eisenhower High school located in Lawton is looking for 1 team to fill its second annual Volleyball Tournament on Thursday August 28th. Each team is guaranteed 3 games in pool play and 1 game in tournament play. There is a coaches hospitality room and a gift for each team member. If interested please contact Head Coach Katie Keiper at katie.keiper@lawtonps.org or Athletic Coordinator Kyle Williams at kyle.williams@lawtonps.org
Nov 18 The 2026 SRT JH Basketball Tournament @ Roff is looking for teams. The dates are Jan. 12,14,15,17. If interested you may contact Roff AD Steve Kile @ 580-399-6362 or skile@roff.k12.ok.us
Nov 18 Tuttle Public Schools is looking for 7/8/JV football games for the 2025 season. We are needing to fill a home date on either September 2nd or September 29th. We are also looking for 2 HS varsity/JV home basketball games for the 25-26 season and JH games for 25-26 as well. Please contact Sean Brooks, AD at sbrooks@tuttleschools.org if interested.
Nov 15 Guymon High School is looking for 9th Grade Football Games for the 2025 Season. If interested, please contact Jake Martinez at Jake.martinez@guymontigers.com
Nov 13 Enid High School is looking for home and home games for both Girls' and Boys' 9th grade basketball. Please contact Head Girls Coach Aly Seng (atseng@enidk12.org), 9th Grade Coach Jashawn Talton (jdtalton@enidk12.org), Head Boys Coach Russell Gilmore (rjgilmore@enidk12.org), or Athletic Director Scott Mansfield (rsmansfield@enidk12.org) to help schedule games.
Nov 13 Carl Albert is looking for one boys team to fill the 2025 Titan Classic Tournament. It is Jan. 23-25, 2025. It will be a highly competitive tournament this year. If you are interested, please contact Coach Jay Price at jprice@mid-del.net or (405-760-4045)
Nov 13 We unexpectedly lost a boys team for the 2025 Skiatook Basketball Tournament. Our teams are 4A and down, however with this being an emergency we will accept a higher class JV team. The tournament will take place on January 9th, 10th, and 11th. We have an amazing hospitality room and a beautiful arena. Each player and coach will receive a tournament t-shirt, along with a special gift for the head coach. Please let me know if you’re interested or if you have any questions, Dawn Crase dawncrase@skiatookschools.org
Nov 13 Woodward High School is looking for 2 Varsity boys and girls basketball games on December 20, 2024 and February 4, 2025. We are willing to play JV games as well. Please contact Athletic Director David Norton at david.norton@woodwardps.net or call 580-541-3625.
Nov 11 Oklahoma Christian Academy is looking for a JV volleyball tournament for the 2025 season. Please contact Melody Steelman at msteelman@ocacademy.org.
Nov 8 Wynnewood has openings for the 2025/2026 basketball season for varsity. Please reach out to Chase Sawyer: csawyer@wynnewood.k12.ok.us 405.207.8835
Nov 7 Sharon-Mutual is a needing a girls and boys team for our JH Basketball Tournament Jan 13, 16, 18, 2025 Contact Jylian Pinnell at jpinnell@smps.k12.ok.us
Nov 4 Stuart High School (Class B) is looking for a varsity basketball game for the 2025-26 season. If interested, contact Rodney Treat rtreat@stuart.k12.ok.us 918.616.1770 or Jeff Weedn jweedn@stuart.k12.ok.us 405.919.3511
Noc 4 Wynnewood High School is in need of a regular season game on 12-6-2024. We are also in need of 1 girls basketball team for our Invitational that is December 12-14. We had a late drop. Please reach out to Chase Sawyer head boys basketball coach @405-207-8835 or Email @csawyer@wynnewood.k12.ok.us
Nov 4 CHANDLER HIGH SCHOOL is looking for a HS Basketball home game for the 25-26 season on the following dates: December 5, 2025 or February 7, 2026; Text or call AD Geoff Metheny at 405-240-6485 or email geoff.metheny@chandlerlions.org
Nov 4 Garden City High School (KS) needs 2 boys & 2 girls basketball teams for our GCHS Roundball Tournament - December 11th-13th, 2025. GCHS will provide programs with a travel stipend, hotel rooms for 2 nights, post-game meals, hospitality room, coaches gift, 3 game guarantee, + much more! If interested, please contact Jacob Miller at jmiller1@gckschools.com or 602-561-0436
Nov 1 Alcott Middle School 7th & 8th Grade Girls and Boys basketball teams are looking for regular season games and 8th grade tournaments. Please contact Coach Andrews aandrews3@normanps.org (405-919-6644)
Nov 1 LONE GROVE SCHOOLS (Class 3A-4A) is looking for HS Basketball games for the 2025-26 season on the following dates: December 5, 2025; December 16, 2025; January 20, 2026. We are also looking for 6-7-8-9 games on the following dates: November 20, 2025; January 15, 2025. Contact Sam Hale, Athletic Director, at 580-657-3189 Ext. 5001 or shale@lonegrove.k12.ok.us.
Nov 1 Casady School is seeking 1-2 games to fill out the Spring 2025 soccer schedule. Both Boys and Girls are in need of games. We have several dates available. Please contact Mike Shepherd @ shepherdm@casady.org or you can call or text 405-568-8409.
Nov 1 Plainview High School is looking for a Varsity boys and girls basketball game on December 10, 2024. We had a team double book and would like to fill that date. We are willing to play JV games as well. Would prefer the games at home, but will consider traveling. Please contact Athletic Director Ryan Luhmann at rluhmann@plainview.k12.ok.us or 580-490-3150.
Oct 31 The Perkins-Tryon Junior High School Wrestling Tournament has been canceled.
Oct 31 Roff High School will be starting a basketball tournament beginning In the 2026-27 season. The dates will be Dec. 3,4,5. Any teams that are interested may contact Athletic Director Steve Kile at 580-399-6362 or skile@roff.k12.ok.us
Oct 31 Tulsa Will Rogers High School is looking for 2 girls' teams to fill our Rogers/Edison Invitational Tournament January 23-25, 2025. Open to High School teams and competitive JV teams. Please contact Will Rogers HS Athletic Director William Coleman- colemwi@tulsaschools.org
Oct 28 The NEO High School Basketball Tournament is looking for teams. We need 2 boys and 3 girls. Open to High School teams and competitive JV teams. January 23-25, 2025. Contact Shelby Saul at shelby.saul@neo.edu or 918-540-6327.

Oct 28 Australian Touring Teams – Boys and Girls Varsity Basketball – Looking for games or even scrimmage in the OKC Area on December 31. Prefer during the day. Around 2A-3A level or play higher level JV teams. If interested please contact Paul Lankford – paul@allaussie.com.au or via iMessage/WhatsApp on +61 402-110-446.
Oct 28 CIMARRON PUBLIC SCHOOLS are looking for teams that are interested in the CIMARRON WINTER CLASSIC in December 4-6, 2025. Cimarron is located 10 miles west of Enid. If you are interested please contact Reggie Island via email risland@cimarron.k12.ok.us or by text message (405) 795-4896.

Oct 24 Little Axe Middle School is looking for 4 games MS boys and girls 7th/8th grade teams for a date of December 12 or 19th Home or away games and looking for start times of 430/530/630/730. Please have them contact Terry Rogers at terry.rogers@littleaxeps.org or (580)514-9808.
Oct 23 Union High School Boys/Girls need a game for the 2024-2025 season, contact AD Emily Barkley or Associate AD Joe Redmond at 918-357-7410.
Oct 22 Union High School Boys/Girls need a game for 2024-2025 season
Oct 22 Burns Flat-Dill City Schools is looking for HS Basketball games for November 18th, 2025 and November 21st, 2025. Class 2A or below. Contact Jamie Matuszewski at 580-562-4844 ext. 102.
Oct 16 Destiny Christian hosts a Boys' and Girls' Elementary Basketball League (Grades 3rd - 6th). This league is intended for school teams, not AAU / club teams. If interested, contact Chris Hamel at clhamel@gmail.com.
Oct 16 Perkins-Tryon Junior High School is looking for 4 more Junior High teams to complete our tournament. The tournament date is December 13th and 14th. Contract Coach Roger Roberts for information. rroberts@p-t.k12.ok.us or 405-612-7603
Oct 16 Locust Grove is needing some teams to complete our field for our annual high school boys and girls soccer tournament held on March 13-14. If interested please contact AD Sam Nelson- snelson@lg.k12.ok.us 918-949-0010
Oct 16 Shawnee Girls Soccer is looking for scrimmages and regular season contests. Please contact Head Coach Mike Blitch 405-765-7767 or mikblitch@shawnee.k12.ok.us
Oct 16 Tishomingo MS/JH will be adding 4 new tournaments for the '25-'26 basketball season. We have brand new, state of the art facilities and will have a nice hospitality room as well. There will be four separate divisions: 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Playing kids down a grade level will not be allowed. The 5th grade and 6th grade tournament will be on Nov. 2,3,and 6. The 7th and 8th grade tournament will be on Nov. 10,13, and 15. To express interest or seek additional info contact Coach Joe Harbert at jharbert@tishomingo.k12.ok.us or text/call at (405)301-7113.
Oct 8 Star Spencer High School is looking to schedule wrestling matches for this season and is open to traveling for competitions. Please contact Coach Dye at rddye@okcps.org or call 720-483-4005 if you’re interested in arranging a match.Thank you!
Oct 4 Waller MS (Enid) 8th grade girls basketball team needs 1 game to finalize their schedule. Available dates are: Nov. 7, Dec. 2, Dec. 12, and Jan 9. Contact Coach James Saunders @ jksaunders@enidk12.org or (580) 231-1914.
Oct 4 Emerson-Longfellow (Enid) needs 1 game for their 7th grade boys & girls teams. Available dates are Nov. 7, Dec. 2, Dec. 5, Jan. 23, and Feb. 3. Contact Coach James Saunders @ jksaunders@enidk12.org or (580) 231-1914
Oct 3 Stillwater is looking for a JV or 9th grade football game on Monday October 7th. We will travel. Please contact Coach Chad Cawood at 405-762-6181 if you’re interested.
Oct 2 Pawhuska is looking for 3 teams to fill our boys' bracket and 2 teams to fill our girls' bracket. The tournament date is January 23rd-25th. We have a new hotel in town and would be willing to pay for half or all the cost. Please contact AD Tyler Hughes at tylerhughes@pawhuskadistrict.org or by cell (918) 319-0928.
Oct 2 Pawhuska is looking for a girls' and boys' team to fill our junior high basketball tournament on November 14th-16th . Please contact head coach Jason Snodgrass at (620) 253-8295 or head coach David Cash at (405) 320-2177.
Oct 1 Liberty Public Schools Is looking for 7th/8th boys and girls basketball teams to fill our tournament November 18th,19th, and 20th. Contact Shane Page - Athletic Director: (918)316-0992 or at: shane.page@libertyps.org
Oct 1 Seminole needs JH football week of Oct 14 call Mike Snyder 405 380 2330
Sept 26 Buffalo High School is looking for a week 2 or week 3 opponent for the 2025 football season. If interested please contact Dusty Yauk at 580-748-1594.
Sept 26 Colbert Public Schools is looking for tournaments that are available for our JH and JV. Please contact ricep@colbertisd.org
Sept 26 Mounds High School is needing 1 team for our High School baseball tournament on April 10-12, 2025. Please contact Jonathan Clay at jclay@moundsps.com
Sept 24 Moore High School is looking for a boys team to fill our John Nobles Tournament January 23-25, 2025. Tournament Highlights: Competitive games, Head and Assistant Coaches gifts, Hospitality Room for Coaches and Administrators, and Team awards/All Tournament team. Please contact Moore HS Athletic Director Courtney Walker courtneywalker@mooreschools.com
Sept 24 Carl Albert is looking for one boys team to fill the 2025 Titan Classic Tournament. It is Jan. 23-25, 2025. It will be a highly competitive tournament this year. If you are interested, please contact Coach Jay Price at jprice@mid-del.net or (405-760-4045)
Sept 24 Minco High School(2A) is looking for BASEBALL games for this upcoming spring season. We have a Varsity/JV team as well as a Junior High(7th-8th) team. If interested in playing please reach out to Head Baseball Coach Tucker Calmus. EMAIL: tcalmus@minco.k12.ok.us PHONE: 405-926-0406
Sept 24 Marlow JH Football is looking for a 9th grade opponent for Thursday, September 26th. We have 7th & 8th grade games scheduled that night. But, a recent cancellation has created an opening for a home game for our freshman team. The game would start at approximately 7:30pm. If you are interested in playing, please contact Daryn Brantley (405-201-5017) or Matt Weber (580-736-8940). Thank you!
Sept 23 Douglass High School (4A) is looking for girls only basketball games or tournaments for this 2024-2025 season. If you have any openings please send me dates. Email aeanderson@okcps.org or text 405-365-6336
Sept 23 Due to a late drop, Sequoyah (Tahlequah) has an opening for boys and girls in our varsity basketball tournament December 12-14. We’ll cover hotel costs for 10 rooms, $100 Visa gift card for head coaches, gift cards for 2 assistants, incredible hospitality room, and great competition, atmosphere and venue! Contact boys coach Zac Briscoe at 918-704-8068 or girls coach Justin Brown at 918-824-0547 if you’re interested.
Sept 23 BASEBALL — Minco High School(2A) is looking for games this spring season. We have a Varsity/JV team as well as a Junior High(7th-8th) team. If interested in playing please reach out to Head Baseball Coach Tucker Calmus. EMAIL: tcalmus@minco.k12.ok.us PHONE: 405-926-0406
Sept 23 Calvin Schools is looking for 1 varsity Boys' and Girls' team to fill a tournament spot January 9-11 due to a late drop. JV teams are welcome - jwinningham@calvin.k12.ok.us
Sept 23 Nowata Schools is having a 6th grade Basketball tournament Oct 28, 29, 31. We are needing 1 more team. If interested contact Homer Johnston (AD) at 918-260-8823 or Derick Ott (Head Boys Coach) at 918-443-0370.
Sept 23 OWASSO BOYS BASKETBALL is looking for an 8th or 9th grade basketball coach. If interested please send your resume to Brian Montonati at brian.montonati@owassops.org.
 Sept 18 DEER CREEK MIDDLE SCHOOL - We are in need of a 7th Grade Girls and Boys Basketball team for our 2024 7th Grade Basketball Tour, Dec 5-7, 2024. If interested please contact yohancebrown@dcsok.org
Sept 18 Granite HS in SW OK is needing an eighth team for their Best of the Southwest Basketball Tournament, December 12-14, 2024. Current field is Class A and B. Contact Kol Bomhoff @ 405-368-7552 or kbomhoff@granite.k12.ok.us
Sept 18 Sedgwick HS in Sedgwick Kansas is looking to join a varsity volleyball tournament early Oct and did know where to look to see if there were any openings in Oklahoma. We are a 2A school in Kansas (140 students) in the High School and we have been a very competitive volleyball team for several years. If you can please direct me to a site where we can see tournaments or where I can post our info that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Scott MoshierAD/Assistant Principal Sedgwick JH/HS Cell - 620.873.9190
Sept 17 Seminole Football needs 7-8 9th / jv combo football games week of September 23 week of Oct 14 - msnyder@sps.k12.ok.us
Sept 16 Tulsa NOAH Jaguars Baseball will be hosting a High School Invitational Baseball Tournament in Tulsa -- March 20-22, 2025: • **ONE** Varsity spot remaining! • 5-Game Guarantee • $450-$500 Entry • Unique Awards for Champions • Full Concessions • Hotels and Variety of Restaurants 1-Mile from park, Tulsa Hills • Nearby Entertainment and Attractions Including Riverwalk Crossing, The Gathering Place, Main Event, Philbrook Museum and the Oklahoma Aquarium ... https://www.noahjags.org/bales-classic Please email sean@bluebrush.com with any questions or to reserve the final spot!
Sept 16 Crutcho Middle School needing boys and girls middle school basketball games. Please Contact Mike Walker at Mwalker@crutchoesd.org or (405)427-3771
Sept 16 Norman North Girls varsity basketball is needing a tournament Jan 9-11 dates. Dusty Porch Norman North Athletic Director 405-366-5954 ext. 529070
Sept 10 Edmond Memorial HS is looking for 1 game this year (boys and girls Var/JV), date TBD. Would prefer a home date, but would be willing to talk about travel options as well. Please contact Shane Cowherd at shane.cowherd@edmondschools.net if interested.
Sept 10 Due to a late drop Mounds High School is needing one team tol fill the Mounds Tournament on January 23rd-24th, 2025 Please contact Athletic Director Jonathan Clay, jclay@moundsps.com
Sept 9 Savanna High School still has 1 opening for a girls and boys team in our Freedom Ford basketball tournament this season. Tournament is set for December 9th – 14th. We host a great tournament, with an outstanding hospitality room, and coaching gifts! If you have any questions contact Matt Murdaugh 918-429-2161 
Sept 9 Destiny Christian school in Del City is hosting a HS volleyball tournament this Saturday, 9/7 starting at 9 am. We recently had a last minute cancelation and would love one more HS team to join us! Please contact rachele.quinones@destinywildcats.com for more information.
Sept 9 Owasso Boys Basketball is looking to hire an 8th and 9th grade basketball coach. If interested please send a resume to Brian Montonati via email brian.montonati@owassops.org.
Sept 9 Star Spencer High School is looking for wrestling matches for this winter. We are willing to travel. We are open to any date.Please contact Coach Dye at rddye@okcps.org or 720-483-4005. Thank you
Sept 9 I need 1 boys and 1 girls team for our Junior High Tournament November 11th, 14th, and 16th. If interested please call Todd Whittemore at (423) 914-1904 AD and head boys basketball coach at Olustee-Eldorado schools.
Sept 5 Will Rogers is looking for one game boys and girls jv and varsity set on or before 12/3/24 if you are interested please contact coach Shipps at shippra2@tulsaschools.org.
Sept 5 Verden Junior high is looking to add 3 games to the 2024-2025 schedule. We are willing to travel. The dates that we have available are November 4th, 14th, 18th and Dec 5th. Please contact Kevin McLendon at kmclendon@verdenschools.org or 405-453-7247
Sept 5 Enid Boys' Basketball is looking for a game to be played on Friday, November 22, or Saturday, November 23. Additionally, Enid High School is looking for 1-2 Boys' teams to fill their New Year's Classic Tournament, January 9-11. If you have any open dates or are interested in joining the tournament, please reach out to Athletic Director Scott Mansfield (rsmansfield@enidk12.org / 580-366-8350) and/or Head Boys' Coach Russell Gilmore (rjgilmore@enidk12.org).
Sept 3 Jets Middle School Football needs games or scrimmages for the 2nd-4th week of September preferably around the OKC area where we do not have anything currently scheduled. We have a combined group of 6th through 8th graders and can play 7th grade or 8th grade teams. Please contact Chris Gaylord at 405-825-0655 (text or call) or cgaylord@gmail.com. We can host or travel, just need more action for our boys.
Sept 3 Verden Jh is looking to add 3 basketball games for the 24-25 season. We are willing to travel. If anyone is interest please contact Kevin McLendon at 404-453-7247 or kmclendon@verdenschools.org
Sept 3 It's early but Boswell schools will be having a junior high festival on March 3rd and a high school festival on March 4th. Teams will have two games. Contact Randal Copeland rcopeland@boswellschools.org or (580)513-0523
Sept 3 Summit Christian has an opening in our Varsity Volleyball Tournament on September 20 and 21. Pool play will be on Friday and all teams will advance to bracket play on Saturday. The cost to enter will be $200. We will have a hospitality room and gifts for coaches. Please contact Jessica Hopper at jhopper@summit.school or 918-697-8220
Sept 3 Prince of Peace (Carrollton, TX) Varsity Boys just had our pre-Christmas tournament fall through, so we're looking to host an 8-team tournament on Thursday (12/19) and Friday (12/20) and need a couple more teams. Hospitality room and solid competition. Games will start at 1 PM on Thursday and 10 AM on Friday. Each team will play 3 games. The cost is $350. If interested, please contact Michael Flood at Michael.flood@popcs.org or 817-800-5206
Sept 3 Dibble High School has openings for their Boys and Girls JH Basketball tournament. This is a 3 game guarantee. Games will be played on December 2nd, 5th and 7th, 2024. If you are interested please contact Coach Nick Price 405-821-5873 or Coach Cameron Corbin 405-406-1621.
Sept 3 Moore HS needs 1 boys' team and 2 girls' teams for the John Nobles Tournament Jan. 23-25, 2025. Please contact Moore HS Athletic Director at 405-735-4723 or email: courtneywalker@mooreschools.com or Head Boys Coach at 405-735-4753 or email: gregghardin@mooreschools.com.
Sept 3 Sayre High School is looking for a basketball game for the 24-25 season. The open dates are Dec. 3, Jan. 28, or Jan. 30. Contact Staci Wilson 580-471-6441 or swilson@sayre.k12.ok.us
Sept 3 Broken Bow is in need of 1 regular season basketball game for this upcoming year. Would prefer a home date but would be willing to travel or possibly meet in the middle if needed. Contact Ryan Woolsey 580 579 0507 if interested.
Sept 3 Vanoss School is looking for a junior high baseball opponent for Thursday August the 29th. Games can begin from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Two five inning games. If interested, e-mail gjohnson@vanoss.k12.ok.us
Sept 3 Catoosa High School is looking for a boy and girl team to fill in for our 59th Annual Port City Classic. The dates are Jan. 23-25th, 2025. Please reach out to Courtne St. Clair, Athletic Director at cstclair@catoosa.k12.ok.us.
Sept 3 Hennessey is looking for one more JH game (7th & 8th) for the upcoming 24-25 basketball season. We have several dates open but would prefer December 9th, 17th, 20th, or Feb 6th. If interested, please contact Brian Richardson at 580-339-1213 or brichardson@hps.k12.ok.us.
Sept 3 Hennessey will be hosting a high school basketball tournament for the 2025-2026 basketball season. The dates will be Jan 22nd - 24th of 2026. We will provide gifts for the coaches, tournament t-shirts for the players, and a gift for the winning coaches. All games will be officiated with 3 man crews and games will be live streamed on Skordle. A hospitality room along with a meal for the seeding meeting will also be provided. Hennessey's Eagle Event Center is one of the best venues in the state and is a Regional and Area playoff site every year. If interested or have any questions, please contact Brian Richardson at 580-339-1213 or email at brichardson@hps.k12.ok.us.
Sept 3 Due to a recent drop, Emerson-Longfellow MS (Enid) is looking for 2 games (H & A) for their 7th & 8th grade boys & girls teams. Available dates are: Nov. 7, 2024 Jan. 23, 2025 Feb. 3, 2025 Feb. 6, 2025 Please contact Coach Saunders at 580-231-1914 or email at jksaunders@enidk12.org
Sept 3 Waller MS (Enid) 8th grade girls basketball team needs 1 game to finalize their schedule. Open dates are: - Nov. 7, Dec. 2, Dec. 16 & Jan. 9. Please contact Coach Saunders at 580-231-1914 or email at jksaunders@enidk12.org
Sept 3 Putnam City West High School (OKC) football is looking for 1 varsity football game. The dates we are looking for are between 9/13 or 9/20. Please contact Athletic Director Archie Randall at Arandall@putnamcityschool.org or Greg Johnson at Gregj@putnamcityschools.org if your team is interested. External email - Use caution with links and attachments.
Sept 3 Crossings Christian School is in need of a Week 1 (Sep. 6) or Week 3 (Sep. 20) varsity football game for the 2024 season. Please contact Head FB coach Jacob Stephenson (jstephenson@crossingsschool.org) or Athletic Director Shawn Schenk (sschenk@crossingsschool.org) if you have an opening either of those weeks.
Sept 3 Moore HS needs 1 girls' team and 2 boys' team to fill the John Nobles Tournament Jan. 23-25, 2025. Please contact our AD at 405-735-4723 or email: courtneywalker@mooreschools.com or Head Boys Coach at 405-735-4753 or email: gregghardin@mooreschools.com.
Sept 3 Looking for one team for the 2025 26th Annual Mickey Mantle Classic Baseball Tournament in Commerce Ok on April 10-12. Guarantee 3 Games, Banquet with Meal, Special Guest Speaker. All Tournament Team Awards, Special Awards, Coaches Hospitality Room, Special Guest Autograph Signing at the Field on Saturday. Contact Brian Simmons 918-533-1149 Cell bsimmons@mickeymantleclassic.com
Sept 3 Crooked Oak is looking for freshman basketball games for the 24-25 season. Needing close to 10 more games. We will even play JV teams or smaller varsity teams. This group is the best young group we have had, and we just need games for them. Home and home, tournament, anything would help. Contact 405-985-1670.
Aug 21 Community Christian (3A) needs to add two varsity basketball games (girls and boys) for this upcoming season. Preferable dates would be in February but we may be able to make something else work. We would be willing to get into a two year agreement with you to guarantee a home/away series. We also have one opening in our tournament in the boys bracket, December 12-14, 2024. Please contact Coach Tim Price @ 405-831-1004 if interested in either one.
Aug 20 Moore HS is needing a girls tournament for either Dec 5-7 and/or Jan 9-11. We also potentially need a game for Dec 13. Please contact me at courtneymoran@mooreschools.com or text/call at 405-659-2540.
Aug 19 Yukon High School is needing 1 football game for Freshman & JV for the 2024 season. Dates available are September 23rd or October 21st. Please reach out to Yukon AD Brian Hinson to schedule. brian.hinson@yukonps.com
Aug 19 We are looking wrestling match for this coming up year for Star Spencer High School Wrestling. We are restarting wrestling program we are willing to travel. Please Contact Coach Dye At rddye@okcps.org. Thanks.
Aug 15 Canadian (TX) girls basketball are looking for a game over the Christmas break. Could be Dec 27th, 28th or 31st. If interested contact Aaron Marks at aaron.marks@canadianisd.net
Aug 15 Crossover Prep football (8 man) is looking for a game on August 29th or 30th.
Aug 15 Nocona girls basketball is looking for games (JV & V) on December 3rd, January 7th, and January 31st. We are also looking for more teams for our tournament on December 5-7. Contact Kyle Spitzer if you are interested (817-304-4667).
Aug 15 Edmond North Football is looking for a JV Game on September 2nd. Need to host the game due to referee shortage. Game will be at 7:00pm. Please contact Head Coach Carter Whitson or Athletic Director Baron Potter. Carter.Whitson@edmondschools.net or Baron.Potter@edmondschools.net
Aug 15 Del City Middle School is hosting a football scrimmage on 8/23/24 for 7th and 8th grade football teams. We have a couple of open spots for both 7th and 8th grade. If you are interested, please contact mrhodes@mid-del.net
Aug 15 The Eisenhower High School girls basketball team is needing a tournament the week of December 12-14. Please contact Kyle M. Williams at (405) 426-5756
Aug 15 Putnam Heights Academy Basketball Program is looking for Basketball games for the 2024-2025 season for our varsity boys and girls teams. Please contact Coach Otis Moses at 405-255-5261 or via email at ocmoses@okcps.org.
Aug 15 Newcastle is looking for games in basketball on 12.3/12.13/12.20/1.7/2.4/2.11/2.14 please let me know if you have any open dates
Aug 15 Hennessey High School is looking for a basketball game for the upcoming 24-25 season. We would prefer a home game on Dec 17th or Feb 4th. We do have some other dates available but would prefer to try and play on the two above dates. Please contact Brian Richardson at (580) 339-1213 or brichardson@hps.k12.ok.us if interested.
Aug 15 Moore West Junior High is in need of a 7th & 8th Grade Basketball Tournament for both Boys and Girls to join in the 2024-25 season. Please contact Krystal Pickron, Athletic Director at krystalpickron@mooreschools.com
Aug 15 Okemah High School is looking for additional schools for our home football scrimmage August 23, 2024. We are also looking to add a scrimmage the 29th or 30th. Please contact AD Stefanie Norman at 918-623-8855 or email at Snorman@okemahk12.com or call Coach Vick at 918-623-8773 for additional information.
Aug 15 Miami (4A) is looking to add 6th grade basketball games for the upcoming season for both boys and girls. Please contact Rodney Sooter at 918-845-7247 or rsooter@miamips.net if interested.
Aug 15 Crossings Christian School is in need of a Week 1 (Sep. 6) varsity football game for the 2024 season. Please contact Head FB coach Jacob Stephenson (jstephenson@crossingsschool.org) or Athletic Director Shawn Schenk (sschenk@crossingschool.org) if you have an opening.
Aug 15 Hennessey is needing a basketball game for the upcoming basketball season. We have some flexibility in our schedule. Ideally we would like to play on Dec 17th or Feb 4th. Contact Brian Richardson at 580-339-1213.
Aug 15 Battiest HS Class B is looking for a HS boys and HS girls basketball game for the upcoming season. Dates open are Nov 1st, 21st,22nd, Dec. 13th, 20th both would have to be at Home, Jan 28th, Feb 6th @ Home, Feb 11. If interested text Coach Grey @ 918 448 5715 or Email @ terry.grey80@yahoo.com
Aug 15 Grove High School 4A is looking for basketball games. Prefer home and home but anything will be taken into consideration. A 3rd Basketball tournament as well if any openings. Please contact Zach Trimble ztrimble@ridgerunners.net or Richard Bassett rbassett@ridgerunners.net
Aug 14 Wilburton Schools has an opening in their high school basketball tournament Dec 12-14. Teams committed are Hartshorne,Red Oak, Atoka, Spiro, Warner, Wilburton boys. Hartshorne, Red Oak, Atoka, Spiro, Warner, Wilburton, and Sand Springs girls.
Aug 14 Little Axe HS is looking for two boys and girls teams to fill out our 30th annual Bobby Hicks basketball Tournament Jan 23-25. Great competition. Great hospitality. Great coaches gifts! If you are looking or know anyone looking we are located in Norman, OK. 10-15min East of OU Campus just up HWY 9. Great atmosphere and competitive games just a few weeks before the playoffs!
Aug 14 Tulsa NOAH Jaguars Baseball will be hosting a High School InvitatIonal Baseball Tournament in Tulsa -- March 20-22, 2025: • Varsity and JV Divisions • 5-Game Guarantee • $450-$550 Entry • Unique Awards for Champions • Full Concessions • Hotels and Variety of Restaurants 1-Mile from park, Tulsa Hills • Nearby Entertainment and Attractions Including Riverwalk Crossing, The Gathering Place, Main Event, Philbrook Museum and the Oklahoma Aquarium ... We have a few openings for both the Varsity and JV divisions! Please email sean@bluebrush.com with any questions or to reserve your spot.
Aug 12 Canute HS Baseball is looking for a Tournament Apr 3-5. Contact Bobby Blackburn : blackburnb@canuteschools.org
Aug 12 Highland West Jr High Moore, OK Looking for a tournament to put my 7th and 8th grade boys and girls basketball teams in. Contact Atheltic Director Hannah Seals at hannahseals@mooreschools.com or 405-625-4128
Aug 12 Crossings Christian School is in need of a Week 1 (Sep. 6) varsity football game for the 2024 season. Please contact Head FB coach Jacob  Stephenson (jstephenson@crossingsschool.org) or Athletic Director Shawn Schenk (sschenk@crossingschool.org) if you have an opening.
Aug 12 Oklahoma Bible Academy is looking for a game Friday 11/22/24 or Tuesday 11/19/24. Willing to travel. , and if it is Friday night will to travel farther if necessary. Contact Randy Roth (rroth@oklahomabible.com).
Aug 9 Perry High School is looking for a team to play on Feb. 14, 2025. due to 2A Districts moving up a week. Would prefer it to be a home game as we already have officials. Please email Principal, Brandon Hight if interested. bhight@perry.k12.ok.us
Aug 8 Miami High School is looking for a team to dual at home in January or early February. Looking for both boys and girls teams but we can work something out if you only have a boys team or both teams aren't available on the same day. Please reach out to bbyrne@miamips.net if you are interested and have an opening.
Aug 5 Central Junior High in Moore, OK is looking for an 8th grade boys & girls basketball tournament to join in the 2024-25 season. We are also interested in 7th grade tournaments. If you have openings please reach out to Central AD christopherwise@mooreschools.com
Aug 5 GAMES NEEDED - Edmond North is looking for a JV & 9th Grade game either September 23rd or October 14th. Please Contact Head Coach Carter Whitson if you have availability. Can be Home or Away. Carter.Whitson@edmondschools.net
Aug 5 Tulsa Memorial Boys and Girls Basketball Programs are still needing 5 TEAMS to participate in our Two-day Basketball Festival, Friday, December 20th (girls only) and Saturday, December 21st (boys only). It is our hope to have games at 12:30pm, 2, 3:30, 5:00, 6:30 and 8:00 pm on both days with 6 games each day. Teams would be evenly matched up for the best competition possible and you would not play opponents in your district, and we would try to make it where they are not in the same classification as you. We are willing to take takes from any classification to play at TULSA MEMORIAL VETERANS ARENA. Please contact Coach Bobby Allison (allisro@tulsaschools.org) or Coach Rod Hall (hallro1@tulsaschools.org) if interested or have any questions.
Aug 5 Locust Grove is searching for a final team (boys/girls) to complete our field for our annual tournament. January 9-11. Please contact AD Sam Nelson if interested, 918-949-0010.
Aug 5 Stratford HS is still needing a team for its hs tournament this fall. The dates are Aug 22-24. Call or text Coach Prichard at 405-328-0733 if interested. Would even take a jv team.
Aug 5 Miami High School (4A) is looking for one more varsity basketball game for this upcoming season (boys and girls). The best date for our schedule would be Friday, February 14th. Would prefer a home game, but will consider traveling as well. Contact Rodney Sooter at 918-845-7247 or rsooter@miamips.net.
Aug 5 JPII Plano is looking for three JV football games this Fall: 9/12, 10/10, and 11/7. We can host or travel within reason. Please call/text Coach Schiele at 972.804.4167 or email nickschiele@johnpauliihs.org.
Aug 5 Nowata is needing a softball team, varsity or JV for a softball tournament Aug 15-17. Pool play would probably play 3 games on Friday the 16th and 1 on Saturday. Contact Homer Johnston at 918-260-8823 or HJohnston@npsok.org.
Aug 5 Perkins-Tryon is seeking a few more Junior high boys wrestling to their tournament being held December 20th and 21st. Contact Head Coach, Roger Roberts for information. Roger Roberts: 405-612-7603 rroberts@p-t.k12.ok.us rogerrobertscowboy134@yahoo.com
Aug 5 Chandler High School Baseball is looking for a few more teams to restart the Mark Howard Memorial Tournament this spring. March 27-29. 3 game guarantee. No entry fee. Coaches gift. Hospitality food. Contact Head Coach Shay Rackley shay.rackley@chandlerlions.org 405-258-8025
Aug 5 Sequoyah (Tahlequah) is looking for 1 varsity boys team (girls tournament is filled) for our varsity tournament this coming December 12-14. Very competitive 3A-5A tournament, incredible hospitality room, great head coach gift and 2 assistant coach gifts, and fantastic venue and atmosphere! Contact Zac Briscoe at 918-704-8068 or Justin Brown at 918-824-0547 if interested. Thanks
Aug 5 I am seeking two teams to join the High Plains tournament, which will take place on December 5-7. Goodwell High School
Aug 5 Moore Highland East Junior High is in need of a 7th Grade Basketball Tournament for both Boys and Girls. Please contact Bart Richardson, Athletic Director, at bartrichardson@mooreschools.com or at 405-640-7049.
July 24 Goodwell is seeking two teams to join the High Plains tournament, which will take place on December 5-7.  randerson@goodwell.k12.ok.us
July 23 Bishop Kelley is looking to add some JV fastpitch games to the schedule for this upcoming 2024 season. Contact Marissa Kerns at mkerns@bishopkelley.org
July 22 Liberty in Mounds, Oklahoma needs a 7th/8th Game on Monday 9-9-24 or Tuesday 9-10-24 at home if possible, but willing to negotiate. 6:00pm Kickoff.
July 22 Edmond North is looking for 4 JV teams to compete in a tournament 8/24! Faith Avalos faith.avalos@edmondschools.net 
July 19 Tonkawa High School is looking for teams to fill out spring baseball tournament for the 2024 season. Tournament dates are March 20-22, 2024. Current teams are: Tonkawa, Hennessy, and Depew. For more information contact: Bobby Shoate - bshoate@tonkawa.k12.ok.us
July 18 Hi there. I am looking for a volleyball tournament for my varsity team. We are a competitive 3A team and don't mind competing in classes above ours. They can email me at cgowens@theacademyok.org or call/text me at (405) 245-2260.
July 17 Tulsa Memorial Boys and Girls Basketball Programs our hosting a 2-day Basketball Festival, Friday, December 20th (girls only) and Saturday, December 21st (boys only). It is our hope to have games at 12:30pm, 2, 3:30, 5:00, 6:30 and 8:00 pm on both days with 6 games each day. Teams would be evenly matched up for the best competition possible and you would not play opponents in your district, and we would try to make it where they are not in the same classification as you. We are willing to take takes from any classification to play at TULSA MEMORIAL VETERANS ARENA. Please contact Coach Bobby Allison (allisro@tulsaschools.org) or Coach Rod Hall (hallro1@tulsaschools.org) if interested or have any questions.
July 16 Carver Middle School has openings for their Boys and Girls 8th Grade Basketball tournament. There is a 3 game guarantee. Games will be played on December 10th, 12th and 14th, 2024. If you are interested please contact Coach Kevin Williams 918-282-1461 or by email willike2@tulsaschools.org
July 16 Carver Middle School will be hosting a free 6th grade Boys and Girls Basketball League. This will be a 10 game season with games being played on Saturdays at Carver Middle School. There will be a one day Playoff tournament at the end of the season. Season will begin on Saturday November 9th. If you would like to join please reach out to Athletic Director Kevin Williams at 918-282-1461 or email willike2@tulsaschools.org
July 15 Earlsboro fast pitch softball is looking for games for Fall '24. We have several openings left on the schedule. Willing to do home/away. Also looking for any tournaments with openings left, Please contact carmstrong@earlsboro.k12.ok.us
July 15 Carver Middle School Softball is looking for games to fill out their 2024 season. If you have a game or a festival that has opening please contact Coach Bree White at 539-430-1799 or email whitebriana821@gmail.com or Athletic Director Kevin Williams willike2@tulsaschools.org
July 11 The Millwood High School Girls' basketball team is looking for a tournament for the upcoming 24-25 season. We need a tournament in December.
July 11 Earlsboro HS is looking for softball games for Fall '24. We have several openings left on the schedule. Willing to do home/away. Also looking for any tournaments with openings left carmstrong@earlsboro.k12.ok.us
July 11 Football - Hooks, Tx near Texarkana is looking for a Sept. 13 OR Oct. 4th football game. Will meet halfway we need to. We are a 3A-D2 team, 320 students 9-12. Please email me at birdwellc@hooksisd.net
July 9 The Roff High School baseball tournament has an opening for this fall. The dates are Aug. 29-31. Confirmed teams are Roff, Calumet, Tushka, Latta, Calera, Moss, Ripley, Byng, Rock Creek. You may contact Roff Athletic Director Steve Kile at 580-399-6362 or skile@roff.k12.ok.us if interested.
July 8 Earlsboro HS is looking for games for Fall '24. We have several openings left on the schedule. Willing to do home/away. Also looking for any tournaments with openings left carmstrong@earlsboro.k12.ok.us
July 8 Lincoln Christian School is looking for home/away Boys and Girls Varsity basketball games for the upcoming 2024-25 season. Let me know if you are interested. Please email: jricke@lincolnchristianschool.com or phone: 918-859-7889.
July 5 Boise City is in need of high school basketball games on the following dates: Dec. 10, Jan. 13,14, 31 and Feb.1,7. Please contact Britton Gabriele at 580-817-0470 or britton.gabriele@bcpsd.org.
July 1 Riverside Indian School in Anadarko, OK will be hosting a Varsity Basketball Tournament scheduled for January 8-10, 2026. Teams are needed to fill our field that will offer a great basketball environment to include hospitality room, coaches' gifts, and team t-shirts. If interested, please contact Athletic Director Norman Tippeconnie at norman.tippeconnie@bie.edu or 580-284-0157.
July 1 Bartlesville Boys Varsity Basketball in need of games and or tournaments. Please email or call/text. Tommy DeSalme tommy.desalme@gmail.com 620-728-8339
June 27 Crossover Preparatory Academy is looking for JH 8 man football games. Please reach out to Keanna.sells@crossoverprep.org. Crossover is looking for a HS Volleyball coach. Please contact Keanna if interested.
June 27 Wynnewood HS(2A) Now has openings to schedule one regular season game. We also have a spot available in our Wynnewood Invitational Basketball Tournament for boys and girls. If interested please contact Chase Sawyer @405.207.8835 or Email: csawyer@wynnewood.k12.ok.us.
June 27 Wynnewood Schools are looking to schedule 5th grade basketball games. If interested in scheduling games please contact Coach Chase Sawyer @405.207.8835 or Email:csawyer@wynnewood.k12.ok.us.
June 27 Sequoyah (Tahlequah) is looking for 1 varsity boys team (girls tournament is filled) for our varsity tournament this coming December 12-14. Very competitive 3A-5A tournament, incredible hospitality room, great head coach gift and 2 assistant coach gifts, and fantastic venue and atmosphere! Contact Zac Briscoe at 918-704-8068 or Justin Brown at 918-824-0547 if interested.
June 27 Wynnewood Jh is looking to schedule JH Basketball Games on Dec. 2. We are also looking to schedule one more tournament (8/9). If available please contact Coach Chase Sawyer @405.207.8835 or Email: csawyer@wynnewood.k12.ok.us
June 27 Tulsa NOAH Jaguars Baseball Varsity and JV is looking to fill fall game dates for their upcoming 2024 fall baseball schedule. We would prefer scheduling Varsity/JV doubleheaders, but are open to what is available (Varsity only, etc.) We are willing to travel and would also host teams in Tulsa. Please contact Coach Sean Call with NOAH Baseball for scheduling: 918-361-3575.
June 26 Pawnee HS FB is looking for a 3rd team (along with Little Axe) for our 2nd scrimmage, Friday August 30. Karey Jones 405-762-1137.
June 26 Two Enid Public Schools Junior High Schools are searching for games. We will be willing to travel if needed. Emerson/Longfellow JH needs 2 games (September 10, 12, 17 or 19). Waller MS needs 1 game (week of Sept 9-13). Could possibly do a home-and-home with both schools (Waller - Away / E/LMS - Home) if needed. If you have availability, please reach out to any of the following: EPS Athletic Director Scott Mansfield (rsmansfield@enikd12.org / 580-366-8351), Coach Cameron Conder (cbconder@enidk12.org), Eddie Cumpston, Waller MS Coordinator (emcumpston@enidk12.org) or Antoine English, E/LMS coordinator (amenglish@enidk12.org).
June 25 The OKC Patriots varsity football team is looking to fill one game. Dates available 9/27, 10/4 and 10/25. Contact Coach Toney (580) 278-9942.
June 25 Frontier Schools needs 1 HS varsity basketball game. (Boys and Girls) Open dates are Nov. 5, 8, 19 and Dec. 6, 13 Please contact bob.weckstein@frontierok.com or 580-761-0705
June 24 Bridge Creek is looking for a MS (7th and 8th) boys and girls basketball tournament. Please contact Kevin Korstjens if you have any openings. 405-201-3287 or kkorstjens@bridgecreek.k12.ok.us
June 24 We are looking for a team to complete the field for the Edmond Open boys basketball tournament. The dates are December 5-7, 2024 hosted by Edmond North High School. Please email scott.norris@edmondschools.net if interested.
June 24 My name is Cheyenne Rhoades and I am the new Athletic Director for Thackerville Public Schools. We are hosting a high school basketball tournament December 12-14, 2024 and we are looking for a varsity team to fill our last spot. Is there any way you could post this to the job forum? Contact info for me is email: crhoades@tpsmail.org and phone number for the school is 580-276-3610.
June 20 Roff is looking for teams to join their 2024 H.S. Fast-Pitch Tournament. The dates are Sept. 5-7. Teams confirmed are Cyril, Tupelo, Stonewall, Vanoss, and Roff. If interested you may contact Steve Kile at 580-399-6362 or skile@roff.k12.ok.us
June 20 This is Tommy DeSalme, new coach @ Bartlesville High School. Needing to find teams for our tournament. Any help you can do or lead me in correct direction would be appreciated.  Bartlesville Boys Varsity Basketball: Is looking for 1 Boys  Basketball Team (preferably 3A-6A teams) to compete in the annual 2025 ConocoPhillips/Arvest Invitational Basketball Tournament  Jan, 9th-11th. Our tournament is one of the best in the state of Oklahoma for what is has to offer which includes: • Paid Hotels for Travel Teams over +90min (up to 6 bedrooms) • 2 MEALS AFTER EVERY GAME (1 for Players, 1 for Coaches) • Coaches Gifts • Free T-Shirts for Players * Excellent Competition If you’d like to join this tournament, please contact Tommy DeSalme @ desalmetr@bps-ok.org OR tommy.desalme@gmail.com or please call 620-728-8339
June 20 Mangum Basketball is looking to add one game on January 17th, or 18th. We will host or travel, if needed. Please contact Coach White via email John.White@mangum.k12.ok.us or phone (405) 885-5221
June 20 Crossings Christian School is in need of a Week 1 (Sep. 6) Varsity Football Game for the 2024 Football season. We need an away game. We are in the 2A-1 Football Classification. Please contact Head FB Coach Jacob Stephenson (jstephenson@crossingsschool.org) or Athletic Director Shawn Schenk (sschenk@crossingsschool.org, cell: 405-509-4883) if you have an opening.
June 18 Hollis is hosting a JH/HS Cross Country meet on Saturday September 7th, 2024. The coaches meeting will start at 9:45 with a meet start time at 10:00 am. The cost is $85 per HS Team, $75 per MS Team, $15 per Individual ($170 for both HS, $320 all four teams). Team Awards will be given as well as individual awards to 1st-20th places. Timing for the meet is provided by 12:1 Running Timing Services. Live results are available at www.twelve1running.com. Questions/Concerns: Coach Reagan Hightower (580) 471-5735 or rhightower@hollis.k12.ok.us or Coach Tyler Bates (580) 334-2396 or tbates@hollis.k12.ok.us
June 13 Riverside Indian School (2A) is looking to fill one varsity basketball game for the 2024-25 season. The date needed to be filled is January 18, 2025. This game is scheduled to be played at the Great Plains Coliseum in Lawton, OK. Game times would be girls varsity at 1:30pm with the boys varsity at 3:00pm. If interested please contact Athletic Director Norman Tippeconnie at norman.tippeconnie@bie.edu or 580-284-0157.
June 13 Enid's 8th grade girls basketball team is looking for 1 game to finalize their 2024-25 schedule. We are willing to travel. The available dates to play are: - Dec. 2, 2024 - Dec. 16, 2024 - Jan. 9, 2025 Please contact Coach Saunders at 580-231-1914 or via email at jksaunders@enidk12.org
June 13 Enid is looking for a ONE more team to finalize our middle school basketball tournament scheduled for Jan 30-Feb 1, 2025. If your middle school teams still need to get into a tournament, please contact Coach Saunders at 580-231-1914 or via email at jksaunders@enidk12.org
June 12 Prairiland ISD in Pattonville Texas (just outside of Paris Texas) has an immediate need for a week 0 game. Prairiland has an enrollment of 281 students. If interested please contact Head Coach Herb Smith at (903) 274-5358
June 11 Bartlesville Boys Varsity Basketball: Is looking for 1 Boys Basketball Team (preferably 3A-6A teams) to compete in the annual 2025  ConocoPhillips/Arvest Invitational Basketball Tournament Jan, 9th-11th. Our tournament is one of the best in the state of Oklahoma for what is has to offer which includes: • Paid Hotels for Travel Teams over +90min (up to 6 bedrooms) • 2 MEALS AFTER EVERY GAME (1 for Players, 1 for Coaches) • Coaches Gifts • Free T-Shirts for Players  * Excellent Competition If you’d like to join this tournament, please contact Tommy DeSalme @ desalmetr@bps-ok.org OR tommy.desalme@gmail.com or please call 620-728-8339
June 11 Sequoyah (Tahlequah) just had a team drop from our varsity tournament this coming December 12-14. Very competitive 3A-5A tournament, incredible hospitality room, great head coach gift and 2 assistant coach gifts, and fantastic venue and atmosphere! Contact Zac Briscoe at 918-704-8068 or Justin Brown at 918-824-0547 if interested. Thanks
Stigler JH Football has the following two open dates that need to be filled, if you are interested please contact Tony Gilmore - AD at tgilmore@stiglerps.com. Tuesday Sept. 17 Tuesday Oct. 1
Edison Volleyball is looking for JV and freshman volleyball tournaments to join for the 2024 Season. JV would also be open to playing in a smaller varsity tournament. Please contact Lauren Merrill if you have any openings - merrila1@tulsaschools.org.
May 31 Skiatook is looking for a varsity girls and boys team to complete our tournament next January 9th-11th 2025. Please send info to sbranscum@skiatookschools.org.
May 31 Lincoln Christian School is looking for one more school (boys and girls teams) to fill a spot in our HS Winter Classic Basketball Classic from Jan 9th-11th. Let me know if you are interested. Please email: jricke@lincolnchristianschool.com or phone: 918-859-7889.
May 31 Crossover Prep is looking for varsity Basketball games in December, and MS/JH games in November. We're also looking ro schedule volleyball games. Please contact keanna.sells@crossoverprep.org.
May 30 Weatherford High School is looking for a 2nd Scrimmage (8/29 or 8/30). Our first scrimmage is on the road, so home would be preferable, but we are not against traveling if needed. Please contact Taylor Sossamon - tsossamon@wpsok.org or Cody Cantrell - ccantrell@wpsok.org if interested.
May 29 Coweta High School and the FCA is hosting a free 7v7 for Class 5A schools and down at Coweta HS on Tuesday, July 9th. There is no charge for the tournament and lunch is provided. We will have Mike Singletary's brother Jeffrey as our lunch time speaker. He is phenomenal! Every athlete and coach will get a T-shirt. We will hydrate and have film for the teams on the game field. We hope to have 16 teams, and it is first come first serve. We have 5 teams now! Hope to hear from you soon. Call Coach Harper at 870-703-4711 for more information.
May 29 The Coleman Invitational has an opening for December 12th - 14th. It is a very competitive Class B tournament with a great hospitality room and state tournament officials. We are looking to make this one of the best small school tournaments in southeastern Oklahoma. If you are wanting in you can text or call Bubba Tamez (Coleman Athletic Director) @580.371.5436 or email michael.tamez@coleman.k12.ok.us
May 29 Ringling High School is looking for someone to join our week 2 Scrimmage with Marietta. If interested please contact HC/AD Tanner Koons tkoons@ringling.k12.ok.us
May 29 Ringling is looking for a Week 2 Junior High and Middle School game the week of September 8. If interested please contact HC/AD Tanner Koons tkoons@ringling.k12.ok.us
May 24 Need a varsity or Jv team for the Lady Ironmen Softball Tournament in Nowata. Pool play. 3 games on Thursday Aug 15, and then 1 game on Saturday Aug 17. Contact Homer Johnston at 918-260-8823
May 24 Oklahoma City Patriots is looking for Mid High football games for the 2024 season. We would like to play our 7th and 8th combined. The dates we have available are 9/10, 9/17, 9/24, 10/1 and 10/22. Contact Info: Steve Hawley (405) 808-8720 or hmgsdh@gmail.com
May 23 Duncan High School has 1 boys opening in our Southern Oklahoma Invitational. Dates are Dec. 12-14. Teams committed are Duncan, Tuttle, Chickasha, Capitol Hill, Cache, Bishop McGuinness, and Ada. We have a great hospitality room and coaches gifts. If interested contact me at (405) 990-1477 or zac.knox@duncanps.org
May 22 TULSA NOAH Football is looking for a high school football scrimmage on Aug 15th, 16th, 19th. or 20th. We play our first game versus a homeschool opponent on Aug 23rd and would love to get a scrimmage in before that. We can come to your practice if interested. We are also looking for JH and JV football games for the 2024 seasons. We would like to play our JH (7th and 8th combined) followed by a JV game. The dates we have available for JH and JV is 9/9 and 9/16. We also have 10/14 open for JH only. Contact Info: James Ballinger at (918) 606-8214 or jameshudsonballinger@gmail.com
May 22 Prairiland High School- in Pattonville, TX by Paris, TX is looking for a Week 1 football game. We are a 3A-D2. (281) HS enrollment. Please contact coach Herb Smith hsmith@prairiland.net
May 22 Canute HS is looking for a Varsity 1-7 game Monday August 19. Contact blackburnb@canuteschools.org
May 21 Bartlesville Boys Varsity Basketball: Is looking for 1 Boys Basketball Team (preferably 3A-6A teams) to compete in the annual 2025 ConocoPhillips/Arvest Invitational Basketball Tournament Jan, 9th-11th. Our tournament is one of the best in the state of Oklahoma for what is has to offer which includes: • Paid Hotels for Travel Teams over +90min (up to 6 bedrooms) • 2 MEALS AFTER EVERY GAME (1 for Players, 1 for Coaches) • Coaches Gifts • Free T-Shirts for Players * Excellent Competition If you’d like to join this tournament, please contact Tommy DeSalme @ desalmetr@bps-ok.org OR tommy.desalme@gmail.com or please call 620-728-8339
May 21 Pawnee HS FB is looking for a 3rd team (along with Little Axe) for our 2nd scrimmage, Friday, Aug. 30. Karey Jones 405-762-1137.
May 21 Henryetta Football is looking for 1 to 2 more schools for the Aug. 23rd scrimmage. Please contact Weston McGill at (605)270-3429 or wmcgill@henryetta.k12.ok.us
May 16 Enid Basketball Tourney Flyer - Click here to view
May 16 Bishop McGuinness is looking for a 9th and JV football game. Open dates are September 30th and October 7th. Email Head Football Coach Ryan Stringer at rstringer@bmchs.org
May 15 Amarillo Yellow City Basketball Tournament: Nov 25-27. Need a team for our varsity tournament in Amarillo, TX. 16 team tournament bracket. We have teams from West Texas, The Panhandle, DFW. We pay for 5 rooms for 2 nights. 4 games guaranteed.
May 14 Branson Battle @ the Border is looking for another team for its girls basketball tournament, December 5th, 6th & 7th. We have teams from Arkansas, Kansas and Missouri participating. Contact Kip Bough @ boughk@branson.k12.mo.us or 417-335-6511 ext 5712 for more information.
May 14 Looking for games to schedule on the following dates: August 22nd, August 27th, September 16th. Had some cancellations. Prefer to be at home with a lot of road games scheduled, but will travel if needed. Contact Info: Garrett Wages, Head Softball Coach 405-590-3905, gwages@mid-del.net.
May 14 Wright Christian Academy is in need of 4 more basketball games for our lower-level middle school boys team. This team consists of 6th and 7th graders. We are looking for games from November-February to complete the schedule. If you have a team that fits this age group, please contact Craig Wills at cwills@wrightchristianacademy.com.
May 14 Purcell is looking for 2 JH Football (7,8,9) Dates for 2024 - The week of 10/14 and the week of 10/21. Please contact Aaron Dillard, dillarda@purcellps.org or 405-255-8443 if interested.
May 14 New Lima is looking for teams to fill our Spring 2025 HS Baseball Tournament set for April 17-18 (and use April 19 as a rain day). We are seeking schools who are 2A and down. This tournament will be the week before small school (A & B) district tournaments. New Lima Schools is located in Seminole County, halfway between Seminole and Wewoka off of US HWY 270. If interested or for questions and inquiries, contact head coach Kevin Romine at 405.623.6080 or kromine@newlima.k12.ok.us
May 13 Due to being dropped Tulsa Central Football is looking for varsity football games for the 2024 seasons. We are looking for a Week 2 (Sept. 13) game home or away. Contact Info: Kip Shaw Head Football Coach 918-833-8444, shawcl@tulsaschools.org or Chuck Cobbins Athletic Director 918-833-8476, cobbich@tulsaschools.org.
May 10 Central High in Marlow is looking for a boys and girls basketball team to fill our tournament Jan 9-11, 2025. Right now its mainly class A and B schools but we are open to any class. Hospitality room will be available and we will have gifts for all coaches. Contact Girls Head Coach Lance Osburn at 479-228-0684 or losburn@central.k12.ok.us , Boys Head Coach Kenny McGough 405-331-9428 or kmcgough@central.k12.ok.us.
May 10 Putnam City North- Is looking for JV and 9th grade football games. Open dates are: 9/9 , 9/30, 10/21, or 10/28
May 8 Kingston High School 2A-1 Needs a non district game either week 1 or week 3. 2024 needs to be a home game, 2025 needs to be an away game. Please contact Coach Hill at bhill@kingstonisd.org
May 8 Fort Smith Northside (AR) HS Girls basketball has the following open dates: November 15th and 19th, December 17th, Benefit game November 12th Will be willing to travel for a home and home game. Contact Rickey Smith at 479-650-0282 Asst Coach Randa Grant 918-721-5592 Asst Coach Charles Cooper 479-651-6045
May 8 TULSA NOAH Football is looking for varsity football games for the 2024 seasons. We currently have Week 1, Week 4, and Week 6 open. Contact Info: James Ballinger at (918) 606-8214 or jameshudsonballinger@gmail.com
May 8 Savanna (8-man) needs two football games for the 2024 season. Available dates are week 0, week 1, week 5. Wanting class B or class C. Can travel. If interested contact Rick Cherry at phone (918) 429 - 3422 or email rcherry@savanna.k12.ok.us
May 7 Enid Middle School (Emerson/Longfellow) football is looking for 2 games. Available dates (September 10, 12, 17, and 19). If you have those available dates, please contact Athletic Director Scott Mansfield (rsmansfield@enidk12.org / 580-366-8351) or Coach Cameron Conder (cbconder@enidk12.org).
May 2 Sperry High school football is looking for a 2nd scrimmage August 29th or 30th contact Robert Park 918-260-7527
May 2 We are looking for a fourth team for our Week 1 Scrimmage. Kingfisher, OCS, and Jones. The scrimmage will be 7th -12th grade at Jones. Please contact Kevin Witt at kwitt@jonesps.org
May 2 Perkins-Tryon Football is looking for a 1st scrimmage August 22nd or 23rd. Please contact HFC Dawayne Hudson 479-856-4401 or Athletic Director Andy Everson 405-757-9257.
May 2 TULSA NOAH Football is looking for JH and JV football games for the 2024 seasons. We would like to play our JH (7th and 8th combined) followed by a JV game. The date we have available for JH and JV is 9/9. We also have 10/14 and 10/21 open for JH only. Contact Info: James Ballinger at (918) 606-8214 or jameshudsonballinger@gmail.com
May 2 Chandler HS Football is looking for a week 3 road game. Email geoff.metheny@chandlerlions.org
May 2 Choctaw HS is needing a Week 1, Week 2 or Week 3 opponent for the 2024-2025 seasons. We prefer 2024 to be an away game. If open, please email Jake Corbin at jcorbin@cnpschools.org.
May 2 Perkins-Tryon is hosting the Inaugral Grover Rains Memorial Tournament December 12-13th. This is a junior high boys' tournament. Cost is $200. Contact Roger Roberts 405-612-7603 rroberts@p-t.k12.ok.us rogerrobertscowboy134@yahoo.com
May 1 Sentinel High School is looking for two basketball games for the 2024-2025 season. If interested please contact Tyler Snowden at tsnowden@sentinel.k12.ok.us or by phone at 405-971-4178.
May 1 Fayetteville High School in Fayetteville, AR is looking to fill 2 non-conference games the week of December 9th - 14th. Open to home or away, with JV Boys and possibly Freshman Boys games attached. If interested, contact Coach Brad Stamps at 479-236-0869 or brad.stamps@fayar.net.
May 1 Fayetteville High School in Fayetteville, AR is in need of 2 varsity boys teams to compete in our "Big Chicken" Hoopin-on-the-Hill Classic. This is an 8 team tournament format, Dates are Dec. 5th-7th. Meals and hotel rooms will be provided by the tournament sponsor. If interested, contact Coach Brad Stamps at 479-236-0869 or brad.stamps@fayar.net.
May 1 Pawnee HS FB is looking for a 3rd team (along with Little Axe) for our 2nd scrimmage, Friday, Aug. 30. Karey Jones 405-762-1137
May 1 The 2025 SKORDLE FESTIVAL (Varsity Basketball) is looking for 1 school (Girls and Boys Teams) to participate on Thursday Jan 30th against a Class A opponent at 12:15 and 1:30 at the Hennessey Event Center. If you are a small school and still in need of a regular season game for the 2024-2025 season this is a great opportunity! Please contact John Hardaway at 405 612 7217 or jhardaway@cashionps.org
May 1 Seminole Football needs game 1 for 24-25 season MIke Snyder 405-380-2330
Apr 30 Crossover Prep will have MS and F/JV girls volleyball during the '24 season, if you have any openings please let me know. keanna.sells@crossoverprep.org
Apr 30 Guymon High School is currently looking for Varsity Football Games for the 2024 and 2025 season. If interested, please contact Jake Martinez at Jake.martinez@guymontigers.com
Apr 30 Newcastle Football looking for a week 3 or week 6 opponent. Please email brent.hodges@newcastle.k12.ok.us
Apr 29 Stratford, TX is looking for a Week 4 (Sept 20) opponent for our Varsity football team for 2024 and 2025 seasons. Please contact Jon Murphy at 806-324-3022 or jon.murphy@stratfordisd.net .
Apr 25 Bartlesville Girls Varsity Basketball: Is looking for 2 Girls Basketball Teams (preferably 3A-6A teams) to compete in the annual 2025 ConocoPhillips/Arvest Invitational Basketball Tournament Jan, 9th-11th. Our tournament is one of the best in the state of Oklahoma for what is has to offer which includes: * Paid Hotels for Travel Teams over +90min (up to 6 bedrooms) * 2 MEALS AFTER EVERY GAME (1 for Players, 1 for Coaches) * Coaches Gifts * Free T-Shirts for Players * Excellent Competition If you'd like to join this tournament, please contact Justyn Shaw @ shawjw@bps-ok.org, Justyn.W.Shaw@p66.com or (918) 557-9650.
Apr 25 Jefferson Middle School in Oklahoma City is looking for a fast-pitch tournament for the 2024-2025 season. Please contact Woody Woodburn if you have an opening. ewoodburn@okcps.org or by cell at (539)210-1201
Apr 24 Wynnewood High School JV boys basketball is looking to make a jv schedule and add JV into Tournaments if available. You can reach me at 405.207.8835 or csawyer@wynnewood.k12.ok.us
Apr 23 Oklahoma Flame Volleyball is looking for MS/JV/V games and 2 JV tournaments to fill out the 2024 season schedule. Please contact Jacob Bice at 918.852.4030 or volleyball@oklahomaflamesports.org.
Apr 23 Guymon High School is looking to add a 3rd team to our football scrimmage August 23rd with Texhoma High School. Scrimmage will consist of Varsity and Junior Varsity Teams. If interested, please contact Jake Martinez at Jake.martinez@guymontigers.com
Apr 23 OCA is looking for Fall 2024 MS baseball and a couple HS baseball games to finish out fall schedules. Please email Coach Stevens at cstevens@ocacademy.org or text me at 817-908-1939. Thanks!
Apr 22
Christian Heritage Academy-(Del City)-Is looking to fill JV Games. We have open dates 9/9 (Home prefered), 9/30, also willing to go later in the season. If interested email Coach Franks Jfranks@cha.org
Apr 22 We are seeking 2 teams to join the High Plains Basketball Tournament on December 5,6 and 7, 2024. The tournament will be held at Goodwell, Ok. If interested please contact Eddie Smith at esmith@goodwell.k12.ok.us. Thank you
Apr 19 ThunderRidge High School, a 5A High School located in Highlands Ranch Colorado (SW Denver) is looking for an out of state opponent(s) for softball for the upcoming Fall 2024 season. To learn more about our school and program, you can go to trathletics.org. If interested, please contact Mr. Josh Stephenson, Athletic Director at jstephenson@dcsdk12.org or 303.387.2018.
Apr 19 Duncan High School has 1 boys only opening for its Southern Oklahoma Invitational next year. Dates are Dec. 12-14, 2024. Teams committed are mostly 4A-5A schools. If interested contact Zac Knox at (405) 990-1477 or zac.knox@duncanps.org
Apr 18 The Armstrong Bank Sequoyah County Tournament is looking for one boys and one girls team to fill the tournament in 2025. The tournament dates will be January 6-11. T-shirts are given to all players, cheerleaders and coaches, a hospitality room is available daily, and each school receives a monetary donation for participating in the tournament. Please contact Jana Armer for more information. jana.armer@staff.muldrowps.org 479-461-6715
Apr 18 Memorial girls basketball is looking for a tournament in December for the 24-25 season. Contact Rod Hall 918-406-2535 or hallro1@tulsaschools.org
Apr 17 Thackerville HS is needing a team for our HS Basketball Tournament Dec 12-14, 2024 due to a team dropping out. Please contact Cody McCage by email cmccage@tpsmail.org or by cell 940-736-7821
Apr 16 Pawhuska is looking to fill JH games for 2024-2025 basketball season if interested please email tylerhughes@pawhuskadistrict.org
Apr 16 We are gearing up for our 4th Annual Sophomore/JV Jamboree on Saturday, November 16th, 2024. We are excited to continue to present an opportunity for players to gain some experience. We have had as many as 22 schools with 25 teams in this event. We usually have schools from AR and OK. We have 3 gyms, all back-to-back-to-back, so everyone is in one building. We do have a concession stand available. Every team will receive 3 games, unless they ask for a specific amount of games. These games are typically very competitive. We will work with you the best we can. Games usually start at 9am and go until everyone gets their games played. Certified Officials. Games will be played at War Eagle Arena on the campus of Heritage HS (Rogers, AR). IF interested, please, contact Adam Simmons: (email) adam.simmons@rpsar.net or (cell) (870)918-8421. We look forward to having you on our campus.
Apr 16 Inaugural ProSource Tip-Off Classic - We are looking for 1 and possibly 2 Boys teams for the Inaugural ProSource Tip-Off Classic Hosted by Heritage High School (Rogers, AR) at War Eagle Arena on Nov. 14th and Nov. 15th. Hotel Rooms for Teams Traveling Further Distances, Player Gift, HC Gift, Post-Game Meals after each game, & Professional Photographer on-hand to take pics of Event/Games/etc. If interested, please contact Adam Simmons (870)918-8421 (cell) or adam.simmons@rpsar.net (email). Thank you!
Apr 15 Coaches! Enid is looking for a couple more teams to round out our middle school basketball tournament scheduled for Jan 30-Feb 1, 2025. If your middle school teams still need to get into a tournament, please contact Coach Saunders at 580-231-1914 or via email at jksaunders@enidk12.org
Apr 12 Anadarko High School is looking for one more boys team only for the Anadarko Midfirst Classic played on January 9-11, 2025. If interested contact Jeff Tompkins (405) 919-9469 jtompkins@apswarriors.com or Kirk Graham (580) 574-5798 kgraham@apswarriors.com.
Apr 12 Millwood High School Volleyball team is looking for a Volleyball Tournament for the 2024-2025 season. Please contact Shametra Nichols 405-943-2004 snichols@millwoodps.org
Apr 11 Perkins-Tryon High School wrestling is looking for a one away dual. Needing to have Junior High dual with it. Thanks. You can contact Roger Roberts, Perkins-Tryon Head Coach at 405/612/7603 or rroberts@p-t.k12.ok.us. Thanks
Apr 11 Perkins-Tryon High School will inaugurate the first annual Grover Rains Memorial Wrestling Tournament December 13-14,02024 . We are looking to host a 16 team High School Boys Tournament. The cost is $200.00 per team. We will place the top four in each weight. Outstanding Wrestler Award. Team trophies for top two teams. Call or email Roger Roberts, Head Wrestling Coach 405/612/7603 rroberts@p-t.k12.ok.us
Apr 10 Norman Public Schools is currently looking for 2 boys basketball teams for the 2024 Joe Lawson Invitational Tournament(Dec. 12th-14th). Coaches gifts and team meals are included for all teams and staff. If interested please email T.D. O'Hara at tohara@normanps.org.
 Apr 9 Terra Verde Discovery School looking for Freshman High School, Girls Volleyball Games for the season. New program so if interested, please, contact Sean McMannis, AD at smcmannis@terraverdeschool.com or 949-400-1218.
Apr 9  JONES HS Basketball is needing another game for 24/25 season please contact Kevin Witt at kwitt@jonesps.org
Apr 9  JONES HS is looking for Girls and Boys Basketball Teams for the 15th Annual JONES KIWANIS Invitational Jan.23-25 2025. Please contact Kevin Witt at kwitt@jonesps.org
Apr 9  Noble is looking for a home 7th and 8th grade football game on either September 10th or September 17th. Contact Tyler Solomon if interested. tsolomon@nobleps.com or 405-626-6650
Apr 9 The Bryan County Tournament has two openings for the 2024-2025 season. We had two conference members drop, so we will need two additional boys and girls teams for next season. Current schools in the tournament are Achille, Caddo, Calera, Colbert, Rock Creek and Tushka. The tournament is the week of January 20-25, 2025. The 2nd round games and championship round games are hosted at Southeastern in Durant. If interested please contact Rob Frederick at rfrederick@rockcreekisd.net.
Apr 8  We are looking for 3A JV games for 2024-2025 season. Please email garmour@doveschools.org. or text 918-851-6801.
Apr 8  Canadian Boys (3A) is in need of games and a possible tournament for the 2024-2025 season. The dates needed are Dec.10, Dec. 20 Dec. 30 or 31st. These games can be home or away. We are also in need of a tournament on Dec.27-28. We are willing to travel a reasonable distance. Please contact Brandon Wall @ 806-433-4389 or brandon.wall@canadianisd.net. Thank you.
Apr 8 Chouteau Ok, Class A size school, is still looking to fill a couple JH football dates for this fall. Please contact if interested and within JH traveling distance. Jeff Brown at jbrown@chouteauwildcats.com
Apr 4 We are looking for a fourth team for Aug. 23 Football scrimmage. The scrimmage will be OCS, Kingfisher, and Jones. It will be 7th, 8th, JV, and Varsity. Please contact: Kevin Witt at kwitt@jonesps.org
Apr 2 Will Rogers is looking for girls team to fill its tournament January 23rd-25th. There will be coaches gifts and a nice hospitality room please contact coach Raymond Shipps II at shippra2@tulsaschools.org.
Apr 2 We hope all is well. We are still looking to fill our schedule for the McLain Titans and Lady Titans basketball season (2024-2025). We have all of our tournaments scheduled and just need individual games. Please let me know if any of the dates listed below will work for your respective programs. November: 19th, 22nd, 29th December: 3rd, 10th, 13th, 17th, January: 14th, 18th, 21st, 28th, 31st February: 4th, 10th, 11th, 14th Thanks, Coach Louie
Apr 2 Tulsa Central is looking for boys and girls varsity basketball games for next season. Please reach out to Jimmie Walker at walkeji@tulsaschools.org or 918-574-5586.
Apr 2 The Wynnewood Invitational has an opening for the 24/25 season. It is a very competitive tournament with great hospitality and top notch state Officials. We are looking to make this one of the best tournaments in southern Oklahoma. If you are wanting in you can text or call Coach Sawyer(head boys basketball coach) @405.207.8835 or email csawyer@wynnewood.k12.ok.us
Apr 2 Edison Volleyball is looking for 1 Varsity Tournament, 2 JV Tournaments, 1 Freshman Tournament, and 1 regular season game for the 2024 Season. Please email Head Coach Lauren Merrill with any potential openings merrila1@tulsaschools.org.
Apr 1 OCA Baseball is looking for a HS Baseball game 4/1 or 4/2, we had a team cancel on us. Preferably 3A or smaller since we are class A. Please reach out at 817-908-1939! Thanks! Coach Stevens
Apr 1 The Heart of Oklahoma Tournament at Purcell High School is needing one boys and one girls team for our tournament Jan. 23-25, 2025. Current teams include, Purcell, Byng, Dickson, Okc Knights, Elgin, Anadarko, Yukon (Boys only), Enid (Girls only). Please contact Rick Hammer at hammerr@purcellps.org or Roger Raper at raperr@purcellps.org.
Mar 27 Garden City High School (KS) needs 2 boys & 2 girls basketball team for our Roundball Tournament on December 12th-14th, 2024. We provide a travel stipend, hotel rooms for 2 nights, hospitality room, coaches gifts, 3 game guarantee, + much more! If interested, please contact Jacob Miller at jmiller1@gckschools.com or 602-561-0436.
Mar 27 Pawnee HS FB would like to join your first scrimmage. Karey Jones 405-762-1137.
Mar 26 Canyon HS in Canyon Texas, 4A with enrollment of 1093, is looking for a game the week of sept 27. We are willing to travel this first year, as long as team comes to us the following year. Email todd.winfrey@canyonisd.net or call 806-683-9321.
Mar 26 Lawton High School is in need of volleyball games and tournaments to fill the schedule for the 2024 season. Please contact Athletic Coordinator David Stanley at 580-678-2748.
 Mar 26 The Academy (Class A) in OKC is looking to add a few high school basketball games. Please reach out to Athletics Director Dillion Coplin, dcoplin@theacademyok.org
Mar 26 Oklahoma Bible Academy in Enid recently had a team drop from the 2024-25 varsity basketball schedule and is looking for a game. Dec 6, 2024. The game we lost was scheduled to be a home game, but we are willing to travel if needed. Please contact Randy Roth at rroth@oklahomabible.com
Mar 25 Miller HS (small class 1, MO) is looking to fill HS Football for the 24/25 school year, date needed is 9/13/24 and corresponding date the following year. We are open to Home or away. If interested please contact Justin Snider at jsnider@millerschools.org
Mar 25 Bridge Creek MS basketball is looking for games for next season 2024-25. Please contact Kevin Korstjens at 405-201-3287 or email kkorstjens@bridgecreek.k12.ok.us
Mar 25 Broken Bow is looking for 1 team to fill the 25th annual Savage Classic Festival (this is not a tournament). The dates are 12/6 and 12/7/24. The other 3 teams are Broken Bow, Wright City and DeQueen, AR. We will feed the teams both nights with catered food from local restaurants, all of the player receive free shirts and we give out nice coach’s gifts. We could also assist in finding a good price for cabins in nearby Hochatown if overnight stay was needed. Please contact Ryan Woolsey at 580 579 0507 for any additional information.
Mar 25 Lawton High School is in need of games and tournaments to fill the schedule for the 2024 season. Please contact Athletic Coordinator David Stanley at 580-678-2748.
Mar 15 VOLLEYBALL GAMES NEEDED: Lawton Eisenhower is needing to fill a volleyball schedule for the 2024 season. As well as a varsity tournament. Please contact the Athletic Coordinator Kyle Williams at kyle.williams@lawtonps.org or call (580) 355-9144 Ext. 3105
Mar 14 McAlester High School will be hosting the renewed Primus Moore Classic in 2025. The dates are January 9th, 10th, 11th at our new McAlester Activities Center. We have 1 slot available for boys and 1 slot available for girls. Gifts for coaches. discount rates on hotels and meals. Please contact James Singleton, Director of Athletics: jsingleton@mcalester.k12.ok.us or call 918-774-5792
Mar 14 Okmulgee High School is looking to start a varsity basketball tournament during the first tournament week on Jan 8-10 for the 25-26 season. If you are interested, contact Ed Vaughn at 9189064624 or evaughn@okmulgeeps.com
Mar 14 SAPULPA JR. HIGH- is currently looking to fill several dates for 7th GRADE FOOTBALL GAMES for the 2024 season! Size of school doesn't matter, we just need games! If interested please contact Coach Tim Holt, Jr at tholt@sapulpaps.org
Mar 13 Savanna High School has an opening next year in our Freedom Ford Shootout Tournament. We will consider any schools from classes 3A and below. Dates are December 9th - 14th 2024. We host a very competitive tournament. We have an excellent hospitality room and do provide coaches gifts. If you are interested Call Matt Murdaugh at 918 - 429 - 2161
Mar 13 Kingfisher High School needs 1 Boys and 1 Girls Team to fill our Buckle of the Wheatbelt Basketball Tournament that will take place Jan. 23-25. We also need a Home Game on Dec. 3. If interested please contact Jeremy Young-Athletic Director at jyoung@kingfisher.k12.ok.us.
Mar 13 Porum High School is looking for two teams to fill the girls and boys brackets in the Cross Telephone Tournament January 20-25. Hospitality room and Coaches' gifts are provided. For more information please contact Bobbie Wheat @ 918-680-0651. coachwheat@porum.k12.ok.us if interested.
Mar 12 Webbers Falls is looking for one boys and girls team Class 2A or below to participate in our tournament. The dates are January 9, 10, and 11, 2025. Coaches gifts and hospitality room are provided. Please contact Jim Glover at (918)843-2668 jglover@webbersfalls.k12.ok.us or Principal/AD Mike Mills (918)773-7608 mmills@webbersfalls.k12.ok.us if interested.
Mar 12 Good afternoon, My name is Dr. Terry McLennan, and I am the Head Girls Basketball Coach at Carter-Riverside High School in Fort Worth. I am excited to announce that we will be hosting the Inagural CRHS Thanksgiving Extravaganza on Nov. 29th and 30th, 2024. This is not a tournament and there is no charge for being a part of the event. Each team will play 1 game per day. You will have the option to play either date or both dates. Plaques will be presented to the winner of each game and a Hospitality Room will be available for coaches and referees for each day. If you are traveling, we do have discount arrangements with hotels in the area as we are less that 10 minutes away from both Downtown Fort Worth and Arlington. If interested, please complete the Google Form and once we have teams, we will begin creating matchups and reaching out to those participating in the event. Also, please let me know if you have any requests such as a particular type of matchup or a time that is more convenient for you and your team to play at. Thank you for your time and please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions that you may have. https://forms.gle/AxDmEqeeeZfs7T6C9
Mar 12 Brother Martin HS of New Orleans, La is looking for an opponent on 9/20/2024. Feel free to contact HFC Mark Bonis at 985 788-5211 if you are interested.
Mar 7 Bishop Kelley Boys Basketball Invitational has an available spot for December 5-7, 2024. The field currently includes 5A and 6A teams. If interested, contact Brandon Maddux at bmaddux@bishopkelley.org
Mar 7 Haworth High School (Class 2A) is needing a varsity basketball game for the 2024-2025 season. If interested, please contact Jeff Weedn 405.919.3511 or Ken Rhoten 580.478.8128
Mar 7 Jones is looking for JH Football games on Sep. 3 as well as JH & JV games on Sep 30th. Please Contact Kevin Witt HC/AD at kwitt@jonesps.org
Mar 6 Heritage Hall needs a 2nd football scrimmage on August 29th or 30th. Would prefer home but can travel if necessary. Please contact Brett Bogert 405-503-5001 - brettbogert@heritagehall.com or Chris Gfeller 405-371-5377 - cgfeller@heritagehall.com
Mar 5 Yukon Middle School (OKC), is looking to add games to the 2024 Junior Varsity Fast Pitch SOFTBALL schedule, Home or Away. If interested, please reach out to Co-Athletic Director Aaron Mcvay at aaron.mcvay@yukonps.org
Mar 5 Wilburton Schools is looking for a team to fill their H.S. tournament December 12-14. Teams confirmed are Hartshorne, Warner, Atoka, Buffalo Valley, Spiro, Red Oak, and Wilburton. If interested please contact Jim Gibson at jim.gibson@wilburtondiggers.org or 918-471-9773.
Mar 5 JV Wildcat Invitational Date: Thursday, March 7, 2024 Time: 8:00 AM Entry fee: $150 per school ($75 for boys and $75 for girls) Make checks payable to: Wildcat Athletics Bring entry checks day of tournament or send to: Ashley Shearer, Athletic Secretary Ponca City Schools 613 E. Grand Ave. Ponca City, OK 74601 Coaches’ meeting begins at 8:00 AM at the Wally Smith Tennis Center Address: 899 N. 5th St Ponca City, OK 74601 (The courts are off of 7th street) Teams participating: Ponca City, Bixby, Edmond Memorial, Edmond North, Lincoln Christian, Owasso, Stillwater, OCA Head coach: Lynne Collenback (210) 488-5565 collel@pcps.us
Mar 5 Bartlesville Football is looking for Scrimmages for the 2024 Season. Email Coach Wright at wrightha@bps-ok.org if interested.
Mar 5 Era, TX (10 minutes from Gainsville) is looking for a girls basketball game for December 6, 2024. It can be home or away. If interested, please contact Jared Neighbors at neighborsj@eraisd.net
Mar 4 Mulhall-Orlando is needing one team to fill their tournament Jan 9-11, 2025. It is a small school tournament and would prefer a class A or B team. For more information please contact high school principal, Joline Oldenburg at joldenburg@m-ops.org or call/text 405-538-7990.
Mar 4 The Roff Tournament is looking for two teams for this April 11-13. Confirmed teams are Ada, Allen, Tushka, Granite, Roff, and Calumet. If interested you may contact Steve Kile @ 580-399-6362 or skile@roff.k12.ok.us.
Mar 4 Due to a late drop: Indianola(Class A) is looking for 1 team to fill Indianola Warrior Classic high school tournament Dec 5-7 2024. Nice gym, climate controlled built in 2016. Hospitality room provided, coaches gifts. 3 game guarantee. Teams committed are: Cameron, Oktaha, Panama, Stuart, Indianola, Lakewood, Hanna Thank you, Tommy Pinkley Tpinkley@indianola.k12.ok.us or 918-470-1458
Mar 4 Crossover Prep is looking for 8 man football games for 24-25 seasons. We are willing to do home and home. Dates we have open are 8/16 (possible scrimmage date), 8/30 (Away game), 9/20 (Away game). keanna.sells@crossoverprep.org
Mar 1 Guymon High School is searching for two varsity football games for the 2024/2025 seasons for Week 7 and week 9. email andy.brown@guymontigers.com
Mar 1 Wilson High school (Ardmore) is looking for a home game for the 2025 basketball season. We will commit to playing away the following season. Open dates are feb 13,14,18th Please contact Tad Bradley 580-380-0882
Feb 29 Joshua HS (Tx) is looking for a game Sept. 20th. Contact AD/HC Danny DeArman 817-266-5380
Feb 29 Bakersfield High School, MO is looking for a tournament to get in for the 2024-2025 season. We are a competitive class 2 school and have the option to bring both boys and girls teams if that would help. Contact James Denton 417-247-6070. Thanks
Feb 29 Bridge Creek HS is looking for 1 boys and 1 girls team for their Bobcat Basketball Classic on January 23-25 2025. If interested please contact Kevin Korstjens 405-201-3287 or kkorstjens@bridgecreek.k12.ok.us
Feb 29 Bokoshe Public School needs a home game for JH & HS basketball for the 24-25 season. Please contact Bill Deleplank, AD at billd@bokosheschool.org
Feb 29 Perkins-Tryon Demon football is in need of a second scrimmage for the upcoming season. Preferably at Perkins. If interested or know of another school looking please contact PT head football coach Dawayne Hudson, 1-479-856-4401 or email dhudson@p-t.k12.ok.us
Feb 27 Canadian (TX) girls are looking for games on the following dates Nov 15/16 Nov 26 Dec 10 Dec 17 Dec 20 Dec 30/31 If interested please contact Aaron Marks at aaron.marks@canadianisd.net
Feb 27 Alva is looking for a football game on Sept 6 or Sept 13 (week 1 or 2) for the next 2 year cycle. Please contact athletic director / head football coach Dave Foster at dlfoster@alvaschools.net or 580-231-9380.
Feb 27 Jones HS has an opening in our 2024 Jones Kiwanis Invitational Basketball Tournament, Jan 23-25, 2024. Please contact Kevin Witt at kwitt@jonesps.org
Feb 27 $1000 payment for our tournament teams that come to the Alva Shootout this Dec. 12-14, 2024. We have spots open to contact us today if you are interested in coming this year. We traditionally have multiple state appearance teams and nice diversity of size classifications in our tournament. 1st class hospitality room and multiple practice gyms available daily. NWOSU campus tours available for your teams to see the beautiful campus. Please contact athletic director, Dave Foster if you are interested. dlfoster@alvaschools.net or 580-231-9380.
Feb 27 Bennington High School is needing a school to help fill their basketball tournament on December 5-7, 2024. Coaches gifts are provided, as well as a hospitality room. Please contact Darren Harber at 918-465-7952 if you are interested.
Feb 22 Purcell/Harrah is looking for another team to join our second scrimmage of the 2024 season AT PURCELL. This is taking place on Thursday, August 29. Please contact Coach Dillard - aarondillard12@gmail.com OR Coach Bliek - cbliek@harrahschools.com if you are interested in attending.
Feb 22 Canyon High School in Canyon, Texas is looking for a game for the next 2 years. We are open for the week of Friday, Sept. 27 or the week of Friday, Oct. 4th. Email todd.winfrey@canyonisd.net or cell phone 806-683-9321. Canyon is a 4A Div 1 school with an enrollment of 1095.
Feb 21 Bishop Public Schools 6th- 7th grades are looking to schedule all away games for 8Man Football, Volleyball Softball and Baseball for the upcoming 2024-25 school year. martint@gobps.org (580) 353-4870.
Feb 20 Boswell softball is looking for 1 more team to participate in each of our festivals. Junior High festival is March 1st, and High School is March 4th. $150 entry fee, you will get 3 games. rcopeland@boswellschools.org or (580) 513-0523
Feb 20 The Shout & Sack Big Dawg Shootout in Vinita is needing a boys/girls school and a boys team for next year. The tournament dates are December 12-14, 2024. We have shirts provided that are printed by Eskimo Joe's. We also have a wonderful hospitality room and coaches gifts. Confirmed teams: Vinita, Miami, Salina, Catoosa, Claremore, Grove, Southmoore (Girls). Contact info: John Treat Asst. Boys Basketball Coach (918) 964-1287, Nathan Wylie Head Girls Basketball Coach (405) 413-9281, Tony Roach Head Boys Basketball Coach (918) 348-0251
Feb 20 Cashion has an opening in our 2024 County Line High School Basketball Tournament, Jan 23-25, 2024. Please contact John Hardaway at jhardaway@cashionps.org if interested.
Feb 17 Locust Grove is looking for one more boys and girls team to complete our field for our annual Locust Grove Invitational January 9-11 2025. Tournament features 4A and 3A schools. Hospitality room and coaches gifts included. Please contact AD Sam Nelson if interested. snelson@lg.k12.ok.us 918-949-0010
Feb 17 Will Rogers and Edison are for four girls teams to fill our tournament that will be held January 23rd-25th will have coaches gifts and great hospitality rooms please reach out to Raymond Shipps II @ shippra2@tulsaschools.org if you are interested.
Feb 16 NOBLE is looking to fill 2 spots in our tournament next year. Dates are January 9-11, 2025. Please contact Tyler Solomon at tsolomon@nobleps.com or 405-626-6650.
Feb 15 Community Christian (Norman) is looking for 2 schools to fill spots in their girls and boys basketball tournament December 12-14, 2024. Preferably 3A and 4A schools but would definitely consider others. Please contact Coach Price at coachtimprice@yahoo.com or 405-831-1004.
Feb 15 Chattanooga High School is looking for a HS Basketball game for the 2024-25 year. We will travel and then need a return trip the following year. It could also be a JH/HS combination. Please contact Billy Karr at 405-201-7222
Feb 15 Central HS in Sallisaw is looking for a home game for the 24-25 basketball season. We will return the trip the following season. If interested, contact Shane Brown, HS girls coach 918-721-9106 or Caleb Cawhorn, HS boys coach 918-774-8464
Feb 14 Madill High School is looking for a HS boy’s and girl’s basketball team to join our Madill Winter Classic tournament. Please email dallen@madillok.com.
Feb 14 Pawhuska public schools are looking to fill our junior high boys and girls basketball tournament on November 14-16. If interested, please contact our athletic director tylerhughes@pawhuskadistrict.org
Feb 14 Pawhuska High School is looking to fill our boys and girls tournament it will be held January 23-25 2025. Please call our AD if interested at (918) 319-0928 or by email tylerhughes@pawhuskadistrict.org
Feb 14 Guymon High School is currently Looking for varsity football games on October 24 and November 1. If interested, please email head football coach Jake Martinez at Jake.martinez@guymontigers.com
Feb 14 Calumet School is looking for one JH girls/boys team to fill our JH tournament next year. The dates for the tournament are Nov. 11th, 14th, and 16th, 2024. If interested please contact Sam Belcher, Principal/AD at belchers@chs.k12.ok.us or (405) 893-2492.
Feb 13
Copan Basketball Tournament Dec 9-14 is looking for 1 school with girls and boys teams to fill our tournament. Prefer 2A and below in classification. Please contact Jerry Werts by email jerrywerts@copan.k12.ok.us if interested.
Feb 13 Bridge Creek HS is looking for 2 boys and 2 girls teams for the 2025 BC Bobcat Basketball Classic on Jan 23-25 2025. If interested contact Kevin Korstjens at kkorstjens@bridgecreek.k12.ok.us or 405-201-3287.
Feb 13 Bixby HS is looking for a couple of teams for our Dec 5-7 2024 Basketball Tournament. All classes are welcome. Great facilities, hospitality and coaching gifts. Contact Head Coach Lance Kight 918-808-1254 or Riley Littlejohn 918-373-4553.
Feb 13 The North Country Classic Basketball Invitational hosted by Tonkawa High School and Northern Oklahoma College needs two girls teams and one boys team to fill the tournament on January 23, 24, and 25 of 2025. The tournament offers team packages for food /entertainment at The HUB Entertainment Center in Tonkawa, as well as team apparel, coaches gifts and hospitality. If interested please contact Joey Reinart-Athletic Director, Tonkawa High School by email at jreinart@tonkawa.k12.ok.us.
Hinton is needing two teams for its annual Basketball Tournament. The dates of the tournament are January 9-11, 2025. Interested teams should reach out to Athletic Director Jarrod Hohmann at jarrod.hohmann@hintonschools.org.
Bishop Kelley Girls Basketball Invitational has an available spot for December 5-7, 2024. The field currently includes 5A and 6A teams. If interested, contact Jerri Berna at jberna@bishopkelley.org
Dove High School Tulsa is looking for tournaments or games for the 2024-2025 season we are 3A. Greg Armour coach 918-851-6801
Pawhuska High School is looking to fill our boys and girls tournament it will be held January 23-25 2025. Please call our AD if interested at (918) 319-0928 or by email tylerhughes@pawhuskadistrict.org
Pawnee HS FB needs a first scrimmage. Karey Jones 405-762-1137.
Antlers high school is in need of a high school team for their basketball tournament December 12 -14th 2024 if interested email Dustinbeasley@antlers.k12.ok.us
Ardmore Middle School Looking for two games on December 11 and February 3. 7th boys and girls and 8th grade boys and girls. Will play boys at one location and girls at the other then the second game would be reversed. Can possibly add 9th grade games as well if needed. Please contact lcoley@ardmoreschools.org if interested.
Maud needs JH / HS baseball games on March 7 / 11 / 14 / 28 & April 8.  Contact Bruce Harrell AD 405-623-8126
Antlers High School is looking for a week 0 or 2 football game. If interested contact , DustinBeasley@antlers.k12.ok.us
Sallisaw is looking for a 7th and 8th grade football game on Oct. 7th or 8th. Contact Head Football Coach Brandon Tyler. btyler@sallisawps.org
Ada City Schools will be hosting their annual East Central Oklahoma Classic Basketball Tournament on January 9-11, 2025. We are needing a couple of boys & girls teams to complete our field. Please let me know if there is any interest or questions. jenningsc@adapss.com
Alva High School is looking for teams for next year's boys and girls basketball tournament on December 12, 13, and 14. We offer $500 to each team that competes in the tournament and $1000 for teams that stay in Alva hotels. We offer a tremendous hospitality room for coaches and admin. Practice gyms are available each day for your teams to do walk throughs or shoot around. NWOSU offers tours to all teams visiting Alva. Email Dave Foster, athletic director, at dlfoster@alvaschools.net if you are interested!
The Cherokee Invitational Tournament has an opening on Jan 9-11th of 2025. We are looking for one girls and boys team in either Class A or B. If interested or need additional information please contact Principal/AD Lane Pruett at pruettl@cherokee.k12.ok.us or Matt Guffy at guffym@cherokee.k12.ok.us
Life Christian is looking for 1 varsity volleyball tournament and 1 varsity girls and boys basketball tournament for the 2024-2025 school year. We are a small private school in the choctaw area. Our ADM is 52. If you have any openings please contact our Athletic Director Tayler Burchett at t_burchett@lifechristianacademy.com or call/text 405-397-9837
Tishomingo Football is looking for a 2nd scrimmage at home if possible. We would like to do it on August Thursday 29th or Friday 30th. Contact Scott O'Hara sohara@tishomingo.k12.ok.us
Will Rogers is looking for girls and boys teams to compete in the 2025 Ropers Invitational to be held January 23rd-25th 2025 we will have an outstanding hospitality room with coaches gifts as well please contact assistant athletic director Raymond Shipps II at shippra2@tulsaschools.org for more information.
Alvord High School is looking to host a small school Varsity Boys and Girls Basketball tournament on Nov. 25 and Nov. 26th, 2024! 1A-3A sized schools welcome. We are looking at bringing in teams and schools that we usually don’t play! Alvord is located 15 minutes from Decatur in North Texas. Decatur has plenty of lodging and places to eat for your teams! 4 Games 2 Days Looking at trying to have 4-5 OK schools, and 3-4 Texas Schools 8 total teams. Email srichards@alvordisd.net if you are interested!
Del City High School is looking for a 9th and JV football game. Open dates are September 9th and September 16th. Email AD/Head Football Coach Robert Jones at rmjones@mid-del.net.
Tishomingo is looking for two games for the 24-25 basketball season. We need one home and one away. Would prefer 3A or 2A schools but would consider others. Please reach out to Scott O'Hara at (405)589-1955
Lincoln Christian GIRLS just had a cancellation for a game tomorrow, 2/3/24. Looking to play on the road Saturday or on Tuesday, February 6th. We can play it at home or on the road. We can play JV and Varsity. Please call 9182613401 if you have openings.
Canadian HS, in Canadian, TX is looking for a week 1 game (Aug 30) for 2024-25. We are located in the Texas panhandle about 75 miles west of Woodward. We are in 3A D2 and have 280 students in high school. It would be best for us to have a home game in 24 and an away game in 25, but we are open to all possibilities. Please contact Andy Cavalier 254-631-7927 andy.cavalier@canadianisd.net
Idalou High School (TX 3A Div 2) is looking for a varsity football game during the week of October 4 or October 11 (Thur/Fri/Sat). We have 286 students in the high school.
Wolfe City High School (2A in Texas) near the Red River is looking for a Week 2 (September 6) game. If interested please let me know at smitheyb@wcisd.net or call at 972-741-9356. Would prefer home and home if distance isn't too far, but we are good with neutral as well.
The Grady County Conference is needing one team to fill the 2025 Grady County Conference Tournament. Tournament dates are Jan 20 - 25, 2025. Amber-Pocasset is the host school for the 2025 tournament. Contact Bobby Odam at bodam@amposchools.org
This is Coach Jeremiah Butchee from Stephenville, a 4A school in Central Texas. We are looking for a week 6 game the week of October 4th. I used to coach in Vernon, TX and we would play Altus every year so I know you guys have played some Texas schools in the past so if anybody has a Week 6 (October 4th) open and would like to get a little 2 year Red River Shootout going we would love to play ya'll. Please give me a call or shoot a text to 940-235-7814, look forward to hearing from you!
Hello, my name is Kip Bough. I am the head girls basketball coach at Branson High School in Branson MO. We are looking for a team to compete in our Battle @ the Border Tournament December 5-7 2024. We have teams from Arkansas, Kansas and Missouri competing.
Spring Hill High School (TX) is looking for a Varsity opponent to play Football against in 2024 and 2025. The game needs to be played the week of September 27th (Thurs, Fri, or Sat). We are willing to play at a neutral site or do home and home. We are a High School with 610 students. Contact bjoslin@shisd.net or call 214-980-8788
Mounds High School is needing one team for the Mounds Invitational Basketball tournament January 23-25, 2025. Contact Jonathan Clay at jclay@moundsps.com
Looking for middle school SOCCER tournaments and games. This is Coach Martinez from Dove Middle School South OKC. Please email me at amartinez@doveschools.org . Feel free to text or call me at 405-301-3322.
Newcastle is looking for teams for the Sweet Pea Tournament for the 24-25 school year. Please e-mail brent.hodges@newcastle.k12.ok.us



Newcastle Schools is hosting a 7th grade tournament and an 8th grade tournament. They will be played at our HS and MS on Nov 21, 22 and 23rd. We will have a bracket for each grade. Cost is 125 for the tournament/per team. If interested please contact brent.hodges@newcastle.k12.ok.us
Jan. 31 The North Country Classic Basketball Invitational hosted by Tonkawa High School and Northern Oklahoma College needs two teams to fill the tournament on January 23, 24, and 25 of 2025. The tournament offers team packages for food /entertainment at The HUB Entertainment Center in Tonkawa, as well as team apparel, coaches gifts and hospitality. If interested please contact Joey Reinart-Athletic Director, Tonkawa High School by email at jreinart@tonkawa.k12.ok.us.
Jan. 31 Weatherford Middle School needs teams for the 7th grade basketball tournament on January 9-11, 2025, and also 8th grade teams for a tournament on January 16-18. Please contact spond@wpsok.org for more information or call 580-772-2270
Jan. 31 Durant HS (Class 5A) is looking for a High School Football game for week 2 September 13th. If interested, email todd.vargas@durantisd.org.
Jan. 31 Kellyville High School is looking for a 4A and below boys and girls basketball team to fill an opening in our High School basketball Tournament. The tournament has schools ranging from class 4A to class A. The dates of the tournament are Jan. 23-25, 2025. Kellyville is located between Tulsa and OKC right off the Turner Turnpike, great location and easy access for teams. We have a great facility and unbelievable hospitality for coaches and administrators with great coaches' gifts. Please contact Kevin Nance, athletic director at nancek@kellyvilleschools.org or 918-247-6133 ext 403
Jan. 31 Pawhuska public schools are looking to fill our 2024-2025 basketball schedule. We will have games available for high school and junior high. Please contact our AD if interested. tylerhughes@pawhuskadistrict.org
Jan. 30 Wilson high school class A (ardmore) is looking for a home basketball game for the 2025 season. open dates are Feb 4,6th. We will commit to playing away the following season. Contact Tad Bradley 580-380-0882
Jan. 30 Minco has openings in our Bulldog Classic Tournament on December 12th, 13th, & 14th 2024. Great hospitality room, coaches gifts, and awards. For interest, contact athletic director Brock Wardlaw at bwardlaw@minco.k12.ok.us
Jan. 30 Bishop McGuinness is looking for a first scrimmage for Varsity, JV, & 9th on August 23, 2024. We are looking to host but would be open to travel. If interested or know of anyone that is looking please contact Head Football Coach Ryan Stringer at rstringer@bmchs.org
Jan. 29 Rejoice Christian needs a week 2 (Sept 13th) or week 3 (Sept 20th) football game for 2024-25. Can host or travel. Contact HC/AD Brent Marley at 918-855-6723 if interested.
Jan. 29 Paoli Public School is currently looking for the following: JH & HS English with possible coaching duties JH & HS Math with possible coaching duties Resumes, transcripts, and references can be sent to dmorris@paoli.k12.ok.us
Jan. 29 TULSA NOAH Football is looking for JH and JV football games for the 2024 seasons. We would like to play our JH (7th and 8th combined) followed by a JV game. The dates we have available for JH/JV are 9/9, 9/16, and 10/7. We also have 10/14 and 10/21 open for JH only. Contact Info: James Ballinger at (918) 606-8214 or jameshudsonballinger@gmail.com
Jan. 29 St. James Catholic School is looking for an 8th grade boys soccer tournament for the Spring of 2024. Please contact Mayra Davila at mdavila@stjames-catholic.org or call 405-420-3271.
Jan. 29 Norman Public Schools is looking for boys basketball teams for the 2024 Joe Lawson Tournament. Dates for tournament are Dec. 12th-14th. We provide coaches gifts along with team meals. All tournament games are live streamed. If interested, please contact T.D. O'Hara at (405) 366-5846 or tohara@normanps.org.
Jan. 26 Fort Gibson needs a varsity football scrimmage on August 30, 2024. Please email Ryan Nolan @ r_nolan@fortgibsontigers.org or call 918 207-6084.
Jan. 26 Crossover Preparatory Academy HS Football (8-man) is looking for a scrimmage on Aug. 16th or 23rd. We're also looking for a game on Aug 23rd, or September 20th. Please email Keanna.sells@crossoverprep.org or call 918-986-7499 ext 303
Jan. 26 Anadarko is looking for one boys and one girls team to fill next year's Warrior Classic basketball tournament on January 9-11, 2025. If interested contact Jeff Tompkins (405) 919-9469 or email at jtompkins@apswarrors.com.
Jan. 26 Fayetteville High School needs a varsity football game September 13th or 14th. If interested, please contact head coach Casey Dick - casey.dick@fayar.net
Jan. 26 Crossover Preparatory academy MS Football is looking for games for the 24/25 season. Please contact Keanna Sells - keanna.sells@crossoverprep.org or 918-986-7499 ext. 303 if you're interested.
Jan. 26 North Lamar ISD- (Paris, TX) Is hosting a Junior High track meet on February 26th. Coaches meeting starts at 2:30 PM. Field events begin at 3:00 PM. The entry fee is $500 made payable to North Lamar Track. For more information contact Patrick Watkins at pwatkins@northlamar.net
Jan. 26 Nashville High School is looking for a Home game on September 13th or September 20th during the 2024 season. We are a class 4 team in Arkansas with an enrollment of around 400 students. If interested, please contact Head Football Coach Shawn Jackson. shawn.jackson@nashvillesd.com - 912-322-6287 cell
Jan. 26 Verdigris is looking for 1 Girls Team and 1 school (Boys and Girls) to fill The Mother Road Classic at Verdigris for January 9-11, 2025. We have a very competitive field of teams. Please reach out to Mike Buntin mbuntin@vps.k12.ok.us or at 918-266-2336 2740 if interested.
Jan. 26 Jay has openings in the prestigious Tri-State Classic Basketball Tournament on Jan 23, 24 and 25, 2025. Great hospitality room, coaches gifts, and awards. Contact athletic director, Jeff Stapleton, if interested. 918-791-8680 or jeffstapleton@jayps.org
Jan. 25 GIRLS GAME ONLY: Washington girls basketball is looking for a varsity game for Feb 3. Please text or call head girls coach, Kale Simon, at 580 421-4720
Jan. 25 Due to issues beyond our control, Tulsa Central High School is looking for a Football Game on Sept. 13th or Sept. 20th - We need 2024 to be a home game, but we are willing to discuss options. If interested Contact Kip Shaw - shawcl@tulsaschools.org - 918-833-8444 or Athletic Director Nate Goodman at goodmna@tulsaschools.org - 918-833-8407
Jan. 25 OKC Storm is looking for a couple middle school boys basketball games to finish out the season. Available any day week of 1/29-2/2 please contact timothyrkisner@gmail.com or can rach out to 6164502082
Jan. 24 OCA is looking for 2-3 more games for the Fall 2024 Baseball Season. Dates are: 8/22, 8/23, 8/24, 9/19, 9/20, 9/21, 9/23. Please email Coach Stevens at cstevens@ocacademy.org or 817-908-1939. Thanks!
Jan. 23 Locust Grove is looking for 2 more teams to fill next years boys and girls annual tournament. Tournament is scheduled for January 9th-11th 2025. If interested please contact AD Sam Nelson snelson@lg.k12.ok.us 918-949-0010
Jan. 23 Wynnewood high school boys and girls basketball has open dates for 3 games. This will be for the 24/25 season and the following season. Please reach out if interested. Contact Head Boys Coach Chase Sawyer, I can be contacted @405.207.8835 or email csawyer@wynnewood.k12.ok.us
Jan. 23 Southwest Covenant Schools (class A division 2) is looking for home and away middle school football games for the 2024 season. Dates dates: 9/9, 9/16, and 10/7. Please contact John Jensen at jjensen@southwestcovenant.com or 405-354-0772.
Jan. 22 Riverside Indian School (2A) needs to replace a HOME game due to recent cancellations for 2024. Available dates are Jan 30, Feb. 8, 9, 12, or 13. All Classes will be considered. Please text 405-779-0182 or 580-284-0157.
Jan. 19 Stroud is looking for teams to fill a couple of spots for its Route 66 Classic Basketball Tournament on january 9-11,2025 . If interested, please contact Jayson Cooper @ jayson.cooper@storud.k12.ok.us or Jim Campbell at jim.campbell@stroud.k12.ok.us
Jan. 19 Tahlequah Sequoyah is looking for 2 HS basketball games, preferably home and home, for the 2024-2025 season. Please contact head boys coach Zac Briscoe at (918) 704-8068 or at zac-briscoe@cherokee.org if you are interested. Thanks
Jan. 19 Hammon is looking for a team for their 2025 Warrior Classic basketball tournament. The dates will be January 9th-11th. If interested, reach out to Tyler Tignor @ 580-821-2185 or by email @ ttignor@hammon.k12.ok.us.
Jan. 18 Frontier schools is looking for a HS boys /girls team for its 3 day Dec. 12-14 2024 basketball tournament. Contact Bob Weckstein 580-761-0705 or bob.weckstein@frontierok.com
Jan. 18 Earlsboro Baseball needs two more teams to round out its Fall 2024 Tournament. We will be moving back to BBCOR this year, coaches gifts will be provided, three-game guarantee. Email or text Colton Armstrong @ carmstrong@earlsboro.k12.ok.us or (405) 831-0165 for details.
Jan. 18 Mulhall-Orlando has an opening for next year's tournament Jan 9-11, 2025. Prefer small school teams below 2A. Please contact joldenburg@m-ops.org for more information or if you are interested.
Jan. 17 Latta Panther Classic tournament 2024 has 2 team openings for next year's tournament scheduled for December 12-14, 2024. Committed teams include Latta (2A), Silo (3A), Kiowa (B), Comanche (3A), Wright City (A), Prague (3A). We have excellent facilities and provide an awesome tournament experience for teams and fans! For more information contact Dr.Jeff Williams, Athletic Director (580)-310-5987 or jwilliams@latta.k12.ok.us
Jan. 17 We have openings in our Wynnewood invitational basketball tourney. It is a very competitive tournament. Dates will be December 12-14 for 2024 season. If interested please contact Chase Sawyer (head boys bball) 405.207.8835 or email csawyer@wynnewood.k12.ok.us
Jan. 16 Jones Football is looking for both home and away middle school games for the 2024 season; these are the Dates available: Sep 3rd, Sep 30th, Oct 14th. Please Contact: Kevin Witt kwitt@jonesps.org
Jan. 16 Skiatook 7th, 8th and 9th football looking for a game next season on September 9th or 10th or October 7th or 8th. Please email Athletic Director Shane Branscum if interested at sbranscum@skiatookschools.org. This needs to be a HOME game for us.
Jan. 16 The Compass Athletics/Oil Center Classic Basketball Tournament has an opening on January 9-11, 2025. We are looking for one girls and boys team in class A or B. If interested or need additional information please contact athletic director David Norton at david.norton@woodwardps.net or 580-541-3625
Jan. 11 Savanna High School has an opening next year in our Freedom Ford Shootout Tournament. Dates are December 9th - 14th 2024. We host a very competitive tournament. We have an excellent hospitality room and do provide coaches gifts. If you are interested Call Matt Murdaugh at 918 - 429 - 2161
Jan. 11 Green Forest (AR) is looking for a football scrimmage game for next fall. We are looking for a game on 8/22 or 8/23. If interested contact Head Coach Greg Tibbitt 870-672-1640 or gtibbitt@gf.k12.ar.us.
Jan  11 Balko High School is looking for 2 basketball games for the 24-25 season. If interested, please contact Brittany Johnson at 580-977-4533 or bjohnson@balko.k12.ok.us
Jan. 11 Dale Schools has openings for boys and girls teams in a JV basketball tournament. The dates are: First Round - Monday, Jan 22 or Wednesday, Jan 24 Semifinals - Thursday, Jan 25 Finals - Saturday, Jan 27 Please contact Jason Reece, AD at 405-880-4315 or jreece@dale.k12.ok.us if interested.
Jan 11 Thackerville HS is looking for a Boys and Girls team (2A or below) to fill its High School Basketball tournament next season. The dates are Dec 12-14 2024. Please contact Cody McCage at cmccage@tpsmail.org or 940-736-7821
Jan 10 The Woodward Winter Classic Invitational Tournament has an opening on December 12-14, 2024. We are looking for one girls and boys team in class 3A or above. If interested or need additional information please contact athletic director David Norton at david.norton@woodwardps.net.
Jan 10 The Shout & Sack Big Dawg Shootout in Vinita has openings for 3 boys and girls teams to fill out our tournament for next year. T-shirts are provided for your teams. We also provide coaches' gifts and have a great Hospitality Room. The tournament dates are December 12-14, 2024. If interested contact: Asst. Boys Coach John Treat at (918) 964-1287or treatjm@vinitahornets.com, Head Boys Coach Tony Roach at (918) 348-0251 or roachaw@vinitahornets.com, or Head Girls Coach Nathan Wylie at (405) 413-9281 or wyliena@vinitahornets.com.
Jan 10 The Roff HS Baseball Tournament is looking for two teams for next season. The dates are Aug. 29-31. If interested you may contact Steve Kile @ 580-399-6362 or skile@roff.k12.ok.us
Jan 10 Miami High School (4A) is looking for a varsity basketball tournament on Jan 9-11, 2025 for both boys and girls teams. We also have one open game date we need to fill for the 24-25 season. We would prefer a home date, but would consider travel in the right situation.
Jan 9 The Cherokee Invitational Tournament has an opening on Jan 9-11th of 2025. We are looking for one girls and boys team in either Class A or B. If interested or need additional information please contact Principal/AD Lane Pruett at pruettl@cherokee.k12.ok.us or Matt Guffy at guffym@cherokee.k12.ok.us
Jan 9 Dale Schools has 1 opening for boys and girls teams in a 5-6th grade tournament. The dates are: First Round - Monday, Jan 22 or Wednesday, Jan 24 Semifinals - Thursday, Jan 25 Finals - Saturday, Jan 27 Please contact Jason Reece, AD at 405-880-4315 or jreece@dale.k12.ok.us if interested.
Jan 9 Frontier Schools needs one varsity boys/girls team for its HS basketball Tournament next season. Dec 9-14, 2024. Please text or email Bob Weckstein 580-761-0705 , bob.weckstein@frontierok.com.
Jan 9 Due to recent changes, Dale has varsity/jv basketball openings for the 2024-25 scheduling cycle. Available dates are: Nov 5, 12, 15, 22 / Dec 10, 20 / Jan 28 / Feb 11. If you are interested, please contact Jason Reece, AD at 405-880-4315 or jreece@dale.k12.ok.us
Jan 8 Terra Verde Discovery School hosting it's inaugural Golf Tee -Off. March 5th, 2024 at Cobblestone Creek Golf Club in Norman. Middle School Girls Shotgun 9 am & Middle School Boys Shotgun 1 PM. $125 per Team. Please contact A.D. Sean McMannis at smcmannis@terraverdeschool.com for more info.
Jan 8 Regent Prep (Class A) is looking for a football scrimmage. Contact Adam Bishop abishop@rpsok.org
Jan 8 Santa Fe South High School Slow Pitch softball is looking to add one or two more games for the season, as well as add one or two more teams for our Slow Pitch tournament April 11-13. Please reach out to Hannah Wade at hwade@santafesouth.org if interested!
Jan 8 Del City Middle School is looking for baseball games and 1 tournament for this upcoming season. We will play our home games at Del City HS. Please let us know if you have any openings in your schedule that we could help you fill. Please contact Jason Blasingame dblasingame@mid-del.net
Jan 8 Purcell JH – Football is looking for a game the week of October 21st, 2024. We would like to play 3 games (7th,8th,9th) but could do two if needed. If interest please contact Aaron Dillard (405) 255-8443 or email dillarda@purcellps.org
Jan 4 Poteau High School is looking for a Football Game on Sept. 13th or possibly Sept. 20th - We need 2024 to be at Poteau. We are also looking for a First Scrimmage. If interested Contact Greg Werner - wernerg@poteau.k12.ok.us - 918-839-4572
Jan 3 Girls only: Washington is in need of 9th grade games OR any combination of 9-12 grade you need to play a JV game. We would play 9th  and maybe 1-2 10th graders. But I would like for you to play whatever grade you need to fill the game. Available dates are January 29,  February 1, February 8. Text or call Kale Simon at 580 421-4720.
Jan 3 Hydro-Eakly is looking for a high school boys & girls game for the 24-25 season. If interested please call Oran Laub (405)203-5960 or email olaub@hydroeakly.k12.ok.us
Jan 3 Hays HS Kansas is needing a Week 2(Sept. 13th, 2024, Sept 12th, 2025) varsity football game for 2024/2025. We would need to travel in 2024 and host in 2025. Contact Hays HS Asst. Principal/AD Lance Krannawitter at lancekrannawitter@usd489.com or 785-623-2600.
Jan 3 Cornerstone Spartans Sports Ministries in Joplin, Missouri are looking for a Varsity 8 man football game for the 2024 season. The dates we have open are Sept 27 or 28 and Oct 18 or 19. We would prefer to host but are willing to travel. Please contact Coach Terren Pullum if interested. 417-622-7375 coachterrenpullum@gmail.com
Jan 3 Cache High School Football is still looking for a week 2 scrimmage for 2024-2025. Contact Head Football Coach Faron Griffin at faron.griffin@cacheps.org.
Jan 3 CENTRAL MIDDLE SCHOOL in LAWTON is looking to fill their middle school soccer schedule. Please contact Jay DeSilver @ jay.desilver@lawtonps.org
Jan 2 Crossover Preparatory Academy is looking to fill MS basketball games in January 3-4 dates available. Please reach out ASAP to fill spots.
Jan 2 OCA in Edmond OK is looking for a varsity basketball tournament for the week of Dec. 12-14 next season, 2024-25. Please reach out to Athletic Director Jeremy Roman at jroman@ocacademy.org if you have availability. We would like to stay close to the OKC metro if possible.
Jan 2 McDonald County HS (Missouri Class 4) is in need of a Varsity football game on 10/18/24. Can host or travel. Please contact Bo Bergen—Athletic Director at bo.bergen@mcdonaldr1.net if interested.
Jan 2 Southeast-Cherokee in southeast Kansas has lost a varsity girls and varsity boys team for their 2024 Lancer Classic Basketball tournament. The tournament will be held from January 15th to January 20th. The other varsity teams that will be playing include teams from this area with an enrollment of between 150 and 300 students. Cherokee is located about 30 miles straight north of Quapaw, OK. If you have an available team or any questions, please let me know. Jeff Renn- jrenn@usd247.com (620) 249-9688 Thank you for your consideration on this
Jan 2 Canadian High School is looking for a first football scrimmage August 23, 2024. We are willing to scrimmage either class B or C teams, and it can be either home or away. If interested please contact Head Football Coach Nathan Leithead at 918-424-2072 or nleithead@canadian.k12.ok.us
Jan 2 Crooked Oak Basketball is needing to replace 1 game for the 23/24 season, and looking for 4 games for the 24-25 season. If interested please contact Chace McCaskill at cmccaskill@crookedoak.org or 405-985-1670.
Dec 18  Kellyville High School is looking for home and home basketball games for the 2024-2025 basketball season. The dates we have available are Dec. 6th, 17th, Feb. 10th. Please contact Kevin Nance, Athletic Director at nancek@kellyvilleschools.org or 918-247-6133 ext. 403
Dec 18 Choctaw High School will host the following meets in 2024 and would love to have your teams join us: Choctaw JH Invitational March 28th (7th-9th Grade Divisions) 4:00pm Start, Choctaw High School Invitational March 29th 9:30am Start. Please email btyler-clark@cnpschools.org if interested.
Dec 15 Mary Golda Ross Middle School Boys and Girls are looking for a 8th grade basketball tournament in January please contact Site AD Reuben Tiller at rtiller@okcps.org
Dec 15 Mooreland Basketball is looking for one Junior High and one High School for the 24-25 year. If interested please contact Travis Templin at 580 922 1163 templin@mooreland.k12.ok.us
Dec 15 Perkin-Tryon Middle School is looking for volleyball games for the 2024 season. Please call or email Andy Everson with any questions and to schedule games. 405-757-9257 aeverson@p-t.k12.ok.us
Dec 13 Harrah Football is looking to have one additional team join us and Prague for the first football scrimmage of the season on August 23 AT HARRAH. If you are interested please let me know. Head Football Coach Chris Bliek | cbliek@harrahschools | 918 - 815 - 3992
Dec 12 Booneville High School is looking for a week 2/3 game for upcoming ‘24/’25 cycle, needs to be an away game in ’24 if possible. Contact: dustin.crowley@boonevilleschools.com
Dec 12  Miami Junior High boys (7th and 8th grade teams) are looking for a tournament and/or games to play in December. We would also like to find a tournament in January. Please contact Rodney Sooter at 918-845-7247 or rsooter@miamips.net.
Dec 12 Cascia Hall HS girls basketball is looking for a December Tournament for 2024. If interested, please call/text Nick Wood at 918-510-8363 or email at nwood@casciahall.com.
 Dec 11 Del City High School Varsity Football is looking for a game for 2024 and 2025. We have a week zero or week 2 available. Email Athletic Director and Head Football Coach Robert Jones if you interested at rmjones@mid-del.net
Dec 11  Looking to fill a spot for junior football game at Sasakwa (8 man) September 3rd, 2024… Contact Corky Snodgrass (405) 221-3002
Dec 11  Calumet Public School is looking for a HS and a JH basketball game for the 2024-2025 season. If interested, please call Sam Belcher at 405-893-2492 or email at belchers@chs.k12.ok.us
 Dec 11 Frontier Schools is looking for 1 HS girls/boys team to fill its Tournament next season. Dates are 12/9-12/14- 2024 Class 3A-B. contact bob.weckstein@frontierok.com or 580-761-0705
Dec 11 Perry Junior High needs a girls and boys team for their JH tournament. The tournament is hosted by Perry and Morrison. Games will be played Monday evening and Wednesday afternoon at both sites. Thursday's games will be at one site. The dates of the tournament are 11/18,20, and 21, 2024. Please contact Brandon Hight, Perry HS Principal. bhight@perry.k12.ok.us
Dec 8 Weatherford Middle School needs a 7th-grade girl's team for a tournament on January 11-13th. Can be a JV team. Please email spond@wpsok.org or call 580-302-1906 if interested.
Dec 8 Hello, My name is Coach Cory Maxey I’m the Head coach for Webster Middle School, looking for a tournament for my 7/8th grade boys team in January if you have a open spot please contact me at 405-885-4282 or email at cmaxey@okcps.org Thank you
Dec 8 Putnam City West Football is looking for a Varsity Game on either 9/20/24 or 10/4/24. It can be either home or away and we will do the return date the following year. Please contact Head Coach Greg Johnson gregj@putnamcityschools.org and copy to cslane@putnamcityschools.org. Thank you. External email - Use caution with links and attachments.
Dec 7  Choctaw Middle School is needing at least 1 girls team but has 2 team spots available still for both 7th and 8th grade tournaments hosted at Choctaw Middle School. The 8th Grade Tournament is January 11-13 and the 7th Grade Tournament is January 18-20. Contact Middle School AD, Corey Hawk chawk@cnpschools.org or (405)-413-9366.
Dec 7  WOODLAND HIGH SCHOOL (Fairfax,Ok) is looking for a 2nd varsity football scrimmage on 8-29-2024. If interested please contact Head Coach Casey Goad: 580-749-1064
Dec 7 Due to a late drop the 7/8 SRT invitational is looking for a school to fill a girls and boys spot. The Tournament rotates each year between Stonewall, Roff, and Tupelo. Tupelo is the host this year. The dates are Jan. 8,10,11,13. Current teams are Stonewall, Tupelo, Roff, Maud, New Lima, Vanoss, Sasakwa. You may contact Clay Weller at 580-310-4194 or Steve Kile at 580-399-6362 if interested.
 Dec 5 NOBLE - We are looking for one boys team for our tournament Jan. 4-6. Any school or a JV team is also fine. If interested contact Tyler Solomon at tsolomon@nobleps.com or 405-626-6650.
Dec 5 Bartlesville High School needs a JV and Varsity Boys basketball game for the 2023-2024 season due to a drop. Flexible with dates. Please contact stewartcb@bps-ok.org if interested.
Dec 5 The Skiatook Basketball Invitational Tournament is in need of one girls team to fill the bracket. This can be either a varsity or jv team The tournament is January 4th, 5th and 6th. Please let us know asap. Thank you.--
Dec 5 Hooker High School varsity boys basketball are looking for a Holiday Tournament. Contact Todd Kerr @ (580)528-1219.
Dec 4 Gunter High School in north Texas is looking for varsity football games week one (Aug. 29/30) and week two (Sept. 5/6) in 24/25. Have about 350 kids in our high school. Willing to travel within reason. Please contact Jake Fieszel if interested. 972-757-3657
Dec 4 Heavener High School Football (2A) is looking for a week 3 game for 2024 & 2025. Need 2024 to be away and 2025 to be home. Contact Coach Jeff Broyles (918) 839-9726
Dec 4 Girls only: Washington is in need of 9th grade games OR any combination of 9-12 grade you need to play a JV game. We would play 9th and maybe 1-2 10th graders. But I would like for you to play whatever grade you need to fill the game. Available dates are January 29, February 1, February 8. Text or call Kale Simon at 580 421-4720.
Nov 31 Enid High School is hosting a basketball tournament on January 4-6 and we have 1 open spot for a girl's team, and due to adjustment of dates from the previous year and schedule conflicts, we have 3 open boys team spots. If available and interested, please contact: Scott Mansfield EPS Athletic Director rsmansfield@enidk12.org 580-366-8351
Nov 31 Electra High School in Electra Texas is looking for a couple of Baseball teams to fill out a round robin tournament on Feb 29-March 2nd! Will do my best to accommodate any Oklahoma Team that is interested. Please email Head Baseball Coach Jeremy Kirk at jeremy.kirk@electraisd.net Electra Texas is located 30 minutes West of Wichita Falls right off Highway 287. We sit between Vernon and Wichita Falls.
Nov 31 Pawnee HS Football needs Week 3 game for the next 2 years. Contact Karey Jones 405-762-1137.
Nov 31 Christian Heritage Academy is looking to replace a team with a JV girls team for the Jim Elliot Crusader Classic Basketball Tournament Dec. 7-9. This team would be the 7th or 8th seed in this tournament. Great coaches gift and hospitality room. Interested please contact Athletic Director Clint LittleJim at clittlejim@cha.org or text 405-823-9393
Nov 31 Holland Hall is looking for a varsity football scrimmage on August 23rd, 2024. It can be home or away. Please contact athletic director Steve Heldebrand at sheldebrand@hollandhall.org
Nov 30 Hackett High School in Arkansas located south of Fort Smith on the state line is looking for week 0, 1, or 2 games for next cycle(24/25). Please email Head Coach Mason Wann at mason.wann@hackettschools.org
Nov 30 OKAY girls and boys basketball teams are looking for a game next Monday or Tuesday. December 4th or 5th. Will travel within reason, play home, or even possible neutral site. We had a team drop due to a scheduling conflict and are needing a game. Contact: Cclark@okayps.org or lphillips@okayps.org
Nov 30 Lincoln Christian School needs a JV and Varsity Boys and Girls basketball game for the 2023-24 season due to a drop. Preferred date is 12/15 but will be flexible in finding a date. Please contact Kailan Woods if you are interested: 9182613401
Nov 29 ELGIN HIGH SCHOOL- is looking for a 2nd scrimmage for the 2024 season, We will travel or host. Please reach out to Head Coach, Chalmer Wyatt at chwyatt@elginps.net
Nov 29 My name is Elijah Frederick and I.m the Athletic Director for ASTEC Charter Schools. We are looking to fill our soccer schedule for 2024. If you are interested in playing please email me at ad@astec-k12.com. We are located in Oklahoma City.
Nov 29 Northwest Classen High School is looking to schedule Junior Varsity Baseball games for the Spring 2024 season. We are willing to travel within a reasonable distance. Please contact Head Coach Aaron Todd at atodd@okcps.org
Nov 29 Warner is looking for a Boys team to fill our Cherokee Classic on Jan 4th, 5th, & 6th. Current teams are Warner, Spiro, Wilburton, Morris, Keys, Okay, Eufaula, and Tulsa Hale girls. We give a coaches gift to you and your assistant, we have great facilities, & a great hospitality room. We will feed you and your teams each day of the tournament. Please contact Mindi Peters if interested. 918-618-3158 or mpeters@warner.k12.ok.us
Nov 28 Shattuck is still looking for Slow Pitch games this coming spring. Any match dates, tournaments, or festivals out there looking for teams to enter will be considered. We need JH and HS games. HS open dates are: March 12, April 4, 9, 11, 16. JH open dates are: March 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 26, 28, April 8, 9, 11. If you see any dates that would work for you and would want to play, please contact Travis Oakley at 580-334-2049 or toakley@shattuck.k12.ok.us
Nov 28 Wilson Public Schools in Southern Oklahoma is looking to fill the last dates for the 2024and 2025 Season. We need a high school game for week 0 or week 3. We also have a couple open JH dates as well. If interested contact Head Coach John Williamson at jwilliamson@wilson.k12.ok.us
Nov 28 DEER CREEK MIDDLE SCHOOL - We are in need of a 8th Grade Girls and Boys Basketball team for our 2024 8th Grade Basketball Tour, Jan 11-13, 2024. If interested please contact yohancebrown@dcsok.org
Nov 21 Wynnewood Public Schools is in need of a home and home, Middle School/Junior High, football games for Monday, September 23, 2024 and September 22, 2025. We have a 6/7 grade team and 8/9 grade team. If interested, please contact AD/Head Football Coach Joe Jones at jjones@wynnewood.k12.ok.us.
Nov 21 Preston High School is needing 3 teams to fill its high school school baseball tournament for this spring. The dates of the tournament will be April 18-20. We have an excellent hospitality room and coaches gift. Please contact Head Baseball Coach/A.D. at rhudson@preston.k12.ok.us or 918-839-8992
Nov 21 Laverne High School is looking for one more boys and girls basketball game for the 2023-24 season. Dates available are Dec. 1, 5 or 12. If interested please contact Brett Trippet @ 580-628-1504 or btrippet@laverne.k12.ok.us
Nov 20 Spiro 7/8th football is looking for a 2024 game on Oct. 14th or 15th. Please email kfowler@spiro.k12.ok.us if interested.
Nov 16 MARLOW HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL is looking for a non-district game, for week #2, for the 2024 & 2025 seasons. We would prefer 2A or 3A opponents within 125 miles of Marlow. But, we would consider some 4A schools or even 5A/6A JV teams. We will need to play at home on 9/13/2024 and then travel on 9/12/2025. If you are interested, please respond by email to MPS Athletic Director Daryn Brantley at (dbrantley@marlow.k12.ok.us) or by phone at 405-201-5017.
Nov 15 The Heart of Oklahoma Tournament at Purcell High School on January 18th-20th, 2024 is needing one girls team to complete the bracket. A team has withdrawn from participating leaving the tournament one team shy. The current field consists of Purcell, Anadarko, Byng, Bethany, OKC Knights, Dickson and Elgin. Please contact Athletic Director Rick Hammer at hammerr@purcellps.org or 405-609-7757
Nov 14 Clinton Middle School is looking for a 7th and 8th boys and girls basketball tournament. Contact Troy Rayner at troy.rayner@clintonokschools.org or 1-580-682-3010 8th grade boys coach or Jeff King AD at jeff.king@clintonokschools.org or 1-580-309-1974.
Nov 14 Fairland Public Schools is looking for a week 1 or week 2 Varsity football game, due to being dropped. This for the 2024/2025 season. Please contact Doug Winters, Head Football Coach/ A.D. @ dwinters@fpsowls.com, or call at 918-706-5051
Nov 13 Boswell Softball will be hosting a junior high festival (March 1st) and a high school festival on (March 4th). Teams would have a 3 game Guarantee. Entry Fee will be $225
Nov 13 Choctaw Middle School is needing 2 girls teams for both 7th and 8th grade tournaments hosted at Choctaw Middle School. The 8th Grade Tournament is January 11-13 and the 7th Grade Tournament is January 18-20. Contact Middle School AD, Corey Hawk chawk@cnpschools.org or (405)-413-9366.
Nov 13 Valliant is looking for a basketball game for the 2024-2025 seasons. If interested email pnix@vpsd.org
Nov 10 Star Spencer High School is needing two girls basketball games for its 4 Basketball 4 Country Basketball Festival December 15th and 16th , 2023. We are also needing basketball games for opponents 2A and above for the 2023-2024 school year. Contact Lance Cudjoe at 405-818-0746.
Nov 10 North Rock Creek High School is needing a Week 1 football game for the 2024/2025 seasons. Please contact Evan Smith , Athletic Director at esmith@nrcps.org or Jason Murray, Head Football Coach at jmurray@nrcps.org.
Nov 8 Kellyville High School is looking for Week 2 game for the 2024/2025 football seasons. We need the 2024 game to be a home game and we will return the favor in 2025. Class 2A or A. Please contact Kevin Nance, Athletic Director at nancek@kellyvilleschools.org
Nov 6 Putnam City North HS is looking for varsity Week 1 or Week 3 football game for the 2024/2025 season. Please email Derek Lane dlane@putnamcityschools.org
Nov 6 Shiloh Christian High School in Springdale, AR is needing 1 varsity football game. Week 0 and Week 3 are the available dates. If interested please contact Tucker Barnard at tuckerb@shilohsaints.org or 405-385-3074
Nov 6 Carthage High School is in need of 1 Varsity boys team to fill the 77th Carthage Invitational. The current field is Carthage, Joplin, Webb City, Nevada, Ray Pec, Leavenworth, and Fort Smith Southside. Please contact Nathan Morris at morrisn@carthagetigers.org or 620-870-0916
Nov 6 Wright Christian Academy has a few more openings on our spring soccer schedule: March 14th, March 26th, and March 28th. If you are interested in filling one of these match dates, please contact Craig Wills at cwills@wrightchristianacademy.com. We are looking to play either 3A teams or JV teams from 4A if possible.
Nov 1 Sallisaw is looking for 7/8th Football game on Oct. 8th 2024. - btyler@sallisawps.org
Oct 31 Laverne High School is needing girls' and boys' teams to fill its high school tournament for the next school year. The dates of the tournament will be December 12-14th, 2024. Laverne has always taken pride in hosting a very competitive tournament and providing an excellent venue for the teams and spectators. Please reach out to Brett Trippet A.D. at btrippet@laverne.k12.ok.us or 580-628-1504 if you are interested.
Oct 30 After a late drop, we need 7th grade boys, and girls and 8th grade boys and girls for our cleveland tournament from 11-6 to 11-11 3 games are guaranteed and games are after school so no school or very little is missed please contact me asap! seanohara@clevelandtigers.com
Oct 30 Yukon Middle School is looking for an 8th Grade GIRLS Basketball Team for our 8th Grade Basketball Tournament. The Jack Lackey 8th Grade Basketball Tournament will be hosted at Yukon Middle School December 7th - 9th. For more information, please contact YMS Athletic Director Aaron Mcvay - aaron.mcvay@yukonps.com / 405-802-1419.
Oct 26 Will Rogers High school is looking for girls team to fill our Ropers Invitational basketball tournament January 18th-20th 2024 please contact Assistant athletic director Raymond Shipps II at shippra2@tulsaschools.org if interested.
Oct 26 Cement has an opening for the 2024-2025 basketball season. This needs to be a home game for the 2024-2025 season. Please contact Athletic Director Kevin Mclendon at 405-249-9635 or kmclendon@cement.k12.ok.us
Oct 26 John Rex Middle School is looking for home and/or away soccer games in Spring of 2024 from the months of February to May. We will have a Boys A, Boys B, Girls A and Girls B team. Our “home field” is Scissortail Park. Please contact AD Dave Buteyn dbuteyn@johnrexschool.org for scheduling.
Oct 25 Wilburton Schools will have an opening in our high school basketball tournament December 12-14 for the 2024-25 season. Committed teams are Hartshorne, Spiro, Red Oak, Buffalo Valley, Warner and Atoka. We have great facilities and a top notch hospitality room. For more information contact Jim Gibson at jim.gibson@wilburtondiggers.org or 918-471-9773
Oct 25 OWASSO BOYS BASKETBALL is looking for 4 teams to fill their 8th grade basketball tournament on December 6, 7, and 9th. If interested contact head coach Brian Montonati at brian.montonati@owassops.org.
Oct 25 Heritage Hall is needing 1-2 basketball games for the 23-24 season after having some late drops. Please contact Dylan Sullivan @ dsullivan@heritagehall.com or 405-517-6098 if interested in scheduling. Open dates are 1/5/24 (can be home or away) and 2/2/24 (needs to be home).
Oct 24 Wetumka junior high jv is looking for a tournament or two if anyone has one available or maybe a few away games. Call or text 4055858500
Oct 24 Because of a cancellation Poteau Football is looking for a Varsity Football Game on 9/13 of 2024. It needs to be at Poteau in 2024.
Oct 24 Amber-Pocasset High School Basketball is looking for 1 home game in the 24-25 season. Open dates are 11/12/24 and 12/3/24. If interested contact Aaron Garrett - agarrett@amposchools.org - 405 640 4366.
Oct 24 Mary Golda Ross Middle School(OKC) is looking for a basketball tournament for 8th grade boys and girls. Please contact Site Athletic Coordinator Reuben Tiller @rtiller@okcps.org .
Oct 18 Putnam City North HS is looking for varsity Week 1 football game for the 2024/2025 season. Please email Derek Lane dlane@putnamcityschools.org
Oct 18 Daniel Webster High School (3A) is playing varsity football as an independent for the 2024 and 2025 seasons and are currently looking for football games. If interested, please email head football coach Everett Davis at davisev@tulsaschools.org or athletic director Kirk Baker at bakerki@tulsaschools.org.
Oct 18 Stratford Schools are looking for 2 more jh teams (8/9) for our jh basketball tournament. The dates are Jan 15, 18 and 20, 2024. Trophies will be given for 1st, 2nd , 3rd and consolation. We will also have a great hospitality room all 3 days. If interested, please contact Tony Prichard, AD at 405-328-0733.
Oct 18 Terra Verde Discovery School is hosting its Middle School Basketball Tournament December 4 – 9 and are in need of 2 more teams. Boys and Girls, 7/8 th grade team. Please contact Sean McMannis, AD at smcmannis@terraverdeschool.com or 949-400-1218 if interested.
Oct 18 Wright Christian Academy (Tulsa) is looking for varsity girl's basketball games on the following dates: 11/9, 11/10, 11/27, 11/28, 12/11, 12/12, 1/16. Please contact Craig Wills (cwills@wrightchristianacademy.com) or Emma Smoot (esmoot@wrightchristianacademy.com) if interested.
Oct 18 Central Middle School in Lawton is looking for one girls/boys basketball tournament.
Oct 17 Tonkawa Middle School- needs two football games for the 2024-2025 seasons. The open dates are 9/9/2024 and 9/23/2024 with corresponding dates in 2025. We would like to have a 7th grade game and an 8th grade game on both dates. Please email jreinart@tonkawa.k12.ok.us if you are interested or have any questions.
Oct 17 Okemah is looking for junior high football games on Sept 16th and Oct 7th next season. Please contact Okemah Head Coach Michael Gregory at (870) 995-6969 for more information or if interested.
Oct 16 Crossover Prep is looking for Junior high and varsity 8 man football games for the 24-25 season. We’re also looking for MS/HS volleyball games.
Oct 13 Tishomingo will be hosting a basketball tournament December 12-14th 2024. As of right now we have Caney, Colbert, Coalgate, Lindsay, Tishomingo committed. We will be in a brand new gym, we will have excellent hospitality, and will provide coaches gifts. Please reach out to Cody Williams at cowilliams@tishomingo.k12.ok.us or 4057560838 if you are interested.
Oct 12 Wright Christian Academy (Tulsa) is looking for a varsity girls and varsity boys game for November 13th. If interested, please contact Craig Wills at cwills@wrightchristianacademy.com.
Oct 12 Calumet Public School is looking for a HS and a JH basketball game for the 2024-2025 season. If interested, please call Sam Belcher at 405-893-2492 or email at belchers@chs.k12.ok.us
Oct 12 Garber High School Football needs a game for Week 1 for the 24/25 cycle. Needs an away in 24 and home in 25. Please contact: AD Warren Dell at warrend@garber.k12.ok.us or HC Koy Hughes at khughes@garber.k12.ok.us
Oct 12 Moore High School is looking for a girls and a boys teams to fill the John Nobles Invitational. Dates for the tournament are January 18-20, 2024. Please contact Courtney Walker at courtneywalker@mooreschools.com if you are interested.
Oct 12 Hays HS(5A) in Hays, KS is looking for a week 8 varsity football game on Friday October 25, 2024 and Oct 24th, 2025. We would need to travel in 2024. Please contact Lance Krannawitter AD/Asst Principal at 785-623-2600 or 785-443-4554 or email: lancekrannawitter@usd489.com
Oct 10 Perry Junior High is looking for one boys and girls team for our JH tournament 11/13,11/16, and 11/18. The games are played at Perry and Morrison so no school is missed. Please contact HS Principal Brandon Hight bhight@perry.k12.ok.us if interested.
Oct 10 Looking to host a 5 or 6 team scrimmage night on August 30, 2024, the "Okemah Jamboree". Please contact head coach Michael Gregory (870) 995-6969 or athletic director Stefanie Norman at (918)623-8855 if you are interested.
Oct 10 Jay High School needs 2 Boys and 2 Girls Teams for our 9th-grade basketball tournament on November 13, 14, and 16. Contact Jeff Stapleton, athletic director, at 918-791-8680 or jeffstapleton@jayps.org
Oct 10 Millwood Middle School and High School are looking for wrestling matches during the 2023-2024 school year. All matches must be away. Please contact Ebony Lawrence at elawrence@millwoodps.org if interested.
Oct 10 Enid High School is searching for home and home series for 9th grade Boys and Girls basketball teams throughout the 2023-2024 basketball season. Would need openings for both boys and girls on the same day. If interested, please reach out to: AD Scott Mansfield (rsmansfield@enidk12.org), Asst AD Lyndsay Watts (llwatts@enidk12.org) and/or Girls Head Coach William Milton (wsmilton@enidk12.org) or Boys Head Coach Jonathan Reed (jlreed@enidk12.org).
Oct 10 Burns Flat-Dill City Schools is looking for a Week “0” or Week “3” football game for the 24-25 season. Contact Jason Jones at 580-562-4844 or 580-374-8095.
Oct 10 Guymon High School is currently looking for varsity football games for the 2024 season. Guymon is currently on an independent schedule. Would be willing to travel. If interested, please email head football coach Jake Martinez at Jake.martinez@guymontigers.com
Oct 6 Valliant High School is looking for a week 0 or week 3 game for the 2024-2025 football seasons. Please contact me at pnix@vpsd.org
Oct 3 Plainview Middle School is looking for 2 more teams to fill our 6th grade boys and girls basketball tournament. The tournament will be held on November 2nd-4th in both gyms on campus. All games will be completed before 2pm each day. Please email Athletic Director Ryan Luhmann at rluhmann@plainview.k12.ok.us if interested.
Oct 2 Crossover Prep is looking for 6-7th grade basketball games for this season.
Oct 2 Aspire Basketball, a homeschool group in Tulsa, is looking to add some more games for this 23-24 basketball season. We have plenty of open dates remaining for our high school boys and girls, but we also have middle school if that helps. High school girls games are needed most of all. We would match up well against smaller schools. Please contact Craig Dean @ 918.406.7242. Thanks!
Oct 2 Jones is looking for one MS school team Girls 7th &8th and Boys 7th & 8th to fill a Middles school tournament on January 22nd, 25th & 27th. Please contact Kevin Witt AD kwitt@jonesps.org This is a great tournament. We run two gyms and have a great hospitality room.
Oct 2 Jones is looking for middle school football games for the 2024/2025 season. We are looking for schools that fill a separate 7th and 8th grade team. We would also be interested in playing JV as well. We have three open dates as of now. We need 2 Home games and 1 Away game. Sep.3rd, Sep.30th, Oct.14th. Contact Kevin Witt AD/HD Football kwitt@jonesps.org
Oct 2 Woodward High School needs a girls/boys varsity basketball game for 2024-2025 season. Open dates are Dec. 10th, Dec. 20th, Jan. 14th, Jan. 17th, Feb. 4th, Feb 7th, and Feb 14th. Please contact David Norton if interested at david.norton@woodwardps.net or 580-541-3625.
Sept 28 We would like to welcome you and your team to our 2023 Princeton High School Boys Invitational Tournament. The tournament dates are set for Nov. 30th-Dec. 1st-2nd. The entry fee is $0.00 for Varsity teams and $300 for JV and 9th Grade teams. We will be using Princeton High School's main gym and aux gym. We will have hospitality rooms available to coaches, bus drivers, and tournament workers/volunteers. Concession stands will be available. We will be sending out brackets soon! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Princeton HS Boys Coach Eric Lockman 469-288-4538. Please return your entry fee payable to Princeton Athletics and mail to: Princeton Athletics, Attn.: Lana Howell, 960 Bois D’Arc, Princeton, TX 75407 Respectfully, Coach Eric Lockman/Head Boys Basketball Coach
Sept 28 OKC Patriots varsity football team looking to fill one game for the 2024 season. OCT 4th WEEK 5 or OCT 25th WEEK 8. Home field located at 4712 S Santa Fe Ave, OKC OK. Can play at home or away. Contact Coach Toney at (580) 278-9942.
Sept 28 Guymon HS is searching for varsity football games for the 2024/2025 season. We have the following dates open. Please email andy.brown@guymontigers.com September 27th / October 18th / October 25th / November 1st
Sept 28 Tishomingo Public Schools will be hosting a high school basketball tournament December 12-14th 2024. We will be in a brand new gymnasium, will have great hospitality, and will have coaches gifts. If you are interested please reach out to Athletic Director Scott O'Hara at sohara@tishomingo.k12.ok.us cell (405)589-1955 or Cody Williams at cowilliams@tishomingo.k12.ok.us cell (405)756-0838.
Sept 26 Pawnee HS needs a JV Fb game on October 9. Karey Jones 405-762-1137.
Sept 26 Dickson High School Basketball is looking for 3 home games and 2 road games in the 24-25 season. Open dates are 12/10, 12/13, 1/7, 1/10 and 2/4. If you're interested contact Brandon Bittner bbittner@dickson.k12.ok.us or Josh Eubank jeubank@dickson.k12.ok.us
Sept 25 Chinle High School Basketball Invitational Tournament (Arizona), sponsored by Southwest Food Excellence, is hosting its annual tournament from Dec. 21-23rd. This will be an 8-team (boys & girls) 3-game guarantee tournament. The entry fee is $350 for the tournament. Chinle High School is in the heart of the Navajo Nation and currently holds the #14 largest high school basketball arena and is featured on Netflix for its award-winning documentary, "Basketball-or-Nothing." Please feel free to reach out for any questions/to reserve a sport at cjwoods@chinleusd.k12.az.us or at 928-674-9481/9482
Sept 25 Mulhall-Orlando high school slow-pitch is looking to fill these dates for the upcoming season. The dates are March 21, 23, 28, April 3, 4, and 17. Contact at bcustar@m-ops.org or 918-716-8044.
Sept 25 Thackerville is looking for one boys team and two girls basketball teams to fill their Tournament after a couple of teams dropped out. The tournament dates are December 7-9, 2023. We will accept a large schools JV team, smaller schools preferred. For more information contact Mark Barrett, AD, at 580-229-3568 (cell) or 5870-267-3610.
Sept 25 Comanche High School is looking for a Spring Break Festival/Tournament, if you know of an opening please contact Fabian Reyes fabianreyes@cpsok.org (580) 770-1045.
Sept 25 TULSA NOAH FOOTBALL is looking for varsity football games for weeks 2 and 3 for the 2024/2025 cycle. We also have some openings with some flexibility to move games around for weeks 4 - 8. Contact Info: James Ballinger at (918) 606-8214 or jameshudsonballinger@gmail.com.
Sept 25 Kremlin-Hillsdale slow pitch softball is looking for one or two teams to come to our tournament on April 11th-13th. If anyone is looking for a tournament during that time, contact me. Randy Vaught @ email: vaughtr@kremlin.k12.ok.us ph: (580)478-4968. Thank you!
Sept 22 Trinity School in Oklahoma City is accepting applications for a Head Baseball Coach opening with a possible teaching spot for the right candidate. We are a small private christian school by the Paseo Area in OKC. Contact Athletic Director; Mr. Zac Niles for more information at zniles@trinityschoolokc.org.
Sept 22 Central Jr. High 7th grade boys & girls teams are in search of a tournament to enter this season. If you currently have openings please contact Coach Wise, Central AD @ christopherwise@mooreschools.com.
Sept 22 Christian Heritage Academy has an one opening for a boys and girls team in our Jim Elliot Tournament this year (Dec 7-9). We had one that had to drop on both sides recently. Great hospitality, coaches gifts and competition! If interested email me at jaezell@cha.org.
Sept 21 Wright Christian Academy (Tulsa) is looking for junior high boys basketball games for our 6th-7th graders. These guys are beginners. We'd love to get a few more games on their schedule. Here are some open dates we have available: 11/7, 11/13, 12/1, 12/11, 12/15, 1/8,1/26. Please contact Craig Wills (cwills@wrightchristianacademy.com) if you want to schedule.
Sept 21 My name is Jonathan Alexander and I'm the boys varsity asst basketball coach at Jesuit Dallas. We host a tournament, the Knights of Columbus Bob Stras Classic, 11/30 - 12/2. Just last week we had a team drop from our field of 8 and we're actively looking for a replacement. This late in the game it's been tough to find an 8th team so we're looking at other options, such as teams from our neighbor state to the north, Oklahoma. Unfortunately we cannot have charter schools in the tournament but besides that both public and private are welcome. I had an Oklahoma coach refer me to your Oklahoma Coaches site to see about posting our need there to see if we could get an Okla. Team. - JAlexander@JESUITCP.ORG
Sept 20 DEER CREEK MIDDLE SCHOOL - We are in need of one more 7th Grade Girls and Boys Basketball team for our 2023 7th Grade Basketball Tour, Dec 7-9, 2023. If interested please contact yohancebrown@dcsok.org
Sept 20 Crossover Preparatory Academy is looking for 8 man football games for the 2024-2025 season.
Sept 20 Okemah is looking for a football game for week 3 next season 2024? Contact Head Coach Michael Gregory at (870) 995-6969 or Athletic Director Stefanie Norman (918) 623-8855. Thank you!
Sept 19 Wynona School is looking for HS and/or JV basketball games. Please contact Clint Hill at chill@wynona.k12.ok.us or 918-440-9098
Sept 19 Stratford Schools are looking for 2 more jh teams (8/9) for our jh basketball tournament. The dates are Jan 15, 18 and 20, 2024. Trophies will be given for 1st, 2nd , 3rd and consolation. We will also have a great hospitality room all 3 days. If interested, please contact Tony Prichard, AD at 405-328-0733.
Sept 19 Tulsa NOAH Jaguars Baseball Varsity and JV is looking to fill two fall game dates for their upcoming 2023 fall schedule. We would prefer scheduling Varsity/JV doubleheaders, but are open to what is available (scrimmages, etc.) We are willing to travel and would also host teams in Tulsa. Please contact Coach Sean Call with NOAH Baseball for scheduling: 918-361-3575.
Sept 14 Kremlin-Hillsdale is looking for a festival over our spring break (March 11th-15th) Let me know if anyone has anything open during that week. Prefer 14/15th. Contact me, Coach Vaught, @ (580)478-4968 or vaughtr@kremlin.k12.ok.us (THANKS!)
Sept 14 Frontier schools needs a girls/boys varsity basketball game for the 2024/25 season. open dates are Nov.1, 5,8,19,22. 2024 and Dec.3, 6. 2024 Please contact bob.weckstein@frontierok.com or 580-761-0705
Sept 13 McDonald County HS (MO) is needing 1 girls team and 1 boys team to fill the annual Mustang Classic basketball tournaments. Solid competition, no entry fee, all-tournament team awards, coaches gifts, hospitality room. Girls tournament dates are December 11-13. Boys tournament dates are Dec 14-16. Please contact Bo Bergen—Athletic Director at bo.bergen@mcdonaldr1.net if interested.
Sept 13 Cleveland Middle School is looking for one more 8th Grade girls team to play in their tournament which will Go from Nov 6th- Nov 11th. The game times will be after school. Please contact Sean O'Hara at seanohara@clevelandtigers.com
Sept 13 Mount St Mary High School is looking for both Boys & Girls golf tournaments to attend for 2024 spring season. If anyone is hosting a tournament please contact Head Golf Coach Drew England by email at dengland@mountstmary.org
Sept 13 Carl Albert High School is looking for a 9th and JV game for this Monday, 9/18/2023. We are looking for two separate games, not a combined game. We are ready to host, or travel, in order to make the games work. Please contact head football coach, Mike Dunn. Office: 405-739-1648 Cell: 405-615-3500 Email: mdunn@mid-del.net
Sept 12 Cleveland Middle School is looking for two more 8th Grade girls, a 7th grade girls, and 8th grade boys, and 7th grade boys team to play in their tournament which will Go from Nov 6th- Nov 11th. The game times will be after school. Please contact Sean O'Hara at seanohara@clevelandtigers.com
Sept 12 Seminole High School needs a 2nd football scrimmage in 24 Mike Snyder 405 380 2330
Sept 11 Deer Creek Bruce Gray Boys Basketball Tournament January 18-20. We are in need of two teams to fill our tournament this coming January. Please contact Mike Donnelly (mikedonnelly@dcsok.org) if you are interested.
Sept 11 Bentonville West Boys only seeking a game. Due to a late schedule change, We have an opening the week of December 11th-16th. We would like to play on Tuesday, December 12th but anything that week will work. We can play JV and Varsity, home or away. Please contact me at gwhite@bentonvillek12.org
Stillwater HS is looking for a 9th Football game on Mon, Sept 25th and/or Mon. Oct. This is a last minute adjustment to a late cancellation by our previously scheduled opponent. If interested/available please reach out to Randy Patzkowski at rpatzkowski@stillwaterschools.com.
Plainview High School is looking for either a Week 0 or Week 2 game for the 2024 and 2025 football seasons. Need a home game for 2024, but will consider options. Please contact Ryan Luhmann at (580)490-3150 if interested rluhmann@plainview.k12.ok.us
Poteau needs a First Scrimmage for the 2024 Season. Please contact Greg Werner at 918-839-4572 or wernergreg67@gmail.com
Christian Heritage Academy has an opening for a boys team in our Jim Elliot Tournament this year (Dec 7-9). We had one that had to drop recently. Great hospitality, coaches gifts and competition! If interested email me at jaezell@cha.org.
Northwest Classen High School is looking to fill out our Junior Varsity Baseball Schedule for this Spring season. If you have openings, please contact Coach Aaron Todd atodd@okcps.org
Putnam Heights Academy is looking for basketball games to fill their upcoming 2023-2024 season for its varsity boys and girls basketball team. We are open to travel and will also be available to participating in Junior Varsity games . Please contact Site Athletic Coordinator Otis Moses at 405-255-5261 or via email at ocmoses@okcps.org.
Pawnee HS Football needs week 3 game for the next 2 years. Contact Karey Jones 405-762-1137.
Looking for one team for an opening in our large school division 3A-6A for the Mickey Mantle Classic Tournament. Dates April 4-6 with banquet on the evening of the 6th. 3 Games guaranteed. Contact bsimmons@commercetigers.net. www.mickeymantleclassic.com for more infor.
Wright Christian Academy (TULSA) is looking for games for the following sports: - Middle school boys basketball "B Team" - 6th & 7th graders - Middle school boys soccer (Spring) If you are interested in scheduling, please contact Craig Wills at cwills@wrightchristianacademy.com. Thanks.
Sulphur HS is looking for either a week 0 or week 3 game for the 2024 and 2025 football seasons, really need a home game in 2024 but will consider all options Please contact Corey Cole at (580)618-5847 or (580)622-2061 if interested corey.cole@sulphurk12.org
MidFirst Classic is looking for a girls’ team (large or small school) to fill our January 4-6, 2024 tournament. The MidFirst Classic is played at Warrior Fieldhouse in Anadarko. Please contact Kirk Graham at 580.774.5798 or kgraham@apswarriors if interested.
Yukon Middle School is looking for 1 more 8th Grade Team (Boys & Girls) to complete our Jack Lackey Middle School Basketball Tournament. It will be December 7th - 9th. 1st, 2nd, 3rd & Consolation Trophies, All Tournament Team, Most Outstanding Player Award and Hospitality Room will all be included. $150 per team, $300 Total. If interested or need more information, please contact Athletic Director Aaron Mcvay at aaron.mcvay@yukonps.com / 405-802-1419.
Yukon Middle School is looking to enter a basketball tournament for our 7th Grade JV Teams (Boys & Girls). If you have any available spots, please let me know. aaron.mcvay@yukonps.com / 405-802-1419
Kellyville High School is looking for Week 2 or Week 3 game for the 2024/2025 football seasons. We need the 2024 game to be a home game and we will return the favor in 2025. Class 2A or A. Please contact Kevin Nance, Athletic Director at nancek@kellyvilleschools.org
Anadarko is looking for two HS basketball games for the 2024-25 season. Please contact Doug Schumpert at 405.933.6285 / dschumpert@apswarriors.com or Kirk Graham at 580.774.5798 / kgraham@apswarriors if interested.
The Edmond Open is looking for boys teams (large school or small school) to fill our tournament field for some great basketball competition December 7-9. The Open will be held at Edmond Memorial this year. Please contact Shane Cowherd 405-919-5327 shane.cowherd@edmondschools.net if interested!
Frontier is looking for JV Boys basketball games. We are willing to play small private school varsity teams or homeschool teams. Open dates: Nov. 3, 7, 9,10 Please contact bob.weckstein@frontierok.com or 580-761-0705



Carthage Girls Basketball (MO) is looking for a one game this season with the potential for a return game next season. We can play all three levels (V, JV, 9th/C-team). Contact Head Coach Scott Moore at moores@carthagetigers.org to discuss potential dates to play.
Tishomingo Public Schools will be hosting a high school basketball tournament December 12-14th 2024. We will be in a brand new gymnasium, will have great hospitality, and will have coaches gifts. If you are interested please reach out to Athletic Director Scott O'Hara at sohara@tishomingo.k12.ok.us cell (405)589-1955 or Cody Williams at cowilliams@tishomingo.k12.ok.us cell (405)756-0838.
Aug 31 Immanuel Lutheran Christian Academy is looking for a home game on Nov. 28. We could also play this as an away game. We need MS boys and girls and Varsity men and women. Contact me at scamp@icaba.org
Aug 30 Boswell Softball will be hosting a junior high festival (March 1st) and a high festival on (March 4th). Teams would have a 3 game Guarantee Entry Fee will be $225 and two game balls. Contact Randal Copeland @ rcopeland@boswellschools.org or 580-513-0523.
Aug 30 Shattuck High School is searching for a basketball team to come to the Shattuck shootout. January 18-20 2023. We have a tremendous facility and excellent hospitality. We also need a team for January 23-25 2024. Please contact Dale Bledsoe or Ryan Mckkee if you have any questions.
Aug 30 ELGIN HIGH SCHOOL - is looking for a 2nd scrimmage for the 2024-2025 seasons. If interested, reach out to head coach, Chalmer Wyatt at chwyatt@elginps.net
Aug 30 Garden City High School (KS) - is in need of 1 HS Varsity Boys Basketball Team for our Roundball Classic - Dec. 7-9, 2023. If interested, please contact Jacob Miller at 602-561-0436 or jmiller1@gckschools.com
Aug 30 Pawnee HS Football needs a 1st scrimmage for next season. Contact Karey Jones 405-762-1137.
Aug 30 CHRISTIAN HERITAGE ACADEMY is looking for a spring break baseball tournament for spring 2024 (March 21-23). Please contact Caleb LittleJim at (405)435-3452 if you have any openings.
Aug 30 Chandler High School Baseball will be hosting the Mark Howard Memorial Baseball Tournament on March 21-23. If interested please contact Shay Rackley -405-258-8025 or shay.rackley@chandlerlions.org
Aug 30 Cache High School is looking for a second scrimmage with a 3A-5A school for the 2024-2025 seasons. Contact Head Football Coach Faron Griffin at faron.griffin@cacheps.org.
Aug 30 Chandler is looking for JH & JV football games for the 2024/25 cycle. Travel needs to be within reason. Dates needed for 2024 are Sep 16 & Oct 28 with corresponding dates in 2025. Please contact head football coach Jack.Gray@chandlerlions.org 405-328-0164 or AD geoff.metheny@chandlerlions.org 405-240-6485
Aug 29 Will Rogers is still looking for girls teams to play in our Ropers Invitational tournament which takes place January 18th-20th on the campus of Will Rogers College High school. If there are any teams interested place contact assistant athletic director Raymond Shipps II @ shippra2@tulsaschools.org or 918-833-9133 asap.
Aug 29 NOBLE - We are looking for 2 HS Basketball games for the 23-24 season. We have Nov. 28th, Jan. 19th, and Feb. 16th open. If interested contact Tyler Solomon at tsolomon@nobleps.com or 405-626-6650
Aug 28 Pittsburg school will be hosting a slow pitch festival March 21-22. Teams can play up to 6 games. Entry fee will be $50 a game. All games will be held at the McAlester softball complex. If interested, please contact Hannah Guthrie at (580) 273-1645.
Aug 28 The link above will take you to the flyer for the JV Wildcat invitation held in Ponca City on 3/7. - https://docs.google.com/document/d/16dapbLl1rQe_BLUTDEIigbGA_Nk5MbMOeJ91Z3xHe7Q/edit?usp=sharing
Aug 28 Wright Christian (Tulsa) is looking for middle school boy's soccer matches for the spring. This will be for 6th-8th graders. Contact Craig Wills at cwills@wrightchristianacademy.com if you'd like to schedule.
Aug 28 Okmulgee Public Schools is looking for middle school basketball games for the 2023-2024 season. Contact Ed Vaughn at 9189064624 or evaughn@okmulgeeps.com if interested.
Aug 28 MARLOW HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL is looking for non-district games for the 2024 & 2025 seasons. We need to fill two slots in either Week 0, Week 2 or Week 3 and would prefer 2A or 3A opponents within 100 miles, or so, of Marlow. But, we would also consider 4A schools or possibly 5A or 6A JV teams. Our schedule is currently flexible on home/away locations. If you are interested, please respond by email to MPS Athletic Director Daryn Brantley at (dbrantley@marlow.k12.ok.us) or by phone at 405-201-5017.
Aug 25 Dibble is looking to start hosting a HS basketball tournament for the 2024-25 season. The dates will be January 9-10-11 of 2025. Any teams interested please contact: Nick Price - (405)821-5873, nprice@dibble.k12.ok.us Cameron Corbin - (405)406-1621, corbin@dibble.k12.ok.us Maria Kroeker - (405)816-5873, kroeker@dibble.k12.ok.us
Aug 25 Lawton Eisenhower is looking for 1 varsity girls and boys game to complete our 23/24 varsity schedule for the upcoming season. We have December 15th, 2023 and January 23, 2024 open, but we are open to other dates as well. We are willing to host or travel. Please contact me at 405 305 4661 or brandon.kephart@lawtonps.org.
Aug 25 Bartlesville is looking to add 7th grade boys and girls basketball games. Please contact stewartcb@bps-ok.org.
Aug 25 Carver Middle School Softball is looking for a few games to fill the following dates: August 30 (Home or Away) , Aug 31st (Away only) Sept 6th (Home or Away). If interested, please contact Carver Softball Coach Janna Clark 918-408-3942.
Aug 25 SKIATOOK BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT: Looking for 1 girls team for the 53rd annual Skiatook Tournament, Jan 4-6. Come play in one of the best gyms in Oklahoma. We do Coach's gifts, Player's shirts and a fabulous hospitality room. Contact Shane Branscum for more details, sbranscum@skiatookschools.org.
Aug 25 The Cashion County Line Tournament is needing one boys team for our tournament this season Jan 18-20th, 2024. Cashion is located 20 minutes from the NWOKC. Please contact John Hardaway at jhardaway@cashionps.org
Aug 25 Cashion Boys Basketball is looking for Freshman/JV games, festivals, or tournaments for the 2023-2024 season. Please contact John Hardaway jhardaway@cashionps.org
Aug 25 Crossings Christian is in need of a Home Varsity Football Game for the 2024 season preferably Week 0 (Friday, Aug. 30). We could potentially play Week 3 (Sep. 20) as well. We need a home game for the 2024 season and then can return the favor and play away for the 2025 season. Please contact Head Football Coach Jacob Stephenson (jstephenson@crossingsschool.org) and Athletic Director Shawn Schenk (sschenk@crossingsschool.org).
Aug 22 TULSA NOAH FOOTBALL is looking for a few 11 man varsity football games for the 2024/2025 cycle. We are especially interested in teams that would like to play during their district bye weeks (Weeks 4 - 8). Contact Info: James Ballinger at (918) 606-8214 or  jameshudsonballinger@gmail.com
Aug 22 CHRISTIAN HERITAGE is looking for a spring break baseball tournament (March 21-23) for spring 2024. We just moved down from 3A to 2A this year. If you have an opening, please contact Caleb LittleJim: phone 405-435-3452 or email cflittlejim@cha.org.
Aug 22 Boise City High School is looking for 2 Varsity Girls and Boys games. We are in need of 1 road game and 1 home game. These are the following available dates: Dec. 18,19 Jan. 2,15,16, or 26. Please email Head Coach Britton Gabriele at britton.gabriele@bcpsd.org, or call 580-817-0470.
Aug 22 Seminole needs JH football games for 24-25 Mike Snyder 405 380 2330
Aug 22 Yukon Middle School is looking to fill our 7th & 8th Grade Basketball Schedule. Still in search of a few more regular season games & looking to enter 7th & 8th Grade Basketball Tournaments. If interested, please contact Athletic Director Aaron Mcvay at 405-802-1419 or email at aaron.mcvay@yukonps.com
Aug 22 Yukon Middle School is looking to add 3 Boys & 2 Girls teams to the 8th Annual Jack Lackey 8th Grade Basketball Tournament. The Tournament will be December 7th - 9th (Thu - Sat) Hospitality Room - All Tournament Teams - Tournament MVP - Entry Fee ($150 per team). If interested, please contact Athletic Director Aaron Mcvay at 405-802-1419 or email at aaron.mcvay@yukonps.com
Aug 21 Carnegie is looking for a JH boys and girls home game on Dec 18th Contact Coach Wade Wallace at wwallace@carnegie.k12.ok.us if interested.
Aug 21 Bethany is looking for one team to join our tournament September 7th-9th. Please email Kristen Bibbs at kbibbs@bethanyschools.com or contact (405) 512-4333 if interested.
Aug 18 I am looking for three teams to play in the Morris fastpitch tournament on September 7th and 9th of 2023. If you are interested please contact me at kking@morrisschools.net.
Aug 18 The Academy - Newest OSSAA member in class A - Is looking for one more high school basketball game (boys and girls). We are open to home (OKC) or away games. Please contact AD Dillion Coplin at dcoplin@theacademyok.org.
Aug 18 Chandler High School is looking for a Week 2 and Week 3 game for the 2024/25 cycle. If interested contact head football coach Jack.Gray@chandlerlions.org 405-328-0164 or AD geoff.metheny@chandlerlions.org 405-240-6485
Aug 18 Moore High School is looking for 2 boys and 1 girls basketball team to compete in the John Nobles Tournament Jan. 18-20, 2024. If interested, please contact our A.D. Courtney Walker at courtneywalker@mooreschools.com
Aug 18 Plainview High School is looking for a non-district football game in week 2 in 2024/2025. We are looking for teams in class 2A-4A, preferably within 100 miles. Contact rluhmann@plainview.k12.ok.us or jprice@plainview.k12.ok.us if interested.
Aug 18 Mount St. Mary basketball is looking for a JV boys and varsity boys and girls game on January 26. Thanks for the help. Andre Dawkins  Head Boys Basketball Coach Mount St. Mary Catholic High School adawkins@mountstmary.org 704-906-1541
Aug 17 Perkins-Tryon Football is looking for a game either week zero, week 1, week 3. If interested contact Dawayne Hudson at (479)856-4401.
Aug 17 We are trying to finalize our Varsity Basketball schedule for both Girls and Boys, home or away. Due to some of the Tulsa Public High School being placed in different districts, we have been required to adjust our schedules. Available dates: Friday, December 1st, 2023-both teams Saturday, December 2nd, 2023-both teams Saturday, December 9th, 2023-Boys only Friday, January 5th, 2023-Girls only Saturday, January 6th , 2023-Girls only Tuesday, January 16th, 2023-both teams Friday, January 26th, 2023-both teams Saturday, January 27th, 2023-both teams Tuesday, January 30th, 2023-both teams Please get back to me at your earliest convenience! Thanks Again, Coach Louie
Aug 17 Carl Albert HS is needing 4 Boys teams for our tournament January 18-20th, 2024. Teams committed are: Carl Albert, Ada, Destiny Christian, & McAlester. If interested contact Coach Jay Price at (405) 760-4045 or jprice@mid-del.net
Aug 17 Sequoyah Tahlequah is looking for 1 boys team for their Sequoyah Invitational Basketball Tournament December 7th-9th. Coaches gift is a $150 Visa gift card for head coach and $50 for assistants, plus incredible hospitality room, hotel rooms provided for team and coaches if traveling, amazing gameday atmosphere all weekend, tournament shirts for players and coaches, and 3 officials for all games. Please contact Zac Briscoe at 918-704-8068 if interested!!
Aug 17 Frederick is looking for a week 0 game, for the 24/25 years. If interested contact Bret Tyler at 806-269-7605 or btyler@frederickbombers.net
Aug 9 Poteau High School is looking for a Week 2 or 3 game for the 2024/25 cycle. If interested contact Greg Werner - 918-839-4572 or wernergreg67@gmail.com
Aug 9 The Hartshorne Pick & Shovel Classic basketball tournament is looking for VARSITY teams for the December 2023 schedule. Tournament dates are December 7, 8, and 9. For more information, please contact Shane Hackler at (918) 424-0563 or Jason Lindley at (918) 308-0345.
Aug 9 Elk City High School Football is looking for an opponent for 2024-25. Open week "0" or week "3". Please call Brian Hunt- 404-545-0975, Elk City AD.
Aug 8 IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHRISTIAN ACADEMY (Broken Arrow) We are looking to add additional basketball games for MS, HS (boys and girls) and JV (boys). We have limited use of a gym for our home games so we are primarily interested in playing away games. Please contact me at scamp@icaba.org or 918-671-1412
Aug 7 Minco High School: we are currently looking for a varsity boys and girls basketball team, preferably from the same school, to fill our basketball tournament. Tournament December 7th, 8th, & 9th 2023 If interested please contact AD Brock Wardlaw at bwardlaw@minco.k12.ok.is
Aug 7 Canadian High School- Class B is looking for a home/home series for the 2024 and 2025 seasons. We are willing to play away for 2024 and home in 2025. The weeks we have open are week 2 or week 5. Canadian is in class B-1 and we are open playing class B and class C schools. We are willing to travel. If interested please contact Head Football Coach Nathan Leithead by email nleithead@canadian.k12.ok.us or by phone at 918-424-2072.
Aug 7 Palo Duro and Amarillo High in Amarillo, TX are looking for 2 teams to come play on Nov 20 and 21, 2023. You play one of us Monday and the other Tuesday. Our school district will pay for hotel rooms. If interested, please contact Marques Loftis 806-282-0193 or email quesloft81@gmail.com
Aug 7 Lone Grove HS is looking for 2 preseason games preferably week 1 and week 2 for the 2024 and 2025 seasons. Lone Grove is a 3a school in south central Oklahoma. We are looking for teams in 2a, 3a or 4a within 100 miles. Contact Ccole@lonegrove.k12.ok.us if interested.
Aug 7 Latta Panther Classic: December 7-9 2023 Need 1 boys and 1 girls team for High School tournament. Contact: AD Dr. Jeff Williams at jwilliams@latta.k12.ok.us or call 580-310-5987. Great facility, great hospitality, great teams and competitive atmosphere. No entry fee.
Aug 7 Trinity School-OKC is looking for a varsity boys basketball game on November 3 and January 23 (Prefer 1A/2A). Also looking for two tournaments (flexible on dates but, prefer 1A/2A). If interested, please contact Coach Finch at dfinch@trinityschoolokc.org.
Aug 7 Bethany HS needs a Week Zero football game for the 2024 and 2025 seasons. If you are interested please email AD/Head Football Coach, Jon Arthur at jarthur@bethanyschools.com.
Aug 7 We are looking to add several varsity and JV basketball games. We are currently in the Heartland Christian Athletic Conference. Please contact me if you are interested in scheduling games. Steve Camp Athletic Director Immanuel Lutheran Christian Academy 918-671-1412 scamp@icaba.org
Aug 7 Stillwater 7th and 8th grade are looking for a scrimmage august 17th. This would be for football. The schools we were suppose to scrimmage backed out. If know of anything or anyone wanting to scrimmage us email me. We are willing to travel as well. Jonesleonard15@yahoo.com.
Aug 7 Coweta High School (5A) is looking for non-conference football games for the 24-25 cycle. If interested, please contact Head Football Coach Tim Harper at 870-703-4711. We are looking for 2 games, and are fairly flexible at the moment. We would need a 2 year agreement with a home and away.
Stratford Is looking for a couple more teams for its HS fast pitch tournament this fall. The dates are August 17-19. We do pool play on Thursday and Friday and then all teams come back for a single elimination Saturday Tournament. Please call Tony Prichard @ 405-328-0733  Or email him @ tprichard@stratford.k12.ok.us if interested. The teams that have confirmed are: Stratford. Pauls Valley, Wayne, Seminole, McLoud, Sante Fe South.
July 28 Western Heights Varsity football needs games on September 29 and October 26. We need home games for senior night and homecoming. Please contact Head Coach JD Runnels (405) 488-7681 or runjd38@gmail.com
July 28 Alva Middle School is hosting 7th and 8th grade boys and girls basketball tournaments to be held January 29- Feb. 1- Feb. 3 2024. We are looking for teams to play. If interested please contact Middle School AD Ryne Wilson at rawilson@alvaschools.net
July 28 Locust Grove is looking to add two teams to our annual basketball tournament 1/4-1/6. Please contact AD Sam Nelson if interested, 918-949-0010, snelson@lg.k12.ok.us
July 28 DUNCAN - We are now 4A in HS Basketball and need to fill a schedule. Anyone needing a game please contact Coach Givens grant.givens@duncansps.org
July 28 Nathan Hale High School is looking for girls & boys basketball games for the 2023-24 school year. Please contact Mick Wilson, Director of Athletics, Tulsa Public Schools at 918-746-6468 or wilsomi2@tulsaschools.org.
July 24 We are looking to start the Lookeba Sickles spring baseball tournament back up this spring. Dates will be March 28-30. Cost will be 250 per team. 3 game guarantee. We will have a coach’s gift, all tournament team and mvp. If you are interested contact Brandon Lierle 580-774-9648.
July 24 Washington needs 7th/8th/9th football games this season. If interested, please contact Andy Newby at anewby@wps-isd.com or Brad Beller at bbeller@wps-isd.com
July 21 Enid is looking to add two teams for a Volleyball Scrimmage on July 26th. 9th, JV, & Varsity spots available. Please email Coach Watts if interested: ggwatts@enidk12.org
July 21 OKC Patriots looking to fill a Varsity Football game for 9/1/23 or 10/20/23. Willing to play home or away game. Our game field is located at 4712 S Sante Fe Ave OKC, OK 73109. Contact Coach Toney at (580) 278-9942
July 21 Jay High School is looking for 2 boys and girls high school teams for our prestigious Tri-State Classic basketball tournament on Jan 18,19 and 20, 2024. Great hospitality room, coaches' gifts, and facilities. Contact athletic director Jeff Stapleton at 918-791-8680
July 21 Jay Public Schools is looking for one 8th-grade boys and one 8th-grade girls team for our junior high tournament on Nov. 6,7 and 9, 2023. Great facilities and hospitality room. Contact athletic director Jeff Stapleton at 918-791-8680.
July 19 OKC Patriots looking to fill a Varsity Football game for 9/1/2023. Willing to play home or away game. Our game field is located at 4712 S Sante Fe Ave OKC, OK 73109. Contact Coach Toney at (580) 278-9942
July 18 Southwest Covenant in Yukon is hosting a Middle School (7th and 8th grade) boys and girls basketball tournament November 13-18, 2023 in our brand new 900-seat gymnasium. No entry fee, gifts for coaches, hospitality room, and all-tournament teams. We are a Class A high school but will consider larger schools (7th grade preferably if 4A and above) to help fill the bracket. We'll avoid Friday night games due to football playoffs and varsity basketball. This tournament will be first class and enjoyable for your Junior High coaches and programs. Reach out to Kevin Cobbs at kcobbs@southwestcovenant.com for more information.
July 18 Douglass High School varsity volleyball team is looking for a weekend tournament to get in for September. Please contact Coach Monique Alexander 405-887-0952 or pmcalexander@outlook.com
July 18 Douglass high school varsity volleyball is looking for a school to scrimmage in July or early August. Please contact Coach Monique Alexander: pmcalexander@outlook.com 405-887-0952.
July 17 Drumright – Come run with us! We will give preference to small schools but will accept larger classifications. August 19 8:30 am – Coaches Meeting at sign in area. Email brobison@drumright.k12.ok.us or call/text 918 457-0630 to secure your spot First race is 8:45, the next race will begin 5 minutes after the previous race concludes. We will quickly roll the races (Have athletes at start Line!) and you will be headed home as soon as possible. 8:45 Elementary (5th-6th) 1 mile JH (7th-8th) 1 mile HS Girls 1.7 miles HS Boys 2.4 miles MAKE CHECKS OUT DRUMRIGHT CROSS COUNTRY Entry fee for Varsity will be $60 per team, (5 runners or more), or $15 Individual. Entry fee for Jr. High will be $55 per team, (5 runners or more), or $15 Individual Entry Fee for Elementary will be $50 per team, (5 runners or more), or $10 individual Thank you and hope to see you in August.
July 14 Tulsa NOAH Jaguars Baseball Varsity and JV is looking to fill two to three fall game dates for their upcoming 2023 fall schedule. We would prefer scheduling Varsity/JV doubleheaders, but are open to what is available. We are willing to travel and would also host teams in Tulsa. Please contact Coach Sean Call with NOAH Baseball for scheduling: 918-361-3575.
July 13 Trinity School-OKC is looking for basketball tournaments for varsity boys at the 1A/2A level. We are flexible on dates. We also have a few openings for games as well. If interested, please email Coach Finch at dfinch@trinityschoolokc.org.
July 13 Stillwater High School (6A) 9th Grade is looking for a 2023 football game. We will host or travel... Two Dates available: Either...Monday, September 25th or Monday, October 16th. Please contact: Randy Patzkowski at: rpatzkowski@stillwaterschools.com
July 12 Carver Middle School will be hosting a day of scrimmages for 7th, 8th and 9th Grade Boys and Girls on Saturday, November 4, 2023. Each team will get at least 3 scrimmages at their own grade level. For more information or if interested text or call Coach Kevin Williams 918-282-1461 or email willike2@tulsaschools.org
July 10 Laverne High School needs girls and boys varsity basketball games on Tues. Dec. 12th, 2023. If interested, please get in contact with Brett Trippet at 580-628-1504 or btrippet@laverne,k12.ok.us
July 10 Roff is hosting a 16 team Tournament on August 24-26. Thursday and Friday we will have pool play games at Roff, Latta, Vanoss, and Ada. Saturday bracket play will be at Roff. Teams confirmed Roff,Latta,Vanoss,Ada,Bethel,Dale,Sulphur,Davis,Madill,Cyril,Tupelo,Stonewall,Byng, and Lexington. You may contact AD Steve Kile @ 580-399-6362 or skile@roff.k12.ok.us if interested.
June 30 Clinton Middle School is hosting a 7th and 8th grade basketball tournament to be held November 16-17-18 2023.We are looking for teams to play, If interested please contact Coach Troy Rayner at 1-580-682-3010, Email troy.rayner@clintonokschool.org. Middle School AD Jeff King at 1-580-309-1974,Email jeff.king@clinotnokschool.org.
June 29 Norman Public Schools is in need of one more team to fill our softball tournament being held August 11-12. Entry fee is 250.00. Games will be held at Norman High and Norman North, both fields are fully turf infields. If you have any questions please reach out to Daniel Wood at dwood3@normanps.org or call or text at 405-220-2132.
June 29 Madill Winter Classic : December 7-9 2023 Need 1 boys / girls team. Contact: AD Brett Weiberg at bweiberg@madillok.com or call 580-628-7347 Come play in our new Event Center
June 28 Carver Middle School will be hosting a day of scrimmages for 7th and 8th grade Boys and Girls on Saturday, November 4, 2023. Each team will get at least 3 scrimmages at their own grade level. For more information or if interested text or call Coach Kevin Williams 918-282-1461 or email willike2@tulsaschools.org
June 27 Carver Middle School Softball is hosting a tournament on August 18th and 19th , 2023 and is looking for teams to fill the tournament. This is an 8-team tournament with a 3 game guarantee. Please contact Janna Clark @ 918-408-3942 (email) carversoftball@gmail.com or Kevin Williams 918-282-1461 (email) willike2@tulsaschool.org
June 27 Miami High School (4A) needs one home varsity HS Basketball game (boys and girls) for the 2023-2024 season. Open date is Tuesday January 23rd. Please contact Rodney Sooter at 918-845-7247 or email rsooter@miamips.net.
June 23 Crossover Prep Middle school girls volleyball needs games for 8/22, 8/29, 9/19, 9/26. Please contact Keanna Sells keanna.sells@crossoverprep.org
June 22 Vici HS needs a Varsity Basketball game for the upcoming season open dates: November 14, 17, 28 December: 15 January 29 contact: bhaley@vicischools.k12.ok.us
June 22 Stratford Is looking for a couple more teams for its HS fast pitch tournament this fall. The dates are August 17-19. We do pool play on Thursday and Friday and then all teams come back for a single elimination Saturday Tournament. Please call Tony Prichard @ 405-328-0733 Or email him @ tprichard@stratford.k12.ok.us if interested. The teams that have confirmed are: Stratford. Pauls Valley, Wayne, Seminole, McLoud, Sante Fe South.
June 20 Western Heights needs a game. September 29th & October 26th (or 27th). Please contact Coach JD at runjd38@gmail.com or 405-488-7681
June 15 Carver Middle School Softball is hosting a tournament on August 18th and 19th , 2023 and is looking for teams to fill the tournament. This is an 8-team tournament with a 3 game guarantee. Please contact Janna Clark @ 918-408-3942 (email) carversoftball@gmail.com or Kevin Williams 918-282-1461 (email) willike2@tulsaschool.org
June 14 Dove Tulsa high school and middle school are looking for basketball games and scrimmages for November. Please contact tshoemaker@doveschools.org or 918-378-6682.
June 13 Cascia Hall boys and girls JV and Varsity basketball need two games for next year. Would like to stay in the Tulsa "region" if possible. Please email Dave Reiter at DReiter@casciahall.com if you have an interest. Would also have an interest in a tournament/classic in early December as well.
June  6 TULSA NOAH FOOTBALL is looking for a Home Varsity game on Oct 6th. We play our home varsity games at the Broken Arrow Freshman Academy. Contact Info: James Ballinger at (918) 606-8214 or jameshudsonballinger@gmail.com
June  6 The Tri-County Tournament is looking for a high school boys and girls team for this year's tournament, January 18-20, 2024 at WOSC in  Altus. Contact: ddanielson@leedey.k12.ok.us, 580-243-8001
June  6 Laverne High School is in need of varsity boys and girls basketball games on Feb. 6th. If interested please call, text or email Brett Trippet at 580-628-1504 or btrippet@laverne.k12.ok.us


Dove Middle school and High School in Tulsa is looking for basketball games for the 23-24 basketball season. Please contact tshoemaker@doveschools.org or 918-378—682.
May 31 Join us for the 3rd Annual Terra Verde Invitational Cross Country Meet on Friday, September 22nd 2023. This meet is for 5th-8th graders only. 4:30pm Coaches Meeting with races beginning at 4:45pm. Entry Fees will be $50 per team or if less than 5 runners, $10 per runner. Medals will be given to the top 10 runners for each race category. Trophies will be awarded to the top girls team and boys team. Please contact Coach Taylor Anderson at (405) 535-9397 or Taylor@terraverdeschool.com to enter your school.
May 30 Hays HS KS is needing a KSHSAA week 8(Friday, October 25th, 2024 or Saturday, Oct 26, 2024)opponent for varsity football. We are a 5A(enrollment 950)school in Western Kansas on I-70. We would be interested in playing a Home/Away if Helias is interested.
May 24 Crossover Preparatory is looking to fill games for the 23-24 (JH Boys/Girls JV boys Varsity boys) Basketball season. Schedule is pretty open. Willing to travel but prefer home games. Crossover Preparatory Academy is looking for JH Girls volleyball games. willing to travel. Contact Athletic Director Keanna Sells Keanna.sells@crossoverprep.org
May 22  Community Christian (Norman) is in need of one regular season basketball game for the 2023-24 season. We'd prefer to play Friday, December 1; Saturday, December 2; or Tuesday, January 2. Please contact Coach Tim Price at 405-831-1004 or coachtimprice@yahoo.com if you are interested.
 May 22 Community Christian (Norman) is in need of one varsity boys team to complete our tournament December 7-9, 2023. Other teams already in include Anadarko, Casady, Guthrie, Heritage Hall, Noble, and Plainview. Great hospitality room with coaches gifts and t-shirts for players. Please contact Coach Tim Price at 405-831-1004 or coachtimprice@yahoo.com if you are interested.
May 22 GUYMON HS needs a week 1 varsity football game for the 2023 season. Contact Andy Brown andy.brown@guymontigers.com
May 18 Terra Verde Middle School in Norman, OK is looking for girls volleyball matches (7th/8th Grade) on September 11th or 12th for the Fall 2023 season. We would be open to home or away and would like to play 2 matches. We have A and B teams. If interested please reach out to Tyler Johnston - Athletic Director by cell or email: (405) 545-0950 or Tyler@terraverdeschool.com
 May 17 Looking to fill Middle School JV (6th and 7th grade) and Varsity (8th grade) Volleyball games for the fall. Anytime in August - Early October. Please contact me if you would like to schedule a game either home or away. dbuteyn@johnrexschool.org
May 17  Cashion needs 1 varsity boys basketball team for our 2024 County Line Tournament January 18th-20th. OSSAA Class B-4A teams would be considered. Contact John Hardaway jhardaway@cashionps.org
May 17 Red Oak is looking for a home basketball game for the 2023-2024 season? Please contact Bryan Deatherage at 918-448-5541 or Trey Booth at 918-448-8241.
May 16 Jones High School is seeking 2A-4A teams to complete our tournament for next season. The Jones Kiwanis Invitational will be held on Jan 18-20, 2024. We would love to have both girls/boys teams come, but are also willing to accept only one team. We have an excellent hospitality room & coaches gifts, as well as priding ourselves on a well run & efficient tournament. Please contact us for more information: Kevin Witt, Athletic Director kwitt@jonesps.org
May 12   Norman High School: We have an opening in our annual fast pitch tournament held on August 11-12 at Norman High and Norman North. Both sites have recently installed turf infields and it is a 4 game guarantee. If interested please call Daniel Wood @ 405-220-2132 or coachwood33@gmail.com.
 May 12  Luther MS (17 Miles East of Edmond) is currently looking for a HS Girls Basketball Asst and JH Head Coach with 2nd Sport. Teaching Field is Social Studies and/or English. Please contact Rob Shinn rshinn@lutherlions.org with Resume and Teaching Certificate or Certification information.
May 12 Red Oak is looking for a home basketball game for the 2023-2024 season? Please contact Bryan Deatherage at 918-448-5541 or Trey Booth at 918-448-8241.
May 11 Warner is looking for 1 girls and 1 boys team for our Warner Eagle Cherokee Classic on January 4th, 5th, & 6th . Prefer teams 3A and down. We have a great field of teams. The current teams are Warner, Keys, Wilburton, Morris, Eufaula, Okay, & Spiro. We have good facilities, provide a coaches gift, feed your teams each day, and have a good hospitality room. Contact Mindi Peters at 918-618-3158 or mpeters@warner.k12.ok.us.
May 11 Stillwater High School (6A) 9th Grade is looking for a 2023 football game. We will host or travel... Two Dates available: Either...Monday, September 25th or Monday, October 16th We are also potentially looking for a scrimmage on Thursday, August 17th Please contact: Randy Patzkowski at: rpatzkowski@stillwaterschools.com.
May 10 Porum School has an opening for one team in their December 4-9 Tournament. This is a small 2A -B tournament. For more information Contact Bobbie Wheat AD. coachwheat@porum.k12.ok.us 918-680-0651
May 9 Pawnee HS football needs a week 1 scrimmage. Will host or travel. Karey Jones 405-762-1137.
May 8 Due to sudden change in our basketball schedule we are looking for 2 teams for a festival on December 15-16 2023 . Boys and girls. Each team will play on Friday and Saturday. Seminole High School Call Mike Snyder 405-380-2330
May 8 Thackerville HS is looking for a boys and girls basketball team to fill their tournament on December 7,8,9, 2023 due to a team dropping out. Contact Mark Barrett, AD, at 580-229-3568 ( cell) or 580-267-3610) for more information.
May 3 Farmington HS in Farmington, NM is looking for teams for their boys basketball tournament. It will be a 3-game tournament. We will pay a travel stipend, and provide 1 meal/day for your athletes. For questions, please contact Athletic Director Isaac Gamboa (505)977-3378 (text message is fastest).
May 3 Harrah Football is looking to host two JH games, 7th & 8th (possible 8/9 combined) for the night of August 28. If you are interested in playing that evening and can make this happen, please contact head football coach, Chris Bliek. cbliek@harrahschools.com
May 3 Carl Albert Middle School Midwest City, Oklahoma is looking to fill one 7th & 8th grade football game. Open date: September 26th, 2023. Carl Albert MS is also needing to fill dates for our JV/V Middle School softball schedule. We have several open dates. If you are interested, please contact Athletic Director: Chelsey Edmondson at cedmondson@mid-del.net or by phone 918-541-7675
May 3 Plainview High School (4A) needs one HS Basketball game for next season (2023-2024). Looking to fill a date of a team that dropped. Open dates are Nov. 28, Dec. 5, Dec. 12. Please contact Ryan Luhmann, A.D. at 580-490-3150 or email rluhmann@plainview.k12.ok.us
Apr 27  Will Rogers High School are looking for Varsity girl teams to fill their Invitational Tourney Jan.18-20 2024. Please contact Coach Adkism @ 918-269-1449 (email Adkisca@tulsaschools.org) or Krystel Markwardt 918-693-0317.
 Apr 27 Metro Christian Academy(3A) needs one home HS Basketball game for next season (2023-2024). Trying to fill date of a team that dropped. Open dates are January 8th or January 9th. Please contact Bryon Flam at 918-695-8995 or email bflam@metroca.com
Apr 27 St James Catholic School is looking for an 8th grade volleyball tournament for the season of 2023. Please contact Mayra Davila, mdavila@stjames-catholic.org or 405-420-3271
 Apr 25 Crooked Oak High School (OKC) is looking for a second scrimmage on August 24th. We can host or travel. Please contact Farold Smith at fsmith@crookedoak.org or 405-328-4420.
Apr 24 Wynnewood Public Schools: We are needing to fill two Junior High Basketball games for the 2023/2024 season. We play 6th/7th grade and 8th/9th grade together. Our available dates are 12/7/23 and 2/8/24 Please contact Joe Jones, AD, jjones@wynnewood.k12.ok.us if interested.
Apr 24  Wynnewood Public Schools: Due to a team dropping out, we are currently looking for a varsity boy and girl basketball team, preferably from the same school, to fill our basketball tournament. Tournament dates are December 14, 15, and 16, 2023. Coaches gifts, player shirts, and coach’s hospitality room provided. Please contact Joe Jones, AD, jjones@wynnewood.k12.ok.us if interested.
Apr 24  Hartshorne High School has 2 openings for boys and girls for our Tournament on DECEMBER 7-9, 2023. If interested please text Shane Hackler 918) 424-0563
Apr 24  Jay High School is looking for 2 boys and girls high school teams for our prestigious Tri-State Classic basketball tournament on Jan 18,19 and 20, 2024. Great hospitality room, coaches gifts and facilities. Contact athletic director Jeff Stapleton at 918-791-8680
Apr 24  Jay Public Schools is looking for one 8th grade boys and one 8th grade girls team for our junior high tournament on Nov. 6,7 and 9, 2023. Great facilities and hospitality room. Contact athletic director Jeff Stapleton at 918-791-8680.
Apr 24  Looking for teams to fill out a tournament the 13-15 of March. This tournament will be played in two locations: Wynnewood, Ok and Wayne, Ok. If interested please contact Aaron Sechrist @405.331.0699, Chase Sawyer 405.207.8835 or Shane Collins @405.207.0041
Apr 24  Miller (MO) is looking for a week 7 opponent for 2024/2025. We are Class 1 school in MO with approx 160 students and located right between Joplin/Springfield off of I44. The dates would be: 10/11/24 AWAY and 10/10/25 @ Miller. Please contact jsnider@millerschools.org if interested
Apr 24  Canadian Public Schools is needing Volleyball Matches for the upcoming 2023 season. We are a first year program and looking to schedule some matches. Also looking for a couple of tournaments if anyone has any openings. Please contact Coach Bedford at 405-816-7473 or email bbedford@canadian.k12.ok.us
Apr 24 Coweta is looking for JV games for the 2023 football season...we have several openings. If interested, please call Coach Tim Harper at 870-703-4711.
 Apr 19 Looking for teams to fill out a tournament the 28-30 of March. If interested please contact Aaron Sechrist @405.331.0699, Chase Sawyer 405.207.8835 or Shane Collins @405.207.0041
Apr 19 The Hartshorne Pick & Shovel Classic basketball tournament is looking for VARSITY teams for the December 2023 schedule. Tournament dates are December 7, 8, and 9. For more information, please contact Shane Hackler at (918) 424-0563 or Jason Lindley at (918) 308-0345.
Apr 18  Oklahoma Christian Academy in Edmond Oklahoma needs to fill one more Home basketball game. Dates are flexible but what is open are the following: 1/16/24, 1/23/24, we would also entertain Thursday or Saturday games if teams are interested. Preferably an A, 2A, or 3A team as we will likely be Class A or 2A next year. Contact AD Jeremy Roman @ jroman@ocacademy.org if interested.
Apr 18  Looking for 2 (2girls and 2 boys)teams to fill our invitational tournament December 7, 8, and 9 2023. Prefer class 2A and below. Includes coaches gifts and the best hospitality room in western Oklahoma. Present teams in the tournament include Hobart, Mangum, Hinton, Ft. Cobb-Broxton, Thomas-Fay-Custer City, and BFDC. Contact Jamie Matuszewski at 580-562-4844 or by email at matuszewskij@bfdc.k12.ok.us.
Apr 18 Pawnee HS football is looking for a week 1 scrimmage. Will host or travel. Contact Karey Jones 405-762-1137.
Apr 17 Millwood is looking for 2 ms girls basketball teams to join the Cecilia J Classic tournament scheduled for Nov 30, Dec 1 and 2. If you are interested reach out to tnorris@millwoodps.org
Apr 12 Sentinel HS needs one HS basketball game for next year (2023-2024). If interested please contact Tyler Snowden at 405-971-4178 or email tsnowden@sentinel.k12.ok.us
Apr 12 Carthage (MO) is looking for one team to fill our 8 team field for the 77th Carthage Invitational Tournament. This will be run from 12/7 - 12/9 in Carthage. The teams include, Carthage, Joplin, Nevada, Joplin, Webb City, Ray-Pec, and Leavenworth (Ks). Contact Nathan Morris for more information (620) 870-0916 or morrisn@carthagetigers.org We also need one game on our regular season schedule for December 15th, 16th.
Apr 11  Bethel High School (3A) needs one HS basketball game for next season (2023-2024). Open dates Dec 12, Dec 15, or February 9. Please contact Tara Satterfield at 918-927-0212 or email satterfieldt@bethel.k12.ok.us
 Apr 11 Idabel is looking for 2 boys teams and 1 girls team for the Idabel Winter Classic. Dates are December 28th-30th. Contact Burtchal Griffin at (918)-851-4253 or email kayla.denton@idabelps.org for more information.
Apr 11  Millwood is looking for 2 ms girls basketball teams to join the Cecilia J Classic tournament scheduled for Nov 30, Dec 1 and 2. If you are interested reach out to tnorris@millwoodps.org
Apr 11 Heritage High School (Rogers, AR) is looking to fill their final date for the 9th Grade (Freshman) 2023-2024 Basketball Season: Monday, November 13th IF interested, please Contact - Paul Boyles (479)445-3099 (cell) or paul.boyles@rpsar.net (email).
Apr 6 Carnegie High School (A) needs a JH and HS basketball game for next season. They will both need to be home games for (2023-2024). If interested please contact Wade Wallace at wwallace@carnegie.k12.ok.us
Apr 6 KIEFER has openings in the Dave Calvert Invitational BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT for 2024. Dates are Jan 18, 19, 20. If interested, please contact Trent Worley, AD at tworley@kiefer.k12.ok.us
Apr 5 Sentinel Public Schools needs one JH Girls & Boys basketball game for next season (2023-2024). If interested please contact Tyler Snowden at 405-971-4178 or email tsnowden@sentinel.k12.ok.us
Apr 5 Fort Smith (AR) Northside is needing two Varsity girls basketball games for the 23-24 season. Available dates are November 14th or 17th.Please contact Rickey Smith at rsmith@fortsmithschools.org or Charles Cooper at ccooper1@fortsmithschools.org for more information.
Apr 4 Edmond Santa Fe and Edmond Memorial basketball are looking to host a two-day festival November 30th and December 1st of 2023. We are looking for 2 girls and boys teams to participate. You would play at Santa Fe one night and Memorial the other night. We are looking for 4A, 5A or 6A schools. Anyone interested email Troy Lallemand, troy.lallemand@edmondschools.net
Apr 4 Sentinel Public Schools needs one JH Girls & Boys basketball game for next season (2023-2024). If interested please contact Tyler Snowden at 405-971-4178 or email tsnowden@sentinel.k12.ok.us
Apr 4 Lawton High is looking for freshman basketball games for the 2023-24 season. Contact Ron Booth at 580-656-5290 or ronald.booth@lawtonps.org with any openings
Apr 4 Haskell JV Football is looking for a JV game 10/16. We can travel for this date. We also still have 2 JV dates after our Middle School games at Haskell 10/9, and 10/23. Please contact Phil McWilliams - pmcwilliams@haskellps.org or 918-616-2303
Apr 4 Haskell Football is looking for a Week 2 scrimmage for the 2023 season. We can travel. Please contact Phil McWilliams - pmcwilliams@haskellps.org or 918-616-2303
Apr 3 Will Rogers Varsity basketball looking for a game for 23-24 season. If interested please contact Coach Adkism at 918-269-1449 or adkisca@tulsaschools.org.
Mar 31 Clinton Middle School Volleyball is in search of 2-3 more games for the 2023 fall season. Please reach out to Head High School Coach Emma Seiter at emma.cohalla@clintonokschools.org for any inquires or further questions.
We have roughly 250 kids in school. 2A Div. 1 for Texas. Looking for a varsity game on Sept. 7/8 - jmullins@tolarisd.org
Mar 29 Hays High School, Hays KS(5A) needs one boys' varsity basketball team to participate in the 2023 and 2024 Hays City Shootout basketball tournament on Nov. 30th-Dec 2nd, 2023. 3 game guarantee, tournament t-shirts, All tournament teams, Locally catered hospitality rooms, Travel and Lodging reimbursement available. Please contact Lance Krannawitter, Asst. Principal/AD at 785-623-4600, email: lancekrannawitter@usd489.com
Mar 29 HFC Warriors is looking for Varsity games for the 23-24 basketball season. If interested please contact Coach John Davis at hfcwarriors@gmail.com.
Mar 29 Still needing to fill the following date for 9th Grade (Freshman) 2023-2024 Basketball Season: Monday, November 13th Contact - Paul Boyles (479)445-3099 (cell) or paul.boyles@rpsar.net (email). Heritage High School War Eagle Basketball located in Rogers, AR
Tulsa Nathan Hale Girls' Basketball is looking for tournaments to enter next season. If you have an opening, please email Felix Echevarria at echevfe@tulsaschools.org.
Jay Public Schools is looking for one 8th grade boys and one 8th grade girls team for our junior high tournament on Nov. 6,7 and 9, 2023. Great facilities and hospitality room. Contact athletic director Jeff Stapleton at 918-791-8680.
Jay High School is looking for 2 boys and girls high school teams for our prestigious Tri-State Classic basketball tournament on Jan 18,19 and 20, 2024. Great hospitality room, coaches gifts and facilities. Contact athletic director Jeff Stapleton at 918-791-8680
Pathways Middle College in OKC (2A) is starting a basketball program this year and is looking to fill its schedule for the 2023-2024 season. Reach out to Athletic Director William Fears at wfears@santafesouth.org to schedule a game.
Norman Public Schools has 1 girls spot and 1 boys spot open for the 2023-2024 Joe Lawson Basketball Tournament. Dates are December 7th-9th. Coaches gifts, hospitality room and financial assistance for teams staying overnight. If interested, please email T.D. O'Hara at normanps.org
 Mar 27 Choctaw Lady Jacket Classic We are looking for a couple of teams to fill out our Girls Basketball tournament for the 23-24 season. The dates are Dec 27-29. Games are played at Choctaw High School. If interested, contact Coach Ryan Maloney at rmaloney@cnpschools.org.
Westmoore High School is looking for 2 Freshman, JV and Varsity games for the 23-24 basketball season. Open dates for JV/V games are Dec 1st, (Possibly) Dec 15th, Feb 23rd, Feb 9th. Please contact Chad Mashburn at 405-735-4818 or by email at chadmashburn@mooreschools.com.
BETHANY HIGH SCHOOL is looking for two teams for a football team camp on May 23rd & 24th. If interested please contact Head Football Coach/AD, Jon Arthur at jarthur@bethanyschools.com.
Stigler is looking for a home basketball game next season on Dec. 7th, 8th or 9th. Contact Gary Hollingshed @ (918) 864-3086
Warner High School has 1 opening for a Girls & Boys team in our Warner Eagle Cherokee Classic on January 4th, 5th, & 6th, 2024 (Current Teams: Warner, Eufaula, Morris, Okay, Wilburton, Spiro, Keys). We also have 2 openings for a Girls & Boys team in our Warner Eagle Tournament on January 18th, 19th, & 20th (Current Teams: Warner, Westville, Quinton, Davis, Vian, Roland girls, & Tulsa Webster boys). For each tournament we provide a coaches gift, tshirts, feed your players each day of the tournament, have a good hospitality room, and have good facilities. If you are interested in getting in either tournament please contact Mindi Peters at 918-618-3158 or Anthony Porter at 918-348-5063.
New Lima (Class B school located between Seminole and Wewoka) will be hosting a high school fall baseball tournament on August 17, 18, and 19, 2023. We still need to fill 3 spots with any classification of teams. We will have a hospitality room as well as a coaches gift. We have installed brand new LED lights, and will be doing improvements to our playing surface this summer. If interested, please contact Kevin Romine (head baseball coach) via phone/text or email, ph# 405.623.6080 and email kromine@newlima.k12.ok.us
KIPP Tulsa High School varsity volleyball needs games for the 2023 season. If interested contact William Coleman at wcoleman@kippok.org or (918) 805-1119.
KIPP Tulsa High School varsity basketball needs either a home and home or possibly a single varsity game for the 2023-2024 season. If interested contact William Coleman at wcoleman@kippok.org or (918) 805-1119.


Hartshorne High School has 2 openings for boys and girls for our Tournament on DECEMBER 7-9, 2023. If interested please text Shane Hackler 918) 424-0563


Tulsa Honor Academy High School is in need of more Away soccer games this season for boys and girls. We are a new program and can play JV or Varsity. Please Let us know if you have openings. Please reach out to the Athletic Director Josh Cirbo Email:jcirbo@tulsahonor.org Phone: 720-243-8970
 Mar 21 DEER CREEK MIDDLE SCHOOL - We are in need of a 7th Grade Girls and Boys Basketball team for our 2023 7th Grade Basketball Tour, Dec 7-9, 2023. If interested please contact yohancebrown@dcsok.org
Marlow Schools are looking for 7th and an 8th grade basketball tournament for their boys and girls teams. The dates can be December 7-9, January 4- 6 or January 8 - 13. Please call Kirk Harris at 580-658-1542 or Daryn Brantley at 580-658-1530.
Harrah Football is looking to host three games, 7/8/9 for the night of August 28. If you are interested in playing that evening and can make this happen, please contact head football coach, Chris Bliek. cbliek@harrahschools.com
Heritage War Eagle Basketball (Rogers, AR) - Still needing to fill the following dates for 9th Grade (Freshman) 2023-2024 Basketball Season: Monday, November 6th and Monday, November 13th Contact - Paul Boyles (479)445-3099 (cell) or paul.boyles@rpsar.net (email).
Weatherford - HS Basketball Tournament Jan 4th-6th 2024. Needing 1 Girls Team. Coaches Gifts, Hospitality Room, and Financial Assistance for teams needing to stay the night. Weatherford is located 1 hour West of OKC on I40. If interested please contact Coach Givens Ggivens@wpsok.org
Moore HS is starting a 2 game regular season classic/festival. We are looking for 3 teams for boys and girls to join in. It will be the dates of Nov 30, Dec 1st or December 2nd. We are looking for any teams that need games for this upcoming season. Please let courtneywalker@mooreschools gregghardin@mooreschools.com or brenthodges@mooreschools.com know.
Christian Heritage Academy (Del City)-Is looking for a Week 1 scrimmage, dates August 17th or 18th. We are also looking for additional JV games, preferably in the metro area. Open JV dates are 8/28, 9/5, 10/9, also willing to go later in the season to get some JV games in. If interested in either date please contact Coach Franks 405-326-8955 or Jfranks@cha.org


The Academy (OKC) is looking for a few HS & MS Volleyball games. Please read out to Dillion Coplin at dcoplin@theacademyok.org.
 Mar 10 Salina Junior High is looking for a junior high football game to complete the schedule for the 2023-2024 season. The available dates are 9/5 and 9/14. If you have any interest please contact AD Ty Thompson at tthompson@salinawildcats.org or Head Coach Clayton Saiz at csaiz@salinawildcats.org
 Mar 10 We have an opening for the East Central Oklahoma Basketball Tournament. We need one girls team to finish out our field. Dates - January 4-6, 2023. All games are played at Ada High School. Girls Teams: Ada, Hugo, MWC, Ardmore, OKC Storm, Ponca City, Bishop Kelley Boys Teams: Ada, Hugo, Byng, OKC Storm, Sand Springs, Ardmore, Bishop Kelley & McLain For more information contact: Christie Jennings -- jenningsc@adapss.com
Mar 10 Lexington is looking for 3 JH basketball games for the 2023-2024 season, if interested, please contact jgarrett@lexington.k12.ok.us
Mar 10 Vanoss School is looking for a HS baseball game in the broken bow area early in the day on Saturday March 11th. Call Gary Johnson at 580.559.9807.
Mar 10 Roff school is the host for next seasons SRT Tournament and is looking for a girls and boys team preferably class A or B. The dates are Jan. 18-20. Confirmed teams are Roff, Tupelo, Stonewall, Stringtown, Caney, Wetumka, and Maud. You may Contact Roff Athletic Director Steve Kile @ skile@roff.k12.ok.us or 580-399-6362 if interested.
Mar 9 Jones HS is looking for a regular season game on Dec. 19th or Feb 13th for 2023/2024 season. Please contact AD Kevin Witt at kwitt@jonesps.org
Mar 9 Wilson High School ( 20 mins west of Ardmore) is looking to fill an open date for the 2024 basketball season Nov 28th is the date. Contact Tad Bradley 580-380-0882 tbradley@wilson.k12.ok.us
Mar 9 Wilson High School (20 mins west of Ardmore) is looking to fill an Away game for the 2024 basketball season. The two open dates are Jan 11th and Jan 30th Contact Tad Bradley 580-380-0882 tbradley@wilson.k12.ok.us
Mar 8 Hinton is needing 1 boys/girls team for its annual basketball tournament next year. The Tournament dates are January 4-6, 2024. Coaches gifts and hospitality room provided for coaches and administration. Current teams are Hinton, Christian Heritage, Community Christian, Ft. Cobb, Riverside, Clinton and Elk City. If your school is interested, please email Athletics Director Jarrod Hohmann at jarrod.hohmann@hintonschools.org
Mar 7 Enid Athletics is changing the dates for our Holiday Classic Basketball Tournament. The new dates will be January 4-6. We have slots left for boys and girls. We pay $150 per night of hotel cost, there are shirts and snack bags for players and gifts for coaches. Please contact Billy Tipps at bjtipps@enidk12.org or call 580-366-8350.
Mar 7 Kingston Public Schools is looking for a Boys Basketball Team to fill its field for the New Years Classic Basketball Tournament Jan. 4-6, 2024. We are needing a boys team to fill in for a team for next year. If interested please contact Athletic Director-Taylor Wiebener for details: (twiebener@kingstonisd.org) Cell-(580) 748-1012
Mar 7 The Cashion County Line Tournament is in need of a Class B-4A Boys Basketball Team for 2024 tournament- January 18-20, 2024. Please contact John Hardaway jhardaway@cashionps.org
Mar 7 Community Christian School in Norman is looking for one school who can fill our 4th Annual Community Christian Classic tournament Dec 7-9, 2023. We need one girls team and one boys team. The following teams are in the tournament...CCS, Anadarko, Heritage Hall, Casady, Noble, Guthrie, and Plainview. We'd prefer to bring in a 3A or 4A school. Please contact Coach Price at 405-831-1004 or coachtimprice@yahoo.com if you are interested.
Mar 7 We have one girls team opening in the East Central Oklahoma Classic Tournament. This basketball tournament is played on the campus of Ada High School. The dates are January 4-6. For more information contact: Christie Jennings jenningsc@adapss.com
Mar 7 Arkoma Public Schools is hosting The Battle on the Border during Dec. 4th-8th of 2023. We are looking for two schools to bring both SR boys and girls. There is no entry fee. We also have two open dates for Sr high basketball that still needs to be filled. If interested, please contact Paul Cates at pcates@arkoma.k12.ok.us
Mar 7 McAlester High School will be hosting the renewed Bob Brumley Classic in 2024. The dates are January 4th, 5th, 6th at our new McAlester Activities Center. We have 1 slot available for boys and 1 slot available for girls. Shirts for players and gifts for coaches. discount rates on hotels and meals. Seeding meeting will be held Dec 13th at Pete's Place. Please contact James Singleton, Director of Athletics: jsingleton@mcalester.k12.ok.us
Mar 6 Wilson High School ( 20 mins west of Ardmore) is looking to fill an open date for the 2024 basketball season Nov 28th is the date. Contact Tad Bradley 580-380-0882 tbradley@wilson.k12.ok.us
Mar 3 The Academy of Classical Christian Studies, located in OKC, is in need of basketball games for the 23-24 season (HS and MS). If interested, contact Shawn Rhea shawnrhea@TheAcademyok.org
Mar 3 Hinton High School is in need of a home varsity football game. We have open dates of September 1st (already have officials so this is our preference) or September 29th. Would also look at the possibility of playing on a Thursday against a JV team. Please contact Grant Potter at 405-535-5010 or grant.potter@hintonschools.org.
Mar 2 Hinton is in need of one more high school baseball team for their Tournament March 30-April 1. Contact Chad Scheilz at: chad.scheilz@hintonschools.org or (918) 630-4347
Mar 1 Canadian girls are looking to host a basketball tournament on Nov 16th-18th If interested or need more details contact Aaron Marks at aaron.marks@canadianisd.net
Mar 1 Bridge Creek MS is looking for 2 basketball games for next year 2023-24. Contact Kevin Korstjens 405-201-3287 or kkorstjens@bridgecreek.k12.ok.us
Feb 28 Garden City High School (KS) is needing 1 boys & 1 girls basketball team for our Roundball Tournament on December 7th-9th, 2023. We provide a travel stipend, 5 hotel rooms for 2 nights, hospitality room, coaches gifts, player awards, 3 game guarantee, + much more! If interested, please contact Jacob Miller at jmiller1@gckschools.com or 602-561-0436.
Feb 28 Cherokee High School (Class A) is looking for one boys and girls basketball team in Class 2A, A, or B to participate in the Cherokee Invitational Tournament on Jan 4-6th, 2024. If you are interested please contact Matt Guffy or Lane Pruett at guffym@cherokee.k12.ok.us or pruettl@cherokee.k12.ok.us
Feb 24 Indianola is needing 1 team for our high school Warrior Inivitational basketball tournament. December 7th,8th and 9th, 2023. We provide hospitality and coaches gifts and 3 game guarantee. If interested you can contact Tommy Pinkley at tpinkley@indianola.k12.ok.us, FB Messenger or call 918-558-0800.
Feb 23 North Rock Creek High School in Shawnee is looking for a Baseball scrimmage Tuesday, February 28th, home or away. Contact Chad Brooking @ 405-659-1167.
Feb 23 Del City Middle School has an opening in our Football schedule on Sept. 19/21. Please contact our Athletic Director, Jason Blasingame (dblasingame@mid-del.net) if you are interested in filling this date.
Feb 22 Hulbert Middle School is needing a middle school football game for October 2 or October 9. Please email Chad Botts at cbotts@hulbertriders.net.
Feb 22 Perry co-hosts a Junior High tournament with Morrison and we are looking for 1 JH girls and boys team. The dates are Nov. 13, 16, 18, 2023. Please contact Perry Principal Brandon Hight bhight@perry.k12.ok.us if interested.
Feb 22 Plainview Football is hosting a second scrimmage with Tecumseh in the fall. We are looking for 1 or 2 more teams to add to the scrimmage. Format will be decided based on number of teams. Please contact Head Football Coach, Joe Price at jprice@plainview.k12.ok.us.
Feb 22
Jones Varsity Basketball is looking for a regular season away game for December 19th 2023. Please contact jholbrook@jonesps.org or dverner@jonesps.org
Feb 18 Carnegie High School is looking for a game week 6 (October 5th or 6th) of the 2023-24. Zero Week could be another date to work with scheduling. Please contact Lafe Cruzan 405-708-8935, or Shawn Gorman 580-654-1470.
Feb 17 Empire HIgh School will be hosting a 2023 Holiday Basketball Tournament. The dates will be Dec. 27-29, 2023. Girls and Boys, Empire is located in Southern OK and a Class A school but will entertain offers from several classes. We can help with Hotel Discounts if your team would like to come stay for the duration of the Tournament. Please Contact Superintendent Justin Smith @ justinsmith@empireschools.org or call 580-252-5392.
Feb 17 Minco High School is looking for 2 boys teams and 2 girls teams for our tournament December 7th, 8th, & 9th 2023 If interested please contact AD Brock Wardlaw at bwardlaw@minco.k12.ok.is
Feb 16 Pocola HS is looking for an away basketball game on either February 9th or 10th, 2024. Looking for highly competitive 3A or 4A teams. If interested, please contact Coach Derek Barlow (479-462-1269 or dbarlow@pocolaschools.org) or Coach Shane Amos (479-650-8642 or shaneamos@pocolaschools.org).
Feb16 Looking for a scrimmage on Tuesday, February 21st, home or away. Contact Chad Brooking at 405-659-1167.
Feb 15 Okemah HS is looking for an away game on Friday, Jan 12, 2024. Prefer 2A-4A and not more than 1:15 drive. May have an opening for a HOME game as well on Feb 2. We would like JV girls and Boys games and a return trip the next season. Contact Gary Kennemer gkennemer@okemahk12.com or 918-230-8493.
Feb 15 Weatherford - Needing 2 Boys and 2 Girls Teams for our HS Basketball Tournament Jan. 4th-6th 2024. Offer Coaches Gifts, Hospitality Room and Assistance Financially if staying the night. If interested Please contact Coach Givens Ggivens@wpsok.org
Feb 15 Wagoner varsity basketball needs either a home and home or possibly a single varsity game for the 2023-2024 season. If interested contact Travis Bryant at tbryant@wagonerps.org or (918) 520-4809.
Feb 15 Laverne HS is in need of a regular season Basketball game before Xmas Break. We have 2 possible dates open if they match someone’s schedule. We could play on Th. Dec. 14th or Sat. 16th, 2023. Please call or email Brett Trippet (580)-628-1504 or btrippet@laverne.k12.ok.us
Feb 14 Looking for 2 teams to fil our invitational tournament December 7, 8, and 9 2023. Prefer class 2A and below. Includes coaches gifts and the best hospitality room in western Oklahoma. Present teams in the tournament include Hobart, Mangum, Hinton, Ft. Cobb-Broxton, Thomas-Fay-Custer City, and BFDC. Contact Jamie Matuszewski at 580-562-4844 or by email at matuszewskij@bfdc.k12.ok.us.
Feb 14 Weleetka Football is a 8 man school looking for a scrimmage the week of Aug. 25. Will be willing to travel up to 2 hours or can host. Contact: tgarringer@weleetka.k12.ok.us
Feb 14 Edmond Middle School 7th Grade boys/girls teams looking for tournament > January 11-13, 2024 - lewis.rutherford @edmondschools.net
Feb 13  Tulsa Edison Volleyball is looking for one more game to fill our 2023 schedule. We could play 7th-Varsity or high school only. We are also looking for another tournament for our JV team. We would be open to sending them to a smaller Varsity tournament as well. Please contact Head Coach, Lauren Merrill at merrila1@tulsaschools.org if you would like to schedule.
Feb 13 We are looking for any middle school golf tournaments that have open spots for teams or individuals. Please let me know if you have any openings. Kenneth Cooper Middle School Putnam City Coach Mobley smobley@putnamcityschools.org
Feb 10 Haworth High School is looking for 2 games for the 2023-24 Basketball Season. 2A-B preferred. Contact Blane Lindly 580-395-0594 or Sarah Morgan 580-306-2025
Feb 10 Checotah High School Crossroads Classic basketball tournament needs one girls team and one boys team for January 18, 19 and 20, 2024. Contact Jeramy Branchcomb (918) 473-8040 jobranchcomb@checotah.k12.ok.us. This tournament is hosted in the Checotah Event Center which hosts 2-3 regional/area OSSAA Basketball tournaments each year from Class B to class 4A.
Feb 10 VERDIGRIS VALLEY CONFERENCE - The VVC is looking to expand from 10 teams to 12. Our current member schools are: Catoosa, Fort Gibson, Hilldale, Jay, Locust Grove, Miami, Oologah, Verdigris, Vinita, and Wagoner. If your school is interested in pursuing this opportunity or would like to have more information, please contact VVC president Chad Davis at 918-542-8455 or via email at cdavis@miamips.net.
Feb 10 Idabel is looking for 2 girls teams and 3 boys teams for the Idabel Winter Classic. Dates are: December 28th-30th. Contact Burtchal Griffin at 918-851-4253
Feb 10 Jones High School is seeking 2A-4A teams to complete our tournament for next season. The Jones Kiwanis Invitational will be held on Jan 18-20, 2024. We would love to have both girls/boys teams come, but are also willing to accept only one team. We have an excellent hospitality room & coaches gifts, as well as priding ourselves on a well run & efficient tournament. Please contact us for more information: Kevin Witt, Athletic Director kwitt@jonesps.org
Feb 10 Billings Public Schools is looking to fill a football schedule for the 23-24 football season. We are a small 8 man school that will be class C for the 24-25 Season. If you have any open dates please call or text Coach Ethan Smith at 405-668-2096 or email him at ethansmith@billings.k12.ok.us
Feb 10 Haskell Football is looking for Week 2 scrimmage for the 2023 season. Please contact Phil McWilliams - pmcwilliams@haskellps.org or 918-616-2303.
Feb 8 Tulsa Edison Volleyball is looking for one more game to fill our 2023 schedule. We could play 7th-Varsity or high school only. We are also looking for another tournament for our JV team. We would be open to sending them to a smaller Varsity tournament as well. Lauren Merrill | Assistant Athletic Director - Head Volleyball Coach Tulsa Public Schools - Edison Preparatory School 2906 E. 41 Street, Tulsa, OK 74105 918-407-4527
Feb 8 SKIATOOK will be hosting a pre-season JUNIOR HIGH basketball tournament. The dates are November 6th, 7th and 9th. This will be for 7th and 8th grade both boys and girls teams. Games will be played in the Brooks Walton Activity Center and Skiatook High School Gymnasium. Contact Shane Branscum for more details, sbranscum@skiatookschools.org.
Feb 8 Wesleyan Christian School in Bartlesville Oklahoma is looking to play in a 2A or below tournament on Jan 18-20 in 2024. We are a large class B school with a very competitive boys' team. We would be willing to host a tournament on that week if we had enough interest. If you have an opening or you are looking for one, please call Curt Cloud 918-332-1751.
Feb 8 Sulphur Football is looking for a 2nd Scrimmage for the upcoming 2023 season. Can host or travel or be part of a multi team scrimmage. Date needed is Thursday August 24, 2023. Please Contact Corey Cole @ 580-618-5847 or corey.cole@sulphurk12.org if interested - Thanks
Feb 7 LUTHER HIGH SCHOOL Football is looking for a SCRIMMAGE for the 2023 season. We are looking for the first scrimmage week. The date is either Thursday or Friday, Aug 17 or 18, 2023. If interested email Shawn Meek at smeek@lutherlions.org
Feb 7 Gravette High School in Gravette, AR (15 minutes from Bentonville) is looking for one girls and boys team to play in our Christmas Classic. 3 Game Guarantee. Dec. 27, 28, & 29. Gift for Coaches and Players- Any team traveling over 100 Miles will get 4 Hotel Rooms per team. Any questions please reach out to Matt.busch@gravetteschools.net
Feb 7 Dove Schools in OkC (3A) are currently looking for HIGHSCHOOL and MIDDLE school VOLLEYBALL games. We also need JH BASKETBALL games for both our boys and girls team. Please text or call AD Alex Martinez at 405-301-3322. Email at amartinez@doveschools.org.
Feb 6 Davis is needing two teams for the Murray County Bash August 17-19. With full field the format will be pool play (5 game guarantee). If interested please contact Stefan Hunt 405-414-5612 or AD Jeff Brown 580-465-4286.
Feb 3 Washington High School basketball tournament needs one girls team and one boys team for January 18, 19 and 20, 2024. Contact Kale Simon (580) 421-4720 ksimon@wps-isd.com or Trevor Smith (580) 281-0821 tsmith@wps-isd.com
Feb 3 Due to the weather this week Tulsa Honor Academy boys basketball is in need of a game. Preferably next week Feb 6th-10th. Teams can be a varsity or a jv team in need of a extra game. Please let me know as soon as possible. I can be reached at this email or by text or at 720-243-8970. Thank you for your time.
Feb 2 Casady School will be playing its first full season in the OSSAA beginning in 2023 – 24. Casady is seeking 2 or 3 home or away games to balance the schedule. Please contact Cade Davis, Assistant AD, Head Basketball Coach, if interested… davisc@casady.org. Casady will likely play 3A basketball based on our ADM. Casady will be looking to schedule boys AND girls together.
Feb 2 Verdigris is looking for a GIRLS ONLY team for The Mother Road Classic at Verdigris Basketball Tournament January 4-6, 2024. If interested contact Mike Buntin at mbuntin@vps.k12.ok.us or at 918-645-4549
Feb 2 Casady School will be playing one more year of an independent schedule for football. Casady is seeking a one more game to complete its schedule. September 2 (Week 1) is open. Please contact Mike Shepherd, Director of Athletics, at shepherdm@casady.org if you have an opening and have an interest.
Feb 2 Weatherford - Needing 1 Boys and 1 Girls Team for our HS Basketball Tournament Jan. 4th-6th 2024. Would Prefer teams 3A-6A. Offer Coaches Gifts, Hospitality and assistance financially if staying the night. If interested Please contact Coach Givens Ggivens@wpsok.org
Jan 31 Cherokee High School (Class A) is looking for one boys and girls basketball team in Class A or B to participate in the Cherokee Invitational Tournament on Jan 4-6th, 2024. If you are interested please contact Matt Guffy or Lane Pruett at guffym@cherokee.k12.ok.us or pruettl@cherokee.k12.ok.us
Jan 31 The Jenks-Union Invitational Basketball Tournament will be held on January 18-20, 2024. We are looking for Boys' and Girls' teams to fill. We have a great hospitality room and will provide coaches gifts. Teams will receive $500 for those traveling 75+ miles one way and $250 for those that travel 40-74 miles one way. Please contact the following if you are interested or have any questions: Will Finfrock: Head Boys Coach, will.finfrock@jenksps.org, 918-760-0458 Will Seymour: Head Girls Coach, will.seymour@jenksps.org, 918-421-1765 Tony Dillingham: Jenks Athletic Director, tony.dillingham@jenksps.org, 918-798-4500
Jan 31 Ripley High School is looking for a team to fill our HS basketball tournament January 4-6, 2024. We would prefer class 3A-B. Call Doug Scott 405-314-6956
Jan 30 We are looking for ONLY 1 boys team for The Bridge Creek Basketball Bobcat Classic next season, Jan 18-20 2024. We offer teams great facilities, great coaches gifts, All-Tournament team awards, awards for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and consolation. We will have free tournament t-shirts for all players. If interested contact Kevin Korstjens, 405-201-3287 kkorstjens@bridgecreek.k12.ok.us
Jan 30 Fairland High School (class A) is looking for a Week 0 or Week 1 football game for the upcoming 2023 season. If you are interested please contact HC Jimmy Hudson at jhudson@fpsowls.com
Jan 30 TULSA NOAH FOOTBALL is looking for a few Varsity, JV, and JH/MS football games for the 2023 seasons. Varsity Openings: 9/8, 10/13, and 10/20. We are willing to play any class level in 2023. We would like to play our JH/MS (7th and 8th combined) followed by a JV game. The two dates we have available for JH/JV are 9/11 and 10/16. Contact Info: James Ballinger at (918) 606-8214 or jameshudsonballinger@gmail.com
Jan 30 Carthage High School, Mo (Boys) are looking to join a tournament the weekend of January 18-20th. Please contact Nathan Morris at morrisn@carthagetigers.org.
Jan 30 Inola High School is looking for 1 team to fill the Jerry Oquin Tournament on Dec 4-9, 2023. All-Tournament and MVP plaques awareded, great hospitality room, coaches gifts. If interested please contact Jeff Unrau at junrau@inola.k12.ok.us
Jan 30 Jenks/Union invitational is looking for both men's and women's teams to fill out their tournament. 3 game guarantee. Stipend paid for travel, coaches gift, tshirts for all players/coaches, catered hospitality room. Looking at the third week in January 2024. Half games played at the impressive UMAC and half the games played at the Frank Herald Fieldhouse. Both equally impressive venues. Open to 4A-6A teams. Contact Jenks AD Tony Dillingham for more information at Tony.dillingham@jenksps.org
Jan 30 The Jenks/Union Invitational Basketball Tournament is seeking both Men's and Women's teams to round out their tournament brackets for 2023-2024. We offer paid travel stipends, Coaches Gift, Catered Hospitality Room each night of the tournament, OSSAA State Tournament Officials, NCAA Caliber Arena's to compete in, HUDL Film for each team that plays, and an ultra-competitive field. We are looking at January 18-20, 2024 as possible dates. If you are interested in attending, or seek more information, contact Jenks AD Tony Dillingham at tony.dillingham@jenksps.org Open to 4A-6A in-state and out of state teams.
Jan 27 The Three Rivers Basketball Conference is looking for an 8th school to join our basketball conference for the 2023-2024 school year. We are also needing a school (girls and boys teams and doesn't have to be member) to compete in our conference tournament next year at Hennessey Jan 4th-6th, 2024. The Three Rivers Conference gives schools 7 regular season conference games, a conference tournament in early January, and we select an All Conference Team at the end of the regular season. Current members include Fairview, Watonga, Okarche, Hennessey, Crescent, OBA, and Cashion. If interested in full conference membership or just only participating in the conference tournament next year, please contact John Hardaway at Cashion High School- jhardaway@cashionps.org
Jan 26 Cherokee High School (Class A) is looking for one boys and girls basketball team in Class A or B to participate in the Cherokee Invitational Tournament for 2024. If you are interested please contact Matt Guffy or Lane Pruett at guffym@cherokee.k12.ok.us or pruettl@cherokee.k12.ok.us
 Jan 25 Roff is hosting a 16 team Tournament on August 24-26. Thursday and Friday we will have pool play at Roff, Latta, Vanoss, and Ada. Saturday bracket play at Roff. Teams confirmed Roff,Latta,Vanoss,Ada,Bethel,Dale,Maysville,Sulphur,Davis,Madill,Cyril,Tupelo,Stonewall,Byng, and Lexington. You may contact AD Steve Kile @ 580-399-6362 or skile@roff.k12.ok.us if interested.
Jan 25 We are looking for teams out side of our conference and not in TPS to fill our Preseason tournament. Here are the dates for next year's pre-season JH tournament, Nov 6th, 7th and 9th 2023. If you are interested you can contact me James Jones JamesJones@skiatookschools.org
 Jan 25 One 7th/8th grade boys and girls team needed for next January 8. 10. 11. 13. 2024. 30th Annual Tri-County JH Tournament @ Asher. Teams entered are Asher, Dale 7, Dale 8, Grove (Shawnee), Konawa, Latta, South Rock Creek (Shawnee). Contact Athletic Director: Scott Hamilton (405) 542 - 7359 or shamilton@asher.k12.ok.us
Jan 25 Tahlequah High School is looking for Boys and Girls teams to help fill their 16th Annual Tournament on Dec 7-9, 2023. Classes any size are welcome but would prefer 4A-5A. We have a great hospitality room and will provide coaches gifts. If interested please contact Boys Coach Quinn Wooldridge at wooldridgeq@tahlequahschools.org or Girls Coach David Qualls at quallsd@tahlequahschools.org
Jan 23 We are needing a boys and girls team for the 2023 Shout & Sack Big Dawg Shootout in Vinita. Dates are December 7-9, 2023. Contact John Treat at (918) 964-1287 or treatjm@vinitahornets.com, Tony Roach (918) 348-0251 or roachaw@vinitahornets.com, or Nathan Wylie (405) 413-9281 or wyliena@vinitahornets.com if interested. T-Shirts provided, good hospitality room, and coaches gifts. Under Oklahoma's "Public Records" law, absent a specific exclusion, written communications to or from Vinita Public School District personnel are considered public records. E-mail communication with this correspondent may be subject to public and media disclosure upon request.
 Jan 23 LUTHER HIGH SCHOOL is in need of girls & boys varsity basketball games on Tuesday, February 7th, 2023 due to a cancellation. If interested contact Shawn Meek at smeek@lutherlions.org or 405-277-3263.
 Jan 23 Stroud Schools has three spots remaining in the Route 66 Classic. Looking for 2A and smaller, we offer great facilities, $300 per school travel/food stipend, great hospitality. Jan 4th, 5th and 6th. Contact Jim Campbell 405-328-0338 jim.campbell@stroud.k12.ok.us or Jerry Martin 918-987-1205 jerry.martin@stroud.k12.ok.us
 Jan 23 Laverne High School is looking to start back up their High School basketball tournament on Dec. 12-14, 2024. We have hosted an excellent tournament for years on this particular weekend. However, with the success of our football teams we ended up dropping the tournament. Fortunately, the State Football Championship playoffs will be shortened by one week in 2024. Therefore, we will once again host a tournament. If interested please contact Brett Trippet at 580-628-1504 btrippet@laverne.k12.ok.us
Jan 23 Hartshorne High School has a couple openings in our PICK AND SHOVEL TOURNAMENT ON DECEMBER 7-9 2023. Hospitality, coaches gifts, very nice facilities and atmosphere. If interested, text Coach Shane Hackler 918) 424-0563.
Jan 19 Haskell Football is looking for Week 1 and Week 2 scrimmages for the 2023 season. Please contact Phil McWilliams - pmcwilliams@haskellps.org or 918-616-2303.
 Jan 19 Haskell JV Football is looking to fill 3 JV dates after our Middle School games at Haskell. The dates are 10/9, 10/16, and 10/23. Please contact Phil McWilliams - pmcwilliams@haskellps.org or 918-616-2303.
Jan 19 We are looking for a Girls Basketball Team for the Jones Kiwanis Invitational Tournament that starts this Thursday Jan. 19th. We just had a team drop out. This is typically a 4a and below tournament but we are open to JV teams and possibly bigger schools. Please contact Kevin Witt at kwitt@jonesps.org
Jan 18 Ponca City HS is looking for a 9th grade football game the week of 9/18-21. Please contact Scott Harmon, Dir of FB Ops, (918) 688-6064 or harmoje@pcps.us
Jan 18 Ponca City MS is looking to fill an open football date for 7th and 8th grade on Tuesday 10/03/23. Please contact Scott Harmon, Dir of FB Ops, (918) 688-6064 or harmoje@pcps.us
Jan 18 Ponca City HS is looking for a JV football game on Monday, 9/11/23. Please contact Scott Harmon, Dir of FB Ops, (918) 688-6064 or harmoje@pcps.us
Jan 18 Lindsay has an opening for the Charles K. Heatly Classic for the 2023-24 basketball season. Dates are January 4-6, 2024. Trying to keep it to a 2A-4A tournament field. New arena and excellent hospitality. Contact Lindsay Athletic Director Tommy Ferguson at tferguson@lindsay.k12.ok.us or call office phone at (405)756-3133.
Jan 18 Kingston High School is in need of one AWAY game for the 23'-24' Basketball Season. If interested, please contact AD Taylor Wiebener @ 580-748-1012, or twiebener@kingstonisd.org.
Jan 18 City View HS is looking for a varsity football game for week 4 (week 5 in Texas). We are an independent district in Wichita Falls, TX and classified as 3A-II. Thursday games with JV/JH could be possible, too, if necessary. Contact Rudy Hawkins, AD/Head Football, @ rhawkins@cityview-isd.net or (940) 855-7511 Ext. 358.
Jan 18 Warner High School is looking to host a 2nd tournament for the 23-24 basketball season on Jan 18th-19th-20th. We are looking for teams 3A and down. We have good facilities, provide coaches gifts, feed your teams, and have a good hospitality room. If you are interested please contact Mindi Peters at 918-618-3158 or mpeters@warner.k12.ok.us.
Jan 18 Tulsa NOAH Jaguars Baseball is looking to fill a few open dates for Varsity, JV, and Junior High 7th grade teams. Willing to host or travel. Please reach out to Sean Call, Athletic Director for more information: 918-361-3575 or email scall@noahjags.org
Jan 18 Locust Grove High School is looking for area teams to fill our Locust Grove Invitational Tournament January 4th, 5th, and 6th 2024. If interested please email Mark Jones at mjones@lg.k12.ok.us or call 918-803-4215 ext 1104.
Jan 18 Dewar Public Schools is looking to host a high school basketball tournament Dec 14-16 at the Muscogee Creek Nation Dome in Okmulgee, OK. We would be interested in teams 2a and below. Coaches gifts and hospitality room for players and coaches would be provided. If interested contact Coach Brett Thomas @ 918-652-1268
Jan 13 The Jim Walling Classic at Earlsboro is needing two boys and girls teams to fill its tournament. We have a very competitive field of class 2a and down teams. Right now the teams in it are: Wynnewood Stuart Vanoss Wilson (Henryetta) Olive Earlsboro. If interested please call Devin Terry at 405 702 3851.
Jan 13 Earlsboro High school is in need of one Home game for the 23-24 Basketball season. We would be able to return the favor the following year. If interested you can call or text Devin Terry at 405 702 3851.
Jan 13 Luther High School is hosting its 2nd annual golf tournament at Cedar Valley Golf Club in Guthrie March 22, 2023. Boys will play Augusta and Girls will play International. To register and receive information on the tournament please email zsmith@lutherlions.org The first 18 teams that register will play.
Jan 13 Dove Science Academy HS and JH are looking for soccer games and tournaments for this 2023 season. Please text or call AD Martinez 405-301-3322.
Jan 13 Hammon High School is looking for a team to fill its basketball tournament. The dates are Jan. 4th-6th 2024, Hammon has a great gym and hospitality room. Coaches will receive a coaches gift and there is also a seeding meeting where a meal will be provided. Teams currently in the tournament include: Hammon, Boise City, Lomega, Sentinel, CBA, Shattuck, and Vici. If interested contact: AD Tyler Tignor at ttignor@hammon.k12.ok.us or by phone at (580) 473-2737.
Jan 13 Sayre is hosting a girls golf tournament on April 4th. Please contact Brian Richardson at 580-339-1213.
Jan 13 Sayre is needing a team for their high school slow-pitch festival on April 4th. Please contact Brian Richardson at 580-339-1213 or Michaelanne Nelson at 580-307-4060.
Jan 13 Sayre has openings for high school basketball games for the 2023-2024 basketball season. Contact Brian Richardson at (580)339-1213 for more information.
Jan 13 Warner High School is looking to host a 2nd tournament for the 23-24 basketball season on Jan 18th-19th-20th. We are looking for teams 3A and down. We have good facilities, provide coaches gifts, feed your teams, and have a good hospitality room. If you are interested please contact Mindi Peters at 918-618-3158 or mpeters@warner.k12.ok.us.
Jan 13 Madill Schools is looking for 1 team to fill its Winter Classic Tournament, December 7-9, 2023 hosted in our new Event Center. Contact Brett Weiberg, AD at bweiberg@madillok.com.
Jan 13 We need two teams for the week of December 4th-9th, preferably Class B thru 2A. Please Contact Bobbie Wheat, Athletic Director, at Porum School. Coachwheat@porum.k12.ok.us or call at (918) 680-0651
Jan 12 Northwest Classen High School is looking for Junior Varsity baseball games for this spring. Please contact head coach, Aaron Todd at atodd@okcps.org Thank you!
Jan 12 Tulsa CHEF is looking for games for the 2023/2024 season. We are a competitive homeschool organization. We are looking for games for VB, VG, JVB, JHG, JHB. Please contact Brent Warrior at 918-527-1216 or Jeremy Stout at 918-693-4422.
Jan 12 Chouteau-Mazie is looking for teams to participate in their Tournament in 2024. Tournament dates are January 18,19,20, 2024. Needing to know as soon as possible. If interested please call Phil Brumley, Athletic Director at (918) 864-0880. or you can email at pbrumley@chouteauwildcats.com.
Jan 12 McDonald County High School (MO) has openings for the annual Lady Mustang Basketball Classic and Mustang Classic for 2023. Dates are Dec 11, 12, 13 for the girls tournament and Dec 14, 15, 16 for the boys tournament. Tournament field includes Class 4-5 Missouri schools and 5A-6A Arkansas schools. Team meals provided each night, hospitality room, coaches gifts, t-shirts for players, and All-Tournament team awards. We are located in the very southwest corner of Missouri 30 minutes from Joplin MO, Grove OK, and Rogers AR. Please contact Bo Bergen, AD at bbergen@mcdonaldr1.net if interested.
Jan 12 Dove Science Academy HS and JH are looking for soccer games and tournaments for this 2023 season. Please text or call AD Martinez 405-301-3322.
Jan 12 Stroud High School is looking to rebuild the Route 66 Classic Jan. 4th, 5th and 6th with schools 3A or smaller. We offer $300 per school to help with travel expenses and a great hospitality room. Interested parties should contact Jim Campbell at 405-328-0338 jim.campbell@stroud.k12.ok.us or Jerry Martin 918-987-1205 jerry.martin@stroud.k12.ok.us
Jan 11 McAlester High School will be hosting the renewed Bob Brumley Classic in 2024. The dates are January 4th, 5th, 6th at our new McAlester Activities Center. Seeding meeting will be held Dec 13th at Pete's Place. Please contact James Singleton, Director of Athletics: jsingleton@mcalester.k12.ok.us
Jan 11 Southwest Covenant School in Yukon is looking for JH Baseball games and a Tournament for this season. Willing to travel within reason. Please email me: chartpence@southwestcovenant.com or call 405-219-4076
Jan 11 Savanna High School is looking for 1 boys/girls team to fill an opening in the Freedom Ford Shootout for next season. December 11th – 16th 2023. We have a great hospitality room and coaches gifts. Would prefer 3A and below. If interested contact, Matt Murdaugh at 918-429-2161.
Jan 11 Moss Public Schools is looking for teams interested in playing in the Moss Invitational Tournament on January 4th, 5th, and 6th of 2024. We offer nice facilities, a competitive field of teams, an excellent hospitality room, and coaches gifts. If your team would be interested in joining our tournament next year please reach out to Coach Spangler at 918-571-2128.
Jan 11 KIEFER HIGH SCHOOL is needing 1 additional team for this year's Dave Calvert Invitational Basketball Tournament. The dates are Jan 19, 20, 21, 2023. We are interested in any high school girl's team (Varisty, JV or 9th grade.) Please contact Trent Worley, AD, tworley@kiefer.k12.ok.us
Jan 10 Durant High School boys soccer is looking for a soccer tournament for the Spring 2023 season. Please contact coach Wilmoth at john.wilmoth@durantisd.org or call 580-924-2423
Jan 10 Madill Schools is looking for 1 team to fill its Winter Classic Tournament, December 7-9, 2023 hosted in our new Event Center. Contact Brett Weiberg, AD at bweiberg@madillok.com.
Jan 10 Longhorn Classic in Alex is looking for a team to fill our 2024 tournament. We have a great hospitality room, coaches gifts and a very competitive field. If interested please contact Isaac Byrne, ibyrne@alex.k12.ok.us 405-974-1742
Jan 5 Fox High School is looking for basketball games for the 2023/2024 season. Prefer class B schools. We are also looking to add Volleyball games for the 2023/2024 season. Call or text Coach Barnes at 580-247-5685.
Jan 5 WOODLAND HIGH SCHOOL(Fairfax,Ok) is looking for a HOME Varsity/JV Football 2nd scrimmage on August 24th for the 2023 season. If interested, please contact Head Football Coach Casey Goad at 580-749-1064 or email cgoad@woodland.k12.ok.us
Jan 5 Wesleyan Christian School in Bartlesville is looking for a spot in a basketball tournament on Jan 19-21. Our boys are class B and have a 7-0 record. Unfortunately we do not have a girls team this year, that is why we are short of games. We are trying to pick up some lost games and step up a level of completion to prepare for playoffs. Please text Curt Cloud at 9187-332-1751.
Jan 5 Wesleyan Christian School in Bartlesville will again host a HS basketball tournament on January 4th 5th and 6th in 2024. We are currently looking for teams. We would like to keep it to 2A and below. Please text Curt Cloud at 918-332-1751.
Jan 5 Tishomingo is looking for a basketball tournament for January 18-20th 2024. Please reach out to cowilliams@tishomingo.k12.ok.us if you have an opening.
Jan 4 Chouteau High School is looking for a HS girls basketball team for its tournament. Preferably Class A,2A or 3A. The tournament is scheduled for January 19,20,21. Current teams are Chouteau, Westville and Wright Christian. Anyone interested can contact Phil Brumley, immediately.
Jan 2 Okemah HS is looking for 1 school - Girls and Boys team, for our HS Basketball Tournament Dec 7-9 of 2023. 4A & down. Contact Gary Kennemer - gkennemer@okemahk12.com or 918-230-8493 for more information.
Jan 2 Dove boys high school is looking for a basketball tournament for the 2022 season. Please contact tshoemaker@doveschools.org or 918-378-6682
Jan 2 We have had one girls team drop out of our basketball tournament and are needing one team to complete our bracket. The following schools  participating are Bethel, Cushing, Crossing Christian, Luther, Mannford, OCS, Seminole, and Stroud. There is a $150.00 gift card to help with travel expenses. We would also consider a JV team. Please contact Jim Campbell at 405-328-0338.
Jan 2 Mulhall-Orlando is looking to fill these dates for the upcoming slow-pitch season: March 21, 23, 28, April 3, 4, 11, and 17. We are willing to travel within reason and also would like to do jh and hs. If interested contact 918-716-8044 or bcustar@m-ops.org.
Dec 19 Dove Science Academy Middle School Soccer. We are looking for boys and girls JH soccer tournaments. We also need away games. Please text our call our AD Alex Martinez at 405-301-3322. Email is amartinez@doveschools.org
Dec 16 Frontier Schools is looking for 1 team for its 2023 HS basketball tournament. December 4- 9. Please contact Bob Weckstein. 580-761-0705.
Dec 16 We are looking to add one more 7th grade girls basketball team to our Mini Wheat Capital tournament that runs on Jan 9, Jan 12, & Jan 14th @ Chisholm High School. Please email AD, Jayden Dobbs @ jdobbs@chisholm.k12.ok.us if interested.
Dec 16 Washington High School basketball tournament needs one girls team and one boys team for tournament January 19, 20 and 21 of 2023, due to a late drop. Contact Kale Simon (580) 421-4720 ksimon@wps-isd.com or Trevor Smith (580) 281-0821 tsmith@wps-isd.com
Dec 16 LUTHER HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL is looking for a HOME SCRIMMAGE for the 2023 season. We are looking for the first scrimmage week. The date will be Friday, August 18, 2023. If interested email Shawn Meek at smeek@lutherlions.org
Dec 16 McAlester Public Schools varsity football is in need of a week 1 or week 3 home.game for the 2023 football season. Would prefer week 1, but will play week 3 if necessary. Please contact James Singleton, Director of Athletics jsingleton@mcalester.k12.ok.us
Dec 14 TULSA NOAH FOOTBALL is looking for a couple, preferably home, VARSITY FOOTBALL GAMES for the 2023 seasons. NOAH is an 11 man football team made up of all homeschoolers roughly the size of a 3A team. We play our varsity home games at the Broken Arrow Freshman Academy (301 W New Orleans St, Broken Arrow, OK 74011). We currently have Week 2 (Sep 8th) and Week 8 (Oct 20th) open. We may also have Week 7 (Oct 13th) open as well. Contact Info: James Ballinger at (918) 606-8214 or jameshudsonballinger@gmail.com
Dec 14 Altus High School is searching for 1 boy’s & 1 girl’s team for our 50th Annual Clester Harrington Shortgrass Classic Basketball Tournament Jan. 19-21, 2023. Teams will be given a meal voucher to feed their team 1 meal each day. Participants also get t-shirts for their entire team, coaches gift, and hospitality baskets before each game. Along with a great hospitality room for coaches & administrators!! All-Tournament team/MVP selected along with team trophies. Any Class is welcome, we would gladly take a JV team too!. Discounted hotel rates & restaurant meals. Contact Stacie Terbush at (580) 471-8289  if you are interested or email sterbush@altusps.com
Dec 14 Hominy High School Fast-pitch softball is looking to fill some dates for the school year 2022-2023. August 14, 21,29 September 5....We will host or travel. email-ccampbell@hominy.k12.ok.us or call/text 918-640-2390
Dec 14 Wilson Public School (20 min west of Ardmore) is looking for 1 team (boys and girls) for the 2023 Black and Gold Classic on Dec 7th-9th. If you are interested or have any questions please contact me at (405) 919-8480. Thank you
Dec 14 Game needed December 16th or 20th: Washington high school girls basketball is looking for a girls only Varsity and JV (optional) game at Washington on December 16 or more preferably on December 20th…2a-6a teams preferred of comparable or greater skill level…An addition of an opponents varsity boys game vs. Washingtons boys JV and an opponents JV game vs Washington’s 9th grade can be added if applicable. Interested parties please contact Kale Simon at 580 421-4720
Dec 14 Glencoe has an opening for the 52nd Annual Glencoe High School Basketball Tournament January 18-20, 2024. Class A or B are preferred. Hospitality room and coaches gift are included. If Interested, contact Chad Speer 580-571-2533, Jeff Weedn 405-919-3511, or Brady Maxwell 580-530-2384.
Dec 9 GORE is looking for 2 teams for our HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT in 2023! Tournament dates are DEC. 14-16, 2023. We would like to keep the Tournament 2A and down but not opposed to the idea of a 3A team or two. Tournament will include 3 Game guarantee, hospitality room, player meals each day, head/assistant coaches gift, games broadcast, & player/cheer passes. If interested email or call TW Estes coachestes@gorepublicschools.org 580-579-9802
Dec 9 Group rates are available for teams that want to attend Tulsa Public Schools’ The 2022 Tournament of Champions at the BOK Center. The  tournament, presented by Quik Trip, will be played on December 28, 29, and 30. Participating girls teams: Bixby, Norman, Sapulpa, Holland Hall, Kiefer, Lincoln Christian, Okarche, Pocola. Boys teams: Bartlesville, Edmond North, Union, Tulsa Memorial, Kingfisher, Crossing Christian, Dale, Roff. To inquire about group rates, contact Connie Lytle at CLytle@asmtulsa.com.
Dec 9 Looking for duals and tournament for Star Spencer High School Wrestling. We just found out that we going high school squad. Please contact Coach Dye at rddye@okcps.org. Or 7204834005.
Dec 7 Luther High School is hosting its 2nd annual golf tournament at Cedar Valley Golf Club in Guthrie March 22, 2023. Boys will play Augusta and Girls will play International. To register and receive information on the tournament please email zsmith@lutherlions.org The first 18 teams that register will play.
Dec 2 Regent Prep in Tulsa is moving from 8 man to 11 man football and are needing 7th/8th grade games for the Fall. If interested, please contact Coach Bishop at abishop@rpsok.org
Dec 2 Noble - Due to a late drop we are looking for 1 Boys and Girls team for our Basketball Tournament Jan. 5-7. Contact Tyler Solomon at tsolomon@nobleps.com or 405-626-6650.
Dec 2 Newcastle middle school needs baseball games. If you need games please contact Mike Crossley at 4052501337 or email mcrossley@ ewcastle.k12.ok.us
Nov 30 Due to a miscommunication, Drumright is in need of a December tournament this season, contact Coach Bray at (918) 671-5231 or jbray@drumright.k12.ok.us. If we can't find a tournament will be looking to add two games to the schedule for this season.
Nov 30 Dove High School BOYS basketball is looking for games/ tournaments for the 2023-2024 season. Please contact Head Coach Jaden Gonzales at jgonzales@doveschools.org or 806-518-4627
Nov 30 Tishomingo is looking for a couple more teams to fill it 2nd Annual Spring Baseball Tournament. If interested please let me know. Kyle LaFevers 580-257-9124 or kylafevers@tishomingo.k12.ok.us
Nov 29 We are in need of baseball games for the 2023 season for HS and MS. HS dates available are April 13, 14, 24, 25, 27, 28. The middle school dates available are March 16, 23 (Away), 28 (Away), 30. April 17 (Away), 20, 21, 25, 27, 28. Contact at bdunlap@newkirk.k12.ok.us or 405-694-3090
Nov 29 Will Rogers Invitational needs 1 girl team on Jan 19-21 2023. Please contact Coach Adkism 918-269-1449.
Nov 29 Lexington HS is looking for 2 boys and girls games for 23-24 season. Available dates are Dec. 4th, 5th, 8th, Jan. 9th,30th, and Feb. 5th, 6th. Please contact Jgarrett@lexington.k12.ok.us if interested.
Nov 29 Oklahoma Christian Academy in Edmond OK is looking to add multiple basketball games to its 2023/24 basketball schedule. We are specifically looking for 2 to 3 games in early November with non-football playing schools. We also have some dates in January available as well. If interested please reach out to Jeremy Roman at jroman@ocacademy.org or 575-647-0888.
Nov 28 Oklahoma Christian School (OCS in Edmond) is looking for a HS basketball game on 12/1 for the 23-24 season. It needs to be an away game. Contact AD Brandon Weaver at bweaver@ocssaints.org if interested.
Nov 21 Wynnewood High School: Due to a girls basketball team dropping out of our tournament, we are seeking a girls basketball team to fulfill our 2022 Savage Basketball Invitational bracket. The dates are Dec 15, 16, & 17 and it’s a three game guarantee. We will take either varsity or JV teams.
Nov 21 Stillwater 8th grade boys/girls are looking to pick up a tournament on the days of December 8th-10th. Just had a tournament cancel. So if not to late and have some competition or need help filling a spot please contact me @jonesleonard15@yahoo.com or ljones@stillwaterschools.com.
Nov 18 LUTHER HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL is looking for a HOME SCRIMMAGE for the 2023 season. We are looking for the first scrimmage week. The date will be Friday, August 18, 2023. If interested email Shawn Meek at smeek@lutherlions.org
Nov 18 Fort Gibson is looking for a Jr High Football game(7th, 8th, 9th, all separate) for September 12th or 14th, 2023. Please contact AD Chuck London @ 918-906-7739 or email at c_london@fortgibsontigers.org
Nov 17 Cleveland is looking for a JH school to compete in 7th and 8th grade boys and girls teams in our tournament next year. Nov. 6-11, 2023 Contact danielbrimmer@clevelandtigers.com 918-760-5908
Nov 16 Okemah HS Looking for teams - Girls and Boys, for our Tournament next season Dec 7-9 of 2023. 4A & down. Also, possibly looking for a couple of games if dates work. Contact Gary Kennemer - gkennemer@okemahk12.com or 918-230-8493
Nov 15 Plainview Boys and Girls basketball teams are looking for 2 Home games and 1 Away game for the 2023-2024 season. Open dates are Nov. 28, Dec. 12, Dec. 15, and February 12 or 13. Please contact Ryan Luhmann at rluhmann@plainview.k12.ok.us.
Nov 15 Ada JH Football is looking for a game for the 2023 season. Open weeks are October 3rd or 5th or October 24th or 26th. Can be home or away. Would like to play 3 games...7th, 8th, 9th. Please contact Brad Odom (Asst. AD) at odomb@adapss.com or call 580-310-7260
Nov 15 Mary Golda Ross Middle School (8th grade boys/girls) is looking for a tournament for this 22-23 season. Please contact Site athletic coordinator Reuben Tiller @rtiller@okcps.org
Nov 10 Tishomingo basketball is looking for a tournament during the third week of January 2024. Please email cowilliams@tishomingo.k12.ok.us if you have a spot open for next season.
Nov 10 Altus High School is searching for 1 boy’s & 1 girl’s team for our 50th Annual Clester Harrington Shortgrass Classic Basketball Tournament Jan. 19-21, 2023. Teams will be given a meal voucher to feed their team 1 meal each day. Participants also get t-shirts for their entire team, coaches gift, and hospitality baskets before each game. Along with a great hospitality room for coaches & administrators!! All-Tournament team/MVP selected along with team trophies. A newly renovated gym! Any Class is welcome. Discounted hotel rates & restaurant meals. Contact Stacie Terbush at (580) 471-8289 if you are interested or email sterbush@altusps.com
Nov 8 Dove Science Academy HIGH SCHOOL BOYS are Looking for home games. We would love to host 3A-2A-A&B games. JV teams are welcomed. We are a 3A school located in OKC. Please call or text coach Justin Norman at 405-938-7570 or athletic director Alex Martinez at 405-301-3322
Nov 7 Morris Baseball is looking to fill open dates on our varsity schedule. the dates are as follows 3/9-Away 3/10 3/11 3/28 4/6 We also have some open dates for Junior High as well please Email Head Baseball Coach Brett Marsaln at bmarsaln@morrisschools.net
Nov 7 We are looking for a game for week 0 or week . Looking for a 2A or below opponent. Thank You Brent Parker Head Coach Blackwell 817-233-9566
Nov 7 Berryhill Softball is in need of a few slow pitch games for the upcoming spring, would be interested in a home/home swap. Email me at James.miner@berryhillschools.org or text at 918-500-4356 thanks
Nov 7 Caney Valley Softball is looking for fastpitch scrimmages in and around the Oklahoma City area for the first week in August 2023. Please contact Coach Fox at afox@caneyvalleyschool.org or text me at 918-440-5947 if you would like to schedule some games.
Nov 7 Jones is looking for another boys and girls team for the Anual Jones Kiwanis Basketball Tournament Jan 19-21 2023. Contact AD Kevin Witt at kwitt@jonesps.org
Nov 7 Roff School is looking for a H.S. Softball Tournament for 2023. The dates are Sept. 7-9. Would prefer to be a Class A or B School. Please contact Steve Kile skile@Roff.k12.ok.us or 580-399-6362.
Nov 7 Kingfisher High School is looking for 1 boys team and 1 girls team to fill our High School Buckle of the Wheatbelt Basketball Tournament Jan. 19-21, 2023. This is a great tournament, with quality competition, and quality hospitality. Teams participating include: Kingfisher, Chisholm, Weatherford, Guthrie, Guymon, Perkins-Tryon, and Harrah. For more information contact Jeremy Young by email at jyoung@kingfisher.k12.ok.us.
Nov 3 Lexington HS boys and Girls basketball teams are looking for 2 Home games and 1 Away game for the 2023-2024 season. Please contact Coach Garrett at Jgarrett@lexington.k12.ok.us
Nov 2 Chandler High School Baseball is looking for 1 team to fill the Mark Howard Memorial Tournament. Dates are March 16-18, 2023 (Spring break). Chandler offers high level facilities and hospitality. If you have any questions please reach out to Bobby Shoate - Head Baseball Coach at bobby.shoate@chandlerlions.org or 405-269-4987
Nov 2 Eagletown High School (B) is needing games for our 22-23 basketball season. We have dates available for November 11th, January 13th, 17th, 20th, 24th, 27th. If you can feel these dates, please contact Coach Patrick Trowbridge at 580-835-2242 or ptforou@yahoo.com.
Nov 1 BRIDGE CREEK HS BASKETBALL IS LOOKING FOR ONE GAME FOR THE 2023-24 SEASON. CONTACT KEVIN KORSTJENS kkorstejns@bridgecreek.k12.ok.us or 405-201-3287
Nov 1 We would like to invite you to The Bridge Creek Basketball Bobcat Classic next season, Jan 19-21 2024. We offer teams great facilities, great coaches gifts, All-Tournament team awards, awards for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and consolation. We will have free tournament t-shirts for all players. If interested contact Kevin Korstjens, 405-201-3287 kkorstjens@bridgecreek.k12.ok.us Good luck to you this season!!
Nov 1 Enid, OK Longfellow-Emerson Middle School is needing to add 2 basketball games, preferably a home and an away game, this season. We have 7th & 8th grade girls and boys teams. The available dates we have to play are Nov. 17, 2022, Jan. 19, 2023 & Jan. 23, 2023. If interested, email jksaunders@enidk12.org or call Coach James Saunders at (580) 231-1914
Nov 1 Frontier schools is looking for an away boys scrimmage Nov. 3, or 4, please contact Bob Weckstein at 580-761-0705 or bob.weckstein@frontierok.com
Oct 27 Guymon HS is searching for varsity football games for the 2023 and 2024 season. We currently play an independent schedule. Willing to play large school JV teams as well. We need the following weeks: Week 4, 6, 7. Email andy.brown@guymontigers.com
Oct 27 Marietta High School Football is seeking a week 1 opponent for the 2023 season. We are willing to play a JV team on Thursday if possible. If interested please contact Alex Doby - Head Football Coach at adoby@mariettaisd.org or call the school at 580-276-9444
Oct 27 Yukon Middle School is needing an 8th grade boys and girls teams for their 8th grade basketball tournament on Dec. 8-10. Contact brent.kaufman@yukonps.com for information.
Oct 25 Olive high school is in search of 3 teams to play in their baseball tournament on March 7, 9, and 11. Also we need a few more high school games. Please contact coach batey 918-807-2058
Oct 25 Bartlesville 7th grade boys and girls are looking to fill 4 games. Would prefer a home/home with two different teams but we can be flexible. Please contact stewartcb@bps-ok.org.
Oct 25 Nowata has had a team drop from our varsity basketball tourney. Looking for a boys and girls team. Preferably 3A or lower. 4A or above JV teams would also be considered. Tourney to be held Dec 5-10
Oct 21 Hinton High School is needing a high school basketball game on either Jan 23, 2024 or Feb 2, 2024 and a JH game on Jan 22, 2024. If interested, please email Jarrod Hohmann, AD, at jarrod.hohmann@hintonschools.org
Oct 21 Okemah HS Tournament will be Dec 7-9 of 2023. (Next Season) We may be looking for 1 or 2 schools (boys and girls) 4A & down. Also possibly looking for a couple of games if dates work. Contact Gary Kennemer - gkennemer@okemahk12.com or 918-230-8493
Oct 21 Calumet Schools (B) is looking for a HS and a JH basketball game for the 2023-2024 season. If interested, please call Sam Belcher at 405-893-2492 or email at belchers@chs.k12.ok.us
 Oct 19 Covington-Douglas is looking for a boys/girls basketball game on January 24th. It needs to be an away game as that is what was on our schedule due to a team dropping us recently. You can reach Kenny Daugherty at 405-706-3179 or by email at kdaugherty@cdwildcats.com
 Oct 19 Dibble High School has three openings for 2a BASEBALL teams to participate in the upcoming Dibble High School Festival which is being held April 20th, 2023. Games will be played at Dibble High School and Amber-Pocasset. Please contact Head Coach Sam Hayden, at shayden@dibble.k12.ok.us or (972) 567-2194.
 Oct 19 Jay High School is looking for 3 Girls and 2 Boys teams to fill their 9th Grade Tournament on November 14, 15 and 17. Please contact Joe Warren if interested 479-381-1382
Oct 19 The Decatur Basketball Program is hosting a Senior High Tournament Nov 14th, 15th, 17th, 18th, and 19th. We are looking for a boys team (JV or V) to join the tournament due to a last minute cancellation with another team. We are located in Northwest Arkansas, approximately 30 minutes from Grove, 1 hour 40 minutes from Tulsa. Three games are guaranteed. If you are interested in joining the tournament, please contact jsmith@decatursd.com/479-752-7701 [1] or afrederking@decatursd.com/479-903-4133
Oct 19 LONE GROVE (3A) is looking for one home HS basketball game for the 2023-24 season. December 8, 2023, December 12, 2023, or January 5, 2024 are possible dates. Please contact Sam Hale, Athletic Director at shale@lonegrove.k12.ok.us or 580-657-3189 (Ext. 5000).
Oct 13 Bridge Creek is looking for two HS basketball games. January 9, 2024 and February 6, 2024. Please contact Kevin Korstjens kkorstjens@bridgecreek.k12.ok.us
Oct 13 Will Rogers Invitational has 1 team(Girls) opening Jan 19-21st 2023. Please contact Coach Adkism 918-269-1449.
Oct 13 We are in need of 5 games to fill out our schedule! I have JV (6th/7th) boys & girls and Varsity (7th/8th) boys and girls teams. We have a gym with seating for the public. I am looking for 1 game or a home/away game with someone close to the Metro area. Please contact John at jtautfedst@hicd.org. Our school is approximately 4A in size and is a public charter school in the heart of the OKC Metro area!
Oct 12 JOB DESCRIPTION: HEAD WOMEN’S SOCCER COACH The Head Women’s Soccer Coach is responsible for managing all aspects of the athletic program in the sport of Women’s Soccer. QUALIFICATIONS: The Head Coach should possess a Bachelor’s degree or better and have adequate knowledge of his or her particular sport or sports. The head coach should also have adequate knowledge of, and comply with all NCCAA rules pertaining to their sport. The preferred candidate would have three (3) years of head coaching experience in women’s soccer. RESPONSIBLE TO: The Head Women’s Soccer Coach reports directly to the Athletic Director. FOUNDATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Gain and maintain a working knowledge of the NCCAA rules and regulations governing intercollegiate athletics competition. 2.Handle scheduling, recruiting, budgeting, training, supervision, evaluation, and performance of student-athletes in his/her program. 3. Recruit only those prospective student-athletes who have the ability to succeed academically and athletically. 4. Support and encourage the educational pursuits of student-athletes and make every effort to ensure that all student-athletes meet their academic requirements. 5. Monitor student-athletes’ performance based on academic and intercollegiate eligibility criteria. 6. Assist student-athletes in progressing toward a degree in a defined academic program. 7. Maintain effective relationships with student-athletes, peers, administrators, media, and the general public. 8. Participate in fund-raising events and activities when necessary. 9. Recruit and fill a roster of at least 16 female student athletes. SPIRITUAL RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Be a role model in attitude, speech, and conduct maintaining a consistent daily walk with Jesus Christ. 2. Show by example the importance of Scripture reading, prayer, witnessing, and Christian service. 3. Follow the principles outlined in Matthew 18:15-20 when dealing with students, parents, faculty, staff, and administration. 4. Encourage students to accept God’s gift of salvation and grow in their faith. 5. Lead others to fulfill the will of God both individually and collectively. 6. Attend Chapel service and hold student-athletes accountable as well to also attend chapel service Salary will be based on the experience and work history of the chosen candidate. Position is expected to be filled no later than December 1, 2022. Please send resume’, cover letter, to tjenson@ru.edu.
Oct 12 DEER CREEK MIDDLE SCHOOL - We are in need of a 7th Grade Girls and Boys Basketball team for our 2022 7th Grade Tour, Dec 8-10, 2022. If Interested please contact yohancebrown@dcsok.org
Oct 12 I am looking to get my 8th grade basketball girls in another tournament this season. We are currently only in 1 for this school year.
Oct 12 Putnam City JV Football needs a road game October 17th. Please contact Carter Whitson 817-271-7759 if interested.
Oct 12 Newcastle is looking for high school and middle school 2023 baseball games. We also need a team for our annual high school baseball tournament, April 6-8th. Mike Crossley 405 250 1337 mcrossley@newcastle.k12.ok.us.
Oct 12 Lincoln Christian School is looking for an 8th grade football game on October 18th. Please email Jerry Ricke if interested at Jricke@lincolnchristianschool.com
Oct 12 Norman Public Schools has two openings for girls basketball teams to participate in the upcoming Joe Lawson Basketball Tournament which is being held December 8-10 of this year. Games will be played at Norman High School and Norman North. Please contact Head Coach, Frankie Parks, at fparks@normanps.org or (405) 239-0444.
Oct 12 Tulsa Dove HS & JH Basketball- We are looking for some High School Boys' Basketball games and tournaments. We are also looking for boys' and girls' Middle School basketball games and tournaments. Please email or text or call me at tshoemaker@doveschools.org or text, or call 918-378-6682
Oct 7 Blanchard High School (Blanchard, OK) needs one HS basketball game for the 2023-24 season. The date is Friday, Feb 2nd, 2024. We will play away or home. Contact AD Jeff Craig @ jcraig@blanchard.k12.ok.us or Jeff Word @ jword@blanchard.k12.ok.us
Oct 7 Woodward High School is need of 1 team for the Compass Winter Classic Basketball Tournament December 8-10, 2022. Hotel accommodations can be made for your team. Participants will get T-shirts, coaches gift, team trophies and medals, all tournament team, along with a great hospitality room. Contact David Norton at (580) 273-5002 if you are interested or david.norton@woodwardps.net
Oct 6 Wright Christian Academy ( Tulsa, OK) is in need of a VG and VB game on Nov. 11. We would be willing to travel or to host. If interested please contact Athletic Director Clem Ohman at cohman@wrightchristianacademy.com
Oct 5 We would like to invite you to The Inaugural Bridge Creek "BOBCAT CLASSIC" tournament starting next season, JAN 19-21 2024. We offer teams great facilities, great coaches gifts, All-Tournament team awards, awards for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and consolation. We will have free tournament t-shirts for all players. If interested contact Kevin Korstjens, 405-201-3287, kkorstjens@bridgecreek.k12.ok.us
Oct 5 Miller High School (MO), is looking to fill two open dates for the 2023 season: 9/8/23 and 10/6/23. If interested please contact Justin Snider, jsnider@millerschools.org We are a class 1 school in the state of Missouri, just 30 minutes east of Joplin.
Oct 5 Arapaho-Butler is looking for a basketball game for the 23-24 season. Please contact jedelen@arapaho.k12.ok.us or 580-323-3262 if interested.
Oct 5 Crooked Oak High School is looking for 9th grade boys basketball games. If interested please contact Thad Cunningham 406-361-8186 or Chace McCaskill 405-985-1670.
Oct 4 Wewoka Middle School is seeking a football game for the week of October 10th, 2022. Willing to travel or host. Contact AD Cody Barlow at cbarlow@wps.k12.ok.us or 918-448-6767.
Sept 29 Altus High School is searching for 1 boy’s & 1 girl’s team for our tournament Jan. 19-21, 2023. Teams will be given a meal voucher to feed their team 1 meal each day. Participants also get t-shirts for their entire team, coaches gift, and hospitality baskets before each game. Along with a great hospitality room for coaches & administrators!! All-Tournament team/MVP selected along with team trophies. A newly renovated gym! Any Class is welcome. Discounted hotel rates & restaurant meals. Contact Stacie Terbush at (580) 471-8289 [1] if you are interested or email sterbush@altusps.com
Sept 29 Jay High School is looking for 1 - 7th grade Girls and Boys and 1 - 8th Grade girls and boys teams for their tournament on November 7, 8 and 10. Contact Joe Warren at 479-381-1382 or email at joewarren@jayps.org if interested.
Sept 29 Lexington is looking for one more school for their 8th-grade boys and girls basketball tournament on Jan. 9th, 11th, and 14th. Please contact Coach Garrett at jgarrett@lexington.k12.ok.us
Sept 29 Little Axe Public School is needing 1Girls Basketball team for our 28th Annual Bobby Hicks Invitational Basketball Tournament. Dates are Jan. 19th-21st. Please contact Athletic Director Terry Rogers (580-504-9808) or High School Principal Trey Kirkpatrick at (405-329-1612.
Sept 27 Leflore High School is needing 1 boys and 1 girls team for the Nadine Carpenter Classic. This tournament is 12/5 - 12/10. Please contact Brady Hardin(918)649-4092 or Mark Warren at (918)413-0085
Sept 27 Nowata Baseball is trying to start a tourney on Mar 30- Apr 1, 2023. Looking to have 6 or 8 teams, varsity 3a and lower. 4a Jv teams could be considered also. Please call or text AD Homer Johnston at 918-260-8823.
Sept 27 KIEFER is looking for 1 boys and 1 girls team to complete the field for the 2022 Dave Calvert Invitational Basketball Tournament held on Jan 19, 20 & 21, 2023. The tournament is a competitive 3A-4A field. If interested, please contact Trent Worley, AD: tworley@kiefer.k12.ok.us
Sept 27 Stillwater High School--9th Grade Football is looking for games on the following dates: _Monday, October. 17th_ _Monday, October 31st_ We are willing to travel...please contact Randy Patzkowski at: rpatzkowski@stillwaterschools.com
Sept 27 Hammon High School is looking for a team to fill its tournament January 4th-6th of 2024. Teams included are Hammon, CBA, Sentinel, Binger-Oney, Boise City, Lomega, and Shattuck. We have a nice gym and a great hospitality room set up. If interested contact Tyler Tignor @ ttignor@hammon.k12.ok.us or by phone @ 580-473-2486
Sept 27 Tulsa CHEF is looking for a game for December 5th due to a cancellation. We have JHB, JVB, VG and VB. Please contact Brent Warrior at 918-527-1216 if interested.
Sept 22 Wright Christian Academy (Tulsa) is in need of a Varsity boys and Girls game on November 15. it can be a home or away game. We are willing to play junior high also. Please contact Athletic Director Clem Ohman at cohman@wrightchristianacademy.com or 918-550-2177
Sept 21 Frontenac High School in Kansas is looking for varsity boys and girls basketball games on Jan 9th, 10th, or 16th. We would also be able to play JV and possibly freshman the same night. Do you know of any teams that may be looking? I appreciate any help you can give us! Bill Sullivan HS Asst Principal HS Activities Director Asst. Football Coach bsullivan@frontenac249.org (620) 231-7550 ext. 139
Sept 21 Owasso Boys Basketball is needing 2 teams to fill their 8th grade tournament the week of December 5, 8, and 10. If interested contact Brian Montonati at brian.montonati@owassops.org.
Sept 21 Edmond North Girls basketball program is looking for a Tournament in January for the 2022-2023 season. We are a 6A team in Oklahoma. We are willing to travel out of state." or willing to pick up a Home & Home versus a large school or competitive smaller school." Please email Head Coach Pete Papahronis - pete.papahronis@edmondschools.net
Sept 20 Drumright Girls Basketball is looking for an away scrimmage December 27th or 28th The team won 6 games last year and currently have 7 girls out, if interested contact Coach Robison brobison@drumright.k12.ok.us or 918 457-0630
Sept 20 Hammon High School is looking for a game for the 2022-2023 basketball season due to a late drop. It will need to be at Hammon the date is Dec. 16th. If interested please contact Tyler Tignor by email at ttignor@hammon.k12.ok.us or call at 580-473-2737
Sept 19 Sub Varsity Football. Jones is looking for a 7th, 8th, and JV game at Jones on Sept. 19th. Contact Kevin Witt at kwitt@jonesps.org if interested.
Sept 19 Healdton Boys & Girls - Looking to get into a tournament for December 8th-10th. Will play games if no tournament is available. Also, looking for a girls and boys team to fill a spot in our Healdton Bulldog Bash Tournament on January 19th-21st.
Sept 19 Crossover Prep is in need of a few 8-man football games 9/16, 9/23, 10/14, 10/28 Contact: isaac.bennett@crossoverprep.org or 918-698-5292
Sept 19 Community Christian School in Norman is needing one boys team to fill out its tournament bracket for our December 8-10 tournament. Teams include CCS, Anadarko, Heritage Hall, Weatherford, Casady, Harding Charter, and KIPP Charter (Tulsa). We provide a great hospitality room, gifts for head coaches, and t-shirts for players and asst. coaches. Please contact coach Tim Price at 405-831-1004 or coachtimprice@yahoo.com ASAP if you are interested.